Copyright Kikuhide Tani. ***Summary of Kishin Douji ZENKI manga book 2 - Chapter 2, Part 3.*** Version 2. December 23, 1999. (Version 1 - August 30, 1999) Translated by: Yui-chan Edited by: Washuu-chan CHAPTER 2: CHAPTER OF THE GREAT PRIEST AMON PART 3: AMON CHALLENGES WITH HIS LIFE ((Zenki lies as if near death on the floor of the kitchen.)) [009-1] Zenki : Can't... move... Too... hungry... [009-2] : I'd sure love to get some Seeds! Wait... [009-3] : ((drooling, remembering Chiaki pulling food out of the refridgerator once)) I remember... There's food in that magic box! ((A little later, Chiaki comes into the kitchen.)) [009-4] Chiaki : Wow! I'm starved... [009-5] : I need something to eat... --What the? ((She spots Zenki raiding the fridge and eating everything.)) [010-1] Zenki : The outside layer doesn't taste very good, but there's meat inside! [Meat with cover.] [010-3] Chiaki : ((karate kicking him across the face)) Zenki, you damn brat!! [010-4] : ((lamenting over the empty fridge)) My God! That food was supposed to last for three days... ((Zenki gets back to his feet angrily.)) [011-1] Zenki : You... WANNA FIGHT!?-- ((A miniature version of the Vajra Horn pops out of his elbow.)) [011-2] Zenki : ((swinging at her with it)) You bitch!! [011-3] Chiaki : !? [011-4] : ((grabbing his arm and pushing on his face)) Wait!! Zenki : What? [011-5] Chiaki : Is this... [011-6] : THE VAJRA HORN!? Zenki : Huh!? ((Zenki grins evilly and swipes his arm back.)) [012-1] Zenki : The spell's power is getting weak... My power is escaping this child's form! [012-2] : This way... Chiaki : Oh! No... [012-3] : *One day... This means Zenki won't turn back into a kid after killing a Beast!* [012-4] : ((envisioning her body being ravaged by the demon lord)) *Then, I... would be killed by the demon lord Zenki!* [013-1] Zenki : This is great!! I can say "good-bye" to this childish form forever!! [013-2] Chiaki : Stop... Stop joking!! (([Chiaki's Imagination]: Chiaki sees a distortedly demonic image of Amon clutching the lost half of the manuscript.)) [013-3] Chiaki : It should describe the way to turn Zenki back into a kid on that manuscript... I have to get it back fast so I can control Zenki and become his master! [013-4] : But I don't know where to find that Amon guy... [013-5] : ((hearing a sound and feeling something)) Huh? ((Chiaki looks down to discover Zenki has sliced the whole front of her dress open!)) [014-1] Chiaki : WHAT THE!? [014-2] : AHH-- With the Vajra Horn! [014-3] : ((glaring daggers at Zenki)) My favorite clothes... Zenki : Heh, heh... [014-4] : Hahaha... Good... I just have to get the other half of that manuscript back... [015-1] : And I'll become the REAL Zenki-- ((Chiaki interrupts him by bringing her elbow down sharply on his head. They start all-out brawling.)) [015-2] Chiaki : Idiot! These clothes were expensive! Zenki : Damnit! How was I supposed to know!! [015-3] : ((bruised, angry, and defeated)) Damn! ((Meanwhile, at Amon's shrine...)) [016-1] Amon : You... Zenki... [016-2] : Make me feel "afraid"... I have never known this feeling before... [016-3] : You've killed all my strongest puppets. Can't I beat Ozuno's power? [016-4] : This is impossible!! I am this world's greatest controller of demons!! I'll kill Zenki and prove it!! ((One of Amon's puppets appears and offers to kill Zenki for Amon. Amon turns angrily and destroys it.)) [017-4] Amon : I have no confidence in you useless things... [018-5] : Demon Lord Zenki!! I shall kill you myself!! ((Suddenly, four robed figures appear.)) [018-2] Figure1 : We heard that you're taking a matter into your own hands. This is unlike you -- you don't seem well. [018-4] Amon : The Four Masters of Curse!! It's been a long time! [019-1] Figure1 : How about allowing us... to kill Zenki for you? ((Amon is outraged. He blasts a hole in the roof of his shrine and leaves through it... even though the door would have worked just as well.)) [019-2] Amon : NO!! No one else can kill Zenki!! [019-3] : I am the only one who can do it! [019-4] Figure2 : Even a calm person like him has lost control... Figure1 : Let us go and observe. ((Back at the Enno Shrine...)) [020-2] Zenki : ((munching on bananas)) Yummy! It's taste is only second to the Seeds! [020-3] Chiaki : ((wearing her Shinto garb)) *Can't wear anything good in front of Zenki...