The Wanderer, vol. 1 by Kakinouchi Narumi Horror Comics Special/ Akita Shoten 1996 Translation by Emily Horner *A lot of characters in this speak the dialect of Japanese called Kansai-ben, which is spoken in the southwestern region of Japan including Osaka and Kyoto. I am pretty bad at Kansai-ben, so this translation may not quite be up to par. This manga relates to several of Kakinouchi Narumi's previous works; obviously to "Vampire Yui," and also to "Le Masque," set at the European campus of the school in the main story of this volume. Cover flap: Kodou Sei was put into a deep sleep as a vampire after getting involved in Yui's battle with a demon. Now he has awakened, and is searching for his master, Vampire Yui. Will Sei be able to see Yui again? "Kaijin Jokyoku," ("La Ouverture du Fantome," "The Phantom's Overture") tells of Sei's memories from one summer when he was still human. <> Chapter 1: Cheer Up! <> Sei : {The light when I awoke was strong. What was I doing? Where am I? And where did she go? That girl...I miss her. Her lips, when they touched my neck, were cold and warm at the same time. I want to see her.} <> --Hey, you've still got money! Hand it over! What? You want me to hit you some more? Look, your eyes are swollen. Osanai : I don't have any more. --Hey, don't cry. Your mom would be surprised if she saw you like that. <> Sei : Didn't he say he didn't have any more? --Why, you... Sei : What? You want to fight? --You'd better stop that... <> --I don't know who the hell you are, but you'd better not get in our way! Sei : What? --Damn, he's too quick! Sei : I am Kodou Sei. <> Sei : A vampire. Sei : And I'm thirsty. Should I suck your blood? <> Higashi : You've gotta be kidding! Let me go! --Higashi! <> Higashi : That hurts! Sei : Do you want me to let go? --What the hell is that? --Higashi! Sei : First, there's something I want to ask you. Sei : I'm looking for a girl. Her name is Yui. Do you know her? Higashi : I don't know her! --Let Higashi go, you monster! Higashi : No, you idiot! I'll fall! Sei : Too bad. If that's what your friend wants... Higashi : Wait! Please don't drop me! Sei : Don't worry. You'll only break a few bones. --Higashi! Higashi! --Are you OK? Sei : Are you sure you don't know Yui? <> Sei : Hey, you. Isn't that rude, running off without even saying thank you? That's why bullies pick on you. It smells like blood, but lifeless. <> Sei : Suicide? Don't waste your life... --That Kodou-kun seems kinda strange. --Yeah, but he's cute! --A transfer student? Where's that uniform from? --I dunno, but he's looking for a girl. --A girl? --Yeah...what was her name? <> Sei : Yui! --Aaah! Sei : Mizuki Yui-chan. --Oh...sorry, I don't know her. --Are you sure she's in Kansai? Sei : Yes. I can feel her. --So, what is she to you? <> Sei : My girlfriend, of course. --If she's your girlfriend, why'd she run away from you? Sei : She didn't run away from me. She had a busy destiny. --Huh? I don't get it. You really are strange. You're gonna get picked on if you stand out like that. Don't you have a school uniform yet? You wanna borrow one of mine? Sei : They can try to bully me if they like. <> --If everybody was like you, nobody'd get picked on. Sei : Ah... --What? Oh, that's Osanai. What about him? Kodou? Sei : Hi, Osanai-kun. Sei : Wait! Why are you running away? You heard me. Don't ignore me. You remember what happened yesterday, right? Osanai : How much do you need? Sei : Hey, don't think that I'm one of them! <> --Kodou! Stop it. He gets picked on by everybody, and now you too? Osanai : I just...I... --He only transfered here last month. Sei : Last month? Do you know someone named Mizuki Yui? I'm sure she came here last month. Osanai : I don't know her... <> Sei : It looked like you recognized that name! Osanai : She's not at this school. But I did see someone whose school uniform I didn't recognize. Sei : You do know her! Osanai : I don't! I never heard her last name. The only point they have in common is that her name was Yui. Sei : Oh well. At least Yui is in this area, and doing well. She was cute, wasn't she, Osanai? Osanai : I guess. Sei : What are you saying? You don't think she's cute? Come on, answer me! Was she cute? Osanai : Yeah. Sei : She sure is! Osanai : Never mind. Sei : Say it. You're really starting to get on my nerves. <> Sei : Wait! It feels like you're asking to be bullied. You're bringing it on yourself, you know. Osanai : Fine, I'll say it. She was with another guy. You want to hear about it? <> Sei : I know. She'll be safer that way. Did you think he looked like me? Osanai : It was really dark, so I couldn't see him too well, but he had very long hair. Sei : Then it really was Yui. She's here! Osanai : She saved my life. <> Osanai : I was going to try to kill myself, and... Sei : Yui wouldn't let that happen. People who do something bad like that won't get a chance to do it again. Osanai : Leave me alone. Sei : He sure is gloomy. It almost makes you want to pick on him. --But Kodou, he's not strong like you. He hasn't made any friends since he transfered here. I don't think he knows how. Sei : So he puts up a wall between himself and everyone else... it's not about whether you're strong or weak. Anyone who likes people can make friends with them, even an alien. I've got to work hard at it too... --Who is that guy? --I don't know, but he's definitely weird. He was in the air for way too long. --And there was that girl vampire before, too... <> --What, are you scared? --Who said I was scared? I won't be satisfied until I pay back that little brat. Good thing he just transferred to this school. --I wonder what's wrong with him... <> --I haven't seen him in three days. Maybe I should go check on him. I called his house, but he couldn't come to the phone, and his mom said he was scarred of something. Maybe some kids from another school are bullying him too... Sei : I wonder if Yui's at that school... There could be a demon behind this. --Kodou, this is... Sei : That idiot! <> "All I can do is die...I'm sorry, mom. I can't take it any more... I'm really sorry." --Kodou! Do you know where he is? Sei : I've got a feeling about it. {If I just search for the scent of blood... I won't let him throw away the life that Yui saved.} <> Sei : These guys aren't from my school...Sakura blossoms... Yui! <> Sei : Darn, the source is already gone. I don't want to let Yui down! Yui... Where did that idiot go? I don't have time to care about that, I might be able to find Yui now. <> Sei : Yui! Yui! <> --Did someone call my name? Higashi : Let's have some fun, boy. Sei : How dare you get in my way, when I've finally found Yui? <> Sei : I'll take care of you with a single blow! I don't have any... <> Sei : Time! <> Sei : You're way too young to think you can fight with me. I don't think people who bully those weaker than themselves deserve to live, but I don't want to suck their blood, either! <> Sei : But if Osanai dies, I'll kill you all! smells like blood. Osanai! <> Sei : Don't die! It's such a waste to die because of people like that! <> Osanai : Kodou... Sei : That's right. What are you doing? Osanai : How did you know? Sei : I said I was a vampire, didn't I? I'm sensitive to the smell of blood. This is wasteful. If you didn't want it, you could have given it to me. Osanai : You can have it all...I don't need it. There's nothing in life I enjoy any more. <> Sei : That kind of lifeless blood won't taste good at all! If you've got the courage to kill yourself, you should go beat up those guys! Osanai : You can say that, because you're strong. Nobody understands me at all. Sei : You shouldn't depend on others. If you don't want to live, you can at least go out fighting. Even if you're weak, you can do something. <> Sei : When Yui saved your life, she told you something, right? Whether you're strong or weak, you have something hidden inside you. Once you've thrown away your life, you can do anything with it. You can write a new story for yourself. Go on living. People would forget you as time passes, but your mother would always suffer. It would be a greater sin than anything else for you to die. <> Sei : I live only to chase after Yui. But that's enough for me. Osanai : Do I still have time? Sei : Of course. Cheer up. --Are you better now, Osanai? Osanai : Yes. Sensei, did Kodou leave already? --Yes, he was in quite a hurry... <> --Your paperwork is finished...but I'm surprised that your mother's letting you do this. Are you sure you want to leave school? "What do you want to do?" Osanai : {What do I want? I've never really thought about it.