At last, here it is.

This is only the first part of the dougi story, the remaining ones
should come regurlarly (I hope :).

Anyway, I post this for review.  The final version will be upload to
the proper sites (and posted here too).

If you have any comments, problems, about this translation, please tell us.


Ranma 1/2 Volume 32 part 8
Translation by Xavier Hardy
English proofreading and general editing by Kevin Lew
Version 1.2,  06/05/95

Part one of four of the dougi story.

Corrections?  Comments?  Feel free to send them to Xavier <> or 
Kevin <>.  We have spent many hours revising this 
document again and again making this the best translation possible.  Let us 
know what you think about it.

   The temple is Buddhist (the word "oshou" means "Buddhist priest").
   There is a colloquial insulting expression in Japanese about "monkeys
on the mountain" (cf. Mangajin 40).
   The Seven Gods of Luck is a popular Shinto belief.  These are the deities
parodized in the first Ranma movie.

Translation guide:
   Dougi: an outfit martial artists use.
   Otousan: father
   Ojisan/ojisama:  Mr. <name>, to someone who is close to the family (lit. Mr.
   "Kaitenzaisu" is literally a swivel armchair without legs.  In the text, we
have translated it as "swivel chair" for simplicity.  If you can find a better
term for this, please tell us!
   (f) stands for flashbacks, (s), signs, and (t), thoughts.
   Katakana is in ALL CAPS.

p. 117
Title:        Erabareta Budouka
                 The Chosen Martial Artist

p. 118
Ranma:        Senzai nouryoku o hikidasu dougi?
                 A dougi that pulls out the latent abilities?
              Tsumari kiru to tsuyoku naru tte koto ka?
                 In other words, when you wear it, it is said that you become
Souun:        Umu, saru yamadera ni hounou sarete iru to iu.
                 Well, it is said to have been dedicated to the
                  Mountain Temple of Monkeys.

Ranma treads through the forest <ZA...>.

Narration:    Saru yamadera.
                 The Mountain Temple of Monkeys.

In the background, monkeys chatter <ki-> <kya kya kya>.

Souun:        Hoho-, kore ga densetsu no dougi...
                 Hoho, this is the legendary dougi...

Souun:        Me no hoyou ni narimashita.
                 It's a delight for the eyes.
Priest:       Kono you na mono o mi ni wazawaza konna yama oku made...
                 You went deep inside the mountain to see such a thing...

The priest gets an idea <Gui>.

Priest:       Miageta kokoro iki.  Sa, o mochi kaeri kudasare.
                 An admiring heart disposition.  Then, take it back with you.
Souun:        Ha?

Souun:        Ano... taisetsu na mono na no de ha...?
                 But... isn't it a precious thing...?
Priest:       Muron TADA de, sarani...
                 Of course it's *free*, furthermore...

              Ima nara kono kaitenzaISU mo OMAKE ni tsukete ageyou.
                 I now add this swivel chair as a *bonus*.

The priest spins in the chair <Kuru Kuru>.  He comments: <ou kore ha rakuchin>
"Oh, this is comfortable."

Ranma:        Nanka usankuse- na.
                 There's something suspicious.

Ranma:        Yakkai na shiromono nan ja ne- no?
                 It is a troublesome article, isn't it?
Priest:       "gikuri"  [which means surprise]

Priest:       Son... sonna koto ha... Nai!!
                 You... You are... WRONG!!
              "doki doki doki doki"  [sound of a heartbeat]

The priest begins dripping sweat <dara dara>.

Priest:       Ke... kesshite yakkaibarai shiyou nado to ha...
                  Ne...  Never did I intend to have good riddance of...

The priest's heart pounds <doki doki...>.

Ranma:         Akarasama ni ayashii ja nee ka.
                  This's overtly suspicious, eh?

The wind <hyu>.

Nabiki:       Doushita no kaitenzaISU.
                 What is that swivel chair?

Kasumi comments: <maa rukuchin> "Oh my, it's comfortable."  The chair spins

Kasumi:       Otousan ga moratte kita no.
                 Otousan came back with it.

Ranma:        Do- sunda yo, konna ayashige na mon.
                 What d'we do, with a suspicious thing like that?
Souun:        Iya iya, sore ga oshou ni yoru to,
                 No no, according to the priest,
In the flashback, the priest's heart pounds <dokidoki>.

Priest:       (f) Kono dougi ha kiru hito o erabu no desu.
                  Dougi ga shujin to mitometa mono shika kiru koto ga
                  (f) This outfit chooses the person who will wear it.
                      The Dougi lets itself be worn only by the person it
                        recognizes as its master.

Ranma:        Nanii!?

Ranma quickly grabs <BA> the dougi.

Ranma:        Te koto ha kono dougi ni sode o toosetara...
                 That means that if this outfit lets me slip into a sleeve...
Souun:        Shin no budouka to iu koto.
                 It is said that a true martial artist...
Ranma:        Omoshire-.

