--------------------------------------------------------------------------- RG VEDA by CLAMP Volume 5 Translated by Kamiya Shuusai [ Previous Volume | Next Volume ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ The Soaring Sou-ou | Dream | Special Presentation ] -------------------------------------- Volume 5 Section a RG VEDA Volume 5 Section a : The Soaring Sou-ou (in the sky city, the aftermath of the karyou incident) maid (asking an old woman who just left karura) : how's the lord? woman : she still refuses to eat anything, she hasn't even moved. (holding some food) maid : it's been three days after she returned from zenmijou. she locked herself in ms. karyou's room without a word, she wouldn't eat or sleep, if things continue like this, not only will she be sick, maybe even her life... karura-ou (eyes blank) : ......karyoubinga karyoubinga (flashback) : sister, I have to tell you...... (playing with birds, smiling) rather than having so many people praise my voice, they won't make me as happy as hearing sister's praises alone. I only sing for sister! for you alone, forever... forever...... (images of her dying, karura-ou crying) [if karyou is not here, sister can be free! (the little nightingale dropping) please be free......] karura-ou (leaning on the curtains) : what do I have? without you... karyou...... (crying unstoppably) without you, what can I still have? losing you was like losing everything...! karyoubinga......! (meanwhile a big ceremony is going on in zenmijou) shashi : tenou...... today is your birthday, look how many people came to celebrate it! just look! (a very grand party in the main hall of the palace. most people at the time are gathered around kendappa-ou who's playing the harp and another singer.) women : kendappa-ou's music is still beautiful, even tamara's voice cannot compete with her. (tenou watches kendappa lovingly) tenou : it's great. zouchouten : even someone who can't appreciate music like me loves her music. without her playing, the other girl's voice wouldn't be anything special. she's the west commander koumokuten's daughter, tamara. good thing she doesn't look like her father! but speaking of voices, that girl at taishaku-ten's ceremony, karyoubinga, was the best! soldier (nervous) : commander zouchouten! you might be heard, please be more considerate!! koumokuten will be even angrier than tentei! it's forbidden to comment that karyoubinga sings better than tamara! zouchouten (gets a little depressing) : karyoubinga...... although I killed many men for tentei too, but she's only a little girl. I don't like that! but talking about taboos, today is tenou's birthday, which means, it's also ashura-ou's son's birthday...... in the old days, the one being celebrated would be ashura-ou's son. the lives of the children of the same woman can differ so! soldier (more nervous) : zouchouten-sama, please! (people clapping when the performance is over, tenou walks over to kendappa) tenou : that was great! kendappa-ou...... tamara, you too, thank you. (kendappa just bows smiling, but tamara is all excited and stuff) tamara : you don't have to say that, to be able to perform in front of the next tentei, tenou-sama, it's my greatest honor! if the empress shashi allows, I can sing for you every day...... (shashi giggles) tenou-sama! (kendappa walks away already) please summon me to your side to sing for you! tenou (sees kendappa leaving) : mother, excuse me! tamara : ah......! (tenou ignores her and leaves, tamara seems very mad and runs out of the court in rage, break the flower she's wearing) koumokuten (approaching) : why are you so mad? you messed up your flower! tamara : father......! koumokuten (looks at the fireworks outside) : what is tentei up to? even on his own child...... and his only heir's birthday, he's still absent. perhaps he really is completely cold blooded...... and bishamonten too. all he does is kiss up to tentei, as one of the shitenou, he didn't show up either! (thinking/scheming) although tenou's not reliable, empress shashi will make sure he inherits the tentei! and she's only a woman who killed her own son to become empress! (a rather evil looking picture of shashi) tamara (blushing) : although tentei is terrifying, tenou-sama is great! he's smart and talented, tall and handsome! he'll definitely be the future ruler of tenkai! koumokuten : then make him fall in love with you! tamara. tamara (smile) : I understand, father. but kendappa-ou is in my way, just now...... she was trying to steal my tenou! can't you think of a way to get rid of her? koumokuten (troubled) : but...... kendappa-ou is tenkai's number one musician, it is said that her music can lead dead souls to heaven. and she is tentei's favorite. it's not so easy to get rid of her! (meanwhile, after kendappa left the court, she runs into kisshouten) kendappa-ou : kisshouten! kisshouten : hn? kendappa-ou! kendappa-ou : long time no see! are you going back? kisshouten : a rare birthday party...... even though it's not tenou's fault...... but...... to come back to zenmijou...... it reminds me of the former tentei... my father's death...... I don't want to stay too long. but anyway, I haven't seen karura-ou either, probably because of her sister... I wish... such horrible things would end soon. I wish I can do something for yasha-ou... I hope they can