} Yes. I don't really know why I was going to school, but I was surprised when I really thought about what I wanted for the first time. I'd like to think about it some more. --You're going to work? Osanai : Kodou-kun told me to cheer up, and do my best. {Was he really a vampire?} <> Sei : I live only to chase after Yui... Sei : Small hands... Yui : I'm sorry, Kodou-kun. Sei : Why are you apologizing? Yui : My blood might awaken you. <> Yui : But I want to help you. Sei : Cold lips...warm blood. Yui, you're shaking. Are you crying? <> Sei : Don't cry. I'm happy that you touched me. I want to see you again... <> Sei : Yui... Hamaguchi : Did you say something, Kodou? Sei : No, it's nothing. Looking at all the girls in the choir... Hamaguchi : You only just transferred here, and already you're the idol of the school. <> Hamaguchi : "Kodou-kun, what's wrong? You look really lonely!" "If you're worried about something, talk to me! Please, don't hold anything back!" Sei : Stop in, Hamaguchi-kun. I don't need anyone but Yui. <> Hamaguchi : Is this "Yui-chan" that great? Sei : Her cold lips are the best. When she kissed the back of my neck, it felt like eternity. Well, see you later. Somebody's calling me. <> --Are you Kodou Sei? Sei : Why? It's rude to call someone you've never seen before. --Don't be impertinent. --You've got to have a pedigree to get into this school. So, how did you get in? Did you threaten the principal? <> Sei : This seems like a rich school...there's lots of stuff that can be used for blackmail. --What? Sei : I guess you find bullies no matter where you go...and I really don't like cliques. Why don't you do what you want to do? --This *is* what I want to do. Sei : You're just a flunkie. <> --Do you know the situation here? Sei : I think so. Everyone hates me, right? So what are you going to do about it? --This! Sei : {That's what I was waiting for.} Mari : Wait! <> Mari : You aren't very smart, are you? You mustn't hurt him. You'll hurt his fingers. <> Mari : You play the piano, don't you, Kodou-kun? You were great at the entrance auditions. The piano teacher accepted you to the school. Congratulations. I came to invite you to a welcome party. <> Mari : We're not going to hurt you, so you can stop calling them my flunkies. Bonjour, Kodou-kun. Welcome to the Marselinia Academy of Art, Japanese campus. I am Misono Masamichi, but you can call me Mari. It suits me better, don't you think? <> Mari : What? I'm trying to shake hands with you, and you just stand there? Sei :'s nice to meet you. Mari : Your hand's cold, like a corpse. <> Sei : Your hands are tiny. Mari : What are you saying? That's rude! Even if I can't reach a whole octave on the keyboard, I can compensate with my technique. Sei : That's impressive. At Marselinia's European campus, nobody ever really talked to me. {Your playing has a unique mood to it, but it's not really first-rate. If you get accepted, you won't be sitting in this seat.} <> --You've been over there? Sei : Well, see the phantom. {The original campus of the Marselinia Academy of Art, in Europe, has a history that goes back a long time. Aspiring dancers and musicians, dreaming of performing on stage, study at this school. Misono Masamichi is the son of the principal of the Japanese school. He is certainly good at the piano, but...} <> Sei : {Why are all those remoras hanging around this kid who looks like a middle-schooler? Is it because he's the principal's son? That can't be the only reason...his hand was so cold...} <> Sei : These tests are really a pain... Hamaguchi : Oh, Kodou. There you are. All the girls are looking for you. Were you invited to tea or something? I'm jealous. <> Sei : I don't feel like going. Hamaguchi : What's wrong with you? Sei : This. Hamaguchi : What's that score? Sei : Next week's test. I'd rather play something more stacatto. Hamaguchi : But they go all wrong if you don't practice enough. What's so bad about it? It's not as hard as the audition exam. Sei : That was a fluke. My pose was just right. <> Hamaguchi : Your pose? Sei : I think it went well 'cause I looked cool. Hamaguchi : And because of that, you got into this school? That's a depressing thought. Didn't you play piano at the school you used to go to? Sei : My last school was a regular school. And before that, I was sleeping. <> Hamaguchi : Sleeping? Sei : Yes. Waiting for Yui to come and get me. I transformed