Ranma shoves his arm into a sleeve <GU>.

Ranma:        Sassoku ore ga...
                 I immediately...

The dougi feels a bit upset <piki>.

It then punches Ranma out of itself <BAKI>.

Genma:        (s) Mijukusha
                 (s) Immature person
Souun:        Oo.

Genma runs at the dougi <Dodododo>.

Genma:        (s) Washi ga morau!
                 (s) I will receive it!

<PAKO>, the dougi whacks him with a sign.

Dougi:        (s) Yasete koi!!
                 (s) Go lose some weight!!
Genma:        (s) Itee
                 (s) Ouch

Ranma, Genma, and Souun all tackle the dougi <DOTE> <BATA>.

Ranma:        Kono yaro-.
                 You bastard.
Souun:        EEI, otonashiku senka.
                 Aah, wontcha calm down?

The wind blows <Hyu>.  You can hear from the outside, sounds of violence

Inside, the dougi cries a victory taunt <ge>, standing over the heavily injured

Ranma:        Jigujo~
                 Damn. [shaky]

Late at night, a dog howls <u~~>, and barks <wawawan>.

Inside the doujou, you hear loud crying <KUU-N KYUN KYUN KYUN KUU-NNN>.

Akane yawns <hawa>.

Akane:        Nan daro...  Urusai wa ne-.
                 What can it be...?  It's really noisy.

There are more yells <KYU-N KUKUKUN>, as Akane steps <pata...> toward the

Inside the doujou, the dougi continues to scream <Kyu-n Kukukukun Kyu- Kyu->.

Ranma:        Nan na nda yo, kono dougi wa~~~
                 What is it with that outfiit?
Souun:        Vu~~~mu.

Souun:        Kite kureru shujin o motomete yonaki suru to oshou ni kikasete wa
               ita ga...
                 I heard from the priest that it cries at night to wish for the
                  master who will wear it, but...
Ranma:        Ojisan!  Shitteta noni doushite...
                 Ojisan!  Although you knew it, why...

Souun reveals a small flat object <sa>.

Souun:        Umu kore o mitamae.
                 Well, take a look at this.

Ranma:        Ugu.

Souun:        Ima nara kono engi no ii shichifukujin SAIFU mo OMAKE ni tsuku
               to iu node...
                 Because he said that he would also give now, as a *bonus*,
                  this "Seven Gods of Luck" purse, which is a good omen...
Ranma:        ...hoshikatta no ka...
                 ...did you want it...

Souun:        Tonikaku kono yonaki, mou kanben naran!
                 Anyway, I can't bear this crying anymore!

Souun charges at the dougi <Dodododo>.  The dougi lets out a cry <kya>.

Ranma:        SUMAKI ni shite DOBU ni tatakikomu!
                 I'm going to smack it and ditch it!

Akane scuffles <tota...> toward the doujou, as there are loud sounds of
violence <DOKA-N> <Guwasha-n>.

Akane:        Ranma no koe...?
                 Ranma's voice...?

Akane:        Chotto nani sawaide...
                 One moment, what's all that noise...

The dougi reacts to the Akane's presence <Piku>.

The dougi leaps at Akane <BA>.

Ranma:        A.

Ranma:        Nigero Akane!!
              Sono dougi wa monosugee kyoubou na...
                 Run away Akane!!
                 That dougi is an awfully brutal...

Akane:        E...

Akane screams <KYAAAA>, as her clothes are rapidly torn from her <PASHI PASHI

Ranma/Souun:  A, Akane.

Akane's ripped pajamas fall to the ground <Basa...>.

The dougi radiates as she wears it <SHUU SHUU>.

Akane:        A...!?

Ranma:        ......
Souun:        Oo!

Akane:        E~~~, tsuyoku naru dougi!?
                 Whaat, an outfit which gives strength!?

Ranma:        (t) A... Akane ga dougi ni erabareta shin no budouka!?
                 (t) A... Akane has been chosen as the true martial artist
                      by the dougi.
              (t) Ore ja nakute Akane ga...
                 (t) I'm not and Akane...

Akane blossoms with nervous excitement <wakuwaku>.

Ranma:        N?

Akane acts coyly <waku waku waku>.

Akane:        Ne . ne . ne,
              Keiko shiyo, keiko.
                 Let's train, shall we, shall we?

Ranma twitches <hiku hiku> at the idea.

Ranma:        (t) Fu, ore o renshuudai ni shiyou tte no kai,
              (t) omoshiree.
                 (t) Humph, using me as an guinea-pig,
                 (t) interesting.

Ranma assumes a fighting pose <ZA...>.

Ranma:        Karuku hinette yaru ze.
              Dokkara demo kakatte koi.
                 I'm going to go easy on you. [sarcastically]
                 Come and take me from whereever.

Akane is still full of nervous excitement <waku waku waku>.

