-pg89- Tale #50 Water Clock -pg90- Takahiro My aunt bought us swimsuits at the southern town. Makki came too. Makki was in her suit almost the second she got home. She went off to the sea alone. -pg91- Takahiro But the sounds in the inlet told her it was nearly evening. They were sort of creepy. She went home after less than ten minutes. At the place where the river narrows, She was crossing the bridge. -pg92- Takahiro Suddenly, something stood up beside her. It's the second time Makki had met the Misago. -pg93- Takahiro She couldn't move at all. Scary faceless man Makki-chan, what up. -pg94- Alpha Hunh. So Makki-chan's been the one seeing the Misago these days. Takahiro ...... Mm....... Yeah....... -pg95- Alpha By the way... How is she? Takahiro Makki? No different. Never seems to care about anything. Noisy. Alpha Ah ha! She's a strong one, that girl! .... Takahiro .... The Misago.... Alpha .... -pg96- Takahiro The Misago... I wonder if Makki-chan is one of the "children she wants to meet"... And I'm not. Alpha ..... Maybe so. -pg97- Takahiro ..... Alpha Because Makki-chan has met her... And you....well, if you were still a child, maybe you could still see the Misago. -pg98- Takahiro ....... Alpha ...... You're getting pretty big, aren't you? -pg99- Takahiro Hmm.... I guess so. But, you know... I keep feeling like she's this close. If I try and think... It isn't quite like the first time I met her... But it is close. -pg100- Alpha By surprise, wasn't it? Maybe it's always like that. Takahiro Mm, like with Ayase... Alpha Yeah... And I'm sure it was with Makki-chan. -pg101- Takahiro I just wish I'd really met her more than once... I wish I could at least say "Yo!" I hope it isn't yet written in stone... That I can never see her. -pg103- Takahiro ...... -pg104- Takahiro I guess time passes for each of us.... Never stopping. Tale #50: Closing