ZetsuAi 1989 Book 1, Part 1 Abv. K: Nanjo Koji I: Izumi Takuto Kat: Shibuya Katsumi Ser: Izumi Serika Pg I: "I'm going home." CoWrkr: "The rain is pounding! Bring an umbrella!" I: "I'll just run." Pg --Although I'm still wearing these old sneakers, but there is nothing wrong with them! --Sun-tanned skin... Pg Her stare is blazing with her spirit, like the flaming sun! A girl who exuberates such savageness, She has made a deep mark on my heart. Pg Her images ceaselessly- --emerges in my memory..... ZetsuAi 1989, Part 1 Pg K: Head hurts...... Where is this place? Huh..? What? Hey.. Ahgh! Who is it? I have no interest in sleeping with a man.... Ahgh.. I: "Your fever is finally down!" "You! Bastard!" Pg.11 I: You "What were you doing! You were completely wasted, and along in the rain. If you sleep outside like that, you'll die!" Idiot K: You.. ugh... augh! I... can't speak! I: "You almost got pneumonia! Your fever went up to 40 degrees, and you slept for 30 hours!" K: Yeah? Ugh,.. I... can't say anything.... Pg.12 K: Damn it! I: "Eat up!" "The doctor said you are malnutrished, and you drink too much alcohol." K: "........." I: "Is there something on my face?" K: A bizarre overlap of reality and illusion... The feeling is so surreal..... I am being enchanted by him.... I: Weird... "That dog was with you, so I scuffed him home along with you, too" K: "Huh?" I: "Who is it?" Pg I: "Serika!" Ser: It's me! "Onisan! Happy Birthday!" I: "Why all of a sudden here?" Ser: "Did you forget your own birthday?" I: "No! I didn't!" Ser: "I know I'm early, but I'm here to get you. I had to go return to school today." I: "Sorry, I have to go to practice." Ser: "But, com'on!" I: "Can't help it, the competition is soon." Pg. 14 Ser: "Then I'll wait for you here." "Ahh. I just got a great record! It's Nanjo Koji's, do you want to listen? I'll make you a tape of it." I: Nanjo Koji? I don't know who that is. Ser: "What? You don't know him? I know you don't watch TV, but.. his pictures are everywhere on the streets!" "Is there someone inside?" I: "Oh, yeah." "I'll be back there tonight, wait for me." Ser: "Fine.." Pg Ser: "Don't forget!" "Mom and Dad and us will all wait for you to come back!" K: "Birthday-ah.." Ser: "I'm going to my practice. It's just outside, if you need me just yell out the window." "What the hell are you doing?" Pg K: Hmm, stole somebody's motorbike, then threw away after a short ride, and then got drunk. Anything else? Your fever went up to 40 degrees, and you slept for 30 hours! Almost became pneumonia! Your fever.... Nanjo Koji? Don't know who that is.. Pg K: "Hey! Cut the noise!" So that means... "Those sounds..." Is this one of those frequent dreams? "So..." But my dreams are always so hazy.. But last night was definitely very clear-and also very obvious. "Ah! Soccer." Pg Voc: "Wah! So great!" "The soccer team works out so hard!" "Yeah! The meet is coming up." "Izumi Takuto is the only good on the team." Our competence is low. "Will we win?" Don't know Pg K: "The passing is way too slow!" Those people are too slow! Grls: "Hey, look at that person..." I: "Take ten!" "Didn't I tell you to rest at home?" Those clothes on your head are mine! "Why the hell are you dressed up like a moron?" K: I couldn't find my own clothes! I: "You were sitting on the road, so your clothes were soaked in mud, so I asked my teacher to wash them!" K: Housekeeper Teacher? (Your clothes are dirty.) So weird! Pg I: "......." "Go back and rest!" K: "You can't play like this! In the tournament you will be disqualified!" I: What the Hell? Plyr: "Saying that is bad luck!" Pg K: "I'll show you! How can I possibly not block this kind of ball?" I: "Have you played soccer before?" K: "Middle school P.E. class, I've played before." Girls: "He looks so familiar!" K: "Com'on!" Pg I: "Don't shed any tears!" K: "I will get it..." Plyr: "Be careful!" Pg Grls: "Ah, so close!" K: "Hmm. Got it." Pg I: "One more time... One more..." Plyr: "Man, he's good, probably not a first time player! He can handle Izumi Takuto's moves!" "Yeah..." "Don't get