-pg137- Tale #53 Sensei's mark -pg140- Ojisan Sempai! You came! I'm afraid I couldn't find the blue paint! -pg141- Sensei Ah...too bad. Ojisan So what's on the slate for today? Sensei Thought we'd decorate this a little. Ojisan Eh!? It's still not done? After all this time, it's a work of art! -pg142- Ojisan I mean, it would be normally... I wouldn't be surprised if that was on the cutting edge of... Sensei ....... It's fine! I said I'm gonna do it, so I will! Ojisan Un-hunh... But... Sensei But what? Is there a problem? Ojisan No, nothing. -pg143- Sensei Aright, this one's good. Ultramarine... I dig this color. Ojisan I could've guessed, You'd pick that paint. Sensei So now all I need's something to draw with... The best! -pg144- Sensei Yokay. Ojisan ....... Wha's zat? Sensei Heh heh heh. At school...the art teacher had us do cloisonne ware. I thought this mark, and made it into a pendant. It's my mark... Ojisan Ah ha. -pg145- Ojisan It's nice and abstract. I like it. I'm impressed you haven't forgotten a design from high school... What? I say something stupid? Sensei Nope; you got it right. Somehow. -pg146- Sensei This...is "That which makes men happy to see walk by." And so in sketching it on my bike...then it's something...that anyone can see. Ojisan ....... Ahh. -pg147- Ojisan I...thought it was....the "Ko" in your family name, Koumiishi. Sensei Ah. It does look a bit like that. Mm, that's it too. -pg148- Sensei Since my bike was first started, it has been around the world ten times. -pg149- Sensei I'd like to be there to see how far it can go. -pg152- Sensei To see how far it can go. Tale #53: Closing