slowly, inside the water. It was like an felt nice and warm. But I knew that my body was changing, bit by bit. I didn't have a pulse, and I couldn't see any veins in my hands when the light shone on them. <> Hamaguchi : Kodou, what are you saying? Sei : I want blood. That's all I can think about. Hamaguchi : Kodou, stop! <> Sei : Do you believe in vampires? Hamaguchi : How the hell should I know? What's wrong with you? <> Sei : I guess girls really are better...they're prettier, and they don't say 'How the hell should I know? What's wrong with you?' I wish Yui were here... Hamaguchi : Hey, don't tease me like that! <> Hamaguchi : I feel sorry for this Yui-chan. She's getting stalked by a weirdo like you. Sei : Not exactly. She's the one who attacked me. Hamaguchi : We are no longer friends. Sei : Wait! You're not going to get mad about a little thing like this, are you? <> Hamaguchi : {"A little thing like this"? I can't believe this guy. Is there something wrong with his head?} Sei : Hey, wait. Do you hear a violin? Hamaguchi : Yeah. Hamaguchi : I think it's coming from that house. Sei : Is that one of the school buildings? Hamaguchi : Yeah. It's Mari's private lesson room. Sei : Mari... Hamaguchi : Misono Masamichi-kun. Sei : I thought he played the piano. Hamaguchi : He plays everything. He's a genius. <> Hamaguchi : Some people even say that it's thanks to Mari that the principal got his job. Listen closely. It's incredible. It sends shivers down your spine, almost like someone was squeezing the back of your neck. Sei : Say, that kid... Hamaguchi : You'd better not call him that. He has a real complex about his body. Sei : I thought so. That time before... <> Sei : Anyway, if he's that good, maybe I should ask him for lessons. My test's coming up soon. It must be cool to have a private lesson room! Come on, let's go have a look! Mari-chaaan! Hamaguchi : Kodou! <> Sei : Huh? The sound stopped. Did he stop playing? Hamaguchi : Let's go back! Sei : We've come this far. Let's go have tea with him. <> Open the door The door of time... <> Time starts moving, Waving back and forth... Catch me. <> I'm here. Sei : Yui? Yui! Sei : Yui? Wait! Yui! Hamaguchi : Kodou? <> Hamaguchi : Kodou! Let's go back to the classroom. Lunch break's over. And besides, a certain someone is staring at us. Sei : Mari... <> Hamaguchi : Let's go. It feels more like he's saying "What are you doing there? Go away!" than "Let's have tea." Kodou? Sei : Hamaguchi...the uniforms for girls here aren't sailor suits, are they? Hamaguchi : No, they're not... <> Hamaguchi : Why is that important? Sei : Never mind. You saw it, right? Her uniform was different. Hamaguchi : See what? Sei : That girl, just now! Hamaguchi : Huh? Mari : Hmm...Kodou Sei. <> Hamaguchi : Kodou, are you still thinking about what happened at lunch? I really didn't see anything. You're really depressed about this girl, aren't you? Um, what do you know she's alive? What if she isn't in this world any more, and you just had a vision or a hallucination or something? Kodou : Hamaguchi... Hamaguchi : Don't get mad at me! I wasn't trying to make fun of you or anything. Kodou : I know. Thanks. Hamaguchi : Kodou? Kodou : But I know that Yui exists in this world. Kodou : That's how I'm alive. She came to the pond to see me. I remember it. I was so thirsty... {I'm thirsty. I want blood. Gentle hands and hair...Yui?} <> --It's awful! --I heard they found it in the chapel. --Found what? --A corpse! --In the chapel? --On his neck, there was a mark left by a necktie used to strangle him, but... <> --There were also two weird cuts on the back of his neck. Almost sounds like a vampire, doesn't it? --Where did you hear that? --My dad works for the police. And there was only a little bit of blood left in his body! --That really does sound like a vampire! --Weird things sometimes happen at this school, don't they? At the other campus in Europe, there's that legend about the masked phantom... --And then there was the vampire incident from a few years ago. --Vampire incident? --You know, in that school building... --Which building? Sei : {My head hurts...I've had low blood pressure since I stopped being human.