Akane:        Un.

Akane rushes at Ranma <Gyun>, and Ranma suddenly feels a little apprehension

Akane delivers lightning kicks to Ranma's face <PAPAPAPAPAN>.

Ranma pulls back <Pa>, as Akane flips towards him <DAN>.

Ranma:        Ku.

Akane does a downward punch <DON>, which misses Ranma and shatters the floor
<Paki Paki>.

Ranma:        Ha.

<PA>, Akane grabs him with her legs...

Ranma:        Na...

...and piledrives him <DOGASHA-N>.

Souun:        O--.
Genma:        (s) Ko, kore wa gookai!
                 (s) Th, this is exciting!

Akane:        (t) Ranma ni katta!!
                 (t) I defeated Ranma!!

Akane:        Kore ga watashi no...
              senzai nouryoku [kanji] (hontou no chikara [furigana])!?
                 This is my...
                 latent abilities (real power)!?
Souun:        Umu, sasuga Tendou doujou no musume!!
                 Well, an adept daughter of the Tendou dojo!!
Ranma:        Omoi...

Ranma:        (t) Nattoku ikanee---!!
                 (t) I can't agree!!

Later, Ranma practices on a straw target <Doka>.

Ranma:        (t) Ore ga erabarenai nante...
              (t) Nanika no machigai da!
                 (t) I'm not chosen.  How...?!
                 (t) There is something wrong!

Kasumi spins in the armchair <kuru>. The dougi snuggles near Akane's feet
<suri suri>, moaning contentedly <ku~n> <ku~n>.

Kasumi:       Ma-, sukkari Akane ni natsuichatte...
                 You might say, it has completely become emotionally attached
                  to you...
Akane:        Kekkou kawaii wa yo.
                 It's *so* wonderfully cute.

Later, the dougi sits in the armchair <kuru>, and operates the TV remote
control <pi...>.

Even later, the dougi tapes <PETA> a poster of a bikini-clad girl on the wall.

Happousai:    Dare ja-, washi no taisetsu na shashinshuu o yabutta no wa-.
                 Who is it, who has violated my precious collection of

Ranma:        (t) Ano dougi...
              (t) Moshiya!!
                 (t) This outfit...
                 (t) If ever...!!

Akane relaxes in her bath <KAPO-N>.

The dougi fidgets in the hamper <sowasowa>.

It leaps <HYO-I> to the door of the bath and tries to open a crack <so>.

It gets a hard kick, from behind, into the door <Gusha>.

Ranma continues to rub her foot into the dougi <guri guri>.

Ranma:        KOSOKOSO nozoki yagatte.
              Yappari temee onnazuki da na~.
                 You're peeping in on the sly.
                 As I thought, you're lustful for girls.

Ranma begins stripping <PA>.

Ranma:        ...To nareba hanashi ha kantan.
                 ...If it is so, it's simple.
              Ore no nyotay o tsutsunde morau ze!
                 You are going to dress my girl's body!

<GYU>, Ranma has donned the dougi.

Ranma:        Yatta...
                 I've done it...

Ranma:        (t) Ugu.
                 (t) Ugh.

Ranma:        (t) BA, BASUTO ga kitsui!!
              (t) UESTO wa konna ni yurui noni...
                 (t) My bust is tight!!
                 (t) Whereas my waist is loose...

<SHIPO--N>, Ranma is ejected from the dougi.

The dougi brushes itself <pon pon>.

Ranma:        (t) Ore o kyohi shita...
              (t) Kono dougi...
                 (t) It has rejected me...
                 (t) This dougi...

Ranma lets out a scream <WAAAAA>.

Ranma:        Zundou de nakereba kirenai no ka---.
                 If you're not unshapely you cannot wear i--t.

Akane appears burning <GO GO GO GO...> and crackling <puchi puchi puchi> with

Ranma:        Hi.

<DOSHA-N>, Ranma is sent through the roof.

Akane:        Dare ga zundou ja-i!
                 Who is unshapely?!
Ranma:        Kyuu.
                 I'm taking the day off.

The outfit continues to snuggle Akane <suri suri> as she monologues.

Akane:        Ttaku mo-.
              Jibun ga shin no budouka to mitomete moraenai kara tte...
                 It's because you can't tell yourself that you're a true
                   martial artist.

Ranma begins crying on the fence <Kyun Kyun Kyun>.

Ranma:        Akane-, baka dougi-, kanarazu hitoAWA fukasete yakkara na-.
                 Akanee, stupid Dougii, I will certainly strike my revenge
                  on you!
Genma:        (s) Mittomonai zo
                 (s) This is shameful
Nabiki:       Nanka tooboe shiteru wa yo.
                 He's *really* howling something.
Kasumi:       Ranmakun tokidoki shitsukoi kara... 
                 Because Ranma-kun is sometimes obstinate...

Kasumi turns in the chair <kuru>.