Copyright Kikuhide Tani. ***Summary of Kishin Douji ZENKI manga book 1 - Chapter 2, Part 1.*** Version 2. August 23, 1999. (Version 1 - July 27th, 1998) Translated by: Yui-chan Edited by: Washuu-chan CHAPTER 2: CHAPTER OF THE GREAT PRIEST AMON PART 1: DEMON LORD RELEASING IMPRECATION ((Jukai is making his way back to the Enno Shrine after having seen Zenki for the first time.)) [120-1] Jukai : Zenki has been awakened... [120-2] : Just as my sister predicted... ((Jukai recalls a conversation with his sister, Saki.)) [120-3] Saki : Jukai... [120-4] : In Chiaki's time, Zenki may be awakened. And if I am not here anymore... [120-5] : Please teach Chiaki. [121-1] : ((handing him a bound document)) And save this until then. [121-2] : When the time comes, and Chiaki has the power to be a priestess, please give it to her. Jukai : But sister... ((He snaps back into reality.)) [121-4] Jukai : The time has come sooner than predicted, though... [121-5] : ((holding the document)) Chiaki isn't mature enough yet. Shall I give this to her? ...I have to check. ((Meanwhile, the crescent moon shines over the Enno Shrine.)) [121-7] Chiaki : Hey! Zenki! Wait!! [122-1] : ((pinning him to the floor)) Gotcha!! Zenki : Damnit! [122-3] Chiaki : ((catching whiff of him)) Eww! You stink! You haven't had a bath in over 1000 years right? [122-4] : ((pulling at his clothes)) Take this off, let me wash it!! I can't stand ordering around a stinky thing like you! [122-5] Zenki : Let go, girl!! It's a part of my body, you can't take it off! [123-1] Chiaki : Oh, yah... He's not a human being... [123-2] : But... If he goes into the bath like this... He'll get the water all dirty... [123-3] : !! ((has an idea)) ((Chiaki chucks Zenki into the washing machine.)) [123-5] Zenki : Wha...What are you trying to do? Chiaki : Just wash you a little! [123-6] : ((pressing the start button)) Don't worry! [123-7] Zenki : Hey! It's moving? What is this!? My eyes--!! [123-8] Chiaki : ((soaking in the bath)) He's gonna be clean after I'm done. Then I'll have to find a way to command him, and then everything will be OK! ((Outside Shikigami-cho, a shape tries to fly through the main gate. It is stopped by an unseen force.)) [124-5] Amon : What is this? [124-6] : It's been warded to prevent the entry of us Great Masters? [126-7] : Che! No matter... ((Amon summons a "puppet" to stand in the force field and take the shock. He opens the creature's body and walks through safely to the other side.)) [128-2] Amon : The Great Masters' most powerful enemy... Zenki, he is awake. [128-3] : Before you become an obstacle... [128-4] : With my puppets, I will kill you!! ((The main gate of the city crumbles and then collapses.)) [129-2] Chiaki : ((getting out of the bath)) That sure felt good! [129-4] : ((going to the washer)) Oops, I forgot about Zenki... [130-1] Zenki : ((in a clean, crumpled mess)) Aye-yea... You... You... [130-2] Chiaki : HAHAHA! Look at you! ((Someone opens the bathroom door and Chiaki is startled.)) [130-4] Jukai : Chiaki, are you in here? [130-5] Chiaki : What? Oh, old monk! You scared me... What is it? [130-6] Jukai : Nothing. It's that I have to tell you something, and I could hear you in here laughing. [130-7] : But... [130-8] : You know, your body looks like my sister's when she was young. Chiaki : !!! ((realizing she's naked)) ((Chiaki administers a thwapping.)) [131-1] Jukai : Ow-Ow-Ow... Chiaki : Even my grandmother's brother... You shouldn't be looking at me, you old pervert! [131-2] Jukai : ((becomes serious)) Chiaki, where's Zenki? [131-3] Chiaki : Huh... [131-5] : How did you...? Jukai : You really thought I had no idea about it? [131-6] : Put some clothes on, I've got something to tell you. Bring Zenki, too. [131-7] : ((leaving)) I'll be waiting. Chiaki : ......... [131-8] : He looked serious... ((Meanwhile, standing just outside the stairs to the Enno Shrine, Amon can feel Zenki's presence, but cannot enter the area due to warding charms. He tries to use a "better charm" of his own to break past them. His attack starts off a "booby trap" of sorts, and 8 twisted, warping gates appear before him.)) [132-1] Amon : The Eight Gates. Five lead to Hell, two to Death, and only one will take me to the real end. [132-2] : Only Ozuno could have enough power to set this up. But one MUST lead to the shrine! [132-3] : Maybe