} --It's Mari's private lesson room now. --Now that you mention it, the principal was replaced because of all the stuff that happened then, right? --Yeah, and Mari-kun's father became the new principal. <> --Right. Even though he was only a chorus teacher before. It was really a big promotion. --Mari-kun was famous even at the other campus, so all the bigwigs from there came to Japan, held a conference, and decided it. --I don't get it! Why should the parent get promoted just because the son is really good? --Right after that, that weird transfer student came. --And the vampire incident. --So, could Kodou-kun be... <> <> Hamaguchi : Kodou... Sei : What? What's wrong? --Nothing, nothing. --Good morning! Hamaguchi : You don't look well. Sei : Yeah, I've got a headache. Hamaguchi : Do you have a cold? <> Sei : I feel like I don't have enough blood... Hamaguchi : What? Sei : You know, low blood pressure. Hamaguchi : Oh...I see. Sei : Hm? Oh, you're that guy who was with Mari. --Kodou, I need to have a few words with you. --After the memorial service. Sei : Memorial service? --Good morning, students. Please assemble in the chapel. Let us pray for our beloved brother to peacefully pass on to God's kingdom. <> --We shall have a moment of silent prayer. Sei : {The boy who died was one of the ones who hung around Mari. There were two wounds on the back of his neck, and his body was drained of blood. It's really strange. Who could have done such a thing? Whoever it was wasn't human...} <> Sei : {Then, was it a vampire?} <> --The back of Mari-kun's castle is like a mansion for monsters. --The place was abandoned and never rebuilt. Why do you think that is? --Because, like you just said, there are monsters! --Don't try anything, Kodou. --That's an official message from Mari. Sei : I don't understand. --He's in mourning. Sei : For the guy with the glasses who died? You've got the wrong person. --Who could have done it but you? Sei : What basis do you have for accusing me? --None... <> --I just don't like you! <> --Why did you come to this school? Sei : I was chasing after Yui! --Yui? --Is he flying? Sei : Yeah. Do you know Mizuki Yui? <> Sei : Yesterday I saw her at Mari's castle. --Don't be ridiculous. Come down from there. Sei : It's the truth. --Mari wouldn't let a woman in! --That's right! Mari hates women! Sei : What are you talking about? --He even hates his own mother! --Shut up, Kimijima! <> Sei : Anyway, call Mari-chan. I want to talk to him. --I'm afraid that Mari isn't feeling well. Sei : Is that because of Peter Pan syndrome? He doesn't want to be an adult, because adults are dirty? <> --You're really asking to be killed! Sei : A human cannot kill a vampire. Ah! --Kodou! --Kodou! --Kuonji-san, are you all right? --Did that happen because it was old? --It might be a ghost or something! --What happened to Kodou? --You think he was crushed? --No saw how he could jump. Would he just let himself fall? He's gonna jump out in a second. --What? --The's... <> --What the hell? <> Sei : Did you think you could catch me off my guard? Come here, Mari-chan! <> Mari : Very impressive, Kodou-kun. You're more than just a pretty face for stupid girls to swoon over. <> Sei : I knew it. You're not really human. Mari : Let me show you something nice, Kodou-kun. <> Mari : Look how surprised you are! --Whoa, Mari... --He's got supernatural powers! Sei : Yui... <> --It's not that simple, idiot. Mari : Come up here and play, Kodou-kun. Sei : did you make a vision of Yui appear? <> Mari : She was in love with my violin playing. Right, Yui? Yui? : It's beautiful...but also a little bit sad. Mari : That's right. Because I'm always sad. Always. <> Mari : I've always been sad. Sei : Mari? Mari : So play with me. The professor was really impressed by your piano playing. Mari : Let's play a duet: your piano with my violin. --He flew! --What's with Mari? Mari : Can you erase my sadness? <> Mari : I won't let you have Yui. <> Sei : Unfortunately, my piano playing is terrible. It wouldn't go well with your dark and elegant violin style. Mari : Oh, is that so? <> Mari : Wait. There's still something I want to tell you. You want to see Yui, don't you? If you come here, you can see her. Mari : You won't exactly be able to meet her, though... Adieu, Kodou-kun! Sei : I can't believe that you guys can be friends with someone like that! <> Hamaguchi : What? He said that? Sei : Yeah. Hamaguchi : Somebody went missing there, once. Before it was Mari's