Chapter 32: Cancel Translated by : Kaori Hasegawa Sponsored and brought to you by : Alberto Mazzetto Story and Art by : Masakazu Katsura <104> Youta: Hello! Ai: Why is his voice so warm. Youta: Hey. What's wrong. <105> Nobuko: .A call from Amano-san. At this time. .Seems like something very serious. She looked worried at school too. She's going to! Sound: Kui. Nobuko: .Try to confirm her love with Senpai. Youta: Hello? Sound: Doki doki doki. Nobuko: I'm so close by. But why do I feel so much fear? <106> Youta: Where are you!? Outside, right? Ai: At the station. Youta is coming! I can see him! I think I can forget about all the bad things! No! He said he has a date, I can't give him any problems now. <107> Ai: Just kidding, were you surprised? Hehehe. The truth is, I woke up early, so I was taking a walk, but I got bored, so I decided to try and trick you. Youta: You're lying. You're walking in the rain, huh. You're voice wasn't normal. Ai: It's my caprice, so don't mind. Go to sleep, you have a date today, right. Then, bye. Youta: A. Sound: Tsu-- tsu-- <108> Ai: I got tired. Felt relaxed after I heard his voice. I don't want to go there now and. I'll sleep here a little bit. U! Cold!! Sound: Biku. Ai: Gee. Wet through the panties too. Sound: Kon. Ai: I became so happy just talking to him. It's a problem. I like him this much. <109> Youta: I wonder what happened to her. Her voice on the phone earlier. Ai: I'm sorry I called you. Youta: .Sounded very depressed. --She said she was at the station, but. U!. What am I thinking. Right now, I'm with Nobuko-chan. I can't go to the station or anything! <110> Youta: Nobuko-chan's eyes. Blaming me. She can see through my feelings, that I was going to her. A little bit, but. Sorry. Nobuko: Is something wrong with Amano-san.? Youta: Eh. yeah. I don't know what's wrong, but, she said she's hanging around outside. Let's go to sleep, we can't go on a date today if we don't. Sound: Su. <111> Nobuko: Aren't you going to Amano-san? Youta: Why?. I'm not. Nobuko: Are you such a cold person? Let's go! Senpai! Youta: Eh. But. Now. Nobuko: Senpai! <112> Youta: The day is breaking. The rain has stopped. The clear morning air says we kissed, we touched, and everything was fake. The air flows between me and Nobuko-chan, who's walking a little apart, is telling me. You're sulking a little bit, right. But. .The time we can be together for Ai-chan. You're a good girl. It's okay, right. We can be together all day today. Nobuko: I'm a bad girl. <113> Youta: Eh? What? I couldn't hear. What did you. Nobuko: Senpai. Youta: Um. Ai-chan. Nobuko: Senpai! Sound: Don. Za za. Za za. Za. <115> Youta: You'll catch cold sleeping here. G'morning. Ai: Youta! Youta: You strange person, what are you doing here! Ai: Leave me alone. Happy. I'm happy. <116> Youta: You're wet. You'll catch cold. Sound: Doki doki doki. Ai: This unexpected luck makes my feelings active. I. No! I'm going to say my feelings! Sound: Doki doki doki doki doki doki. Ai: About you. Sound: Do do do do do do. <117> Ai: Nobuko-chan. Sound: Su. Nobuko: Are you all right!? Amano-san. Ai: Eh. Ah, yeah. <118> Nobuko: Your clothes are wet. Youta: A handkerchief isn't enough, I'll go get a towel from the convenience store. What happened to her? She looks like she was walking around in the rain all night. What is the guy who rented Ai-chan doing! I hope he's not a rude guy! How can he meet Gokuraku. I want to see his face!! Ai: Thanks. It's all right, I'll wait for a towel. You're so kind. Nobuko: I'm not kind. <119> Ai: You guys were together until now. Nobuko: Yes. You think I'm so rude, and I shouldn't have come. But I can't win out over you if I try to be nice. I thought so when he said, "Where are you?" over the phone. <120> Nobuko: I've liked him for three years! I've liked him all this time!! I like him more than anybody! I love him!! So. I won't give up!! Sound: Da. Ai: Ah. <121> Youta: I got home without knowing why Nobuko-chan went home without telling me anything. My room has easily stayed the same as before our time was stopped._Nobuko-chan's sharp reverberations stayed here. Sound: Pi. Youta: I knew how confused Nobuko-chan was when I heard the message on the machine. Sound: Pi--. Nobuko: I canceled our date today.