Chapter 39: Conflict Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <46> Sound: Mi--n mi--n. Narrator: The finals are over, the tests have been returned, and Summer Vacation is waiting for tomorrow to begin. The students were relieved, but all the teacher, including one Grade-10 Class-B homeroom teacher, were troubled by one incident. One of the students from Class-B left his house and has been missing from the first day of finals until now. That student is. <47> Matsui: U. U. Narrator: First, it was during finals, so no one went near the Audio-Video room. <48> Rolex: Silly. Going without food and drink for a week, huh. So, like I thought, if the Gokuraku video is given to a person unworthy of using Gokuraku, he's lost his logic and gone crazy. Nothing good would come out of this. The Video Girl would be almost destroyed. Sound: Kotsu kotsu kotsu. Rolex: She wasted too much time. I should rewind it to the beginning and make her playing time a little bit longer. Sound: Wiiiii. Rolex: From now on, it's her real duty. <49> Sound: Pi. Gyuiiiiiiiii. Voooooooo. Rolex: If it finishes rewinding, Mai will disappear, so I have to be careful. It takes about twenty minutes to rewind a week. Sound: Goooooooo. <50> Youta: Nobuko-chan. Nobuko-chan. Nobuko: Oh, Senpai. <51> Youta: Without any embarrassment or worrying, it's a very nice environment. The period when we didn't speak seems like it never existed. Maybe it was because we were forced not to talk even though it was a pain for us, so our separated time made our feelings deeper. Nobuko: Hey, Senpai, let's go to the sea! And the pool, too! Youta: Sure. Nobuko: Let's meet every day during summer vacation! Youta: I felt like we would stay like this. Never breaking up. <52> Sound: Gyurururururu. Pi. Wiiiiiii. Mai: I have to cheer him up. Rolex: No. Now you have a new job. You, come with me. <53> Matsui: W.water. Rolex: You were delirious. Forget everything about this week. Take this pill. Matsui: Gyaaaaa!! Rolex: Was it too strong for a weak body? <54> Teacher: Hey, girls, would you do me a favor. Go to the Audio-Video room and bring me a film canister. Girl: Sure. Sound: Zu. Ai: You guys are always showing off. <55> Ai: Nothing would make it hotter today, but you're making it worse. Sound: Don. Zui. Zu zu zu zu zu zu zu zu. Doki doki doki doki doki. Ai: Hehehe. Don't make your girlfriend cry. Nobuko: Amano-san. Ai: I don't mind being your sister. He might break up with his girlfriend, but if it's his sister, I can stay with him all the time. I wouldn't mind that. <56> Nobuko: I feel that now is the best time for us. Youta: We'll have a much better time from now on. Sound: Gui. Nobuko: Se-Senpai. Sound: Gata. Youta: Let's do a continuation from the other day. I'll kiss you. Nobuko: Eh? <57> Nobuko: Sure. Youta: I thought we were over. .I can be with Nobuko-chan like this again. I want to look after this girl, who will still come to me, such a wimpy guy. <58> Youta: We'll start from this kiss again. <59> People: It's a suicide!! Sound: Giku. People: Matsui from Class-B tried to kill himself!! People: Are you serious!? People: It's in the Audio-Video room!! Hurry!! Sound: Da da da da da da da da da da. Nobuko: Matsui-kun did what!? Youta: The guy named Matsui was alive, even though he was unconscious. I've seen him before. He must be the guy who was after Nobuko-chan. She went to the hospital with him, because she thinks her rejection caused it. So, how is he? Nobuko: Still unconscious. For now, I came home today, but. I'm thinking to go the hospital again tomorrow. It happened because of me. Youta: But. We don't know that. Nobuko: But, we can't say I didn't cause it for sure. Anyway, I can't just leave him alone. <60> Nobuko: I'm thinking about going to the hospital until he comes back from his coma. Is it okay? Youta: Yeah. Sure, it happened, so. Nobuko: Maybe I won't be able to see you these two or three days. Sorry. Youta: It's not your fault. It's this time, so, Don't worry. <61> Youta: It's been four or five days since summer vacation started. I haven't seen Nobuko-chan at all. She goes to the hospital every day. The only thing she talks about, on the phone too, is Matsui. Sound: Tyururururu. Youta: Hello. Nobuko: Senpai!! Youta: Happy voice, something good must have happened. Nobuko: Well, Matsui-kun. Youta: What about him? Nobuko: He regained consciousness! <62> Youta: Then you don't have to go there anymore, right. Nobuko: But. He went unconscious again, but. It seems like he can't talk well, and is afraid of something. He holds my hand and doesn't let go. His mother said, "He seems to rely on you," and asked me to come see him as much as possible. Youta: What about the sea? The pool? <63> Nobuko: I can go there. I don't have to come here every day, so. Youta: Then how about on the fifth, August fifth? Nobuko: The fifth. Oh. I promised to come see him. How about the next day? Youta: I already have plans. Nobuko: .seem to conflict. <64> Youta: I became very scared. I froze and couldn't talk. The word seemed to indicate the bad environment that had just appeared between us. <65> Ai: .To be his sister. Because I'm not a normal person, so I can't want any more than that. That's what I decided, but. Starting this morning, I feel pained to think about the two of them. Sound: Gacha. Ai: Old man. Welcome. Y-you.