VIDEO GIRL - COMPLETE STORY (c) Masakazu Katsura Translated from the Shin-Shonen comics Chinese edition manga by Andrew Chen (, 12/93. Revised 01/94. Many thanks to ITO Takayuki ( for corrections which have been incorporated in this revision. This story appears in the normal-width compilation after Video Girl Len, in the final volume (15) of the series. > Haruno is actually the first video girl. This story appeared in '89 Jump > Winter Special, that is, before VGAi. It's a prototype of VGAi (Ai > resembles Haruno very much in her way of speaking and behavior). The > last video girls are Yuu and Yume, who appear in the novelized > edition. 147 Characters: Munehiro - another boy who gets a Video Girl. Hiroko - the girl he longs for. Haruno - A Video Girl. (Makoto - Munehiro's friend (boy)) Setting: The Miraiya restaurant, where Hiroko works as a waitress. Munehiro and Makoto are at a table. 148 Narr It happened during the summer of my second year of high school. That day... Mune Does Hiroko really work here? Makoto Yes, really! Mune Wow! There she is! Over there! Hiroko Please come in! Hiroko is in uniform, wearing a very short skirt. 149 Makoto Wow! It's great when she turns around. I just caught a glimpse of her panties. Mune Makoto! Stop looking at Hiroko like a pervert. Makoto Wow! The cute one is coming to take our order. Mune Huh? 150 Makoto Hurry up and tell her you like her! Quickly! Mune In this kind of place? Hiroko (to a customer) What will you have? Makoto Look! Mune Eh? Makoto Wow! Mune You pervert! (grabs him by the face) Makoto Stop it! Don't put your fingers in my eyes. Mune Whoa! 151 There's a crash. When the dust settles, Munehiro is on the floor and Hiroko is on the seat where a customer was sitting. Voice Waaa! Voice2 Ow... Mune Ouch! Hiroko You... Munehiro realizes he's looking straight up Hiroko's skirt. Mune What-?? Hiroko "!" Narr I wasn't intentionally peeking at you. Narr I only... just... like... you... 152 Mune I... Hiroko Waaaaaaa! *SLAP!* Hiroko You low-class scum... (*1) 153 Munehiro walks home. Mune Life really has no meaning. Flashback: Boy She's the most proper girl in our class. I advise you to look for a different one. Mune Is there anyone cuter than Hiroko? Mune What's that? Gokuraku appears. Mune What the heck is this? Mune Yesterday, this was still a vacant lot! Mune Video store opens for business today... 154 Mune What's that? Sign Extraordinary movies Mune Extraordinary movies... Mune (drooling) Seems like it has 'special mirror' kinds of tapes. He goes inside, into a hallway lined with video screens. Mune Wow! Mune They're all beautiful women! Voice Whoever you like. Pick whoever you like. Mune These aren't ordinary tapes! Voice Correct! Mune As expected... 155 Mune Which one should I choose? Mune Oh-- He focuses on a picture of a girl with long, light hair, wearing an old- style cloth garment, sitting next to a lake in the mountains. Mune This one! Voice Your judgement is very good. That is the best one in the store. Mune How... how much is it? Voice No charge. Voice She is called Haruno. Voice Take it and enjoy! It will certainly let you be satisfied. 156 Munehiro takes the tape home and brings a VCR to his room. Mune (reading the box) Haruno... Mune This tape can help you stop being dumped as you've been in the gray past. Mune When you press 'play', this lady will serve you. (*2) Mune Playing time of one month-- one month?! That... Mune That long? 157 Mune I don't get it. I'll watch first, then figure it out. Munehiro turns on the TV. A young man appears on screen. (*3) TV ... fashion show... Mune Haruno! Let me watch you for a while. He takes the tape out of its box, and it starts releasing smoke. Mune "!?" Mune My God!!! Mune How can this be?! Mune How can it be making smoke... Mune Get in! Mune Play! Munehiro shoves the tape into his VCR and hits a button. Mune Waaaa! Mune I hit the 'record' button! 158 Mune What the hell is it doing?! It usually can't record, but now it's working like normal! Mune STOP! Mune "!" The girl's face appears on one side of the screen, the young man's face appears on the other. Mune Strange! The two images... Mune one... on top of... the other... 