castle. Sei : What happened? Hamaguchi : It was just kind of mysterious... <> Hamaguchi : Their blood was... Sei : You mean the 'vampire incident'? Hamaguchi : How did you know about that? Sei : That's all I've been hearing about since this morning. Hamaguchi : Oh... Sei : Something like what happened to the guy with the glasses who died, happened before? Hamaguchi : I don't really know the details because I had only just started at the middle school division, but it kept going, and there were several victims. <> Hamaguchi : Finally one person went missing, the attacks stopped, and people stopped talking about it. Sei : This is why I don't like famous schools. Hamaguchi : Huh? Sei : They're always trying to cover things up. The police hush things up so it won't have an effect on the next administration. Hamaguchi : The person who disappeared left behind a farewell note. That was the end of it all. Sei : A farewell note? Were they bullied? Hamaguchi : I don't know...but I don't think that goes on at this school. <> Sei : Was it like, "I just want you to leave me alone"? I just want to find... Hamaguchi : What is it? Sei : Nothing. You go on ahead. Hamaguchi : Kodou? Yazaki : What? Didn't you say you wanted to be left alone, Kodou-kun? Sei : I don't even know your name yet. That's not fair. Yazaki : Sorry. I'm Yazaki. Anyway, Mari likes you. He isn't going to leave you alone. What are you going to do? <> Sei : I don't want to fear for my life, like some other people I could name. Yazaki : What? Sei : There must be certain benefits to being one of his friends, right? You're scared of him. Yazaki : Yeah. I am scared of Mari. You saw what happened today, right? He's got some kind of weird powers. <> Yazaki : And he hasn't grown an inch since what happened in middle school. Sei : What are you talking about? Yazaki : He came down with a fever and nearly died. And then...his mother vanished. "I'm always sad. Always." <> Yazaki : His parents had never gotten along very well, but it's awful that his mother left while he was in the darkness, needing her help. "It's beautiful...but also a little sad." Sei : {Did Yui stop time for Mari?} <> Yazaki : Mari slept for a week, and the doctors said there was nothing they could do, but what's strange is that... Mari : Yazaki-kun? That sounds like a sad story. Mari : Let me listen to it. I'd like to hear it too. I had a fever, and I don't remember any of it. Lots of stuff happened, right? Yazaki :'s not...Mari... <> Mari : What is it? You don't want to talk any more? Sei : Yazaki! Yazaki : It hurts... <> Sei : Mari! Mari : Can't you talk about it in front of me? Sei : Mari, stop it! Mari : What, Kodou-kun? That hurts. <> Mari : Yazaki-kun has a weak heart. We should take him to the nurse's office. Sei : Don't play dumb. What just happened was-- Yazaki : Kodou-kun, I'm going back to my room. Sei : Are you all right? Yazaki : Yeah, I'm fine. Leave me alone. <> Sei : Hey, Mari! He's gone... <> Sei : The back of Mari's castle really is haunted. Only the front was rebuilt and used; this side was surrounded by trees, so you couldn't really see it. This is where she disappeared, right? Where she left a farewell note? <> "You want to see Yui, don't you? If you come here, you can see her." <> Open the door The door of time... Time starts moving, Waving back and forth... <> Catch me. <> I'm here. Sei : Yui... <> Sei : You're slipping away...why are you still here? Is this someone's vision? Where did you go? The ground? <> Sei : What? The floor's becoming it water? A pond? <> Sei : A human figure? <> Closed eyes Stopped heartbeat Quiet water Unmoving time [This is kind of a stretch, but there might be some significance in that 'heartbeat' is read 'Kodou,' with different kanji than Kodou Sei's name.] Sei : There's someone in the water. Who are you? Was it you who disappeared years ago? <> Sei : You were there, along with the vision of Yui, all this time... Closed eyes Stopped heartbeat Quiet water Unmoving time Sei : I was inside the egg, waiting for her to come. <> Sei : I wanted her small hands and black hair to touch me. {She came down from the sky...the mermaid turned into sea foam and disappeared, but Yui looked as if she had been born from foam in the sky.