Twin Signal Volume 9 Chapter 52: "Results of the Battle" By Chibi Mokona Disclaimer: Twin Signal is the property of Sachi Oshimizu and this translation was done without his permission. This translation is translated into English using the Chinese version of Twin Signal. So of course, there are discrepancies due to the translation from the original manga script to Chinese and from there to English. I also took some liberty with translating some things that just can't be translated correctly to English so please forgive me if I get it totally wrong. If I have made any booboos, please point out it out by emailing me at Oh yeah, this thing is mine so don't copy it and put it up somewhere else. < > - words on a sign or thoughts. ( ) - words that I am not sure of or have no idea how to translate and are approximations. [ ] - sounds p87 SIGNAL So even Sasemeyuki has no effect...what can I do now? p88 QUARTER I've prepared for Code's sword attack formulas. Too bad, Signal. I'll be leaving now. Let's stop it right here! CODE Argh---! I even lent you my Sasameyuki! Quickly think of some way to stop him, Signal! SIGNAL I know! But... p90 SIGNAL Don't speak so early! You haven't won yet! You can't run away now! p91 QUARTER The sword's shape is... p92 PULSE Karma, get away! I must defeat her myself! KARMA Pulse! QUEEN Why I'm nothing but a poor innocent could you? PULSE Since when? KARMA I don't want you two to continue fighting. p93 KARMA However, if you don't back off, I won't lower my power in dealing with you... QUEEN Wah! I'm soo scared...I understand...if I don't leave, then it's going to be 2 against 1 and then I'll have no way of withdrawing from the fight. PULSE It's not that easy! KARMA Pulse! p94 QUEEN I've decided to leave! [ho ho ho (what a scary laugh)] [whistle] p96 QUEEN Right on time! p97 QUEEN Bye-bye! p98 PULSE Another accomplice? KARMA Is the guy on the motorcycle a HFR? Since when did Dr. Quesar have so many HFRs? QUEEN What about him? Did he return yet? QUIET He's still within cyberspace. p99 QUEEN Why is he so slow? He should have finished the mission before we headed back to base. p100 CODE He did it? p101 SIGNAL ? [electrical sounds] p102 ORACLE How is that possible? CODE Mmm...he's still alive? QUARTER In cyberspace I can have many backup copies of myself so I can easily repair any damages to my being. Minna, til next we meey, goodbye! p104 QUEEN Is anyone home...Ah, you're back! Was it easy, Quarter? QUARTER Congratulations, Queen, Quiet. It was quite easy to get the data. QUEEN What do we need the data for? QUARTER That I don't know...we just need to follow Dr. Quesar's orders and do as we're told. We...were made only to do that, right? p105 CODE Signal, you did alright! You've tried your best. SIGNAL Code...I couldn't stop him! I let him escape... CODE There was no way you could have stopped him. He's much more powerful than us. ORACLE Fixing the damages of this battle is going to be a major headache! For your first time in cyberspace, that wasn't bad at all. Finished September 1998 by Chibi Mokona