159 There is a storm of electricity, and something comes out of the screen. Mune WAAAAAAAA! Munehiro curls up and prays. A hand takes his baseball cap off of his head. Haruno Phew! 160 It's the light-haired girl, but she's wearing jean-jacket, shirt with ragged neck, Munehiro's baseball cap, etc. Munehiro stares in amazement. 161 Haruno What's that expression on your face?? Mune Uh... you... Haruno Hey! Haruno (whispers) I'm just picking on you. Haruno Wa ha! Mune She... Haruno Hello! Haruno Listen to me! Haruno I'm Haruno! Nice to meet you! (*4) 162 Mune Where did you come from? Haruno I came out. Mune Why isn't there a image on the TV? Is it broken? Mune Why won't the VCR stop? Haruno When it stops, I'll disappear. Mune What... Mune (holding the box) It's a trick! Why didn't she come out? Haruno That's me! Mune Yeah, right! So YOU'RE Haruno... Mune Liar! You're not the least bit like her! Haruno You... 163 Mune You look like a boy... Haruno Heavens... Mune You must be someone sent by the video store. Mune Harassing customers... pretending you're a girl... Mune Stop lying! You're a boy! Haruno See for yourself! Haruno feels her breasts, and opens her skirt. Munehiro falls over. Haruno You're very skeptical. Haruno I really am Haruno. Mune [She takes me for an idiot! This isn't a comic-book story, but she's still trying to fool me like this.] 164 Munehiro's parents shout from the bottom of the staircase. Father Munehiro! What are you doing upstairs? Haruno opens his door and answers. Haruno How are you? I'm Haruno, and from today on I'll be living here. Father Munehiro, who is she? Haruno He's calling you. Mune She's a... friend... Haruno I'm his lover! Father Munehiro... Mune .... Father (grin) I'm no longer ashamed that you're my son. Father Our son has really grown up. He even brought home his girlfriend. Mother Tonight will be very lively. Mune .... His parents leave. 165 Haruno So, now I can live here. Mune [I don't believe that she's really a girl.] Munehiro sneaks up on her from behind and grabs her breasts. Mune .... Haruno Why the heck are you so impatient? Haruno Wait until everyone knows each other better! Haruno Huh? Munehiro falls over and is knocked-out on the floor. Haruno Quite different from the usual. (*5) 166 That night, Munehiro lies in bed. Haruno sleeps on a sleeping bag. Mune She's really staying here! Mune Did she really come from the the video tape? Narr If I hadn't goofed this afternoon... Narr Then this brat wouldn't have come out. Mune [Actually, she's still very cute.] Mune (sigh)... Morning Voice Don't peek! 167 Voice Time for exercise... Mune .... 168 Haruno You were looking at my butt! Haruno Stop faking, your nose is bleeding... Mune It was you who wanted to change clothes there. Haruno As expected, you looked. Mune .... Mune Who would want to look at you! Mune There's nothing special about a boy's butt. 169 Haruno climbs into bed next to Munehiro. Haruno Sorry to bother you! Mune Waaa! Why do you want to sleep here?! Mune Can't you restrain yourself!? Haruno Interesting... Haruno Didn't you say I'm not a girl? Mune If you were a boy, this would be even more disgusting! Haruno Hmph. Haruno It's nice and warm... Mune Don't come close to me! Narr Her breasts are toching my back... Narr ... and her lower half isn't wearing... 170 Haruno Hey! Mune Waaaaa! Stop touching me! Haruno What's wrong? Mune .... Haruno Roll over and sleep properly. Mune Horrible... this fool... Someone's been watching them from the door. Mother Munehiro! Don't be reckless. Mother Especially when the other person is a girl. Mune Please!! Mother! Find out what happened before you talk! Mother Nori just called, Mother and wants you to call back. Haruno I don't have any clothes to change to. Can I borrow these? Mune As you like. 171 Munehiro is walking somewhere, Haruno follows him. Haruno Hey! Where are you going? Mune To see a friend. Don't follow me! Makoto is sitting on a park bench. Makoto Hi! Munehiro! Mune [What should I do about Haruno?] Mune Wha-- Haruno vaults over Munehiro and stands in front of him. Haruno Hello! Haruno I'm Haruno! How are you? Makoto I'm Makoto. 