Twin Signal Volume 1 Chapter 1: Version alpha-1.11 By Chibi Mokona Disclaimer: Twin Signal is the property of Sachi Oshimizu and this translation was done without permission. This chapter was translated into English using the Chinese version of Twin Signal. So of course, there are discrepencies due to the translation from the original manga script to Chinese and from there to English. I also took some liberty with translating some things that just can't be translated correctly to English so please forgive me if I get it totally wrong. If I have made any horrible booboos, please point out it out by emailing me at Oh yeah, this thing is mine so please don't copy it and put it up somewhere else. [ ] - words on a sign or thoughts. ( ) - words that I am not sure of or have no idea how to translate and are approximations. < > - sounds (ones that I bother to put in) p5 Narration: This story occurs in a small town in the Japanese countryside -- [The Otoi Robot Laboratory] PROFESSOR SHINNOSUKE OTOI Yeah! He's open, get him! Waahoo! Sugoi! Got him! He's the winner! The next World Robot Competition will be...oh...very interesting! I wish the robots I built could go compete too! [Even once would be great.] If you stepped into the ring, you would definitely win hands down! Isn't that right, Signal? p8 POLICEWOMAN Well then, let's just say you got lost. NOBUHIKO OTOI But Grandpa said that he would pick me up at the bus station. POLICEWOMAN Don't worry, let our robots escort you home. What's your name? NOBUHIKO Nobuhiko Otoi. Look, all you have to do is to tell me how to get to the Otoi Robot Laboratory! p9 OMAWARI-SAN #3 Your name is Nobuhiko Otoi? Then are you Professor Otoi's grandson? NOBUHIKO Hmm? Aren't you a robot policeman... OMAWARI-SAN #3 Yes, I am Professor Otoi's robot policeman, "Omawari #3." NOBUHIKO Wow! I never thought Grandpa built so many robots! OMAWARI-SAN #3 Huh? NOBUHIKO Nothing...Nevermind. OMAWARI-SAN #3 If you ever need any help, you can find us at the police station. NOBUHIKO Ah, thanks!........How could he.... p10 [note: Nobuhiko's parents are scientists currently studying in another country.] PROFESSOR I'M SORRY! I forgot! Your grandpa is very sorry for what he did, please forgive him. NOBUHIKO Ha! I waited for you for two hours! PROFESSOR Here, have some chocolate as compensation! NOBUHIKO You're trying to bribe me with this! PROFESSOR Did your parents tell you everything? NOBUHIKO Mmm, they told me everything quite clearly! PROFESSOR Hmph, they left their kid here and ran off by themselves to live in a foreign country... NOBUHIKO Grandpa, *you* dare to say that about them?! PROFESSOR You're right! Your grandfather alone is already too irresponsible as it is! NOBUHIKO Ahuh. Oh yeah! I have something to ask you! p11 PROFESSOR Huh? NOBUHIKO I get to live with you from now on, so is your financial situation okay? PROFESSOR My financial situation? NOBUHIKO I didn't know that you were still working so I didn't feel right about... PROFESSOR You have absolutely no manners(respect)! I am the greatest robot engineer there is! NOBUHIKO You can talk but you don't have any proof. PROFESSOR I'll let you see the results of my great efforts! Come with me! p12 PROFESSOR This is my best work to date, HFR - Signal! (HFR=something like a human form/shaped robot, forgot the exact words.) p13 NOBUHIKO Sugoi! It's really a HFR! PROFESSOR Haha! Only a genius like me can make such HFRs. And additionally, Signal's body is made of my special stretchable (metal) robotics design, MIRA. That's why it's so human-like... NOBUHIKO Can it move? NOBUHIKO Can it move? PROFESSOR ...It can...