Copyright Kikuhide Tani. ***Summary of Kishin Douji ZENKI manga book 5 - Chapter 8, Part 1.*** Version 1. December 22, 1999. Translated by: Yui-chan Edited by: Washuu-chan CHAPTER 8: CHAPTER OF THE EVIL SUZAKU, CHIMARU PART 1: THE FIGHT WITH CHIMARU ((An expendable extra screams as his body is taken over by a Seed of Possession and contorted into a hideous figure. Chimaru watches, unamused.)) [007-3] Chimaru : It would seem the Seed has absorbed his desires. It may be part of the agreement, but collecting Seeds is a boring job. ((Chimaru draws his sword and slays the pitiful creature.)) ((Later, in Inugami's evil apartment highrise, Shinkoh gazes into her crystal ball...)) [010-2] Shinkoh : Inugami... Zenki has killed Hiki. [010-3] Inugami : Useless fool! ((Chimaru emerges from a dark shadow.)) [010-4] Chimaru : Interesting! [010-5] Inugami : Chimaru! You're back... [010-6] Chimaru : Demon lords Zenki and Goki... Entrust me, the evil Suzaku Chimaru, with the responsibility of handling them! [011-1] Inugami : Hey! Look how excited you are! This is the first time I've seen you like this! [011-2] Chimaru : It is because my jobs before were boring. But... [011-3] : I've finally found something interesting! Inugami, you can't begin to conceive of my delight! ((A disembodied head suddenly scuttles across the floor, past Kokutei, to Inugami -- it's Hiki! -- or, um, what's left of him. The disembodied Hiki head carries a Seed in its mouth.)) [011-5] HikiHead: Master Inu... Inugami... This... [011-6] Inugami : Hiki! You only brought back the Seed... ((The other two Heavenly Kings -- Kimon and Kakuroki -- appear.)) [012-1] Kimon : Master Inugami. [012-2] : ((offering a Seed)) We have brought Seeds, too... [012-3] : ((turning on Chimaru angrily)) Where's yours, Chimaru? ((Chimaru flicks a Seed at Inugami.)) [012-4] Chimaru : Here. Catch, Inugami. I am fulfilling my end of the bargain. [012-5] : ((half-way out the door)) Now I will go deal with these demon lords. [012-6] Kimon : Chimaru! You wait! As one of the Four Heavenly Kings, you have no right to speak so rudely to Master Inugami! Besides, our goal is the same -- to gather all the Seeds so that Kokutei might become the Devil Beast. You cannot act reck- lessly! [012-7] Chimaru : ((giving Kimon a look to wither grass)) Evil Byakko Kimon... [013-1] : Have you forgotten the agreement between Inugami and myself? Let me remind you. When Kokutei becomes the Devil Beast, Inugami will hold power during the day time, and everything will belong to me and my army of devils at night. That is the only reason I am here. [013-2] Kimon : ((shaking with fury)) Bastard... Kakuroki: ...... [013-3] Chimaru : ((disappearing)) Inugami! The remaining five Seeds are their responsibility from now on. [013-4] Kimon : Great Master Inugami! Is this really acceptable to you? Inugami : Don't worry about it... [013-5] : ((holding four Seeds and grinning)) Chimaru controls the army of devils. In order to raise the Devil Beast so we might purify the world, he and his army are still necessary. [014-1] Kimon : *Damn Chimaru! If he wasn't one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Master Inugami would not be like this... We should kill him!