* You just ate a lot of food... Because of you, I only have Cup o' Noodles to eat. Zenki : Che! I need the Seeds to fill my stomach up. [020-5] Voice : ::ZENKI! I HAVE COME!!:: [021-2] Zenki : He's close... I can smell him! [021-3] Voice : ::I HAVE COME TO KILL YOU! GET OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME!:: Zenki : Fool... [021-4] : ((charging out the window)) You've come to die!! [021-5] Chiaki : ((following)) Wait, Zenki! It might be a trap! [022-2] Zenki : ((at the bottom of the steps to the Enno Shrine)) Bastard! Where are you? [022-3] Chiaki : Zenki! Where is he? [022-4] Amon : ((floating above the torii)) Hahaha... Everyone is here... [023-2] Chiaki : *He's so evil! But kind of cute, too...* [023-3] Zenki : I'll kill you this day!! [023-4] Amon : Not before I've taken you to Hell, Zenki!! ((Amon casts a spell and transports the three of them in front of a gigantic castle in the middle of seemingly nowhere.)) [024-2] Chiaki : Where are we? Why is there a castle in town? ... [025-2] Amon : Hahaha... This is a place I created -- the Cursed Gates to Hell. No one shall be able to enter this place and inter- fere! [026-1] Zenki : Is that so? Sounds good to me! Separating us from the real world with magic... [026-2] : ((grinning)) Since we're in this place... Unless we kill you, we'll never be able to escape. [026-3] Chiaki : What... We can't escape...!? [026-4] Zenki : This makes it more fun! Amon : Hahaha... You don't seem worried. [026-5] Chiaki : You've got to be kidding... We have to kill this guy! [027-1] Amon : I'm afraid that's impossible, because I will be killing Zenki here... So you'll have no chance of escaping this place!! [027-2] Zenki : Stop your bragging!! I only need one attack... [027-3] : To finish you! ((Zenki lunges at Amon, and Amon effortlessly pimpslaps Zenki away. Zenki goes flying into a pile of rocks.) [028-3] Amon : It does me no good to fight this little Zenki... [028-4] : For my revenge... I must kill the REAL ZENKI!! [028-6] : If I destroy Ozuno's Zenki, I will truly be this world's greatest priest -- one whose power exceeds Ozuno's! [029-2] Chiaki : And then what? After you prove that you're greater than my ancestor, what then? [029-3] Amon : I shall use my power to destroy everything here... And rule the world with magic. This is the dream of all priests! [029-4] Chiaki : *Use his power?* [029-5] : *All humans will die... and this world will be ruined!* [030-1] : I won't allow this! [030-2] : Magic should be used for the sake of helping humanity!! Priests who use it to destroy are the ones Zenki and I must kill! [030-3] Amon : So, Enno's family and Zenki are the ones who we must kill! ((Zenki finally gets back to his feet.)) [030-4] Zenki : Bastard!! [030-5] : I don't care what your reasons are -- I'll kill all of you!! [030-6] Amon : Hey, little girl! Transform this child into his true form! I want to defeat the REAL ZENKI!! [031-1] Zenki : ((charging)) Shut up--!! ((Chiaki casts the Spell to Call Forth the Demon Lord while Zenki is in mid- air, and the thing charging at Amon changes forms before his eyes.)) [033-1] Amon : Yes... It won't be interesting unless I kill Zenki like this! [033-2] ZENKI : Stop talking!! ((Amon casts a spell and ZENKI charges into him with his shoulder. Amon jumps over ZENKI and behind him -- Chiaki is very impressed by the bad guy's maneuvers. Suddenly, ZENKI falls to one knee, and his shoulder explodes! Bleeding, he grips it tightly.)) [035-3] ZENKI : ((smirking)) Pretty good... [035-4] Amon : Well, now... How did that feel? [036-1] : ((casting)) This is composed of all the hateful spirits who have died... by my spells!! [036-2] : Try it!! ((Amon sends hundreds of screaming spirits after ZENKI, who calls the Vajra Horn forth from both elbows. He tries to run them through, but is not fast enough for all of them. He becomes extremely angry at their persistence and explodes with what Chiaki calls the "Light of Anger." All of the spirits are destroyed. )) [039-1] ZENKI : You shall die and be turned to dust as well! ((ZENKI shoots this light out of his Horn and toward Amon. Amon, scared, quickly casts a shield spell -- the "Inverted Pentegram Barrier." It success- fully blocks ZENKI's attack.)) [040-4] Chiaki : Oh, no!! The great power that can even cut a mountain has been stopped!? [041-1] Amon : Haha... [041-2] ZENKI : The inverted pentegram... the evil magic even Ozuno would not use. [041-3] : But you are still only a human! ((ZENKI rips the Vajra Horn off his elbow and attaches it to his fist, calling forth fire to set it aflame. He charges the Inverted Pentegram Barrier with his flaming Vajra -- "DEADLY FIRE WAR!! KAEN!!" But this, too, is stopped.)) [043-2] Chiaki : Fire didn't work either!? [043-4] ZENKI : I cannot penetrate the barrier... *Is it because the imprecation was never completed?* [043-5] Amon : ((suddenly appearing behind ZENKI)) Is this all you have? ZENKI : !! ((Amon pushes his hands forward onto ZENKI's shoulder blades, and ZENKI does not have enough time to move. Amon blasts ZENKI with the same spell he used on his shoulder, and the power of the spell explodes out through his chest. He falls and lies still, seemingly dead.)) [045-5] Amon : It is finished. [046-1] Chiaki : ((crying)) *He... He lost... Zenki... Zenki died...* [046-2] Amon : How could I have been frightened by something as weak as you? [046-4] : A God of Protection... Who could not even touch me. [046-5] Chiaki : NOOO...!! ((A hand grabs Amon's shoulder from behind, digging its sharp nails deeply into his flesh -- it's ZENKI! Bloody and tired, but not defeated!)) [047-4] ZENKI : Who is it you're talking about? [048-1] Chiaki : Zen... Zenki!! [048-3] Amon : He disabled the shoulder like me... [048-4] Figure1 : How childish... [048-5] : If Zenki could be killed that way, we wouldn't have had to worry in the first place. [048-6] ZENKI : Did you really think I could be killed by a normal human being like you? ((ZENKI drives the Vajra Horn into the earth and calls a different fire spell. On all sides of Amon, the fire comes spewing out around him. He tries again to block with the Inverted Pentegram Barrier, but the spell manages to crack it. ZENKI comes crashing through the crack, destroying the shield. Both of them attack each other simultaneously -- Amon blasting ZENKI through the gut as ZENKI drives the Vajra Horn through Amon. Both cry out horribly and together they explode, leaving a crater in the ground and a lot of smoke.)) [054-4] Chiaki : They... They both... ((The smoke begins to clear and ZENKI is seen standing alone, triumphant. The wind blows a piece of paper by Chiaki from the explosion and she grabs it.)) [055-5] Chiaki : This is... [055-6] : The rest of the manuscript!! We have the whole thing!! [056-1] ZENKI : Then, I can finally become the true demon lord... [056-2] Chiaki : What the!? Hey, even though you've killed Amon, we're still in this place? [056-3] : Zenki, why's that? ZENKI : How should I know... [056-4] Figure1 : ((appears with the other three)) Hahaha... You cannot leave here, even though you've killed him... Chiaki : What!? [056-5] : They are Amon's...? [057-1] Figure2 : Zenki! This is a place created by us... Figure3 : We have been waiting for this chance for a long time... Figure4 : Try this castle we have created! [057-2] Chiaki : What? We still have to beat them in order to get out? ((ZENKI remains emotionless.)) [End of Chapter 2, Part 3.]