[It's hard to explain this to a little kid...] NOBUHIKO Let me play with it! Let me play with it just once! p14 PROFESSOR But, there's still a little problem... NOBUHIKO Ah...It's moving! PROFESSOR I love to watch robots fight. [It's my favorite show] That's what influenced me into making him that way... NOBUHIKO Are you saying that he's a fighting robot? p15 PROFESSOR [I love strong robots.] NOBUHIKO Huh.... PROFESSOR However, I can program his personality to be anything you want! NOBUHIKO Sugoi! Sugoi! Then program him to protect and help me the way an older brother would, someone like [some guy's name] or [guy #2's name]. PROFESSOR Huh? What? NOBUHIKO You can't do it? PROFESSOR What did you say! I am a super genius! p16 NOBUHIKO What time will you be finished? PROFESSOR I need to start anew with his programming...It should be done by tomorrow! NOBUHIKO A....achoo! PROFESSOR Did you catch a cold? NOBUHIKO No! It's an allergy. PROFESSOR Let's eat dinner first before I start working! p17 NOBUHIKO It's really cold at night! The lab lights are still on. Ah? Grandpa still at work? Is Signal finished yet? Huh? I don't see him. Where'd he go? Wahh! p18 NOBUHIKO Woah! woah! woah! Aarhh! PROFESSOR Now I'm ready to start the last procedure... [Laboratory. No admittance.] p19 PROFESSOR What are you doing! NOBUHIKO Achoo! Ah, ahchoo! PROFESSOR No...Nobuhiko! NOBUHIKO Huh, I thought I was going to die. PROFESSOR What happened? Signal! ...Signal? p20 PROFESSOR I don't see him...I don't see him! NOBUHIKO ? PROFESSOR Wah! Signal's disappeared! He's gone! NOBUHIKO Calm down, Grandpa! There's a hole in the you think he ran outside... PROFESSOR Baka! Signal is not that small! NOBUHIKO I'm going outside to look around anyway! p21 CHIBI SIGNAL Uh....mmmm...mmmwa...Waa! Waaa! Waaa! ~ p22 NOBUHIKO Oww! That noise can kill! CHIBI Waa...waaa...waaa.... NOBUHIKO I can't take it anymore. I can't find Signal like this! Here I'll give you some chocolate to eat so stop crying! CHIBI It's good! Want more! p23 NOBUHIKO What an innocent little kid! Kid, where do you live? Why are you here outside crying in the middle of the night? CHIBI I don't know. NOBUHIKO Did you get lost? What's your name? CHIBI Signal! NOBUHIKO !? Signal! How, how could this be? He does look similar .... Achoo! p24 NOBUHIKO Wah! NOBUHIKO Chibi! !! p25 SIGNAL The alarm signal to trespassers... The rescue signal for the weak... That's right, my name is Signal!! p26 SIGNAL Who are you? NOBUHIKO huh? I'm Nobuhiko Otoi! I'm the grandson of Shinnosuke Otoi, the man who made you... SIGNAL Hmm? Nobuhiko Otoi? Hey, I remember now! Nobuhiko! You're Nobuhiko! p27 SIGNAL How are you? I was programmed to be your older brother. My name is Signal. It's nice to meet you! NOBUHIKO huh...ah...[his character seems pretty nice!] SIGNAL Who's there? p28 p29 SIGNAL It's just a cat! NOBUHIKO .......[Is something wrong with him!? Well, if he's like this, then I can always give him to my parents. He'll be their responsibility.] p30 PROFESSOR What did you say! Signal was small and then suddenly became big again! NOBUHIKO Grandpa, lower your voice, will you? SIGNAL ? PROFESSOR Is what you just said true? NOBUHIKO Don't you believe me? Grandpa. PROFESSOR Ahh...Nobuhiko, sneeze. SIGNAL What are you doing? NOBUHIKO Achoo! PROFESSOR Signal can transform? SIGNAL Wah! PROFESSOR It's true! [He became small!] NOBUHIKO Why would he transform? PROFESSOR The sound of the explosion made the computer haywired and probably shook something loose causing Signal's program to become alterable. That's why his personality was able to split. On top of that, the MIRA was also affected that way, changing his body shape. Since you sneezed during the explosion, it was recorded as a command to transform Signal when you sneeze. NOBUHIKO huh...