I can't do it myself, but I can use this... [132-4] : Go! My puppets!! ((Amon sends out 8 "puppets," one through each Gate.)) [133-1] Amon : Find the true path... [133-4] : And kill Zenki!! ((At this time, Chiaki and Zenki have come to see Jukai. They duke it out for a bit.)) [134-1] Zenki : Let me go, Girl!! [134-2] : Dare to put me in that weird box that makes me go upside down and feel sick! Let me go!! [134-3] Chiaki : ((brandishing the Bracelet of Protection menacingly)) Shut up, Zenki!! Zenki : Ack! [134-4] Chiaki : ((smacks him)) Can't you be quiet? Zenki : Ouch! What are you doing!? [134-5] Jukai : ......... [134-6] : ((bows)) Zenki, I am very sorry. Chiaki is still young, please forgive her rudeness. [134-7] Chiaki : Huh? [134-8] Jukai : I am her grandmother's brother, Jukai Enno. Zenki : Che! So you're Ozuno's descendant, too? [135-1] Chiaki : Hey, old monk! You don't have to be polite to him. He's different from what the stories say, he's a mean little booger! [135-2] Jukai : HEEEY--!! [135-3] : If you speak to Ozuno-sama's former demon with an attitude like this, you can never become a great priestess! [135-4] : My ancestors have passed down this legend... [135-5] : The when evil strikes, the light from the Bracelet of Protection will call forth the demon lord, Zenki. He has been awakened to combat all evil. [135-6] : Chiaki, Zenki... You must work together to destroy the evil! [136-1] Zenki : Me? Fight evil with her? No way!! [136-2] Chiaki : ((pounding on Zenki)) I'm your master! Hear that!? Zenki : No! Hear what!? [136-3] Jukai : ......... [136-4] : With your attitude, I cannot give you my sister's manuscript from Ozuno-sama. [136-5] Chiaki : Ozuno-sama's manuscript...? [136-6] Jukai : Yes, to release the restraints on Zenki's power! It describes the spell to transform Zenki to his original form, and then back into his child form. [136-7] Chiaki : WHAT!? Zenki : WHAT!? ((Outside, one of Guren's puppets gets through the Gate successfully.)) [137-5] Chiaki : Really? That's the spell I was looking for! The old monk has it, no wonder I couldn't find it! [137-6] Zenki : You're kidding! Ozuno, that old bag! Making me protect humans... [137-7] : ((lunges at Jukai)) Where's the manuscript!? Give it here, or I'll...! [137-8] Jukai : But, Zenki, you don't... [137-9] Zenki : Nonsense! I've done it by myself before without it! ((Zenki digs his nails into Jukai's face.)) [138-1] Jukai : Yes, when your anger reaches a certain point, even Ozuno's power can't do anything with it. But that the power of your anger can break your seal... it was just a coincidence! [138-2] : See how angry you are now? You still can't break the seal! [138-3] Zenki : What... [138-4] Chiaki : ((pulling Zenki off Jukai)) Yeah, Zenki! Zenki : Dah! [138-5] Chiaki : Where's the manuscript, old monk? Just give it to me! [138-6] Jukai : NO!! You lack something of a great priestess!! [139-1] Chiaki : But... What is it? Jukai : You must discover that for yourself. When you figure it out, then I will let you see the manuscript. [139-2] Zenki : Haha! Even if you had it, you wouldn't be able to use it! [139-3] : ((gets punched by Chiaki)) WAH! [139-4] : You dare! Chiaki : Shut up! I can control you even without the manuscript! Jukai : ......... ((Zenki becomes alert and still all of a sudden.)) [139-6] Chiaki : What is it? Why are you so quiet? ((They spot something hiding nearby.)) [139-8] Zenki : You! How long do you want to hide in there? Come out here! [140-1] Chiaki : !! ((A human-bodied monster with a sharp, mask-like face, flies out of the darkness toward them.)) [140-2] Monster : Hahaha... It would seem you actually have some ability... [140-3] Chiaki : A human!? Zenki : Che! That's no human... That's the form of a demon! [140-4] Jukai : A... demon!? A demon, a source of evil, got through Ozuno- sama's magic... [140-5] Monster : Zenki, the one who rips through evil... A child like you... I can kill you easily! [140-6] Zenki : Oh, really! I'll show you my true power!! ((Zenki screams with rage and charges the monster.)) [141-2] Zenki : RETURN TO MY ORIGINAL FORM!! [141-3] Chiaki : Zenki! Get angry and kill that monster! ((He strikes the monster, with no effect.)) [141-6] Zenki : What!? I'm not mad enough? [141-7] Monster : Heh heh heh... It's no use if that's the best you can do. Is