} <> Sei : {I was still human, and I was skipping school. She vanished from the old dojo, leaving only cherry blossoms behind. I wonder what happened to the pretty woman who was chasing after her... When I woke up, the glass in the old dojo was broken. I had a headache and felt nauseous. I felt the wounds on my neck, and the sensation of lips touching it. And the ribbon, tied around my wrist to stop the blood...} <> Sei : {How long did I sleep, inside the eggshell, waiting for her? A faint...heartbeat? Is that my stopped heart?} Yui... <> Yui : I awakened the demon blood inside you... Sei : I was waiting for you. I missed you. Don't cry. I'm glad that you touched me. {I'm sleepy...} Yui : Cherry blossoms are the sign of the god that protects those like us. Sleep for a little bit longer. Sei : {Sleep comes again...} <> Sei : Yui...what kanji do you use to write your name? {I can't sleep. She'll disappear.} Sei : {I wanted her to stay for just a little longer, because she was about to vanish.} The cherry blossoms are beautiful. Yui : Yes, they're beautiful. I love them. <> Mari : That was a beautiful vision, Kodou-kun. <> --Him? He looks Japanese... --Yeah. I heard he was going to be studying here just for summer vacation. --That's weird. How'd he manage to arrange that? --Vernalle, the famous star, found him in Japan. She's an alumni of this school and a famous lecturer. --Hmm. He looks kind of stuck-up. What's his name? <> Sei : Sei Kodou. Bonjour, ami! [Hello, friend!] --Oh...hi... Sei : The piano room is over there, isn't it? --Oui...[Yes.] <> --Piano? I thought he was a dancer. --Maybe he's trying to improve his image? Sei : {An old castle on a low hill. The art academy that's the home of the legendary "masque." A castle where dancers and musicians who dream of performing on the stage grow up.} <> Sei : {I am Kodou Sei, and it's the summer vacation of my 16th year. It's said that the masked phantom can grant you wishes. I don't have any wishes, but I would like to see the phantom.} <> --Your piano playing has a unique mood to it, but it's not first-rate. If you get accepted into this school, you won't be sitting in this seat. Why did you use your connections to come here, across the vast ocean? <> Sei : I came to see a vampire. --What? Sei : Europe is where they come from, right? And besides...I heard that there was a phantom at this school, and there are many things I'd like to learn from him. <> Sei : My mouth has been strange lately, and I don't really understand it, but sometimes I feel like there's something I hunger for more than food. Something to you understand? --I'm going to dance class. <> --I have to leave now. Excuse me. Sei : That's funny... {It's said that the legendary Masque grants wishes to humans in exchange for blood. Blood...} --The phantom? Sei : Does he really exist? --I dunno. I've never seen him. --I heard you had to have black hair to see him. Sei : Great, then I'm in! --Too bad. This phantom won't come near you unless you're a woman. --You've gotta be a woman, Sei. Sei : A woman...hmm. That could be hard. --Hey, you're seriously going to turn into one? --You're weird, Kodou. --Are you thinking about surgery? Sei : about cross-dressing? --That might work. You want any help? How about sneaking into the costume room? You can get wigs and stuff. It'll be easy. There aren't many students here, since they're on vacation. <> --Hmm. The little brat's already fitting in here. Who'd believe it--vampires in this day and age? And an oriental vampire, of all things? That's just weird. It's not right. [the little cartoon under this reads, "I'll burn him up!" "Calm down!"] Sei : {Why did I really cross the vast ocean to come here? I just wanted a little break from my family. From reality. I wanted to run away.} --What are we going to do about Sei, dear? He'll be in high school next year. --Is this about his exams? Do you think he won't get in to Yurigaoka? --Don't be silly, he gets very high grades. --Then there's no problem, right? --It's not's the family register. Shouldn't we have it corrected soon? Sei's real father isn't coming back for him. <> Sei : {It was right around that time that my feelings and my body both started to change...} --Sei, what's wrong? Why are you drinking so much? Sei : Brother... <> Sei : I'm thirsty. --Stop it! Sei : I can't! --Sei! Sei : I can't! No matter how much I drink, I'm still thirsty! --Sei! <> --Sei, what's wrong? What happened? Sei : It's nothing. I'm just...thirsty. Sei : {Yes...I want blood. Something's wrong with me. No, that's ridiculous. I've just been reading too many manga.