* [014-2] Inugami : ((feeding Kokutei the Seeds)) Here! Eat this! [014-3] : That was the 103rd. Kokutei! Only five left! ((Kokutei begins to growl and transform. He sprouts a large pair of bat wings.)) [015-2] Inugami : Finally! The glorious ascent of the Devil Beast is beginning to show! ((The next morning, in the Five Demons Tribe Village, at Goki's home...)) [016-2] Goki : Master! Breakfast! It's freshly made! [016-3] Chiaki : Wow! Goki, thanks! I'm so hungry... ZENKI : ((reaching for some, licking his chops)) Me, too! ((Goki slaps ZENKI's hand.)) [016-5] Goki : Not until Master is done eating, Zenki! [016-6] ZENKI : ((cringing fearfully)) Ouch... [017-1] Chiaki : ((giggling)) Looks like Goki knows how to handle Zenki... ZENKI : ((pouting in his corner)) Shit! Everytime he messes with me, I can't do anything about it! ((A mysterious shadow watches all the goings-on from a darkened rafter.)) [017-2] Shinsen : ((sighing)) Goki is no longer the Akira I know... Goki : ((smiling)) That isn't so, Shinsen-boh. [017-3] : The memories Akira has of you in this homeland... are all protected and remembered in my heart! [017-4] : It's just that all the old Goki memories are back, too. [017-5] Chiaki : ((stunned)) Akira's and Goki's souls are combined in one body! Shinsen : ((stunned)) Whoa! [017-6] Goki : You may call me Akira from now on, if you like. [017-7] Shinsen : ((crying with joy)) Yes, Akira! *I'm so happy!* [018-1] Goki : Master! We'll jump into action as soon as we finish eating! The fight with Inugami!! Chiaki : Yeah! [018-2] Shinsen : I want to go, too, if it's possible! [018-3] : It is my duty to protect Akira. Because Goki's bloodline broke down into five branches. Akira is the direct descendent of Goki through the "Air" branch. The other four branches are Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water. Their responsibility is to protect the branch of Air, the official branch. ((This is the cheesey genealogical chart shown:)) GOKI | ----------------------|------------------------ | | | | | | | | | | Earth Water | Fire Wind | | | | | | : Air : : | : | : : : : | | Shinsen-boh Akira [018-4] Goki : But now all the protective branches are extinct, except for Earth, so Shinsen-boh is our leader! [019-1] ZENKI : ((half asleep)) So what? To compete with Inugami, I'm more than enough. [019-2] Chiaki : Zenki! Isn't it better to have more allies? [019-3] Goki : ((smug)) Yeah, Zenki. Just in case some kind of "accident" occurs. ZENKI : Shut up! I won't ever lose again or need your help! [019-4] Chiaki : Zenki! Stop being so reckless! [019-5] : Everyone here will be coming with us to find Inugami, and we'll beat him together! [019-6] : ((noticing someone is not getting into it)) Hey! Sohma? ZENKI : ((pouting in his corner)) Che! ((Sohma, meanwhile, has been pouting in his own corner. He remembers those he has lost...)) [020-2] Sohma : *Just like Great Master and all our brothers... Everyone is going to be killed!* [020-4] : ((crying)) When they were attacked, I could do nothing but watch them die! [020-5] Chiaki : ((carefully)) Oh... Sohma? [020-6] Sohma : ((gritting his teeth)) Shit! [021-1] : Inugami! With these very hands... [021-2] : I will kill you and defeat all my enemies! ((Sohma darts out, having successfully ignored Chiaki. Would that we could all be so talented...)) [021-4] Goki : Master! Let him go. Chiaki : But... [021-5] Shinsen : He feels much guilt and resentment. He will calm down soon. Sohma is a great monk. ((ZENKI suddenly looks up towards the rafters. He stares for a moment before charging up and kicking down the creature which lurked in the shadows.)) [022-3] ZENKI : You've been hiding there since then!! [022-4] NinjaRat: Ouch! [022-5] : Heh! So, demon lord Zenki, you could sense me. *Impressive......