finish their journey in one piece! kendappa-ou (looks distant for a moment) : souma seems to be working hard too! but it's really okay if you don't work too. [souma...... where are you......] tenou (rushes into the scene) : kendappa-ou! are you leaving now? kisshouten : [tenou......] kendappa-ou : yes. I want to check on karura-ou. tenou (smile gone) : karura-ou......! I heard about her sister. I wanted to at least give her her sister's body, but it seems like... no one knows where the body is. kisshouten (watching him) : [he's not like his father at all. but it's taishakuten's blood in his veins......] tenou : are you going in gandaraja? kendappa-ou : no, I am riding alone...... tenou (shock) : it'll take a few days and you're traveling alone! it's too dangerous, I'll go with you! kendappa-ou (think) : that's funny! he's so unlike his father...... [no matter how I look at it, they don't look alike!] (laugh) it's alright! really! (tenou looks rejected... while, kendappa-ou's the one getting uncomfortable) kendappa-ou : [please....... don't look at me with that pitiful look on your face...] errr... o... ok, fine! (tenou immediately lightens up) alright, you can come...... (sweatdrop) tenou (big smile) : I'll go get the horse right now! if we ride on my magic horse, we can probably reach the sky city before dark! (run away) kisshouten (smile) : just as I've heard, looks like tenou likes you! kendappa-ou (exhale) : oh yeah? who did you hear from? bishamonten? kisshouten : oh please! (looks sad) we're just married in name! we almost never talk. I'm the former emperor's only daughter, taishakuten just wants me alive! marriage was only to keep an eye on me! (smile) but you make a good couple with tenou! [at least he's a good boy.] kendappa-ou (sweating, laugh) : who said that to you~~~!? kisshouten : souma! (kendappa falls head over) I'll be leaving now, kendappa-ou. say my greetings to karura-ou! kendappa-ou (tight fist, trembling with anger) : [damn you souma...... souma you idiot!!! (vein, walks away very pissed off)] text (kendappa thinking alone) : I wanted to at least give her her sister's body, but it seems like... no one knows where the body is. kendappa-ou (sad) : [then that means, karura-ou can't even hold... a funeral for her beloved sister...... (cling in to her harp, a very sad looking image of karura appears) KARURA-OU] (later, kendappa and tenou on a winged horse riding at light speed) kendappa-ou : it's fast! we're ahead of other horses in a second! the magical horse is impressive, flies like the wind! (smile) even a kekkai would be blown away! (tenou looks at a ruined city in the distance) tenou : that place...... is probably another city ruined by my father! if he wants, he can wipe out a whole clan, including the destruction of its people and cities! everyone fears him so they ignore what happens. (crows flying over all the decayed corpses) they don't even dare to have a proper funeral and leaves the bodies in the open. after a few hundred years, they're still not buried! I can't do anything about my father's actions now, but I want to create a peaceful world, no more blood shed! (back to reality... smiles) maybe I'm too naïve! kendappa-ou (smile) : no, I think your ideas are very admirable. (they arrive at the sky city) servants : tenou-sama! kendappa-ou! kendappa-ou : sorry that we came unexpectedly! servants : oh no, kendappa-ou, you came just on time! kendappa-ou : where's karura-ou? servant : our lord...... anyway, please go see her! we have...... tenou : then I'll be going now! kendappa-ou : tenou-sama? tenou (smile) : I'm tentei, taishakuten's son, right after what happened to her sister, I don't she wants to see me! so... kendappa-ou (laugh) : [you're really a very nice guy! I hope you find a good girlfriend one day!] arrow (pointing to her ^.^) : playing dumb kendappa-ou : how should I thank you for giving me a ride? tenou (flying away on his horse) : then...... just play for me next time! (after he leaves, the servants walk kendappa to karura's room) servant : karura-ou has locked herself up ever since she came back from zenmijou. she refused to eat or sleep. kendappa-ou : [I knew it......] servants (open some curtains) : this way, kendappa-ou! (kendappa walks in) she locked herself in karyoubinga's room. (a very dead/worn out karura lies on the floor) kendappa-ou : [this is karura-ou......!?] (run over) karura-ou!! [that's the elegant, wise and beautiful karura-ou? how did she become so weak...... she must've loved her sister so much! when karyou died, she lost herself too. but if things continue like this...... she'll pay with her life. and princess karyoubinga who sang for karura-ou, her death would be wasted.] that's right! (strikes the harp strings) [yes, that was the note......] (playing the harp) yes! that was the tune...... [the young princess with her beautiful voice sang that magnificent tune. that day, she only sang for one person.] text : a short dream, the undoubted belief, even the last wish, and everything... (kendappa playing her harp) karura-ou (eyes open) : karyou......? text : only for the one... she loved. karura-ou (sees karyou in blood again) : KARYOUBINGA!! (kneeling, sobbing) kendappa-ou : karura-ou...... karuraou! karura-ou (looks up) : ...oh. k... endappa...ou...? kendappa-ou (smile) : everyone's worried about you! if