Wedding Peach Tankoubon Six Second Chapter Disclaimer: This translation is meant as a guide for those who wish to read the manga. Please don't steal this translation or do anything illegal with it. Please don't use this for commercial use or sell it, etc. >.< Another note is that I am translating with Japanese One basic knowledge- there are very well mistakes in this. I welcome all help/corrections. Arigatou, minna. Sore ja! -Meimi Translation by Meimi ( %thoughts (side notes) [narration] $flashbacks ------------------------------------------------------------ pg 41 Viento: Potamosu... pg 42 Viento: I told you not to lay a hand on Peach... Potamosu: N...but... Scarlet: A...amazing demonic power...I've never seen Hate Waves like this... Yuri: We're going to get flattened by them...don't get close...!! Blacky: (Eeeek...) Potamosu: But...Viento, you're...Viento, you can't do this... pg 43 Viento: What's going to happen now that you've made me angry... ?! Momoko: Yousuke....Yousuke, I wanted to see you...!! pg 44 Viento: You let go. Momoko: Yousuke...? Viento: You're's because of the Hate Waves coming from me. You can't...get near me. Momoko: No... No, that can't be!! Viento: !! pg 45 Momoko: As long as I'm with Yousuke, everything is fine! Hate Waves...don't matter... So...I'll be by your side...!! Viento: Momoko... Yuri: Fuuma-kun's dropping...! Hinagiku: What?! Potamosu: ... pg 46 Potamosu: Peach...!! Viento: !! Uragaano: So someone born and raised in the Human World...can't be a true Devil after all. Too bad. pg 47 Scarlet: Uragaano! Wedding Beautiful Flower!! Uragaano: ...hmph. pg 48 Uragaano: I'll fight you later! Jamapii: (Piii!) Salvia: (Ooh...) Uragaano: No more disturbances...Viento and Wedding Peach. pg 49 Viento: UWAAAAAAAAAA! Momoko: Yousuke!! Uragaano: You've lost your Hate can't defend against my power this way. Leave the Love Angel to stand's the only way to save yourself. Viento: ... Potamosu: % Viento... pg 50 Momoko: Let go! Let go of me and run! You'll DIE...!! Potamosu: % Viento...Viento is... Viento: SHUT UP! ...I couldn't do that! Stay quiet!! Potamosu: % His own life instead of Peach's... Potamosu: Why... pg 51 Potamosu: Why Peach? Angel and...a Devil... Uragaano: you can't work against your human blood. Moved by trivial emotions... DIE!! Potamosu: !! pg 52 Uragaano: ! Potamosu: % Viento... pg 53 Viento: Potamosu?! Potamosu: ....Viento... Viento: Wh...why... Potamosu: ...I really...don't know....but... pg 54 Potamosu: But it would be awful if you connected with Peach... If alive...then I thought...that would be...good. Potamosu: % I love you... Viento: Ah... pg 55 Salvia: The Devil...she sacrificed herself?! Momoko: % Potamosu...Potamosu, she really did l... Uragaano: Foolish. If Viento had been standing just a few moments longer, you would have fallen to your death... Viento: ... Uragaano... pg 56 Momoko: Yo...Yousuke? Viento: Don't touch me!! Get down!! Momoko: KYAAA! Ooh! Lily: Momoko! Jamapii: (Peach-chama!) Viento: So, meeting the Queen... Your plan was to backstab me all along, huh. That...doesn't matter now... pg 57 Momoko: Yousuke... Momoko: % Hate Waves again...his power!! Viento: You're the only one I won't let live!! Uragaano: Hmph... pg 58 Momoko: KYAA! Jamapii: Hurry! Run away, pii! They're omitting this much power, pii! They're huge, you'll die, pii! Momoko: Saying that...but none of us can move!! Jamapii: PIIIII! pg 59 Momoko: ! Lily: Limone-sama!! Limone: should have let me in on this. pg 60 Lily: Limone-sama, but your wounds... (Ooh...) Limone: You have always been more important. And... I can't lose you...all of you... Thank goodness I was in time... Lily: Limone-sama... Momoko: YOUSUKE! pg 61 Limone: You can't go out there.'s a storm of power...I can't let you get hurt. Momoko: B...but... Limone: I've finally managed to protect us from it...those two can't see anything anymore, except each other as opponents. Momoko: N-no! I can't watch Yousuke kill his own father! pg 62 Momoko: I can't do that!! Limone: Peach! Momoko: Wedding Beautiful Flower! Peach: % Yousuke... pg 63 Peach: % Yousuke may be a Devil, but that doesn't change anything. % Kind, warm Yousuke... % Killing his own father... Peach: Ooh... Peach: % He can't!! Peach: Yousuke! Viento: Momoko?! Peach: Stop... Uragaano: pg 64 Viento: Momoko! Peach: Yousuke... Stop trying to kill him...! He's your father! The person your mother has always been waiting for!! Viento: ...that's why...I'll kill him. So that she won't know...the guy she's waiting for has this identity... Peach: YOU'RE WRONG! You can't do that! Your mother believes in this person! Surely...surely...his real heart is... Just like the loved one's that I believe in... Viento: Momoko... Uragaano: Typical of Celeste's daughter. Bringing down Viento's Hate Waves in only a moment... pg 65 Uragaano: Let me thank you!! Peach: UWAAAA! Limone: Peach! Uragaano: The rest of you are next!! Limone: Ooh... pg 66 Viento: Mo...Momoko... Peach: Ow... Uragaano:'s over, huh, Viento. Viento: Ooh... Peach: Why? The person that Yousuke's mother thought of like that... The person who was embracing Yousuke with such kind eyes... Uragaano: Trivial emotions are a thing of the past. Before I knew who I really was. pg 67 Uragaano: Start crying and pleading for your life now. Have any more meangingless words of love...? Peach: ...I have only one thing to say. Realize your "True Self"...!! Uragaano: What? Viento: Quit it. This is his identity! He tricked Mom... Peach: You're wrong! The person your mother loved was the real him!! A loved one's true form...true heart...knowing that!! If you truly love someone from your heart... pg 68 Peach: The person your mother spoke of...was a very kind person... Mother: % Both of them are my treasures... Peach: Just like you, Yousuke! Uragaano: ?! Uragaano: % When Peach said Viento: Mom... Mother: % Yousuke, your father...was kind, and wonderful...Yousuke, % your father was... Uragaano: Y...YOU'RE TRICKING ME...!! pg 69 Peach: % I believe in that person... % That Yousuke's mother loved...! Peach: My ring!! Uragaano: What?! This light... pg 70 Mother: $ I came to visit you again! $ Remembered anything? $ Hey, someday your memory will come back... $ I wonder...if you'll always be with me... Uragaano: % This is... Lily: What's this light...?! Limone: The ring answered Peach' towards those two. Salvia: % The ring reacted to love towards a Devil?! Salvia: But that can't be...! pg 71 Viento: The light disappeared! The darkness... Uragaano: Rein Devilla-sama... Devilla: To be led astray by a Love Angel... Uragaano. You disappoint me...