Copyright Kikuhide Tani. ***Summary of Kishin Douji ZENKI manga book 4 - Chapter 6, Part 1.*** Version 1. August 30, 1999. Translated by: Yui-chan Edited by: Washuu-chan CHAPTER 6: CHAPTER OF INUGAMI PART 1: INUGAMI AND THE FOUR HEAVENLY KINGS APPEAR ((Outside the "Mummy Inn," Inugami and Kokutei float menacingly above ZENKI, Chiaki, and Sohma.)) [007-1] Chiaki : It's that demon dog... [007-2] : Which eats the Seeds of Possession and will become a monster... And destroy the world... [007-3] ZENKI : You dare to take my Seeds? You won't be forgiven... Just a dog... [007-4] Sohma : ((drawing the Taima Sword)) I'll destroy you before you become the Devil Beast! [009-1] Inugami : You think you can stop Kokutei's growth? There's no way! People like you... [009-2] ZENKI : ((suddenly charging)) Little brat! Stop talking crap! [009-3] : I'll beat you, take my Seed from that dog, and eat it! ((Inugami stops ZENKI's fist with a single finger and a smug look. ZENKI, Chiaki, and Sohma are all incredibly shocked.)) [010-3] Inugami : Ha! I'll show you my power now! ((Inugami blasts ZENKI with a power through his finger, and it sends ZENKI hurtling back to earth, rendering him down for the count.)) [011-4] Chiaki : This... Zenki... The strongest demon lord, Zenki, is beaten... [011-5] Sohma : He beat Zenki with only one finger!! [012-1] Inugami : HAHAHA! This is the world's strongest demon lord? How funny! [012-2] Chiaki : Che! [012-3] Inugami : This is not even 10% of my power... Do you understand? You're like little babies compared to me! [012-4] Sohma : Che! *That brat! Calling me a baby!?* [012-5] Inugami : ((beginning to faze out)) If you don't want to die soon, you'd better forget about me. [013-1] Sohma : Are you trying to escape--!! Inugami-- ((Sohma leaps and strikes at the fading figure of Inugami with the Taima Sword, but he is blocked by the sudden appearance of four new figures.)) [013-4] Sohma : Who... [013-5] : Who is it!? [014-1] Figure1 : We serve Master Inugami... We are the FOUR HEAVENLY KINGS!!! [014-2] Sohma : The Four Heavenly Kings? [014-3] Figure1 : I am Evil Genbu Hiki of the Heavenly Kings. [014-4] : Do you know that our Lord Inugami is going to cleanse this world of desires with Kokutei's power? There is no way you can stop this Fate! [015-1] Sohma : What are you saying? That you want to create a new world ruled by evil magic? Chiaki : What the hell... What do you want to correct with your evil power!? [015-2] Hiki : Hahaha! You couldn't possibly understand Lord Inugami's holy plan... [015-3] : But it's no matter... By that time, you will all be ants -- killed by anything that steps on you! [015-4] Sohma : This... [015-5] Chiaki : No... I won't forgive you... ((ZENKI's earth shaking foot-step is heard as he gets back to his feet and steps forward.)) [015-7] Chiaki : AH!? Zen... ki? [016-1] ZENKI : ((in a fiery rage)) DAMN INUGAMI--!! [017-1] : You tell your master, that I, the greastest demon lord, Zenki... [017-3] : Will kill him and his puppy!! ((ZENKI sends a blast up at Hiki and the other three Kings, which they dodge.)) [018-3] Hiki : Hahaha! You just go ahead and try... [019-1] : But I don't think it will work! We four are much more powerful than you! ((Hiki and the Kings disappear.)) [019-4] Sohma : No matter what, I have to return to Kagekohya first... Chiaki : Yes, I want like to go, too. ((Later, within Inugami's large, empty apartment, Inugami and the Kings stand by while a Beast begins to change and goes after a half-naked female victim. The girl cries to Inugami for help, but he simply pets Kokutei and waits.)) [021-2] Inugami : Good! Kokutei, you shall have the Seed soon! [021-3] Girl : ((crying)) Help! Help me--!! [022-1] Inugami : You are merely the tool we use to draw out the man's desires so the Seed might absorb them. You must die! [022-2] Girl : What? ((The Beast kills her in that moment, and then turns to Inugami.)) [023-2] Beast : You, boy... I'll eat you next! [023-3] Inugami : Silly little Beast! ((Inugami, with hardly a movement, draws the Seed from the Beast's body, and the Beast immediately falls and dissolves into nothing.)) [024-4] Inugami : ((tossing the Seed to Kokutei)) Kokutei, here! This Seed is full of human desires. [024-5] : That was the 99th one... [025-1] : *Same as the number of human sufferings, 108... After 108 Seeds... Kokutei will become the creature that shall destroy the world -- the Devil Beast!