Copyright Kikuhide Tani. ***Summary of Kishin Douji ZENKI manga book 5 - Chapter 8, Part 3.*** Version 1. December 23, 1999. Translated by: Yui-chan Edited by: Washuu-chan CHAPTER 8: CHAPTER OF THE EVIL SUZAKU, CHIMARU PART 3: KOKUTEI!!! ((ZENKI is the first creature to ever get a hit in on Inugami. Inugami is understandably miffed.)) [098-1] Inugami : You... Zenki! [098-2] : You're the first one to hurt me! [098-3] ZENKI : Heh! Simply hurting you is not enough to satisfy me. [099-1] Inugami : ((wiping blood away from his mouth)) I thought you were nothing... That I could kill you right here! [099-2] Chimaru : *Hehehe! Inugami, Zenki, fight! Kill each other and save me the trouble!* [099-3] ZENKI : ((charging)) Here I come, Inugami!! [099-4] Inugami : ((casting)) Zenki! You are the one who will die! ((Inugami suddenly stumbles, his leg giving out under him.)) [100-2] Inugami : Ouch... *My foot was hurt...* [100-3] ZENKI : EAT THIS!! ((Just as all seems lost for Inugami, and ZENKI's mighty attack seems as though it will be Inugami's undoing, something comes between them...)) [101-1] ZENKI : What is this!? [101-2] Inugami : !! [101-3] ZENKI : Who the hell? ((The smoke clears and an animal growls fiercely at ZENKI.)) [102-1] Inugami : KOKUTEI!! [102-2] ZENKI : Just a dog! [102-3] Chimaru : Damn! *Kokutei shouldn't be here...* [102-4] Inugami : Kokutei! Get away! You aren't ready! [103-1] : I can deal with this nuisance myself... It is not time to use your power! [103-2] ZENKI : I'll kill both of you! ((Editor's note: I've heard of one-track minds before, but...)) ((Kokutei reveals his claws and jumps for ZENKI. Inugami tries to stop him.)) [103-3] Inugami : Wait! Kokutei! [103-4] : ((falling back to his hands and knees)) Ouch... *My foot...* ((Kokutei swipes at ZENKI with his claws, but ZENKI grabs Kokutei's leg and punches the poochie in the gut. Kokutei grins, bears his fangs, and sinks them into ZENKI's unprotected neck. ZENKI pulls Kokutei's jaws apart and drop-kicks the hell hound into the air. Kokutei spreads his new wings and hovers gracefully above the demon lord. He shoots ice missiles down at ZENKI.)) [109-2] ZENKI : ((dodging)) A dog can use the power of ice!! ((ZENKI begins using the missiles as steps, hopping on them on his way up to Kokutei.)) [111-1] Kokutei : !! [111-2] Chimaru : Zenki! Don't hurt Kokutei! You can only kill Inugami! [111-3] ZENKI : Shut up, Chimaru! [111-4] : I don't obey your commands!! ((ZENKI slashes Kokutei's throat. Kokutei retaliates by biting ZENKI's arm. When Kokutei tries to slash ZENKI's face with one set of claws, ZENKI retaliates by biting Kokutei's arm! And thus they stand there... their arms in each other's jaws... ZENKI then takes his free hand and smashes Kokutei's head in. The dog doesn't lie in his ditch for very long, though. Kokutei head-butts ZENKI, causing them both to go crashing into several of Chimaru's gravemarkers [the ones which decorate the front lawn]. For a while, they are obscured by dust, and neither Chiaki, nor Chimaru, nor Inugami know who is winning. Into view comes ZENKI, holding Kokutei's head to the ground.)) [118-2] ZENKI : Nothing but a watch dog. You wanna fight me? A demon lord? ((ZENKI grabs hold of one of Kokutei's wings and tears it off. Kokutei howls with pain.)) [121-2] Inugami : KOKUTEI!! ((Kokutei stands and growls.)) [122-2] ZENKI : One down, one to go. ((ZENKI raises his axe to deliver a final blow to Kokutei, but stops when he hears...)) [123-1] Chiaki : AAAHHHHHH! ZENKI : !? ((Chimaru holds his sword to Chiaki's neck.)) [123-2] Chimaru : Don't move! Zenki!! ZENKI : Chimaru!! [123-3] Chimaru : Don't you dare hurt Kokutei. Or the girl dies. Chiaki : ((shaking)) Zen... Zenki! [123-4] ZENKI : ......... [123-5] Sohma : Chiaki...... [124-1] Chimaru : You may kill Inugami, but you mustn't touch Kokutei! Kill ONLY Inugami! [124-2] ZENKI : Ha! [124-3] : Shut up! I don't obey you! I will kill Inugami, and his little dog, too! [124-4] Goki : Zenki, no! [124-5] Chimaru : Then, I regret I'll have to kill this girl, Zenki! [125-1] ZENKI : Shut up and kill her, then. I'll tear you into pieces later, too! [125-2] Chimaru : ((conflicted)) *I can't...* ((Sohma, meanwhile, is sneaking up behind the minions holding Chiaki. Chimaru notices him only an instant before Sohma slices the Taima Sword down through Chimaru's shoulder, dices the minions, and jumps free of them with Chiaki in his arms.)) [127-1] Chimaru : Curses... *I can't cure that without blood...