* [023-1] ZENKI : Who are you supposed to be? Don't seem strong enough to fight. [023-2] NinjaRat: Heh heh! I am of the army of Inugami's Greatest Heavenly King, the evil Suzaku, Chimaru! I am called the Ninja of Rats! [023-3] Chiaki : Suzaku? Heavenly Kings? ZENKI : Hoohoo! [023-4] Goki : So he has information on Inugami! Shinsen : ((cracking his knuckles and grinning)) Let's get it from him! ((Chiaki, ZENKI, Goki, and Shinsen all close in and loom menacingly over Ninja Rat, who whimpers and cries for his mommy before they all beat the crap out of him.)) ((Meanwhile, in the evil darkened castle of Chimaru, which is surrounded by a dry ice mist... Chimaru sits on his bat-engraved throne. A minion appears before him.)) [024-2] Minion : Master Chimaru! Chimaru : My foxes? [024-3] Minions : The Rat went to Zenki's place to gather intelligence and was captured. [024-4] Chimaru : Who cares? [024-5] Foxes : Master Inugami... When can we remove the humans and build the world of darkness on earth?... That human -- Inugami -- can we trust him? [025-1] Chimaru : You have objections to my plans? Foxes : N-not at all! [025-2] Chimaru : I am merely using Inugami. For when Kokutei becomes the Devil Beast, I shall take him and destroy all humans -- including Inugami -- at once! [025-3] : He will not know this. He will fight Zenki for me. ((A bat flies in through a window and whispers something to Chimaru.)) [025-5] Chimaru : Oh, yeah? [025-6] : My foxes! I have had a revelation! Come with me! ((Meanwhile... Little bunny Sohma, running through da forest, gets ambushed by foxes, and bops dem on da head!)) [027-1] Sohma : Before you all die, tell me where Inugami is hiding! ((Suddenly, Sohma's special widdle Taima Sword gets sliced in half... by Chimaru's even-more-special widdle sword!)) [027-3] Chimaru : Is this all the power you have? No wonder the monks of Kagekohya were so easily destroyed. You couldn't compete with even an army of ants! ((Sohma whirls around, and screams as Chimaru attacks.)) ((Meanwhile, Shinsen-boh has NinjaRat on a rope, and the gang of him, ZENKI, Goki, and Chiaki, follow rat-boy through the forest. Suddenly, ZENKI comes up behind NinjaRat and pops him in the pooter.)) [028-2] ZENKI : Hurry up and lead the way! Walk faster, idiot! [028-3] NinjaRat: Y-yes, Master Zenki! You just want to know where Inugami is, right? Leave everything to me! [028-4] Chiaki : Is this dude okay? He was calling Chimaru "Master" just a little while ago... [029-1] NinjaRat: Heh heh! I followed Chimaru because I was afraid of his power. But now, Master Zenki is much stronger than him. I admire you, so I am helping you! [029-2] : So, Mistress Chiaki, undo these ropes! We are friends! Chiaki : ((sweatdrop)) ......... [029-3] : If we're friends, then tell me what kind of person is this Chimaru? NinjaRat: Ah! Good question, okay... [029-4] : Chimaru is the leader of all devil monsters. He is also the strongest of the Four Heavenly Kings. He is sometimes called "vampire." [029-5] Chiaki : Vampire? Then we're gonna need crosses and garlic... [029-6] NinjaRat: Hey! Look there... Goki : That is... [030-1] ALL : CHIMARU'S CASTLE! [030-2] NinjaRat: This is a sacred place, where humans may not enter. So no one has seen it before and lived to tell the tale. [030-3] Chiaki : This doesn't feel right... It smells like blood... [031-1] Voice : ::Who is the "vampire" you are talking about? I wouldn't want to stay with something like that around!:: ZENKI : Chimaru!? ((A bald, shadowy figure charges Team Zenki -- it's...)) [032-1] ALL : SOHMA!? [032-2] Chiaki : Why is Sohma...? ((Sohma hurls three Taima Swords at Team Zenki. Goki jumps to point and blocks the attack with a Shield of Protection. Chimaru steps forward.)) [033-2] Chimaru : Very good. You've managed to get here. [033-4] ZENKI : You are Chimaru? [033-5] NinjaRat: Master Chimaru! I brought Zenki here for you! Shinsen : Huh? Hey, you little