* Yuu Yuu Hakusho Translation * * Volume 1: So long, world! * * Chapter three: Time to begin! * [After receiving Reikai's edict to be able to have a chance at revival, his Yuusuke's comotose body, heart still beating, was put under his mother and Keiko's care, sleeping peacefully.] Yuusuke: ... Atsuko: He looks like he's only sleeping. Keiko: ... Atsuko: Heh, and the doctors said it was impossible! It's true, he's still breathing now. (Yuusuke sleeps away...) Atsuko: In a state like this, he could either awaken now... or, on the other hand, continue this way forever... But I firmly believe he'll wake up soon. He must have disturbed you much when I was out drunk. Heh. Keiko: ... But to be very honest, I have no confidence at all. Now that I think about it... it could be just a dream after all... Atsuko: Relax! Have more confidence in yourself! It can't be so coincidental! Keiko: ... Okay! (she leaves the house) Yuusuke: What's up with her! Still suspicious after hearing me herself? I'll go pass on another dream to her! Botan: Oh! So your last words to her is that you'd want to see her again? Yuusuke: That's right! Scare her again! Botan: Okay! I've got it. Yuusuke: Eh? Last words? Botan: Actually, today's the day you leave the both of them. Yuusuke: What... WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Doesn't that mean I'm really dead? Botan: YA! Hold it! Don't get so agitated! (she holds up a book) Botan: Before you revive, you can't talk with her! It's in the rules! The rules! Yuusuke: Rules? Botan: Right! The one taking the test cannot, in his test period communicate with any of his close ones in the Ningenkai through spiritual methods. Today's the last day of communication! Yuusuke: You should have told me earlier! Botan: Okay! *But with a personality like yours, you won't want to say anything till the last minute.* Yuusuke: Then... how can I talk with her? When she's asleep? Botan: If you do that, she'll probably think it's a dream again won't she? Therefore, this time... you need to borrow someone's body to greet Keiko. Only like this can you talk with her. Yuusuke: I see! So I just need to possess someone's body isn't it? Anybody's eligible? Botan: No! The candidate's already been decided. A friend of yours who's got the highest rei (spirit) power. Yuusuke: A friend... is there such a person? [ZOKUT] Kuwabara: ... Bald friend: ? Fat friend: Kuwabara-san, what's up? Kuwabara: ... Suddenly I feel very cold. Fat friend: Eh? Did you catch a cold? Bald boy: Could it be... 'that thing'? Kuwabara: Ah... such hair-raising feelings... can't be anything good! *It either means I'll see someone being possessed or the soul of a bloody and mad woman chasing me around!* Fat friend: What's going on? Bald boy: Kuwabara-san's rei power is stronger than the normal human being! Fat friend: Eh... ? Yuusuke: Surprise! What a surprise! Kuwabara: It's behind me now... it must be one of those low-classed fox or monkey spirits. Yuusuke: Who are you talking about! (addresses Botan) Are you crazy? I'm supposed to possess the body of an idiot like him? Botan: It's okay if you don't want to. It doesn't matter. Yuusuke: ... ~~~ Botan: So you're going to do it? Kuwabara: Woah! Fat friend: What's wrong? (something hits Kuwabara in the background) Fat friend: Kuwabara-san? Bald boy: Is he dead? Friends: OEI! Kuwabara-san! Botan: Okay! You can enter now! The time limit is 30 minutes! Once the limit passes, his body will become incompatible. Yuusuke: It's almost evening now. (he enters Kuwabara's body) Bald boy: Woah? Fat friend: He's awake! (Kuwabara runs away) Friends: Ah! Kuwabara-san! Kuwabara: At a time like this, she should be helping out at home! (a house comes close: Yukimura restaurant) Kuwabara: Uncle! Aunty! Is Keiko here? Uncle: ... What do you want? Kuwabara: Something urgent! Where's Keiko? Aunty: Somewhere to shop? Uncle: And who're you? A school friend? Kuwabara: It's me! I'm Yuusuke! Which shop did she go to do her shopping? Uncle and Aunty: What... Uncle: Hey hey hey! You rotten little boy! Yuusuke wouldn't be as ugly as you! And he's DEAD! Aunty: Don't play such senseless jokes on us! IDIOT! Kuwabara: Wait, uncle, aunty! Let me explain! *Looks like I've got no time to explain... they wouldn't want to listen anyway!