* [127-2] Sohma : Zenki, do it now! Defeat Chimaru! [127-3] ZENKI : OK!! [127-4] Inugami : You... Zenki! Don't get too cocky! ((A figure appears beside Inugami...)) [127-5] Voice : ::Master Inugami, please wait!:: Inugami : !! [127-6] ZENKI : Huh!? [128-1] Voice : ((revealed to be Shinkoh)) You must leave and tend to Kokutei... Please retreat! Inugami : ((angry)) Shinkoh! Leave!! [128-2] Shinkoh : No! Master Inugami, we can destroy Zenki after Kokutei receives the power of Infinity. Fighting now does nothing but hinder our divine plan! [128-3] Inugami : ............ [128-4] ZENKI : ((hurling the axe)) Don't even think of escaping!! ((They escape.)) [129-3] ZENKI : Shoot! ((Inugami's voice trails ominously...)) [129-4] Inugami : ::I retreat for Kokutei's sake. My true power is much greater than what you have witnessed. Zenki, the next time we meet shall be the LAST time!:: [129-5] ZENKI : Inugami! Shut the hell up!! ((Chimaru fazes out with Kokutei's wing in hand.)) [130-1] Chimaru : Since Inugami is gone... I've no reason to stay... [130-2] ZENKI : Wait! Chimaru! [130-3] Goki : He took Kokutei's wing? Chiaki : What just happened? [130-4] ZENKI : ((punching the ground)) BASTARDS!! [130-5] : First Inugami escapes... Then Chimaru, and I have no way of finding Inugami... [131-1] Goki : But everyone's OK, right? Chiaki : Yeah! And we hurt Inugami and Chimaru very badly. This is a great victory! A great ending. [131-2] : We'll plan a strategy later! Sohma : Please wait, Chiaki! [131-3] Chiaki : Huh? [131-4] Sohma : I know my limits now, and I hated being useless against the evil... [131-5] : The Four Heavenly Kings are too strong for us to face now... so--- [131-6] : I want to return to Kagekohya and train during these days! ((Everyone is shocked. Not sure why. But they are.)) [132-1] Sohma : I must become stronger! I know I have much strength hidden within me... I felt it when I was under Chimaru's control! [132-2] Chiaki : Sohma... [132-3] ZENKI : That's true. As you are, you're nothing more than a liability to me! [132-4] Sohma : ((crying... AGAIN...)) ......... This...... [132-5] : I will return to you as the strongest monk! [132-6] Shinsen : Sohma... Goki : Sohma... ((Sohma begins to walk away.)) [133-1] Chiaki : ((calling after him)) Sohma! We'll wait for you! We'll wait for you to fight with us! ((Sohma throws out a thumbs up to them.)) [133-3] ZENKI : Idiot! I'll have already killed Inugami by then! ((Chiaki sweatdrops and Sohma stops. He turns to give ZENKI one last look.)) [133-5] Sohma : And then it will be my duty as a fighter of evil to seal you back up, won't it? [133-6] ZENKI : Interesting... We will fight then, a good fight! ((Meanwhile, within the darkness of Chimaru's sanctuary... Chimaru feeds on Kentucky Fried Kokutei Wings!)) [134-3] Chimaru : Munch, slurp, munch, slurp... [134-4] : I feel power... I want Kokutei's power... [134-5] : If I get Kokutei, I will become the strongest and longest- living God of Evils! [135-1] : ((licking his chops)) So... Zenki's power should be used greatly! ((Editor's note: Don't ask me what that's supposed to mean. I don't know.)) ((Chimaru melts into the darkness as the sun slowly rises in the east.)) [135-4] Chiaki : ((waving)) Sohma! We'll be waiting! Come back soon! [135-5] NinjaRat: ((crying and waving a hanky)) I'll be waiting for you, too! Chiaki : !! [135-6] : Hey! Why are you still here, you little rat? NinjaRat: ((sweatdrop)) "Why"... [136-1] : Mistress! If I swear to fight Inugami and Chimaru, am I your friend, too? ((NinjaRat flips Chiaki's skirt. Chiaki socks him.)) [136-2] Chiaki : I'm not your friend, pervert! NinjaRat: ((flying off into the distance, as only anime characters can...)) Ow! Goki : ............ [136-3] ZENKI : ((posing)) You've escaped this time... [136-4] : ((wind blowing through his hair)) But I'll find out where you're hiding... Inugami... Kokutei...! I'll kill you without fail! ((Meanwhile, in the evil apartment highrise of Inugami...)) [137-1] Inugami : Zenki, I will never forget... The pain you brought to me! Kokutei : ((breathing hard)) Hu, hu, hu... [137-2] Inugami : ((ripping off his magatama)) I thought you were just nothing, so I was careless with you... You are why Kokutei has been injured before his ascention... I will use my power to kill you... WITHOUT FAIL! [End of Chapter 8, Part 3.]