this the mighty Zenki's power? ((The monster transforms into a giant moth-like creature.)) [142-1] Monster : Now it's your turn to see MY power!! ((It punches Zenki and sends him flying into a wall.)) [143-2] Chiaki : Zenki!? Jukai : No... [143-3] : They cannot defeat the demon without the manuscript... [143-4] Chiaki : Zenki! What are you doing? Get mad and return to your true form! [143-5] Monster : Be silenced, child!! ((With his wings, the monster creates a gale force that sends Chiaki and Jukai flying out of the shrine building. Chiaki is stopped in mid-flight by a tree, and Jukai lands on the ground nearby.)) [144-4] Zenki : ((getting back to his feet)) Just a moth... [144-5] Monster : "Moth"? I have been given incredible power by my great master! [144-6] : Just like you... No! Far better than you. [144-7] : Learn your fate! Zenki!! ((The monster shoots several large stingers at Zenki. Five pierce his body-- his knee, his hand, both shoulders, and his stomach--and pin him to a wall that way.)) [145-1] Chiaki : Ze- Zenki!? [145-2] Zenki : AAAHH!! [145-3] Monster : Hahaha... Is this the Zenki of legend... [145-4] Zenki : Don't you dare... Look down on me!! [145-5] Monster : A pitiful fool without any power... Time to finish this!! [145-6] Jukai : Chi- Chiaki... Zenki and we might all die if nothing is done... [145-7] : ((handing her a document)) Therefore, it cannot be helped... Use the manuscript!! [146-1] Chiaki : Really? Old monk!! ((Chiaki enthusiastically opens the manuscript, and a look of terror sweeps over her face as she sees that on the manuscript is written...)) [146-4] Chiaki : N...Nothing!? [146-5] Jukai : *Chiaki cannot read it without Ozuno's approval... He still does not feel she is worthy...* [146-6] Zenki : Damnit! I can still change back to my demon form without the manuscript!! [146-7] Monster : She has the manuscript to turn you back into a demon god? [147-1] : ((firing at Chiaki)) Then I will kill her first... ((The beam of energy flies at Chiaki, and she ducks to protect herself, closing her eyes. When she opens them again and she has not been hit, she sees that Jukai put himself between her and the shot, taking it in the shoulder!)) [147-6] Jukai : Chiaki... run! Zenki and you won't be hurt now. [147-7] : ((charging Monster)) I'll get this monster, even at the risk of my life! Run away with Zenki, and take the manuscript! [147-8] Chiaki : ((stopping Jukai)) NO!! Jukai : !! [148-1] Chiaki : ((crying)) Telling me to watch you get killed... While I escape... I can't do it!! [148-2] Monster : ((firing at Jukai)) You want to fight me, Old Monk? ((Jukai tries to protect himself with a charm he carries, but it does no good. Chiaki cries out to him and throws herself between the energy shots and Jukai, knocking him down. The energy shots all happen to pass harmlessly through loose-hanging parts of her clothing, missing every vital limb. The monster does not notice this, though.)) [148-7] Zenki : ((shocked and worried)) !! Stupid girl!! [149-1] Monster : That shall silence them... ((forming another energy blast)) Zenki! Now it is your turn. [149-2] Zenki : ((pulling at the spike in his stomach with his one free hand)) Damn you!! When I pull these out, I'll kill you!! [149-3] Chiaki : No... I won't let them be killed... [149-4] : Old monk and Zenki; I won't let either die... [149-5] : Since I can't see the manuscript, I'll use my own powers, taught to be by Grandma. I will fight you, Moth, and kill you!! ((Her tears fall on the manuscript which she still clutches tightly in one fist. Suddenly, the form of Enno Ozuno appears, along with the missing contents of the manuscript!)) [150-3] Ozuno : Child... You have shown me your true heart. You may use my manuscript, now. I shall teach you how to use it! [150-4] Chiaki : The manuscript! It's showing! [150-5] Jukai : ((crying)) *Chiaki... She finally understands... The heart a great priest must have, the heart of righteousness. Magic must be used to save people, not for selfish purposes!* [150-6] Chiaki : *The thing I lacked was the heart to fight for others...