you don't get some rest and eat something...... karura-ou : kendappa-ou, the things I must do now are not eating or resting. kendappa-ou : karura-ou... karura-ou (looks painful) : it's avenge karyoubinga! [kill him!] tentei, taishakuten! [I WILL KILL HIM!!] kendappa-ou : no, karura-ou, you sister doesn't want you to avenge her either! if die because of that, she will be sad too! karyoubinga (when she died) : [sister......] kendappa-ou : so you can live happily, your sister used up her remaining strength and sang! i...... performing next to her, I can understand her feelings. plus, it isn't easy to defeat taishakuten! three hundred thousand soldiers, the unbreakable walls of zenmijou, and he even earned the frightful name of raijin himself during the holy wars. not to mention the three commanders of north, west and south. and finally, the one who was said to have inherited my father jigokuten who died in battle during the holy wars. the mysterious east shogun. even if you defeat all these people, there's still taishakuten, whom even the guardian warrior ashura-ou couldn't beat. even with yasha-ou and ashura-ou's son, he wouldn't be defeated. it's the same... for someone with the same goal, accompanying them, that most important person to me...... (an image of a smiling souma... then she stares at karura straight) I like you. because we are childhood friends. I don't want to see someone I like die again. everyone wishes the people they love to be happy. karura-ou : kendappa-ou...... karyoubinga (falling in blood) : [sister, please be free......] (karura painfully closed her eyes) karura-ou : would karyou still be in pain after death, would she be crying. kendappa-ou : she just might be crying! (karura looks up surprised) to see her beloved sister not eating and sleeping, she must be worried, so she'd be crying! karura-ou (surprised) : eh... re...ally... (smile) I suppose so! I suppose you're right...... (crying & smiling) kendappa-ou, can you let me hear one more time, karyou's last song. (as kendappa plays once again, karura lies on the bed and thinks about karyou) text : if for me to keep on living is what you want, then I'll live as you wish! (tears) karyoubinga...... (kendappa exits the room) servants : kendappa-ou, how is she!? kendappa-ou : shhhh--- (the servants cover their mouth) she's finally asleep! servants : ah... she's asleep!? kendappa-ou, thank you! kendappa-ou : it's not me! servant : huh? kendappa-ou : the one who brought karura-ou out of despair was the heart of her sister! servants : they are really close sisters...... unbelievable, what happened to karyoubinga...... kendappa-ou : I heard her body hasn't been brought back yet, is it true? servants : yes. we've requested many times, at least let us have her body, but...... zenmijou hasn't made any replies. kendappa-ou (think) : [then where could it be......? taishakuten has no respect for the dead! souma... (look at the sky far away) I don't want the same to happen to you......] (somewhere far away, souma's staring at the sky too) ashura : souma...... what are you thinking about? souma (smile) : I'm thinking about the only one in this world whom I respect! ashura. ashura : the one you respect!? who? who is it? souma : kendappa-ou. ashura : you're from the souma clan. why is the person you respect kendappa-ou? souma : because if it wasn't for her, I would've been dead! (gets into a flashback) that day...... I lost everything. in that one day...... (souma running away with an old man and woman) woman : it's the soldiers! taishakuten's after us...! man : we served tentei taishakuten loyally just like the last tentei even after the holy wars. but somewhere, he has heard the secret of our clan, the legend of souma. he fears someone will become immortal after drinking our blood, so he decided to wipe out all of us. we won't live even if we surrender! souma : no! if we run to where taishakuten can't find us...... man : my daughter, taishakuten's prey cannot find shelter anywhere in the world! that the extent of tentei's powers! woman : if you're alone, maybe you can hide from the soldiers, go live at some place far away! souma (shock) : mother? woman : it's very bad for a girl be caught, being killed won't be the only result. (does something to souma) souma : mot....... [m... my body is losing strength.] (lean again her mother weakly) what did......? woman (push her into the bushes) : even if it's only the tiniest possibility, we want you to survive! souma : NO! father!! mother!! (the soldiers arrive, souma watches helplessly as her parents are killed and their blood splashes on to the bushes... and her.) text : until yesterday, life was still so happy. why... did it turn into this? souma (stare in horror at the headless bodies of her parents) : [WHY!? FATHER!! MOTHER!!] soldiers : I thought they had a daughter! there's still time before daybreak, she won't get far, search that way! (sunlight, souma gets up from the bushes after the soldiers are long gone) souma : [if I don't survive...... that'll be the end of the souma clan! I must escape! until one day... I will... I will avenge them!!] (she stumbles around the forest and runs into a horse... with kendappa on it, looking at her with curiosity) souma (pull out a dagger) : [taishakuten's people?] ha...... (she stabs but falls back midway, losing