* [025-2] : Find the remaining 9 Seeds! Hiki : Yes, Master! ((The other 3 Kings disappear, and just as Hiki is about to...)) [025-3] Inugami : Wait, Hiki! That wound on your face... [025-4] Hiki : ((realizing there is a long cut on his cheek)) This!? ((remembering ZENKI's blast)) *That time...* [026-1] Inugami : Was that caused by the one named Zenki? Hiki, as one of the Four Heavenly Kings... [026-2] Hiki : ((bowing quickly)) No, it was nothing like that... [026-3] : *For making me look foolish in front of Lord Inugami... You... Zenki...* [026-4] : *Before I find the Seeds, I must kill the demon lord, or I will be unable to release my anger...* [026-5] : *He must be with that monk of Kagekohya! I'll go there!* Pardon me, Lord Inugami! ((Hiki excuses himself from Inugami's presence, and Inugami just smiles.)) ((Meanwhile, in Kagekohya...)) [027-3] Chiaki : This is... the Mountain of Kagekohya! [027-4] Sohma : Where is the Great Master? I have brought guests... Monk1 : Ah! It's Sohma-- [027-5] : The Master is inside for a ceremony of expelling evils! ((Inside, the ceremony taking place is guided by several monks in prayer, trying to cure a Seed of Possession Beast before it takes full form.)) [028-3] Chiaki : Ah! This is the ceremony... Sohma : Great Master... [028-5] Beast : Hel... Help me! [029-1] Zenki : It's changing! I'll kick its ass now! Sohma : ((grabbing Zenki's ponytail)) NO! [029-2] : You cannot disturb! I won't let you eat that Seed! Zenki : What? [029-3] Master : Ah! Sohma! Are they Chiaki Enno and Zenki? [029-4] Sohma : ((arm being munched on by Zenki)) Yes! Great Master! Chiaki : Excuse us! [029-5] Master : My apologies to you for having had to travel so far to get here... Chiaki : Oh, no! Not at all... [029-6] Master : ((smiling)) The Seed is currently trying to possess a person, and we are trying to expell the demon. Would you please wait aside and monitor for a moment? [030-1] Zenki : Che! It's not worth it if I don't get to eat the Seed! The reason I'm here... [030-2] : Is to ask you where the hell Inugami is!! Where is he? Tell me, Old Man! Chiaki : ((mortified)) He's speaking like that to the Great Master... [030-3] Master : I'm sorry, I cannot know where Inugami is... Zenki : Che! How useless! [030-4] Master : ((after Chiaki pounds Zenki)) However, I have something... [030-5] : That can seal the Seeds, rendering them incapable of possessing people. Inugami cannot use them, then. In this way, you can stop him, if you could gather all the Seeds and bring them here. [030-6] Chiaki : Oh! I understand! Zenki : You... You've got to be kidding! [031-1] : I will eat the Seeds! [031-2] Sohma : Great Master! Wait! This brat said he wants to eat all the Seeds... Maybe somday he'll become a Beast even worse than Inugami's pet... [031-3] Master : Sohma, Ozuno has the power of Buddhism's Raja, so his servant and protector Zenki shall have the power to kill evil and purify this world. [031-4] Sohma : But he's a demon... Some day, he could turn on us. [031-5] Zenki : Ha! Normal humans are not the ones I'm interested in. Especially all you chicken monks! Bah! [031-6] Sohma : How dare you! Zenki : Ya wanna fight? Stupid monk! Chiaki : That's enough, you two! ((Suddenly, magical threads pierce the forest and enter the Kagekohya Temple, screaming. In their razor wake, they leave