too serious! It's dangerous!" Pg K: Strange.. because -the glare from those eyes.... it is definitely I: "Ahgh!" Pg K: How can it be! Hey! He fell! Be careful! K: Grade school, summer after 5th grade, she suddenly fell within my gaze, Pg K: I instantly realized her skill and felt that tenacious ambience. The always confident me felt defeated for the very first time. Plyr: "A! Kick the ball over here! Quickly! Izumi!" Stdnt: "Izumi is so good! She's just a girl from the 3rd grade!" K: "A girl from the 3rd grade? Really?" Stdnt: "It's true." K: "So much like a boy! She is in the 3rd grade already." Just like this! Pg K: A girl two years younger than me... Shattered my ego... But she has enchanted me, I went back to the field the next day. But I never saw Izumi again. A joke. Lets not get too carried away. "Where are you going?" I: "I'll just be out for a while, I'll be back later." K: "Wait a sec.." I remembered, "Weren't you at NR Elementary School?" I thought he looked familiar... "Have we met?" I: "I transferred in the 5th grade." Pg K: Who tricked me into believing that he was a girl!? I: "What?" K: I've always thought that she was.... Ser: "Onisan!" K: Shattered. Pg Ser: "Onisan! You're back so late!?" Haven't see you for a long time! I: "Thanks. Thanks for celebrating my birthday for me!" Parents: "We've discussed this before, we are all family! Don't be a stranger!" I: "Yes!" Ser: "Come to Serika's room! The cake is almost ready... it's delicious!" I: "What kind of cake?" (In the sense: Is it eatable?) Ser: "Stay here tonight, I've even sun-dried your comforter!" I: "Oh no, I have a friend over." Ser: "That guy today?" I: "Yeah." Pg I: "Ah! Is this so?" Ser: "What?" Pg I: "Who is that?" Ser: "Onisan! I told you! Nanjo Koji!" I: "A singer?" Ser: "Yeah! Nanjo Koji is really famous! His songs are good, and he's got the looks, too. His songs are always on the charts!" I: "....." Ser: "Just watch some TV! I bet his song will be number one this week." Nanjo Koji-Mysterious Doll - 9987 votes. Pg Ser: "The paper said that Nanjo Koji is sick at home, I'm so worried!" I: "Why?" Ser: "The flu is getting everyone this summer!" Radio: Nanjo Koji, get well soon! We all miss you! Now the song you've all been waiting for.. his "Mysterious Doll" Kat: "Hmm, that idiot!" "He probably felt stuffy, bored of his wits, so he left." This is Shibuya Record Company. Yeah! He got the flu! Kat: "Such cruelty!" Pg "Katsumi, do you know where he is?" Kat: "NOPE!" Damn! Forget him! Have to find him before the tabloids do! This is not the first time. The calls from fans and reporters are driving us crazy! It has been three days. Where the hell is hiding? Damn it, why? K: "Tummy... hungry...." Pg K: "Ah, you." "When did you get back?" I: Is it him? Nanjo Koji, is it really him? Pg I: What? Can this person be Nanjo Koji? "Are you him?" K: "....." What are you looking at? "I'm hungry! I have a headache! Go get me some food!" I: "Damn you jerk..." What are you doing? "I was asking you a question!' I'm very mad now!! K: "I don't know." Pg. K: "Who is that guy? I've never seen him before-but everyone says that I look like him." "How annoying! I don't look like him at all!" I: "What?" K: "Oh, I was talking about that guy on TV." Pg I: "What a relief!" "I knew it, it's impossible, because the two of you seem totally different. Great!" K: That caught me off guard. "Why are you relieved that I'm not Nanjo Koji?" I: "Ugh, because.." Damn you--- "Are you in school?" K: "Not anymore." I: "How old are you?" K: "16" I: "Really? I turned 17 today. You know...." Pg I: "Come to our school! And join the school soccer team!" "You have a lot of potential!" K: What? "Play soccer?" "Go play with yourself!" I: "Hey, why?" K: "Too exhausting." "You are the only person who tries in that team of yours." "It's useless." I: "But I... I'm not trying to show off.." Pg K: "What?" I: "Ah! Nothing!" K: "....." "I'm hungry..." Just then, that look of rage, the way he looked at me... He was worried about me? Yet there is nothing really to worry about. "Ah! Sorry