consciousness after being exhausted. when she wakes up, she's in a nice, comfy bed, and kendappa's smiling at her.) souma : where... kendappa-ou (smile) : you woke. this is my city--- gandaraja! I am kendappa-ou of the kendappa clan. don't worry, I won't hurt you! souma (sit up from the bed) : ken...dappa-ou...... (kendappa gave souma a garland she made) that day, kendappa-ou saved me! in the most painful days, I pulled through because her smile was with me! that's why I say kendappa-ou is the most important person in the world for me. (when souma's finished with her story, ashura was crying) souma : a... shura!? ashura : souma is so sad! everyone in the souma clan died! souma's mother, and father, and everyone...... (souma seems surprised) souma you're so strong! with such painful memories, you can still fight so hard with yasha...... souma : no! I'm not the only one who has lost everything. yasha-ou lost his whole clan, and you too, ashura. you're also ashura clan's last survivor. so I'm not the only one in pain. for the lord of a god's race, to lose his people is the same as losing the meaning to fight and to live for his clan. compared to you or yasha-ou, my sufferings are not as bad...... boy (from the yasha clan) : [it is wasn't for you!] souma : the dead of the yasha clan should be able to understand yasha-ou's regrets! ashura : [if it wasn't for ashura, the yasha village wouldn't have been destroyed! (wipe his tears) ashura is the one... who made yasha alone!] souma : we won't need to run anymore after we defeat taishakuten! even if we're separated now, one day, I can return to the side of my most important one. for now, for the sake of that person, I will keep on living! ashura : ashura's most important person is yasha, yasha's always protecting me! it's all my fault... that yasha's most important people died! but even so, he's still very nice to me. [even in the times of pain, he's still with me!] only yasha said I could stay. only him...... forgive me! forgive all the trouble I had brought him! even mother wanted to kill me......! shashi (evil smile) : [only if you weren't born!] ashura (sob) : everyone... everyone abandoned me...... [no matter how far my arm extend, my hand couldn't reach! mother... mother... no matter how loud my voice screamed, I couldn't be heard!] (looks up, a sad smile) only yasha, only yasha wants me! so for him, I'll become stronger! I can't let him protect me all the times, I want to protect him one day. because yasha is the only one I have! souma : ashura. [he has to resist his own fate at such a young age!] ashura : souma, are you strong? you won't be like the other people who were with me? die like gigei or people of the yasha clan? text : I want to help you! souma (hold ashura's hand) : no, I won't! text : if we defeat taishakuten, you won't cry anymore, everyone in the world will be able to live happily too. ashura (hug souma) : please don't die, souma! I don't want anyone I know to die anymore! text : so gentle, the one with the same burden of fate as me, ashura clan's last survivor...... ashura : not anyone...... (meanwhile, ryu-ou and yasha who are walking the grounds outside) ryu-ou : I don't see any soldiers! yasha-ou, I really can't understand why you came back to the yasha village. do you know that ashura is suffering from the memories of the death of your people? let's get outta here! yasha-ou : I know, but...... I can't just leave my people. at least I came back to bury them. (walk away) ryu-ou : ...... (follow up) I'll help! (while, let's see how karura's doing... she happens to be on official duty fighting a demon again) karura-ou (ordering her people) : go! split up! (attack) worthless mazoku! you should've stayed in your dimension! (the mazoku attack her) soldiers : lord!! (karura blows the monster away with an energy ball turning into a bird, her bird karura) karura-ou : KARURA HITENSHOU!!! soldiers : good work!! karyoubinga (flashback, smile) : [sister, you're so strong!] karura-ou (smile and pat her bird) : [karyoubinga.] soldiers : this is great! our lord is back to normal now! yep! finally! (they return to the sky city) servants : lord, you're back! how's the battle? karura-ou : I knew it, without the guardian warriors, mazoku do what they want! anything happened while I was gone? servants : just now...... tentei sent a messenger, ordering you to go to zenmijou tomorrow... to see him...... karura-ou (surprise) : WHAT!? servants : what do we do? do we tell him you're not feeling well? (karura thinks in her indecisiveness) kendappa-ou : [you sister doesn't want you to avenge her! she just wants you to be happy...] karyoubinga (smile) : [sister......] karura-ou (pulling herself together) : I got it. tell zenmijou! servants : huh? karura-ou : tell them I'll be there tomorrow! servants : my lord! karura-ou (smile) : don't worry, I'll alright! [don't worry! I won't do anything suicidal! I'll try to endure even before taishakuten! if that's what you want...... KARYOUBINGA......] (zenmijou. taishakuten sitting comfortably listening to kendappa-ou's music) taishaku-ten : kendappa-ou, your music sounds beautiful as usual! you have far surpassed your mother--- the last kendappa-ou! but I have only heard her playing once! (back to the glorious old days) it was on the last tentei's party. I was only a warrior then! (taishakuten