} --Kodou, are you coming? <> --Sorry I'm late. Did I keep you waiting? Sei : It's OK. --Look. You're really strange. Did you seriously come to this school to see the phantom? But, you know, I don't think that phantoms and vampires are quite the same thing. Hey, that looks great on you! Sei, you've got to be alone, at midnight, in lesson room 2, to see the phantom. <> --Bonne chance! [Good luck] Sei : {Please come out.}'s open. A perfect room for an encounter with a phantom. <> Sei : Okay, you can come on out! The moon is red. Is that a song? <> --On nights when the moon is red, people and monsters can meet. So you mustn't show any weakness. If you do, they can build nests in your body and your mind. <> --You shouldn't contact the phantom out of mere curiosity. Once you're pulled into the mirror, you'll never be able to get out again. Sei : {He's here! But where?} <> Phantom : The mirror connects to the Masque's underground room. Will you come? Shall I lead you? You will pay a high price for your wishes. <> Phantom : Why are you frightened? Isn't this what you wished for? <> Phantom : What did you want so much that you came to see the phantom? Why won't you say anything? Are you scared of me? <> Phantom : The Masque was imprisoned by a black-haired princess. He can no longer grant wishes. <> --Stop that, Ren. You know that child is a boy. Stop teasing him. You're Japanese, aren't you? Why did you come here? As Ren said, the phantom won't grant any more wishes. He was buried deep in the earth, along with the castle. --You know about the newly built south wing, right? Now that it's been built, no one can go underground. The Masque's room was sealed off. The narrow room where people once confessed their sins and locked up their sadness and hate no longer exists. Neither does the phantom. Ren : Juli... Juli : Let's go, Ren. Sei : Wait a second! There's something I want to ask you. Was the phantom, like, different from a vampire? Ren : A vampire? <> Ren : You're weird. Well, it's true that the Masque can't live without blood...but I guess they're a little different. Juli : Because you're cute, I won't tell the teachers about tonight. Bonne nuit. [Good night] Sei : Hey, wait! <> Sei : They disappeared inside the mirror...What happened? <> Sei : Damn it. I feel like I've been tricked by a fox. And I even dressed up like a girl! {The phantom's legend is gone. But what is the truth? They looked sad too, somehow.} --So, what happened? --Did you see him? Sei : Yeah. <> Sei : Two of them. Two queer upperclassmen, Ren and Juli! --Who? --I don't know. --I've never heard of them. Sei : They were really good dancers, and the way they could jump was unnatural. And then they disappeared inside the mirror! <> Sei : How could that happen? I can't believe it! --We can't believe it either! --Anyway, you saw the phantom. Let's just leave it at that. Sei : Oh, Glen. Could you give me piano lessons? Glen : No. Sei : Why not? --Now he's trying to be friends with Glen? --Wow... Sei : Wait! I want to hear you play! {Where do I go from here? Should I wait for something to come for me? What will come for me? I really am strange.} <> Sei : {It would be nice to stay at home and be normal, though. I wonder what my brother's doing? Is he worried about me? His piano playing is very gentle. He must not be as bad as everyone says he is.} Glen : {What does he think he's doing? Asking for someone's help, and then falling asleep!} <> Glen : {Oh well...I wonder if he's really human. A visitor from a small, far-away island easily becomes friends with the that a vampire's modus operandi? Are there fangs behind his lips?} <> Sei : What is it? You're already done playing? Glen : Aah! No, I just--I thought you'd fallen asleep. I was just trying to cover you up. Sei : Merci [thank you]. {He really is nice!} <> Glen : It's nothing. You know, you should listen when I, the great pianist Glen who will go on to make a name for himself in the world, plays something for you! Sei : {An art academy on a low hill. A dream I had of two phantoms. I do not think that a time like this will come is my last summer as a human, before I turn into a demon.}