Copyright Kikuhide Tani. ***Summary of Kishin Douji ZENKI manga book 5 - Chapter 8, Part 2.*** Version 1. December 23, 1999. Translated by: Yui-chan Edited by: Washuu-chan CHAPTER 8: CHAPTER OF THE EVIL SUZAKU, CHIMARU PART 2: ARISE!! HOLY FIGHT!! ((Chiaki leaps back as Sohma, under Chimaru's control, attacks her. The quick movement causes her skirt to fly up. NinjaRat pants and his heart-shaped eyes throb with his ever-increasing... love! for Chiaki.)) [051-3] Chiaki : Zenki! Defeat Chimaru, and get Sohma back to normal! ((ZENKI peels out with a deafening battle cry and charges Chimaru.)) [055-2] ZENKI : Chimaru! I'll tear you into pieces! ((Chimaru pulls his sword and positions it in front of him.)) [055-3] Chimaru : Zenki! Try it if you're able! ((They cross each other in a mid-air maneuver, both landing afterward and laughing. Both are seemingly unharmed. Suddenly, Chimaru comes apart at the seams! Let's see, he's been cut into... one... two... five! Five pieces.)) [057-4] ZENKI : Moron! You're nothing compared to me. Inugami and Kokutei are my ultimate goal. ((Half of Chimaru comes back together and poses on a rock. Mind you, he doesn't look all too impressive with only one arm and one leg and half a head. He thinks he's hot stuff, though.)) [058-1] Chimaru : Hahaha... Very good, Zenki! ((Inugami, meanwhile, within the safety of his evil apartment highrise, watches all the action in Shinkoh's crystal ball.)) [058-5] Inugami : ((amused)) Chimaru just keeps on allowing himself to be struck. He's not fighting back. What is he thinking? ((Still laughing, and still only half the man he used to be, Chimaru charges ZENKI with his sword in his one remaining hand. ZENKI uses his axe to slice Chimaru's half in half. The two new pieces land near the three old ones. ZENKI believes again that he has won. No such luck. Chimaru's pieces all come together, and Chimaru stands before ZENKI again in his former full-figured glory.)) [060-5] Chimaru : Excellent... If I can control the demon lord's power, I can use it quite efficiently!! ((ZENKI is unamused. Meanwhile, Chiaki is trying to fight foxes with Vajra power, Goki is protecting Chiaki with his Shield, and Shinsen-boh is entertaining Sohma.)) [061-3] Shinsen : Sohma, wake up! Don't lose to Chimaru's trick! ((Sohma gets a hit in on Shinsen-boh.)) [061-5] Goki : Big brother!! [062-3] : ((looking back at Chiaki)) *Master is using too much of her power and is getting tired... I can't leave her now...* [062-3] Chiaki : These... These foxes... Goki : They get right back up after they fall. Their energy is boundless... They'll just keep coming... [062-4] Chiaki : Zenki! Get the lead out! Hurry up and defeat Chimaru! [062-5] ZENKI : Put a cork in it, Chiaki! Stop ordering me around! [063-1] Chimaru : What will it be this time, Zenki? Come, then, show me your power again. ((With a show of supreme indifference, ZENKI calls back his axe and turns his back on the lot of them.)) [063-3] ZENKI : FORGET IT!! [063-4] Chiaki : Huh!? Goki : ......!!? [064-1] ZENKI : You can never hope to beat me! Creatures like you can't even touch me! My fight is with Inugami! [064-3] Chimaru : *Inugami! Good... To accomplish my goal, I will need Zenki's power!* [064-4] ZENKI : Now, all I want is to kill Inugami soon, as revenge for the way he treated me last time. [065-1] : I have no time to waste here on you. Tell me where Inugami is hiding. Then I don't care how many times you wish to be killed by me! [065-3] Chiaki : Zenki! Wait! If you don't defeat him, Sohma will die! [065-4] ZENKI : ((evil grin)) Che! The only thing I know is how to kill Inugami and Kokutei! [065-5] Chiaki : Wh... What? [066-1] Chimaru : Nice! If you really want to kill Inugami, then try it. Show me with your ability! [066-3] : I'll tell you where Inugami is hiding, but you have to do something for me first. ZENKI : What!? [066-4] Chimaru : You may kill Inugami, but you mustn't touch Kokutei. [066-5] Chiaki : What? But you're one of Inugami's Four Heavenly Kings... [067-1] Chimaru : I have my own idea. What I desire is the power of Kokutei when he becomes the Devil Beast, so I have assisted Inugami toward this end. [067-2] : Now, my chance has arrived... [067-3] : If you accept my conditions, I will release your friend! [067-4] Chiaki : You'll release Sohma? [067-5] ZENKI : Dork! I want to kill Inugami and Kokutei both! I don't wanna listen to you! [067-6] Chimaru : Then I won't tell you where Inugami is, and your friend shall die. ((Sohma suddenly screams with the torture being inflicted on him by his own power.)) [068-1] Chiaki : *No, Sohma can't die...