bowing to the people before him, namely ashura-ou with kisshouten by his side. while bishamonten is standing behind taishakuten.) kendappa-ou : I was there too. I was still young then, I found you very frightening! taishaku-ten : kendappa-ou! kendappa-ou : hn? taishaku-ten : your father, shitenou's jigokuten was killed by me during the holy wars! don't you hate me at all? kendappa-ou (a hard to comprehend smile) : humans changed drastically in the long days of three hundred years. however for the gods, it was only the period where children grew to adulthood. I've made up my mind that day three hundred years ago. even if he murdered my father, I will still serve him. (a little kendappa looking up at taishakuten) that feeling still hasn't changed. I hate weaklings. they only blame themselves and gets buried in regret until the end! [my mother was in love with the young yasha-ou *father of our yasha-ou*. she drowned herself in tears.] just like my mother! you are strong! even the so called invincible guardian ashura-ou was defeated! taishaku-ten (still smiling but...) : [ashura-ou......] using that name in front of me knowing it's a taboo... only you, kendappa-ou! no matter what happens, tenkai is still mine. even if I have to spill the blood of millions of people, or send someone to hell, tenkai is still mine! those who refuse to obey me, I'll crush them even if they are stars! kendappa-ou : [raijin taishakuten...... is truly frightening!] (suddenly tenou is at the door) tenou : father! sorry to bother you. bishamonten asks you go to the courtroom. (taishakuten gets up and walks past tenou without a word) kendappa-ou : [he's so cold even to his own son. is tentei really so indifferent to his heir?] tenou-sama! you didn't have to come personally, send a servant or something...... tenou : but I heard you were here...... (kendappa playing dumb again with her smile) kendappa-ou : I really appreciated you giving me a ride to sky city a few days ago! I returned with karura escorts, but the magical horse was faster! tenou : um...... karura-ou just arrived! I think father sent for her. (kendappa looks shocked) of the four guardians, yasha-ou's clan was wiped out because he betrayed tentei. ryu-ou's heir is still missing. karura-ou is the only one remaining! she finally got over the death of her sister and recovered...... and...... your promise last time... (blush) kendappa-ou (smile) : oh! of course I remember! tenou : then please...... tamara (runs into the room) : tenou-sama! oh you're here, I was looking for you! (runs to grab tenou pushing kendappa aside) kendappa-ou (funny face) : ?? [err!?] tamara (gives kendappa a triumphant look) : everyone's here! we have no time for you to chat with a musician here! tenou-sama, hurry up! tenou (trying to get free) : oh... she is koumokuten's daughter tamara. she came to zenmijou to study customs, and take care of me! kendappa-ou (sweatdrops) : [what's going on?] (smile) yes, I know. we performed together on your birthday. tamara (very hostile look) : [grrr!] (pulling tenou away) queen shashi is waiting for you! hurry! kendappa-ou (ignoring tenou and tamara) : [kendappa-ou is facing tentei...... no matter what happens, for the sake of your sister, please endure it. don't do anything rash of treason......] (kendappa kneeling before tentei in the main court) kendappa-ou : [instead of the meeting room, he purposely chose to see me in the court where karyoubinga died! for karyou's sake, I have to control myself.] zouchouten (look at kendappa, a little worried) : [don't get out of control! kendappa-ou!] (taishakuten walks in with two wolf like beasts.) people : what are those beasts? I heard that when tentei claimed the throne, they walked into the traps voluntarily. bishamonten : the salamas! beasts from the southeastern forests, I heard they can swallow a few man at a time! taishaku-ten : oh, you're here, karura-ou! karura-ou : yes! I was wondering why you have summoned me this time. taishaku-ten : you've been working hard fighting the mazoku everyday. I wanted you to loosen up a bit, give you an award. you're different than that yasha-ou who betrayed me, it seems you're loyal. karura-ou : yes...... [he acts like he forgot all about karyou!!] taishaku-ten : keep up the good work. I want to award you, tell me, what do you want? karura-ou : [an award!?] t... then please, give back the body of my sister, karyoubinga, who died here a while ago! (silence, everyone's shocked at her request) kendappa-ou & zouchouten (worried/shock) : [karura-ou!!] karura-ou : I don't mean anything, I just want to bury her properly! please...... you have to (bow) grant me this wish...... taishaku-ten (smile) : karura-ou, what are you talking about? I don't seem to follow. (karura looks up) bishamonten, do you have any idea? bishamonten (smile) : it seems like she means the singer who messed up this place on your celebration last time! (karura is getting mad) karura-ou : [control......] taishaku-ten : oh that! it's gone! I fed it to salama. (pat his beasts) karura-ou (fully enraged) : [WHAT!?] taishaku-ten : corpses just take up space, and salama were hungry, so I fed it to them! (salamas chewing on... stuff... and tentei has his usual sinister grin) they seemed to have enjoyed it! tenou, kendappa-ou & zouchouten (shock) : [he fed it to the beasts!?] (an