about today." Pg I: "Oh! I'm still hung up on that!" "Because no one's ever been able to block my kicks. You really have never played soccer before?" K: "Well, I used to practice some martial arts. Kendo, judo, karate..." I: "I see! No wonder you can move so fast!" K: "Hey! This is not sweet!" It IS sweet! Put some salt. Too much!! K: At first this really got to me- We were eating porridge, at that time, Lying next to him... It's really nothing! The comforter was so warm! Maybe because we were eating porridge. Pg I: "Last night, you kept on saying that you were cold... that's why I slept next to you." K: Though my heart is still cold, my chest is burning... Maybe that's why I have that comfortable feeling...... of a serene--- Pg Warmth. Pg "Did you see who is number one on the charts yesterday?" "Nanjo is sick, so many people are worried!" "Probably laryngitis!" "I heard that they haven't seen him for 4 days, don't know where he went?" "Is he in the hospital? If it's serious.." "Ah! Then I will have to die, too." Pg "So will I." I: "Yo, get up." "Nanjo Koji." K: "Hm, Mr. Manager... just 5 more minutes..." Pg I: "....." "Ugh.. Hmm... Ahh--- A-Chu!" "Damn!" K: "37 ... point 9 degrees." Text: Recovered I: "No wonder I don't feel well." "Ah, if it's higher than 38 degrees than I'd be sick!" Pg. 47 K: "You should rest for a few days." I: "How can I?" "The tournament is tomorrow. My temperature will go down soon." K: "It will?" I: "I've never ever been sick. But ever since you showed up here, every damn thing is now happening to me." K: For six long years..... The Izumi that I've always desired.... Not only speaks with a foul mouth, But has also got a major attitude problem. I want to kick him. I: "How long are you going to stay here? I have to go to school today." K: The look that could pierce your heart- Pg K: Belongs to a man! Of course he's not going to be a gentle and loving girl. But why does the difference have to be this painfully obvious! I: "Oh yeah! I put your wallet in the drawer." "Why do you carry so much cash?" K: "I just got my paycheck from the company..." ---Orphanage I vaguely remember an orphanage around this area..? I: "What are you looking at?" Pg K: "Ah! I'm sorry!" I: "Oh! I.. was just startled..." K: "Is that your sister on your side?" I: "And younger brother, too." K: "...." "Ah! Sister!" Pg. 50 K: "A! You have a sister 2 years younger than you, who also went to NR elementary school, and who also plays soccer?" I: "Ugh, yeah.... But then she didn't want her legs to get too bulky, so she stopped." K: So.... I: "She used to be mistaken for a boy. Serika really did looked like a boy. And we always played together. How did you know that?" K: Damn--- If I see her I'm going to kill her! How can this be! Just a classic case of mistaken identity? Pg I: "So what are you going to do? You don't want to go back?" K: "I am now manically depressed." I: "Don't be pathetic! Although I don't have a TV, but I know you are Nanjo Koji, when I called you, you answered me." "What are you escaping from?" "Disgruntled about your job? Or are you in trouble?" "There must be some major reason behind this, right?" Pg. 52 K: "Ahhgh," Can there not be "nope." a reason? I: "You took off by yourself, right?" "Now the company is probably in major chaos! Everyone must be looking for you." K: "They will find you. I'm accustomed to relationships between a man and a woman." I: "I hate these kind of scandalous affairs." Pg I: "Hey!", "Ahgh! What.." K: "Who is it?" I: "Ah! Don't drag me.." K: "What kind of person?" Pg K: "What happened?" I: "I'm late!" "We'll talk later! Don't forget your medicine, and don't forget to feed Koji(dog)!" K: "What? Feed Koji?" For whom am I doing this? Hmm... I: AHH-CHU! Pg Grls: "Takuto!" "A cold? You are sneezing!" I: "What?" Grls: Don't be so mean! "Ugh... that guy who suddenly showed up at the goal gate yesterday, "We thought he looked familiar.. so he is.. Nanjo Koji!" "He's not on TV lately because he's sick. Is it really him?" I: "No." Grls: "Huh? Rumor has it that he grew up