172 Makoto I'm worried about you! I never expected you'd be with a pretty girl this soon... Mune Hey! It's not like you think it is. Mune Who are you saying is pretty? Makoto She's beautiful, and has a good personality. Makoto She's way better than Hiroko. Haruno How about that? He has better judgement than you. Mune Then I'll let you have Haruno! Makoto Whaa--? Haruno You've already seen my butt... Haruno You should feel some responsibility... Makoto .... Haruno .... 173 Makoto Your cousin?! Makoto Then, you were just fooling around? Haruno [He's talking nonsense.] Makoto But... Haruno Uh... Makoto That cap... Mune What! Mune Hey! Give it back to me! Haruno Why are you so angry? It's not like I'll never return it. Haruno When I don't wear it, my hair gets all messed up. Makoto But, I still think... Mune Stop daydreaming! Makoto Anyway, let's go. Haruno Where are we going? Mune Right. Where are we going? 174 Outside the Miraiya restaurant. Mune What are we doing here? Makoto Look! (holds up a pair of tickets) Makoto With these, it'll be easy to get a date with her. Makoto How? Haruno Date? Mune Y-you bought them for me... Makoto I'm your good friend! Mune I'm too moved. (sobs) Makoto Adding travel costs, it comes to forty bucks. Haruno '?' '?' Mune I knew it... Makoto I'm going in to look for her. (goes inside) Mune Wait! 175 Haruno Look for who? Mune Waaa! Mune A girl! Haruno A girl?! Who is it? Mune Oh... Mune She's a very proper girl. Mune If I could only see her, I'd be satisfied. Mune But right now, I haven't prepared at all. Haruno Then let's go home! Mune Now what... 176 Haruno Stupid! Mune What? Haruno Hmmm? Makoto and Hiroko come outside together. Hiroko Oh! Munehiro! Mune Uh... Makoto What's wrong? Haruno What! Munehiro runs away. Haruno Wait! Makoto He's really hopeless. Makoto (to Hiroko) Actually... 178 That night, Munehiro takes a bath. Mune (sigh) Mune I hate myself... I'll never be able to marry... Haruno I'm coming in! Mune What!? Don't intrude on me! Haruno Don't worry! I'm wearing a swimsuit. Mune But I'm not wearing... Haruno opens the door and jumps in. Haruno Ha! Mune Do you think this is a swimming pool?! 179 *SPLASH* Mune (gurgle) Haruno Aaaah... Mune Heavens! At least you could cover yourself. > Haruno: What are you saying, MUNEKO? We're both GIRLS so don't mind that > thingy! > (MUNEKO: a female name of Haruno's own thinking, punning on > Munehiro) >Mune: Huh? 180 >Haruno: You don't feel ashamed 'cause we're both GIRLS, MUNEKO? > For we're both GIRLS, GIRL... >Mune: Aaaaargh! Whaddaya mean by GIRL GIRL GIRL!? Mune Do you have to pick on me like this? Haruno .... Haruno You... Haruno You... Haruno If you're a man... Haruno You shouldn't be so upset. Voice Munehiro, your friend is here to see you. Mune .... 181 Mune [It's the man who has to take the initiative.] Mune Then... He steps out of the bathroom, in his boxers. Mune Sheesh! Mune Makoto! What good tapes did you bring this time? Mune .... Hiroko Good evening. Mune WAAAAA!!! Hiroko Eeeeeeek! Voice AAAAAA!! Voice2 Waaaaaaa! 182 Munehiro, now properly dressed, faces Hiroko. Mune I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you. Hiroko It's okay. M & H Uh... M & H .... M & H Uh... M & H .... Haruno Why are we standing around? Let's take a walk outside! Mune This fool... Outside Mune (to Haruno) Did you finish your bath? Haruno I'll finish washing later. Mune Hey! Don't come near me! Haruno I will if I want to! Hiroko watches them, and smiles. 183 Nighttime, at a coffee shop. Mune Yes...? Haruno Wow! This store is really high-class! Haruno You two don't need to worry about me. Chat! Mune [Then why did you come with us?] Hiroko I'm sorry for the time I hit you. Hiroko It was because you scared me... Mune Don't worry about it. It was me... Haruno Waiter! I want another cup! Mune (choke-holds Haruno) You... Haruno Save me!! 184 Haruno I think it's better if I leave now. Hiroko I never knew your older sister who was this lively. Mune She's not my sister! Mune Uh... right! Mune She's my cousin! Haruno As you say... Mune And... Mune I treat her as if she were a boy. Munehiro receives an elbow to the head. Haruno I'm repaying you. Hiroko "?" Haruno (to Hiroko) Don't frighten Munehiro! (leaves) 185 Narr [The man should take the initiative.] Mune [In that case...] Hiroko Uh... Mune Yes? Hiroko I have movie tickets. Do you want to go with me? Haruno watches them from outside. 