* ((Moth Monster finds this all terribly boring. Finally, he shoots that blast of energy he was building at Zenki, and Zenki screams out as it comes too close.)) [151-3] Jukai : Is it... Is it too late?? Chiaki : Ze...Zenki--!! ((The shrine explodes from the force of the blast. Chiaki and Jukai, who were already outside, are safe. The monster hovers overhead, laughing. And Zenki is nowhere to be seen.)) [152-2] Monster : Hahaha... The Legendary Demon God was killed by me! [152-3] Chiaki : You really think so, huh? Monster : What? ((In a beam of light from the Bracelet of Protection, Zenki charges forth, seemingly from within the Bracelet.)) [152-7] Monster : The child... She can control Zenki!! [153-1] Chiaki : You got it! And I won't let you kill Zenki! [153-2] Zenki : Stay out of it, Shrine Girl! I can handle him myself... Chiaki : Retard! You can't win like this! ((Chiaki takes the manuscript and begins to read it. The monster can feel its power before she even finishes, and so decides he must attack her before she's gone too far with it and released Zenki's true form. Just as he swipes it from her, the jewel on Zenki's forehead glows, but Chiaki cries out that she didn't complete the spell. Something cuts off the hand of the monster holding the manuscript though -- it is the Diamond Horn of Vajra!)) [157-1] ZENKI : THE GREAT DEMON LORD ZENKI STANDS BEFORE YOU!! [158-1] Monster : Wh-What? You were the little brat!! [158-2] ZENKI : Now this... Is my true form!! [158-3] Monster : Damnit! Hand, take the manuscript that way! ((The monster's hand transforms into a smaller moth and flies away into the night with part of the manuscript.)) [158-6] Chiaki : No... [158-7] : The rest... Jukai : The second half was taken! [158-8] ZENKI : Haha... That's OK. The part to release my powers was completed. [159-1] : Now, then... I shall kill you, Moth! [159-2] Monster : Stop your bragging!! [159-3] : ((shooting a large blast at ZENKI)) DIE! ZENKI!! ((ZENKI throws his arms in front of himself to block, grinning evilly. The monster doubles his attack, and seemingly overcomes ZENKI. Above him, though, the Demon Lord reappears, landing on top of him and tearing out his wings. Finally, enraged by the embarrassment of being pinned on the wall before, ZENKI runs the Moth through with the Diamond Horn of Vajra, creating a spectacular vortex of light and dark, in which the monster is consumed. This leaves behind a nice big crater in the earth.)) [165-5] Chiaki : ((wide-eyed)) The ground... again... Jukai : ((similar)) Zenki's power is scary... [166-1] ZENKI : ((holding a Seed)) HA! Some lowest-class, human-controlled thing thought it could defeat me? [166-2] Chiaki : ((while ZENKI wolfs down his Seed)) Idiot! Think about a strategy next time... [166-3] Voice : ::Haha... Zenki...:: [166-4] : Today was just a small test... Next time, things will be different. ZENKI : Who are you!? Show yourself! [166-5] Jukai : The sound is from somewhere far away... [166-6] Voice : ::Hahaha...:: [167-1] : ::My name is Amon. Remember it. I am the one who can control demons, and who wants your life.:: ((Amon disappears, laughing.)) [167-4] Chiaki : ...... [167-5] : ((angry)) He shouldn't have been able to get into town... [167-6] ZENKI : It doesn't matter... I'm back to my true form, and I'll kill them all!! [168-1] Chiaki : *It is good, but... I can't turn him back into a kid...* ((The jewel on ZENKI's forehead beeps suddenly, kicks up a lot of dust, which when cleared, leaves behind the miniature demon lord!)) [168-4] Zenki : This...!? Chiaki : ((jumping happily)) Yay! He's back to a kid! [168-5] Jukai : Hmm... It's because the spell was only half performed... [168-6] Chiaki : Seems like your power will be sealed back up after there's no threat of evil! [168-7] Zenki : ((angry)) Wh... What the... I have to... look like this again... [169-1] Chiaki : ((patting him on the head)) Isn't it great? Before you can fight the monster, you need to depend on me and the manuscript! [169-2] Zenki : Then... I can't become a demon lord without you... [169-3] Chiaki : Of course not! So you'll have to protect me and prevent evil in the world! Zenki : ((shaking mad)) What... What the hell!? ((Zenki chases after Chiaki and tries to get the manuscript from her.)) [169-4] Zenki : I hate being commanded by humans!! I'm gonna tear that damn thing up!! Chiaki : Too bad, Zenki! I already memorized it-- Jukai : ...... [169-5] : ((worry, concern, and lots of sweatdrops)) *Do we really have to depend on them to fight the evil? I can't help but worry...* [End of Chapter 2, Part 1.]