Chapter 36: Kindness Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <182> Moemi: Cheer up. It doesn't mean she rejected you, so. Youta: But. It's something. <183> Moemi: But why did you go to Ai-chan when you were with Nobuko-chan. Youta: Because. It was about four o'clock in the morning, and. Her voice wasn't normal. Moemi: Four o'clock in the morning!? Youta: Oops. Dammit. Moemi: I see. You were alone with her until four o'clock in the morning, huh. What were you doing? Youta: We didn't do anything. Moemi: You're so honest, it shows up on your face. Did you go all the way? Youta: Eh? <184> Moemi: Secretly, secretly. Youta: I'm serious. We were just talking. Moemi: Gee, if you keep lying, not going to listen to you. Youta: What should I tell her -- I don't want her to image something weird. I kissed her. Moemi: .Oh. <185> Moemi: You couldn't stop there, right? Sound: Bu. Youta: Wha wha wha. What are you talking about? I'm serious, just now. I lied to her about the next thing. Moemi: I see. But, it's envious. You know what a kiss is like. I want you to teach me, too. Youta: What? <186> Sign: [Audio-Video Room] [Please Cheer Up Mai Kamio] Sound: Bi-- gacha. Wiiiiiii. Za--. <187> Rolex: This video will heal you pain. And pray with your honest feelings. Then, a miracle will happen. Matsui: He said something weird like that, but did he mean. Oh. Sound: Van. Mai: Nice to meet you, I'm Mai Kamio. Matsui: Wow, she's cute. Mai: You seem to be depressed. Were you rejected? Matsui: Ke. None of your business! This tape is sarcastic. <188> Mai: But, please cheer up . I'll do whatever you ask of me. I'll let you forget about the girl who rejected you. If you want me to be with you, I'll get out of here and be next to you. Matsui: Ha. Mai: Please lead me there. If your wish is strong enough, I can get out. Now. Call me. Now. Matsui: Seriously. Mai: Call my name. Sound: Goku. Do do do. Mai: Ma. Sound: Do do do. <189> Matsui: Uwaaa!! Sound: Ga. Matsui: What am I thinking. I almost became serious about the girl on the tape. So stupid. A Video Talent wouldn't come out of the television. Mai: I see. Sound: Bun. Matsui: Ha? Has it ended already? This tape. Sound: Za--. Wiiiiiiiiii. Pi. Matsui: What was it. Sound: Ga chakon. Matsui: This tape. That weird guy tricked me. <190> Moemi: Um-- .I understand you worrying about Ai-chan losing her memory, but. You didn't have to go to Ai-chan when you were with Nobuko-chan. I think you had another way to solve it. Youta: Yeah. I think so too. Sound: Kusu. <191> Youta: It's not a laughing matter. Moemi: Sorry, sorry. But I don't think it's so serious that you think that deep. Actually, Nobuko-chan is just jealous, and he's jealous because she likes you. So don't be depressed because you think you were rejected. Youta: O-okay. Moemi: I laughed because. Your extraordinary kindness hasn't changed at all, and I think you should think about yourself a little more. <192> Moemi: To be kind is a very difficult thing, because it's easy to be the cause of trouble. Your kindness has tormented me as well. Understand? Youta: Um. Uh. Yes. In truth, I understand. It must be the same as Moemi-chan's kindness to me now. She probably means that everyone will want to give in if they are treated nicely. .give in and tend to the person who is nice. But now I can't give in. If I gave in, I'll be the worst. I have to clench my teeth and get over this. Is Moemi-chan telling me this indirectly. <193> Sound: Ta. Moemi: Hey. Would you kiss me? Youta: Eh? Moemi: I want to know what a kiss is like. Please. <194> Youta: Moemi-chan. Moemi: I was tormented so much, so it's for compensation. I want you to kiss me. Youta: B-but. Moemi: You don't have to like me. Please. Youta: What is she thinking, Moemi-chan. She's not the kind of girl who does these things. I used to like you before. This attack is too much. What are you thinking, Moemi-chan!! <195> Sound: Gara gara. Ko. Teacher: Hey, Amano! Would you do me a favor. Ai: Ah. Yes. <196> Rolex: Believe it. Believe it with all your heart, and pray. Mai will appear before you. Sound: Gara gara. Gararara. Matsui: What was that coercion. Sound: Gachakon. Wiiiiii. Von. Mai: Thank you, you played my tape again. Matsui: The wording is different from last time. <197> Ai: Ah. Rolex: You came at a good time. Your friend has now been born. You might want to go. Sound: Su. Da. <198> Matsui: .From all my heart, I pray form all my heart. Come out! Please come out. You said you'd do anything I wish. Come out and entertain me! U. Sound: Paaaaa. Byuoooo. Matsui: Ah. It feels so good. Sound: Katsu. <199> Matsui: Wh-what happened. Sound: Za--. Mai: Fu fu. Sound: Giku. Mai: Hello. Ai: From the television. A girl came out!?