* (runs out) Kuwabara: Darn, should I try searching every single shop now? Boy: Hey, stop there! Aren't you Kuwabara from Sarayashiki Middle school? Spike haired punk: You've been pretty cocky lately! Kuwabara: Shut up! I'm not Kuwabara now! Get outta my way! [both angry and agitated] Boy: What're you talking about? Let's have a duel! Come on! Kuwabara: I said GO AWAY! Piece of trash! (after a while...) Kuwabara: Darn! Waste of time! Kuwabara's been pretty much beating everybody up lately. [There were 2-3 more groups looking for a fight just now.] Kuwabara: ! *Aren't those the girls who were always with Keiko?* Hey! Both of you! Girls: ? Kuwabara: Hey! Wait a minute! Don't run! Girls: YAAAAA! YAAAAA - ! Kuwabara: ~~~~ ... *Darn! This won't do! Even if I find Keiko I won't have time to explain! And I have no confidence that she'll believe me either!* Keiko: Eh? Where're they? Kuwabara: *Ke... Keiko! Darnation! How to tell her? It's Kuwabara's body now, there's no use saying it anyway!* (the sun was setting) Kuwabara: *There's no time! Isn't there anyway else to let her know it's me? There should be! Quick! Quick!* Girl 1: Guess who? Girl 2: Ugh... is it Itou? Kuwabara: (snaps) *That's it! This is the only way! And only applicable on Keiko... my original creation!* Keiko! Keiko: ! Kuwabara: (as he reaches out to fondle her breasts) Guess who I am? Keiko: You... (turns around, gives Kuwabara a gigantic slap) Keiko: ... IDIOT YUUSUKE! !? Ah... wrong guy? Kuwabara: No! It's me! I'm Yuusuke! That HURT! Keiko: Yuusuke... !? Kuwabara: *That idea sure went well!* Keiko: ... double vision... ? Are you... really Yuusuke? Kuwabara: Listen! Don't doubt! Believe me! I was beaten up by your Dad, beaten up by people on the streets and I've had enough! Keiko! At least YOU should believe me! Keiko: No way I can't believe... no one except you behave in such an idiotic way! *The way you talk and your talking idiosyncrasies... It's the Yuusuke I've known for years...* (starts to tear) Kuwabara: U! Hold it! Cry later after I've left! Keiko: ... But, what's this? (points at Kuwabara's body) Kuwabara: There are lots of reasons! I didn't choose to possess this guy! I had no choice at all! (the sun prepares to set) Kuwabara: Ah! I'm dead! There's no time to explain! Keiko: But why? Where're you going? Kuwabara: I... need to leave this fellow's body! Before my soul returns to the body, my close ones in the Ningenkai... anyway, I think the rules state that I can't communicate with your or my mom. Therefore... Yuusuke: ... I'll be perfectly frank with you! (grins) Yuusuke: I'll be back! Have faith... and wait for me! Keiko: ... I'll... I'll wait for you... (throws herself into Kuwabara's arms) Keiko: ... until... forever... (darkness) Botan: Has it ended? Yuusuke: Hm? Yup! Botan: Is that so? Then it's all up to you now. Yuusuke: I must go back. I've promised her. If I can really return, then I'll never do another bad deed again. Botan: ... That's a very good idea. Kuwabara: ... ?? Botan: If you can keep to that promise, there'll be no problems at all. Yuusuke: Okay! *But I don't think fighting's a bad deed...* Kuwabara: *What the... -* Keiko: ::sob sob:: END TRANSLATION 12/1/99 (c) 1991 Togashi Yoshihiro Translation: fwah@geocities.com