angry aura is just growing from karura, electrifying energy, and the ground begins to break under her.) kendappa-ou : no! karura-ou! (karura-ou has big energy blasts blowing the place up.) karura-ou : ka....... (completely lost control, tears down her cheek and blowing away everything in her way) KARYOUBINGA----!! (zouchouten blasts back with his own energy ball and blows karura back, she faints) karura-ou : [karyou...... (falls)] kendappa-ou : KARURA-OU---!! zouchouten : ......you fool...... people : [treason!!] karura-ou attacked tentei! (circle around the unconscious karura-ou) how dare she... betray tentei as a guardian...! [that's the end of the karura clan!! the treacherous clans are always executed!] zouchouten : tentei......! (kneel) karura-ou was acting out of line. however, as her commanding officier....... please as a favor for me, spare her life. take away her rank as guardian as a punishment. taishaku-ten : fine. that's a favor to you, zouchouten! (get up, walk away) zouchouten : yes! kendappa-ou (run over to karura) : karura-ou......! karura-ou! (zouchouten walks over and carries karura away) zouchouten : I'm sending her back to sky city! kendappa-ou : [oh...... I knew it...... the worst has happened!] tenou : kendappa-ou! as for karura-ou's matter, I'll talk to father to go easy on her. so please relax, go check on her now! koumokuten (looking at his daughter) : are you alright? tamara! (no answer) tamara? tamara (meanwhile she's glaring at kendappa with hatred) : [tenou seems to really care for kendappa-ou......] (aimed at kendappa) such annoyance! that traitor who attacked tentei, why didn't they punish her? I think they should've just killed the whole karura clan! (kendappa turns around and looks at tamara, she's got a look in her eyes) tamara (shock) : oh...... koumokuten : [what!?] kendappa-ou : karura-ou is my friend, I won't allow you to insult her, or else! (walk away) tamara (shock) : [my body couldn't move......] wh... I am the western commander koumokuten's daughter, why do I have to take orders from a musician!? who do you think you are!! father! teach this rude musician a lesson! father! koumokuten (sweat) : [she brought upon an unexplainable pressure... she is the only daughter of shitenou jigokuten and the last kendappa-ou, naturally she would have an aristocratic air about her. but that doesn't explain such pressure and tension from her aura that cannot be found on an ordinary musician. who is she...] (zouchouten walks out carrying karura, and hands her to her men.) soldiers : oh! commander zouchouten!! zouchouten : here, take her! soldiers : huh......? ah! (catches the unconscious karura-ou) our lord!? zouchouten : she attacked tentei! soldiers : huh!? zouchouten : alright! go back to sky city! close the city gates and don't leave its walls! don't come out if you don't want to be mistaken as traitors and executed! stay in your city, and live a peaceful life, don't defy tentei any longer! soldiers : why!? commander zouchouten! why did our lord do such a thing!? she had no reason to attack tentei!! zouchouten : [how can I tell them it's because her sister's body was fed to beasts?] kendappa-ou (walking up) : there's no time to discuss this! you should know very well what happens to those who betray tentei!! just go back for now, and then try to convince karura-ou that no matter what happens, don't defy tentei! soldiers : yes! let's go!! (they ride away on their big birds. zouchouten and kendappa watches them fly away) zouchouten : karura-ou was always very calm and strong. she doesn't show her feelings easily, but when she's with her sister, it's the only time you see the smile of happiness on her face. just that smile makes others share her happiness as well. that's why I wanted to see karyoubinga once again too! don't you agree? kendappa-ou! do you think karura-ou will give up her quest for revenge? kendappa-ou : ...... (looks sad) no! zouchouten : I think so too! if possible, I don't want to be the one to kill her! (people running around in the sky city in confusion) people : I couldn't believe our lord attacked tentei in zenmijou! but they are the fakes! taishakuten is the treacherous one! woman (the leading servant) : quiet, everyone! it's useless to panic! the only thing we can do now is to protect our lord. people : yes! (karyou's maid stands crying in the corner and then she runs away) maid (sob) : [back then, it was all my fault because I couldn't protect miss karyoubinga. (flashback to when karyou was taken away) miss karyoubinga!! MISS KARYOUBINGA!!] (runs into karyou's room) oh! (surprised) [lord!] (falls down) i... I'm sorry! miss karyou! karura-ou! o... other than... (take out a dagger and stabs herself) repay you with my life...... (karura grabbed her dagger) ! karura-ou : don't waste your life! (smile) maid : karura-ou! karura-ou : it's not your fault! you were with her till the very end, I should be thanking you! (hug her) before she died, she told me "please be free." I was going to bury her death deep inside and live on peacefully as taishakuten's servant. but that's not my true freedom. then when I heard karyou has been fed to beasts, I made up my mind to do what I want to. I'll go on a journey to defeat taishakuten! maid (tries to stop her) : you can't possibly do this alone! karura-ou (hold her hand) : yes, I