around here? I: "Even so, so what?" Grls: "He went to elementary and middle school here!" Pg I: Elementary school around here? Grls: "He never had any friends in school-he was always alone. That's so him!" "Supposedly he is also a senior member of his gang!" I: "What gang?" Grls: "Haven't you heard?" "Guen's Koji is very famous!" (TranNote: not sure about this one..) "Other than the street fights, he is also a very dedicated worker!" Pg Grls: "Get us an autograph!" I: "Bastard!" Grls: "What?" I: "Every time he goes to the bathroom, he stays there at least half an hour." "He has athlete's foot, and he snores! His name is TM." "Therefore, you two are mistaken." Pg K: "Who is it? That destroyed the object of my heart?" (singing) Nanjo Koji's new album: ZetsuAi 1989 "....." voc: "Ah? Is it him...?" How can it be? "But.." cab: "Where to?" K: "Oh, please go to the..", "orphanage." Pg Tchr: "Hey! Return that to her!" Grl: "sob.. sob" Tchr: "Then you are not going to get any snacks!" K: "Ugh.. excuse me?" "Takuto, did he leave some clothes here?" Tchr: "Huh?" Pg Tchr: "It's right here." K: "We were classmates from elementary school." Tchr: "Really!" K: "Thank you!" Tchr: "Takuto was so nervous that day, he was asking me how to take care of the sick, and how to cook porridge..." "He was so worried, I thought he was going to start crying!" K: "He told me about this." "What about his parents?" Tchr: "Ahhgh!" "Poor kid, although he was just five at the time, but he still remembers..." "How his mother murdered his father....." Pg Voc: "Teacher! There are kids around here!" Tchr: "Ah! I forgot..." I: "Good afternoon." "The clothes that I dropped off last time...." "Will you sing?" I: "Huh?" Nobody's here? Kid: ".....?" "Onisan! Sing!" Voc: "How can you ask our guest to sing?" Kid: "Sing! Sing!" Pg Kids: "Ahhh! Takuto-Onisan is here!" "Takuto Onisan!" K: "Hmmm..." Mother murdered..... "Why....." I: "I'm going back now." Tchr: "What?" What did I say? (Kids:) "Sing!" I: "Nanjo Ko..." Tchr: "Takuto! He looks just like Nanjo Koji!" Pg. 63 K: What am I doing.... What the hell am I doing here asking about his past- What are my intentions? Other than myself, everybody else, in my eyes, are all Enemies- But is it really like that? I: "I heard that you are from this area, so you know your way around.." K: Forgot the clothes again..... "Why... kill someone?" Pg I: "What?" K: Ahhhgh... I: "What the hell?" K: Tears! Pg I: "Why are you asking this?" K: I thought you were going to start crying.... I: "Why?" K: Why is it? Why do I ask? Why? I: "Hey.. ahhhgh...." Pg K: "Because I care about you!" "So what do you want to do?" Pg I: "What... do you want to know?" "One word from you...." "and you'll pay for it!" Pg The spirit in his eyes! At that blinking instant... The eyes that pierced through me.... K: "Ahh!" For the first time in my life... I feel that.... K: "Takuto...!" Every drop of my blood is boiling--- Pg K: "Are you alright?" I: "Don't touch me.." K: It's so hot! "Ah! Your forehead is burning!" I: "Ah! Shit.." K: "Don't speak.. you need to rest." Pg I: "The tournament is tomorrow... and I have to work..." K: "Where do you work?" I: "The restaurant near the train station. And the gas- station..." K: "Two? Why the gas station? You should work somewhere closer!" I: "I just jog there.." K: "What is it?" I: "I asked to be excused for four days.... Without work..." "I'm probably fired..." K: "I know... get some rest..." "If you want to play in the meet then you'll need to listen to me!" Pg K: "For whom....", "Why?" "Why do you say these things?" "Why...." You have to rest! (Takuto to Koji) "do you have to show up in my life....?" Don't worry..! Pg Why? I care about you! Because- I yearned for Izumi! I wished so hard to see her again-- Pg (Club D) Pg Grl: "Neh? Have you seen him before? Is he new?" "Looks just like Nanjo Koji!" Guy: "Are you interested in him?" Wter: "He is substituting for Izumi." "His friend?" K: "What do you mean?" Wter: "He works very hard, but he never tries to befriend anyone." K: "Oh yeah?" Wter: "He never