186 Munehiro returns home. Mune I'm back! Mune I have a date! Haruno Did you ask her? Mune Uh, Mune She said it first. Haruno You're a coward. Haruno When is your date? Mune The 31st. Right when summer vacation ends. (*6) Mune It's because she'll be out of the country for two weeks starting tomorrow. Haruno (looking at calendar) Oh! Mune Haruno... Mune May I ask you to... 187 Haruno Yes? Mune Teach me how to go on a date... Haruno You should already know this stuff. Haruno Okay! Anyway, there's a lot of time. Haruno I'll grant your request! Mune Yes! Haruno You two are very similar! Mune Huh? (*7) Haruno I mean... Haruno Feelings! Mune Hmph! Haruno .... Haruno I'm meant that you two are both very honest. Mune Really? Haruno Even I'd approve of you being with that girl. Mune Why do I need your approval?! 188 The next day. Voice Why are we going out today? Voice2 On-location practice. This way is much more effective. They stand on an overpass. Voice What will we do first? Voice2 Let me think.... Mune Let's take a stroll first... Haruno If you want to... Mune If not, then what will we do? Haruno Let's split up and try to find each other. Mune Okay! Haruno Look over there... Voice We'll use that crosswalk. Voice2 Okay! Voice Munehiro, you go first. Voice2 One, two, three, four steps... Voice Look for me in the crowd. 189 Mune I understand! It's hitting two birds with one stone! Haruno But it's pretty difficult. Haruno Do you really want to try? Mune Yes! Mune Whoa! Haruno I'll go first. Mune Okay-- Mune uh... uh... Munehiro gets trampled in the crowd and falls down. He's looking up someone's skirt. Mune Waaaa! Haruno Just this has been enough for me for one day! Mune In two weeks, I'll be awesome! 190 The numbered squares of a calendar fly past. Narr Every day, Haruno taught me... In a restaurant Haruno When you eat, don't order that kind of messy food. Haruno You want to eat the way I am. Mune Right! While watching a movie Haruno In the theater, let the girl sit next to the aisle. You also need to pay attention to the people sitting around you. Mune [I can take advantage of the situation and be close to her.] On the street Mune Do you want to drink tea? Haruno Let's use today to see the environment around here. 191 Drinking tea Mune Very soon it'll be tomorrow. Haruno You've practiced for two weeks for this date. Haruno It's actually been a lot of fun. Mune Right! Haruno Today you're doing pretty well. Haruno You've made progress. Haruno You even remembered to let me sit on the soft seat. Mune Hehe. Mune I've learned a lot. Haruno Let's go. Mune Are you going to the restroom? Haruno How can you ask a girl that! Mune I wouldn't say that to Hiroko! Someone taps him on the shoulder. Mune Who-- 192 Makoto is sitting with a girl in the next booth. Mune Makoto!? Makoto Do you have a date too? Mune Good bye! Makoto As expected, it's really because of Haruno... Makoto ... that your face has been filled with smiles. Mune What's that supposed to mean? Makoto Doesn't Hiroko care? Mune I have a date with her tomorrow. Makoto Whaaa-- Haruno Let's go! Let's continue our date. Mune O-Okay. Mune Bye! (they leave) Makoto When did he become this secretive? 193 In the park, Munehiro and Haruno are sitting on a bench. Haruno First, take a seat... Mune [This atmosphere...] Haruno How long have I been saying it... put out your hand. Haruno You can use the situation by saying that you want to see whose hand is bigger. Mune R-right. Haruno Then, say that her hand is really small... Mune Right. Haruno After that call her nickname, and read her palm. Mune I can't read it! Haruno Stupid! Haruno Can't you pretend for a while? Haruno Then look at her moles..., and slowly get close to her. Mune What if she doesn't have any moles... Haruno You can pretend, can't you?! Haruno Then find something to talk about. Haruno Then... Haruno Very... Haruno Slowly... 195 Haruno Your hand... Mune Yes? Haruno Put your hand on her shoulder. Mune (puts his hand on her shoulder) But... Haruno Not like that... Haruno You need to use a little strength... Mune Then... Munehiro pulls Haruno close. 