can't! but I can go with yasha-ou and ashura-ou's son, go together to defeat taishakuten! maid (crying) : [karura-ou......] karura-ou : that's what karyou wanted, and it's also my freedom. but if I walk away now, I don't know what's going to happen to the karura clan. therefore, I have decided to die! (stand by the open window) the dead can't do anything, and the clan won't be punished either! maid : [huh?] karura-ou : if I fall from the sky city, it wouldn't be surprising even the body can't be found. therefore, just host a funeral for me. no matter what happens afterwards, it has nothing to do with the karura clan. it's all over. please tell everyone my last words. maid : but karura-ou! no! please don't go! (hold on to karura) karura-ou : please forgive my selfishness! I want to have a journey for myself! (lets go of the maid) (...) maid : AHHHHHHHH KARURA-OU... KARURA-OU---AHHH! (at the funeral, everyone dressed in black, kendappa and zouchouten attending) servant : this way please! kendappa-ou (sees the coffin) : [karura-ou......... (lays down her flower)] maid : i... when I tried to stop her... it was already...... she already jumped out from karyoubinga's room...... servant (wiping tears) : suicide from the sky city, jumping down from this height, her body must be so crushed that not even a trace remains...... we couldn't even... hold a proper burial for those sisters! zouchouten (speak all the people of karura) : karura-ou's past crimes again tentei will not be brought upon the people with her death. but even if she has paid her deeds with her death, the title of guardian will still be taken away. ......from now on, no one thinks about revenge anymore. pray for peaceful days for the sake of the sister! servants : ...... yes! (it was rather depressing as zouchouten and kendappa walks out, kendappa looks at the sunny outside) kendappa-ou : eh... (she is very shocked to see a bird) [garuda!!] (she recognizes that's karura's bird and remembers something karura said once when they were kids) karura-ou : garuda is my other half! everyone in the karura clan has a bird who shares their life, until death. (pat her bird lovingly) therefore, as long as I am alive, garuda wouldn't die. kendappa-ou (smile happily) : karura-ou!! (then realizes zouchouten was still there, she looks at him nervously) zouchouten (smiles, look up in the sky) : such a clear day! it's so clear, there's not even a BIRD around. a very suitable day for the funeral of "sou-ou" karura-ou. kendappa-ou (smile) : it sure is! text : perhaps karyoubinga doesn't want me to avenge her. but to bury such unbearable pain deep inside and live on...... that's my current "freedom". to be free--- without any bondage, do whatever I want, that is what I really promised karyou. karura-ou : garuda, let's go find yasha-ou! ask the birds for their trail! (the bird flies away) [karyou...... I won't break our last promise.] (somewhere in an old temple in the middle of a blizzard, there's ashura looking out the window) souma : ashura! yasha-ou is almost back! ashura : she's here! souma : huh? ashura (in a trance) : a star has fallen from the southern sky, the pale star of the six...... souma : ashura! (shura-tou appears in ashura's hand.) souma : someone's reflection on the blade...... t... that's...... she's...... (the person reflected was karura-ou) YOU SHALL BECOME THE "BREAK" THAT WILL DESTROY HEAVEN. end of volume 5 section a contents -------------------------------------- Volume 5 Section b RG VEDA Volume 5 Section b : Dream (yasha standing over a cliff, ryu-ou and ashura sitting by the fire.) yasha-ou : ashura, ryu-ou, go to sleep! ashura : ok! yasha-ou : I'm gonna look around, when I come back, you better be asleep! ashura & ryu-ou : ...... (yasha walks away) ryu-ou (continue talking) : oh and then--- that snake...... ashura (excited) : yeah? yeah? that's so cool! hey--- ryu-chan, ryu-chan! ryu-ou : don't call me ryu-chan, I am the ryu-OU! talk about the ryu-ou in the west and crying babies will shut their mouth! I can't let you just refer to such greatness as -chan! have some respect! ashura : is it really that great? ryu-ou (sweatdrop, knock ashura on the head) : of course! and why do you keep on asking about me? weren't you the one who forced yasha-ou to let me come with you? ashura (makes ryu-ou fall head over) : that's because you can cook! ryu-ou (xP) : ......all you think about is food... ashura : ryu-chan, you're funny! was the last ryu-ou so funny too? ryu-ou : the last ryu-ou? oh yea! very funny! the last ryu-ou was a woman! even so, she's very strong! I've never seen any guardian stronger than my mother! ashura : mo... ther!? ryu-ou : yep! my wonderful mother! anyway, she's a very open and kind person, wherever the mazoku appeared, she would rush over! so I grew up with seiryuu and hyakuryuu. back then, yasha-ou just became a guardian, so my mother was the strongest of all the guardians! (ryu-ou's childhood, his mom comes home, here... ryu-ou is the mother and naga is our usual ryu-ou) ryu-ou : naga, were you a good boy? (he was only a little kid) naga : mom! (runs up and hug his mother) mom! ryu-ou : seiryuu, hyakuryuu, sorry about this! I always make you look after naga! hyakuryuu : no, no! we're not old enough to go to the battlefield yet, so we can just help by doing these things... ryu-ou : thanks a lot! naga, this time, I killed three mazokus, all hundred feet long! naga : ...... ryu-ou : and they tried to run away! I got mad, so I just knocked them out with one blow on the ryuga-tou. I was gonna bring them back as souvenir for you, but we had to forget that because we couldn't preserve it! (everyone has that "errr" look, with lots of sweatdrops) ryu-ou : naga, one day, you'll be fighting the mazoku with me. remember, you can't be nice to them! among them, there are those who turn into pretty people to tricks us. they're enemies invading tenkai from their unknown dimension, and do their evil hiding in the forests. naga, you'll be a guardian one day and inherit the title of ryu-ou. so remember this! we are guardians, not servants to the treacherous taishakuten! we fight for the tenkai that the old tentei and ashura-ou once tried to protect! that is the honor of a guardian! got that? naga! naga (smile) : hn! mom! mom, you look so cool!! I want to be a guardian like you when I grow up! ryu-ou (pat his head) : oh really? seiryuu & hyakuryuu : ...... (sweatdrop) ryu-ou : alright!! mom'll perform ryuga-tou's special attack for you! naga : yay! (run out) seiryuu & hyakuryuu (run after them) : hey! ryu-ou, please wait up! (they stand before a big lake with many waterfalls) ryu-ou : now watch closely! (draw sword) one day, you'll be using this sword! (point the big sword to a waterfall) I'll break that big waterfall with kairyuuha! haja...... KAIRYUU (big energy blast from her sword aiming for the waterfall) HA----! (the energy in the shape of a big dragon shattered the waterfall) naga : the thunderous dragon completely destroyed that waterfall...... ryu-ou : it can't be done unless I want it to! ryuuga-tou has no blades, if you use it to chop, you can't even break paper. you hit with your "ki". the stronger your ki, the greater energy of destruction! (end of memories, now the ryu-ou refers to our little boy naga) ryu-ou : ...but my super strong mother in one battle again the mazoku, died to save a human child who was running around. she seemed to be very happy when she died. that's why I have to be like her, live for what I want! (add wood to the fire) because I was young, the old ryu-ou had to take over for a while, until I was as strong as mom! ashura (sad) : [mom...] ryu-ou : well, ashura's got yasha-ou! (try to cheer him up) ashura : ...... yasha-ou (suddenly appear) : aren't you asleep yet? ryu-ou (EEEK) : y... yasha-ou! (ashura runs into yasha and hugs him) ashura : ashura has yasha. (he sleep that night in yasha's arms, meanwhile...) ryu-ou : I can't stand them! those two! end of volume 5 section b contents -------------------------------------- Special Presentation RG VEDA Volume 5 Special Presentation : Ryu-chan Growing Up text : when I was still a kid, I always thought something was strange!! (a confused looking little naga) man (with a very kind smile) : naga, dinner's almost ready!! text : that was my dad!! woman : honey, watch out!! kai~~~ ryuu~~~ ha~~~~!! (one attack that blew everything away) (a woman standing at the doors holding a big sword still electrifying with energy, and a cute looking @.@ monster on her back, completely KOed. on it, it has a tag that says "mazoku".) text : and then, that's my mom!! man (smile) : oh, what's wrong? why did you use kairyuuha the moment you walked it!! you blew away all the food! (meanwhile little ryu-ou was still in shock/terrified) woman (throw away the mazoku, blush) : are you both alright!? I saw a monster behind you, so...... man (smile) : oh thank you! ryu-ou. naga : ...... (sweatdrops) (at dinner time...) woman : oh sweetheart, all of the food are so delicious. man (smile) : that's because ryu-ou had good ingredients. (an arrow pointing to the mazoku saying "ingredients") old man (naga's grandfather) : [so sweet. such a good son in law! T.T] naga (eating in one of those baby chairs) : [errr---.] text : my mother was the daughter of the old ryu-ou, married my ryu-zoku father on free will, so of course they're very loving! (a family tree, the old grandfather, two daughter, one is naga's mother, married to his father, gave birth to him. the other daughter is the mother of seiryuu and hyakuryuu.) text : but I still think something is wrong!! (one day, little baby naga runs up to seiryuu and hyakuryuu) naga : hyakuryuuu---! seiryuu---! hyakuryuu : what? naga : can you tell me something? are all the parents suppose to be like that? (a picture of his mother proudly in armors, labled "guardian" and his smiling father labled "mast of home eco." both his cousins have a very shocked/horror/nervous/wide eyed/sweatdrop look on their face and the next move is....... run away.) naga : come on, tell me!! (can't catch up) geez!! (so he goes to ask his mom) mom! why did you marry dad? woman : hm... I guess because he can cook, very nice, very neat, has a good temper--- *heart* naga : so dad, why do you like mom? man (smile) : oh that! she loves justice, being strong, crazy and so cool------ *heart* naga (full of hope) : then I think I'll find a wife as strong as mom when I grow up! (his parents look so happy, the perfect couple.) text : growing up in such circumstances, will ryu-chan find a wife stronger than him? ryu-chan, doesn't that bother you? even if you have to do chores? end of volume 5 special presentation