rat! [034-1] Chiaki : Chimaru! What have you done to Sohma? [034-2] Chimaru : I just used my power to increase all his abilities by 100%. Since he was lost to hate and remorse, he was very easy to manipulate. ((Sohma attacks again, thrusting two Taima Swords down against the earth, splitting it under Team Zenki. Team Zenki jumps aside and avoids injury.)) [035-1] Goki : This power is way too great! If Sohma stays like this for too long, his body and soul will be exhausted by it! Sohma will die! [035-2] Chimaru : Hahaha! Yes, he will die. There is no way to save him, unless... Goki : There is no other way than to kill you! [035-3] Chimaru : Zenki! I have done this to him so that I might witness your power. What are you going to do about it? Defeat me? [035-4] ZENKI : Very interesting! ((ZENKI disappears in a lightning fast move, appearing just in front of Chimaru, actually surprising him, and punching a hole right through his chest. For a while, ZENKI looks up into Chimaru's widened eyes. He then releases his opponent, allowing him to fall to the ground.)) [037-2] ZENKI : I've won! [037-3] Chimaru : What a great power, Zenki... [038-1] Chiaki : Wow! Zenki won! NinjaRat: Wow... That was amazing, Master Zenki... You're so cool... Chimaru is much weaker than I thought! [038-2] ZENKI : Che! I didn't get to ask where Inugami is... [038-3] Goki : Too early to celebrate! ((Sohma attacks Chiaki, and Goki leaps to her aid.)) [039-2] Chiaki : Sohma is stil... Shinsen : How can this be? Isn't Chimaru dead? [039-3] ZENKI : Huh!? ((Chimaru gets back to his feet, laughing.)) [040-2] Chiaki : What!? The wound Zenki gave him is gone! [040-3] Chimaru : I am the King of Darkness, and my body is eternal! ((While the humans sputter incoherent disbelief, Chimaru calls in his army of foxes to keep them entertained for a few pages. Now, at this point in the manga, every other set of pages is so horribly printed that we can't read them. We'll give you a vague idea of what's going on. Goki, fending off Sohma, cannot in good conscience kill him or use any power against him. Chiaki, doing battle with fiendish foxes, finds herslef in a fix, and immediately orders ZENKI to take care of Chimaru. ZENKI goes to Chimaru, and they ego trip at each other for a page or so. Chimaru boasts that he is unlike other vampires, and normal means of mutilation and whatnot won't work on him. As if ZENKI cares. ZENKI leaps into battle and bitch-slaps Chimaru around for a while... and Chimaru feels every little bit of it. At length, ZENKI whips out his axe, and, declaring this to be the final blow, slices Chimaru in two, lengthwise. ZENKI turns his back to his undoubtedly dead enemy, but...)) [047-2] Voice : ::Hahaha! That was pretty good!:: ZENKI : !!? ((Chimaru gets back up, his body forming back into a perfect whole.)) [047-4] NinjaRat: Wow! Master Chimaru! You're unbeatable! Chiaki : What!? How can this be? [047-5] Chimaru : You see! I will never die! Nothing can defeat me! [048-1] ZENKI : I'm not convinced! I'll just have to keep trying until it's proven! [048-2] Chimaru : Have you forgotten so soon? Your friend's body is under my control. You've only got 12 hours before he dies. In other words, he will only last until the sun brings the dawn. [048-4] Chiaki : You... You're so utterly evil! ((The last two frames of the page are too jacked to make out. More ego- trippin', we bet. ZENKI and Chimaru square off. Chimaru's hair stands on end in a surge of pure ego.)) [049-1] ZENKI : I'll cut you into bits and pieces! Chimaru! I'll see if you're still alive after that! [049-2] Chimaru : Try it and see! Demon--- [End of Chapter 8, Part 1.]