* [068-2] : WAIT!! [068-3] Chimaru : Hm? [068-4] Chiaki : I accept your conditions! Zenki cannot go against my command! [068-5] ZENKI : What the hell? Damnit, Chiaki! [069-1] Chiaki : Do you want me to get killed here!? : If you don't listen to me...! [069-2] Chimaru : Hohoho! All right, then! ((Chimaru snaps his fingers, and his foxes come and hold Chiaki captive.)) [070-1] Chimaru : Let us try this again! [070-2] : ((whispering to Chiaki)) Now, you must help me to command Zenki to kill Inugami. Then the monk may go free. What do you say to that? [070-3] Chiaki : ((sweating)) ............ [070-4] ZENKI : ((charging)) Don't be so conceited! [070-5] Chimaru : Zenki! Don't you move, or the girl will die! ZENKI : ((stopping)) Damn... [071-1] Chiaki : Okay... We have a deal, now let Sohma go! [071-2] ZENKI : What the hell!! [071-3] Chimaru : Hahaha! Done! ((Chimaru snaps his fingers. Sohma begins to vibrate, and a nasty little creature bursts from his chest. Sohma doubles over onto the dirt and regains what little sense he ever had.)) [072-1] Sohma : Ahh... I... What have I... [072-2] Chiaki : Soh... Sohma! You're awake! [072-3] ZENKI : Che! ((Meanwhile, at Inugami's evil apartment highrise...)) [072-5] Inugami : Heehee... So that was Chimaru's plan. [072-6] : I knew this was coming, but don't you think he's announcing it a little too early? What a fool! ((Meanwhile, back at Chimaru's castle, Sohma is writhing in agony.)) [073-2] Shinsen : Shoot! His body can't handle the drain! Goki : ((casting on Sohma)) Light of Restoration! [073-3] : It's dangerous! Your body will be destroyed if this isn't stopped fast! [073-4] Sohma : ((crying... again)) I'm so sorry... Chiaki... everybody... You had to do this to save me from my reckless actions... [073-5] Chiaki : It's okay, Sohma! [074-1] : ((winking... dear lordy...)) The most important thing is that you're alive! And there will be a way to right the wrongs if we all work together! [074-2] Sohma : ((reengerized)) ............ [074-3] : Th... Thank you, Chiaki! I had forgotten that! [074-4] Chimaru : Hey, Zenki! Go kill Inugami for me, now! [074-5] ZENKI : Che! *DAMN CHIAKI!* [074-6] Chimaru : ((smug)) You can find Inugami at... ((A spell is suddenly cast on Chimaru, and a voice floats in from some- where.)) [075-1] Voice : ::The game ends here! Chimaru!!:: Chimaru : What! [075-2] ZENKI : The voice of Inugami! ((The spell Inugami casts drains Chimaru of all his blood. He stands still as a ghost while Inugami sneers down at him from a hovering Star of David.)) [076-4] Inugami : How was that? Chimaru! I've drained all the blood which you use to restore your body. [077-1] Chiaki : Blood... was the secret to his eternal body? [077-2] Inugami : I had been planning to finish you off before you had lost all your usefulness. I also know that your blood is not in your body -- it's in your clothes! [077-3] Chimaru : Of course, without blood it may take some time to cure myself... [077-4] : But this still is not enough to kill me! [078-1] : Still, Inugami, I'm very glad you've decided to make an appearance. [078-2] Inugami : What? [078-3] ZENKI : Inugami! I am the one who will end your life! [078-4] Inugami : Ha! [078-5] : Trying to set me up? Chimaru, you die! [079-1] : LIGHT OF DEATH! ((Inugami throws another Star spell in the direction of Chimaru, who stands precisely in front of Chiaki, who is still being held by his minions.)) [080-1] Sohma : No! This way, Chiaki... Goki : She'll be killed by the magic, too! ((ZENKI suddenly hurls himself between the magic and Chimaru, calling "INUGAMI!!")) [081-4] Inugami : Trying to be a hero? Works for me. I was going to kill you next anyway. ((ZENKI is overcome by the spell and drawn into another dimension. A large asteroid hurtles toward him. He uses his Thunder to destroy the spell and comes charging back out, madder than a hornet getting smacked around in July. Inugami is duly impressed.)) [083-1] Inugami : You overcame my magic... [083-3] ZENKI : ((chucking his axe)) I've got a little something for you!! ((Inugami, hands in pockets, cooly side-steps and lets the thing fly right past him. ZENKI comes up and throws a punch at him, which he also evades. Inugami sticks his hand in ZENKI's face, and cuts loose with a light blasty thingy, which ZENKI, too, manages to dodge. ZENKI brings out the big axe on a chain and gives Inugami a hair cut. Inugami is mortified... and why shouldn't he be? It was beautiful hair. ZENKI lunges in again, this time landing four very forbidding knuckles squarely on Inugami's jaw. See Inugami fly. Fly, Inugami, fly. He makes a less-than-graceful landing, leaving skid-marks in his wake. Chimaru observes with acute amusement.)) [094-1] Inugami : ((bleeding)) You... Zenki...... You are the first creature to ever hit me! [095-1] ZENKI : I told you! I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN KILL YOU, INUGAMI! [End of Chapter 8, Part 2.]