-pg1- Tale #55 White Sky -pg2- Alpha I dreamt I was flying through the air. I've had this dream before, and I'm always so high up. -pg3- Alpha I don't know why, but my hands turn into wings. I don't know if there's any great meaning to these wings when I'm flying in the dream, but... It's...probably...I think it's because I think that to row "I need wings to fly in the sky." -pg4- Alpha The sky is so quiet, with only a gentle breeze. -p5- Alpha There's a person on the road. -pg6- Alpha It's Takahiro. He sees me, doesn't he? -pg7- Alpha (!) (Yawn) -pg8- Takahiro Alpha, uh... Alpha Mm? Takahiro Last time I came this way... This white thing came wooshing-- Alpha N-not another scary story! Tale #55: Closing