Chapter 43: Passing each other Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <128> Ai: W-Well. I mean. Oops. I showed up at a bad time. Youta: Please, don't misunderstand this. This is nothing, just. Sound: Ki. Youta: No-Nobuko-chan. <129> Youta: Big tear drops. Ah. I've never seen her face like this before. Sound: Ba. Basha basha. Ai: No-Nobuko-chan. <130> Sound: Basha. Ai: Nobuko-chan!! Sound: Da. Ai: What are you doing! Go, quickly!! Youta: Ah. Yes! She was so upset. Now I have to talk to her well! <131> Nobuko: U. <132> Ai: Youta! Youta: Would you excuse us, Ai-chan. Ai: Ah. Sure. <133> Youta: Hey, let's talk. Nobuko: I have nothing to talk about! From the beginning, I knew there was a shadow of Amano-san in you. But, I decided to give myself up to you because you said you liked me too, but. But, this is. You're getting along well with Amano-san, so you don't have to stop me. You just want my body, right, because we didn't go all the way. <134> Sound: Pan. Youta: Ah. So-Sorry. But. About today, it's really. Nobuko: .I'll do my best, Senpai. <135> Nobuko: I'll do my best to start hating you, so. Sound: Da. Youta: Wait. Ai: Ah. Sound: Su. <136> Sound: Kon kon. Ai: Youta, aren't you going to eat? Youta: Leave me alone. <137> Youta: I like Nobuko-chan, but I wonder if I really love her. When Moemi-chan treats me nice, I wonder to Moemi-chan. When Ai-chan is beside me, I tend to Ai-chan. I have felt love towards Nobuko-chan, but I wonder if I've ever given her love. <138> Nobuko: Moteuchi-senpai!! Youta: For the first time, I confirmed my love and went out with a girl. Nothing ever came from me. Nobuko: Do you have someone you like, now?! I won't give up! Ehe. I'll sleep with you. Youta: We're actually going out. Youta: .Either I was moved by her pushing, or I was intoxicated by being liked. Nobuko: You just want my body. <139> Youta: No! It's not like that, Nobuko-chan!! Sound: Gu. Su. Do do do do do. Nobuko: Senpai. Sound: Do do do do. Youta: Is it really untrue? I want to continue that, and touch her with this hand, don't I. because I can do it if she's my girlfriend, right? Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki. <140> Nobuko: I'll do my best to start hating you. Youta: Are we going to end up like this. End up like this. Nobuko: I like you very much, Senpai! Sound: Gu. Youta: Nobuko-chan. I don't understand my feelings well, but I don't know if I'm thinking when I calm down, but anyway, now these never ending tears tell me that I like you. I like you, Nobuko-chan!! <141> Nobuko: Was it too rude to say he just wanted my body. He was really angry. Sound: Bafu. <142> Nobuko: Confusing. He did such a cruel thing to me, and why. Why do I feel such pain just because his face is in my mind. I can't break up with him like this. Ai: Where are you going at this time? Youta: Well. I'll just cool my mind off. Sound: Batan. <143> Youta: Maybe we can make up now. I go see and talk to her, and I'll apologize for what I did wrong. Sound: Tatan tatan tatan tatan tatan tatan. Puaaaaan. Gagagaga. Gari gari gari. Dadan dadan dadan dadan dadan. <144> Nobuko: I'll go see him and talk to him. And, see if I can apologize to him. Sound: Pin pon. Ai: Yes. Who's there? Nobuko: A-Amano-san!? Youta: .How stupid of me! If I think about it, I don't know where her house it. <145> Sound: Gachaa. Kotsu kotsu kotsu. Kii. Ai: Um?. Nobody's here, is this a joke? Nobuko: Why? At this time is Amano-san at his house!? Why!?