smiles, and he doesn't really pay attention to anybody." "Very anti-social!" Pg Wrkr: "Takuto?" K: "He is sick!" Wrkr: "He is always very hard working, but haven't seen him for a while. No wonder!" "Hard to find a kid like him nowadays... so dedicated to his work." K: A down-to-earth guy! Very dedicated..... A nice guy? Hard working? Never smiles? Really? Wrkr: "His attitude is always very cold.. and he always think I'm too nosy about his own business." Pg K: At night, 7pm to 11pm, bus tables at the restaurant. Why? First time that.. I cared for somebody... other than myself..... Actually, it should be the second time. The first time was six years ago-when I first saw her, Text: The person who jogged home K: "Ahgh!" Pg K: Damn it! Stop sulking! How can the arrogant and conceited Nanjo Koji be attracted to him? His fever is still high.. I: "Neh..." K: "Ah!" Why the hell am I blushing? "This is even harder than my martial arts practices...." Pg K: "39 degrees! Don't go!" I: "Shut up! I'm going because I am going!" "Don't worry, my temperature is always high." K: "You won't even make it on to the field, you'll collapse." I: "But this tournament is very important!" K: "Okay!" I: "Stop harassing me!" Pg I: "Mind your own business! This is my life." K: First time somebody yelled at me like this! "Who do you think is taking care of whom?" I: "You know that yourself--" K: "I worked for you!" I: "What?" K: Oh no! I: "Hey! What are you talking about?" K: "Neh.. hold on a sec!" Pg He sneaked an attack on me! K: "Ahhgh!" I: "You wanted to stop me! Forget it!" K: "Bastard...." I've done martial arts before.... Too careless... Damn it hurts What never talks much! What very nice and quiet! Pg K: Don't make me laugh! Sigh: Upper Division High School Soccer Tournament (Some school vs. some school) I: "I'm hot! And what the hell are you doing here?" K: "I want to see you play! And to see how long you'll last before you drop!" Grls: "Hey! That guy with Takuto.." "He looks so familiar!" "Their school is nothing..." "Takuto is the only strong player, the others have nothing to show!" K: "How smug! Want to take it outside with me?" Pg Ser: "Onisan!" I: "Serika! You came too?" Ser: "Yeah! I've come to cheer you on!" K: Because of her, for six long years, I've always thought that Takuto was a girl. "Serika! So cute! How are you?" But this.... no longer means anything to me. This girl seems very gentle! Pg Ser: "Onisan! Onisan! Onisan!" I: "What?" Ser: "Nanjo Ko... he looks like Koji!" Voc: "Players gather up!" Whether man or women..... Plyr: "This is a very important tournament his year!" "Everybody try their best, don't lose! Go!" "Yes!" "Neh! Takuto looks so flushed!" I: "Ah! It's nothing!" "Begin." Pg Plyr: "Don't pass the ball to Takuto!" K: Damn it- Plyr: "Guard him!" K: Can those moves be of a guy with a high fever? "What... is it always like this?" Ser: "Yeah..." Voc: End of first half! Plyr: "We are down by two points." "We wanted to win this year....." Pg Plyr: "But it's too late...." I: "Do you really want to win?" "If you want to win then you should pass the ball to me!" "If you don't want to win, then go home!" Plyr: "Neh! What are you saying! Of course we want to win!" "Don't be so self-absorbed! We know we are just here for the looks!" "Wah! Stop fighting!" Pg K: ".." Ser: Really looks alike... "You... what is your relationship with my brother?" K: "Friend from six years ago." Ser: "Really? He's never mentioned it before!" K: "That's good." Pg Ser: "Why is that good?" Sees to have heard it somewhere.. K: "Because..." Ser: "My brother is very nice to me, but very formal to other people." "Some times I'm even afraid of him! He's always by himself." K: "By himself..." Pg Plyr: "Ah! What the...." K: "...!" Plyr: "What just happened?" "He did it from the center field!" "His skill is alarming!" K: He..... himself..... Pg Plays alone. Pg Voc: "Game over!" Plyr" "What he turned a loosing game to victory." Pg Voc: "Waa! So cool!" K: "What? Excuse me!" Pg Ser: "Onisan..." Grls: "What's happening?" "He's Nanjo Koji..." "Why is he here?", Ah, it's true! "Koji!" Pg K: "Shut up!" "Excuse me! Please let me through!" Ser: "Onisan!" Grls: "Hold on.. it's really him..." "Koji...." Pg "He really is so cold and unemotional!" Doc: "It might be pneumonia." "We'll have to see what happens tonight. Hopefully his condition will improve." "The nurse will be here, so you don't have to stay." Ser: "Onisan.." K: "Guardian? His... who should we get?" Pg Ser: "Ah.. I'll go call them.." Pg K: "Idiot! I told you so..." Shaking..... "Are you cold?" "Ahgh!" I: "Did I win... or not?" Pg K: "You won, don't worry." I: "Father...." 