196 They're face to face... 197 Haruno stands up. Mune Haruno... Haruno I've already finished teaching you about love. Haruno After that, you can kiss and hold her as you like. She runs away, leaving Munehiro sitting on the bench. That night... Narr Just like before, Haruno was waiting back at home... Voice Munehiro, where did you stroll off to today? Narr The time for the date with Hiroko had arrived... 198 Narr 31 (August 31st) Munehiro and Hiroko watch a movie and go to a restaurant. Voice The movie was really good. Voice2 I agree. Hiroko Munehiro, you're really nice. Mune Uh... Hiroko I think you're very considerate. Mune Really? Mune Haruno taught me everything. 199 Haruno is at home, looking out the window. Haruno Video girl... Haruno My job is to let him be in love again... Haruno I shouldn't have any personal feelings... Haruno Hmmm... Haruno I'm a video girl who hasn't done her job... 200 Munehiro and Hiroko sitting on a park bench. Mune [Today...] Mune [We've been out for the entire day...] Mune [What should I do?] Mune [It's time to do something.] Mune [The atmosphere is right...] Mune [Today I'm really nervous...] Mune [although I just practiced yesterday...] Flashback: The day before when he and Haruno were sitting on the bench. Narr [With Haruno...] Hiroko I... I've liked someone before. 201 Mune Oh? Hiroko But... Mune [She had someone before? That's finished. Right now, she's having a date with me.] Mune But what happened? Hiroko I was afraid of being hurt, so I didn't have the courage to tell him... Mune [Same as me.] Hiroko All I needed was to see him, and I was happy. Hiroko I didn't have courage to show it, so things continued on like this. Hiroko I really liked him... Hiroko But I was afraid... Hiroko But, Hiroko It seems like I did the right thing. 202 Hiroko That person, he also had someone he liked. Mune [What!?] Hiroko It seemed like he himself wasn't clear... Hiroko Thank you very much for today! Hiroko I will remember it forever. Mune: [What! What! What!] Hiroko: Haruno... Hiroko: Take care of her... 203 Munehiro walks home. Mune Lost my love again! Mune It was a misunderstanding... Mune [Was it a misunderstanding?] Mune [Then, at that time why didn't she decline...] Mune What's this? Mune Here... Mune Wasn't there a video store here? Mune How could it disappear? Mune Strange... Mune The sign said it opened on August 1. Mune Today is the 31st... He remembers: Mune Lifetime of one month... Mune What!?!? Mune Haruno! 204 He races back to his room. Mune Haruno! Mune (gasp... gasp...) Mune She really disappeared. Mune I liked her this much... Narr After she's gone... Narr now I know... A baseball cap lands on his head. 205 Haruno I like you too... Mune Haruno... Ashamed, he turns away from Haruno. 206 Mune Why are you still here? Haruno Look at me! Mune I'm back because... Mune School's opening ceremony ended early... Haruno Look! Mune The movie... Haruno grabs Munehiro, and they kiss. 208 Haruno I still haven't taught you this. Mune Haruno! Mune We'll see each other again! Mune (crying...) 209 Haruno yes... Mune We must see each other again! Haruno disappears from his arms. Mune Haruno... Narr The video store disappeared, and I didn't see Haruno again... Narr For seven years I always wore the cap, hoping that I would see Haruno again. 210 Munehiro is wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase. He stumbles, spills his briefcase, and the cap falls off of his head. A lady picks it up. Mune I'm sorry! Mune (phew!) Lady .... She puts on the baseball cap. Lady Is this cap yours? Mune Yes. (*8) 211 The lady turns around. Haruno It's a very cute cap. Narr Again... Narr ... we saw each other again! Notes: 1. The reason for the tears in Hiroko's eyes will become clear later... 2. Note about the VCR: The buttons are labelled in kanji. The characters for 'play' can also be interpreted as 'live again'. 3. The model on TV resembles Youta. 4. Haruno's speech and her way of sitting are boyish, like VG Ai's. 5. More literally, 'quite different from the guide-books'. 6. August 31st is the last day of summer vacation in most Japanese elementary/junior high/senior high schools. 7. He's holding a JUMP comic book, and the face on the cover looks a lot like him. 8. A person loses a hat, someone of the opposite sex retrieves it, and a romance begins. Perhaps a whimsical tint of orange? (fin)