[I don't understand.] CHIBI Yep! NOBUHIKO So whenever I sneeze, Signal will transform! PROFESSOR How can you speak of it so calmly! NOBUHIKO So that's it! PROFESSOR Hey! Baka! I didn't finish speaking! p32 PROFESSOR His program has serious problems...It wasn't finished yet...I didn't get to reprogram his aggressive behavior or fighting this Signal will continue to seek out strong enemies to fight with -- fighting not only for a good battle but for righteous causes as well. NOBUHIKO I don't want that kind of robot... PROFESSOR Now I will start anew to correct the mistake! Don't interfere again! NOBUHIKO Wah! p33 NOBUHIKO [It's been a long day.] Tomorrow I'll go exploring outside! !! Huh...I didn't know robots sleep! How can I say this? It looks like I got more than I bargained for, a hyper aggressive older brother and a troublesome little brother. p34 NOBUHIKO Thanks for coming. Hey, it's Omawari-san-tachi! OMAWARI-SAN #3 It's Nobuhiko Otoi! NOBUHIKO Are you busy? OMAWARI-SAN #3 Just now, a crocodile escaped from the zoo. We are hunting him! NOBUHIKO What! CAPTAIN Omawari #3, don't tell everyone our secret mission! OMAWARI-SAN #3 I'm sorry, Captain! CAPTAIN Reflect on what you've done! OMAWARI-SAN #3 Hai. OMAWARI-SAN #2 How well do you think we are keeping this a secret? p35 NOBUHIKO What does this crocodile look like? OMAWARI-SAN I'm not too clear on it, but we do know that it's a beer-loving crocodile. CAPTAIN Hey! It's a secret mission! Think about what those words mean! OMAWARI-SAN Hai! Otoi-san, what do you think? NOBUHIKO Don't you think you should go find the crocodile as quickly as you can instead? p36 NOBUHIKO Wahh! It's the crocodile! Help! CAPTAIN Okay! Use your guns to shoot him! OMAWARI-SAN Hai! p37 CAPTAIB Shoot! CROC It's empty...damn! OMAWARI-SAN Captain! Guns are of no use against him! CAPTAIN Baka! Try it again! OMAWARI-SAN We tried already! CROC You! Give me more beer! p38 NOBUHIKO Signal, you've got to think of something to stop that crocodile! If this continues like this, he'll eat us all! p39 CHIBI I'm scared.... NOBUHIKO That's right, all I have to do is to sneeze and he'll...Great, it's a cat! OMAWARI-SAN Nobuhiko-san, you must not mistreat little animals! NOBUHIKO I'm not, I just need his help...Ah, ah, Achoo! p40 OMAWARI-SAN Huh! He can transform! NOBUHIKO Signal! p41 SIGNAL Nobuhiko! What are you doing there? [The look on your face is really funny.] NOBUHIKO Behind you! SIGNAL Behind me? p42 NOBUHIKO Signal! CROC !? p43 SIGNAL You're pathetic...I'm not playing with you anymore! There's no point in fighting with you; it's no fun at all! My principle is that I don't fight with weak guys. When you become stronger, come back to fight me! NOBUHIKO Signal! I applaud you! SIGNAL That's a natural reaction! Isn't it? p44 SIGNAL Sneak attack! This guy is despicable! Boy! He's really angry! NOBUHIKO Signal! Look! A little girl! p45 NOBUHIKO What do we do? GIRL Kitty... NOBUHIKO Aah! p46 NOBUHIKO Huh...He wouldn't! Signal...He's really... SIGNAL I just explained it to you, don't you understand? Stop causing me trouble! p47 SIGNAL Baka! Are you itching to get beaten up? NOBUHIKO Signal! You're all right! Great! SIGNAL You can say that! p48 NOBUHIKO Ah! Sugoi! p49 NOBUHIKO Ah... SIGNAL Well? Now do you get it? NOBUHIKO Achoo! Uh oh... p50 CROC Huh! That great fighter is nowhere to be seen! Here's my chance! NOBUHIKO It's bad. What do I do now? Uh...Signal! p51 CHIBI Wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (etc.) p52 NOBUHIKO Grandpa, we home! PROFESSOR Why are you coming back so late? NOBUHIKO We made a new friend... [Ha ha ha...] OMAWARI-SAN [Thank-you for the help, but he needs to follow me back to the the zoo!] Revised 3/23/98. Finished February 1998. Written by Chibi Mokona (CM)