2 Pg Spread I: "Ah......" TranNote: The sequence of motion is pretty cool! Pg I: "Oh..." K: What! What the hell did I just do? Pg Did that really happen? What the hell is wrong with me? Pg Calm down! Nanjo Koji! Calm down! Stop pounding! My heart...... 2 Pg Spread "Mmm..." "Ahhh...." Pg K: "What was I thinking?" What is it.... Why am I like that to him? Ser: "Ah! My mother will be here soon." "Why is there blood?" K: "I'm... nothing to worry about.." Ser: "Oh! Here, want to use this?" Pg Calm down! Everything is now complete chaos in my mind. Why was I crying to him? I just lost my cool for a second! Ser: "Neh! He's not tucked in... You must feel so miserable....." I: "Ahh! Nn... Nn..." But yet in that blinking instant- Pg I: "I.... like you......." Six years ago....... If the one I saw six years ago..... if that one was you..... If only it was you..... A girl Then I would naturally- Embrace her in my arms- And tell her- "Like you...." Just like this..... The longing and desire I've kept inside for six years...... Pg. 110 If it was her..... I would declare my love-- I: "Ahh.." "Koji...." K: "What?" Pg K: "Is he sleep talking?" "Worrying about that dog..... at a time like this......." Because it's a guy- So it's abnormal- Pg A guy..... Voc: "Nanjo Koji was found on the soccer field!" "Go find him now!" "Which soccer field?" "If reporters start asking questions, we have no comment!" "If we don't find him this time, we are in deep trouble!" "Yes, sir!" Kat: "Uncle!" "I'll go right away." Ucl: "Katsumi!" Kat: "If it concerns him, then I guess I have some responsibility no matter what." Ucl: "He won't come back." Kat: "I'll go find him." Pg Kat: "Let me handle this!" "I've been his friend for three years!" "Too late to stress over this incident!" "It'll definitely be all over the tabloids tomorrow." Pg K: "Ahh! Why did you go outside?" So filthy! Kat: "Where did you go?" "It's four o'clock in the morning." "Hey! Don't be so self-indulgent!" Pg Kat: "Have you ever thought about other people?" "In the past five days, we have suffered tremendous losses." K: "About that...." Kat: "All the arranged TV appearances and schedules had to be cancelled." Think hard.. Don't you understand? "Now we are trying to salvage the project by programming new shows." Pg K: "Go back first." "Tell my boss that I won't be back for a while." Kat: "I already know." "Is it because of the person residing in this room?" "But it doesn't look like the room of a girl....." K: "Go back!" Kat: "The media already knows about your disappearance." "Stars cannot have a private life! Pg K: "Go back now!" Kat: First time ever, to see you showing your anger! "There is something weird about all this!" Pg Kat: "Got to find out what's going on, hmm." Tells me to leave in midst of this pouring rain.... Ser: "Ah! You are awake! Onisan! You're now....." Doc: "The fever is down! Don't worry! He can go home in a few days." Mm: "Thank you!" I: "What happened to me?" Ser: "Don't you remember?" "After the game finished yesterday, you fainted, so Koji brought you to the hospital. "You almost got pneumonia!" Pg I: "Koji..? Yes! I remember who he is....." Those strong arms- In my dreams I saw-Father- Kat: "My name is Katsumi, hope you are well!" "I'm a friend of Koji's." "Don't have to be so serious!" "I.. just want to know how he is recently....." I: "I don't know anything about his business..." Kat: "The newspapers are all frantically reporting about him, you must know." Pg