many of the monks in multiple pieces. Shortly after their entrance, Hiki follows.)) [033-2] Hiki : Even I was fooled. I did not know there were Seeds here. Good, though, they shall be a gift for Lord Inugami! [033-3] Chiaki : You're... [033-4] Sohma : HIKI!! [034-1] Hiki : Zenki, you will pay for the embarrassment you caused me... And I shall take the Seeds, too! [034-2] Zenki : ((smirking)) Che! [034-4] Sohma : ((seeing his wounded brothers)) Damn... Our friends... Chiaki : How... How cruel... [034-5] Zenki : Hmph. I thought it was Inugami... Hiki : How funny. I can get rid of you myself! ((The monks still standing charge Hiki, thinking they can stop him. Hiki puts them all in their place easily.)) [036-1] Sohma : What? This is the power of the evil Genbu... [036-2] Chiaki : The power... created by the user of the soul of language? [036-3] Master : High-level evil power... I can't believe a human is capable of this... [036-5] Zenki : Interesting... Chiaki! Change me to my true form! ((Chiaki casts the Spell to the Call Forth the Demon Lord, and ZENKI lunges at Hiki with his elbow.)) [037-1] ZENKI : You think you can beat me? You? Hiki : !! ((Hiki leaps away, barely, leaving ZENKI gripping his arm in pain. Hiki destroyed his elbow.)) [037-6] Hiki : ((grinning)) To me... You are nothing more than a baby! ((ZENKI charges him again angrily with an eletrified fist. Again, he is hindered -- Hiki sends two large, thick threads through the ground and up through ZENKI's chest.)) [039-1] Hiki : How was that? Now do you understand why you could not even touch Lord Inugami's finger? [039-2] ZENKI : ((bleeding badly)) Damn! [039-3] Sohma : ((charging)) I'm going to kill you! TAIMA SWORD!! ((Hiki counter attacks and takes out a chunk of Sohma's shoulder, stopping him almost effortlessly.)) [040-1] Sohma : I should have been able to block that... Hiki : ((straightening his tie)) Hahaha! How interesting... Attacking me, knowing you can't possibly win. This will make it more fun... [040-2] Chiaki : What!? He... kills for fun? ((Hiki commences summoning two spells simultaneously -- one in each hand -- and he combines them.)) [040-4] Hiki : Die, Zenki! And Monks of Kagekohya! [041-1] Master : How is it possible? He summons two spells at one time! [041-2] Chiaki : ((pushing him out of the way of danger)) Look out! Great Master!! ((Chiaki's selfless act causes one of Hiki's threads to scream up her back, shredding her clothing. Many more monks are killed, and Sohma is wounded more seriously. ZENKI, though, has still not given up. Though pierced through the stomach, he pulls himself along the thick thread, toward Hiki.)) [042-2] Hiki : *He is still able to move after my attack...* ((Hiki sends more of the threads at ZENKI, piercing him again, but he still stands -- more angry than before.)) [042-5] Hiki : ((frightened)) What? Why doesn't he die?! [043-1] ZENKI : Never dare to look down upon me! [043-2] : LIGHTNING!! [043-3] Chiaki : ((getting back to her feet)) Now! [043-4] : VAJRA HORN!! ((Chiaki sends power to ZENKI through the jewel on his crown, and his Diamond Horn becomes infused with radiant light. He attacks Hiki with it, and one massive explosion later, one would think Hiki would be defeated.)) [046-2] Chiaki : We won... Look! [046-3] Sohma : You stupid bastard! You blew up the temple, too. ZENKI : Che! Damnit, he pissed me off. [046-4] Hiki : ((becoming visible through the smoke)) Was that the demon lord's power? [046-5] ZENKI : What? [046-6] Hiki : Making me fly out of the temple with one attack... That was great... ((Hiki summons some new power, and his form changes to that of the Evil Genbu -- tortoise shell armor, a large body, and three eyes.)) [047-1] Hiki : I underestimated you... I won't make that mistake again. Now, behold my real power!! [047-2] ZENKI : WHAT!? Chiaki : AAAHH! His form changed! [End of Chapter 6, Part 1.]