-pg41- Tale #58 A pair of indigo marks -pg43- Alpha But you see, I just don't think that would taste very good. Sensei Me neither. ...... -pg44- Sensei There is one thing... Alpha Yes? Sensei Somehow, this moment right now... It feels as if I'm talking to one of my old classmates. Though the days when I was in school feel like a dream. Alpha Heh..... -pg45- Alpha I... don't know if I really can compare with that, but... It does feel... Nice. -pg46- Sensei Now that I think about it, you and I... Seems more like relatives than anything else. Alpha Y... Yeah, that's it! -pg47- Alpha Hang on a minute. I'll fetch a refill. Sensei Thank you. -pg50- Alpha1 Haven't seen you in a while, board two chairman. Chairman Ooh, Al-san! Alpha1 Do you mind? Chairman Make yourself at home. I'm always glad for a visit from the room head. -pg51- Alpha1 What's that? Chairman Monitoring sea water. This year there looks to be some heavy rain on the coast. Alpha1 Is this sea very far? Chairman Wonder if it will rain. Here. Have some tea. Alpha1 Thanks. -pg52- Alpha1 ...... -pg53- Chairman What an unusual necklace. Is it some sort of charm? Alpha1 Mm? Oh... This. -pg54- Alpha1 It was a gift, long ago, when I was down there... ...... I think... The meaning was something like "Wander and see the world." Chairman .......... Hmmm..... -pg55- Chairman Well. I guess that's exactly what we're doing. Alpha1 Yep... -pg56- Tale #58: Closing