Headline: Popular Singer Koji Nanjo Disappears!? Spotted Yesterday at a Soccer Field. I: "What the hell is this?" Kat: "His disappearance is prime material for boosting sales!" "He is a popular singer, so the media will compete to dig up all the dirt!" Paper: "A teenager, who suffered a family tragedy 12 years ago, faints at the soccer field......What is his relationship with Nanjo Koji?" Pg Kat: "This is definitely a scandal!" "How can you not know about it?" K: "Er.. What?" "Give it to me!" Kat: "Of course I will. Think about it!" Pg Kat: "You can't be here anymore.." I: "Leave." "You! Get out!" "Why are you here? Why harass other people? Go away!" "I never want to see you again!" Pg K: "...What?" "If I hadn't saved you, your condition would have been much worse!" I: "I'd rather die!" K: "What the hell are you saying?" "So what if these things happened in the past, why can't you free yourself from your memories?" "By trapping yourself inside the past, nothing will ever change! "You are not the one who killed!" Kat: "Koj...." Pg I: "Get out! What the hell do you know......?" Pg I: "Leave!" Kat: "We.... have been together for three years, but I never would have thought that you can say such meaningful remarks." "Koji.. it's only been five days since I last saw you. It's hard for me to believe, but you've already changed to a completely different person." Pg Voc: "Tonight's program must be done well." "Is there going to be any problems with the performance tonight?" "First photo ops, then the interview." "Have to do some outside shoots, and also have to go on a TV show.." "Koji! Are you listening?" You.... "Live interview, I've already preped them, they won't ask about the incident." "Break a leg!" Don't know anything.... Pg Voc: "Tonight, in our program, we have invited some of your favorite stars...." "First is the long time no see Nanjo Koji!" Did you read the paper this morning? Supposedly he disappeared for five days. K: "I was really resting at home!" Voc: "Why were you at the soccer field? And helping people at the same time?" "When did you first enter the entertainment business?" K: "I'm a normal human being! Of course if the one I saved was a girl, then there wouldn't have been any problems. He is--- "I've never met this person before....." Those painful recollections, regret. Pg If I hadn't encountered him- Even if I had- So what? I want.... To see him again..... "I never want to see you again!" But we met anyways! "Get out!" To once again.... Ser: "I'm sorry!" "He wouldn't see you no matter what. He hasn't said anything since yesterday!" Pg Of course- K: "Ahh! Is he feeling better?" Ser: "Much better. He'll go home tomorrow." Definitely- K: "Please tell him.. that I've come to apologize...." Don't want to see me... Ser: "Ahhgh!" Pg Damn! Headlines: Nanjo Koji's new found love? Inside Edition- A 15 years old girl with a past of family catastrophe! A surprise rendezvous at the soccer field A child from the tragedy 12 years ago- Kat: "Imbecile!" What can you say now? K: "Please, don't talk to me." "How am I going to explain this?" How did things get like this? Damn. Kat: "There was no way we could have predicted that things would turn out like this.." "I did some background check..." "When Izumi Takuto was a kid he almost got killed by his mother." Pg I: "Neh?" Kat: "He was fatally wounded.... His parents weren't married, and the three illegitimate kids never filed their papers at the Census Bureau." "Six years ago, he was taken in by the orphanage, and then later adopted by a rich couple. He is very talented in soccer, but he never really plays in tournaments." He is extremely cautious and hostile against outsiders! "He won't socialize with people! Living in his own world by himself!" Probably because he went through such a traumatic experience. Pg The pain he carried for 12 years.... Kat: "Hey! Koji!" The hidden wound on his left waist, Kat: "Where are you going?" "It's late!" "Koji!" I have cruelly unveiled. End of Part One E-mail comments and suggestions to monicaho@midway.uchicago.edu