Tokyo Babylon, book 1 vol.0, "T.Y.O" version 1, 990801 Artwork and story by CLAMP Translation by Ronny Hedin ( With some help from that by VAZ ( --- Page 007 VOL.0, T.Y.O --- Page 008 Tokyo Babylon / Planned and presented by CLAMP 1991 Do you love Tokyo? --- Page 009 The capital of Japan - Tokyo. Polulation estimated at 11.923.346 during daytime. During the night, there are only 2 millions less people. A city that never sleeps. --- Page 010 Roppongi Subaru: Om... Subaru: Om vajra dharma kiri shawa Man: Eeeek... Subaru: Om vajra dharma kiri shawa Subaru: Om vajra dharma kiri shawa --- Page 011 Man: Eeek! Subaru: Rin pyo to sha kai chin retsu zai zen ! --- Page 012 Woman: Th Woman: ank Woman: you... Subaru: Good bye ! Subare: It's OK. Subaru: Since Akie-san has now left. Man: Uh... yes... --- Page 013 Tokyo Babylon Vol.0 T.Y.O --- Page 014 Shinjuku - Kabuki-cho; Sakurazura veterinarian clinic Sumeragi Hokuto, 16 year old Hokuto: Hohohohoho Subaru: Hokuto-chan... Hokuto: Don't tell me that the woman that appeared each night on his bed was only a a girl he'd cheated! Subaru: Ho... Hokuto-chan... if you talk so loudly, you'll bother the neighbours... Hokuto: What a stupid story! I can't beleive it ! Hokuto: An entertainer makes advances to an ordinary girl, brings her back to his appartment, stays with her all night long, quickly says to her that there won't be any follow up with their relationship... and she commits suicide! Hokuto: Even a woman's magazine wouldn't accept such a classical gag! --- Page 015 Hokuto: Why did she only appear on his bed? Subaru: I don't really know, but Subaru: It seems the bed was the only thing this Akie-san remembered of that room... Sumeragi Subaru 16 year old Hokuto: Wahahahahaha!!!! Hokuto: In other words, that man brought her to the room and only showed her the ceiling! Hokuto: He's an awful man! Hokuto: Men should only exist to be cheated by women! Not only do they cheat women, they also cast them aside three hundred lightyears too early! Subaru: Ho... Hokuto-chan, this isn't our home... If you get so worked up... --- Page 016 Hokuto: All those entertainers lives with the cash that poor people earned with their blood and sweat! If you help an amateur! Hokuto: And he dropped her! A guy like that can only be used to clean up Tchernobyl! Subaru! Subaru: Y... Yes? Hokuto: You shouldn't have helped such an asshole! Subaru: But... Hokuto: But what! It's because you're also a man, right! Subaru: I am a man, but, Hokuto: Shut up! Seishirou: Subaru-kun did the exorcism for that girl's sake. --- Page 017 Subaru: Seishirou-san!! Hokuto: What, you have male sympathy too, Sei-chan!! Seishirou: I usually support the women. Hokuto: Then what! Seishirou: Hokuto, you should know too, Seishirou: how spirits that stay in this world suffer. Sakurazuka Seishiro, 25 year old --- Page 018 Seishirou: More importantly than for that stupid man's sake, Subaru-kun eased that girl's suffering. Hokuto: Heh. Hokuto: When it's about Subaru, you understand everything clearly, don't you, Sei-chan. Seishirou: Because I spend great effort purifying myself every day. Hokuto: Seishirou-chan and Subaru are a perfect couple, aren't you! Subaru: Wa.... What are you saying! Hokuto-chan! Seishirou: The tea will get cold. Hokuto: What reason is there to hide anything! Did not Sei-chan fall for Subaru-kun at the first glance! --- Page 019 Hokuto: We, the Sumeragi family, have come to spiritually protect Japan since long, long ago. Sumeragi Subaru, the 13th family leader, Hokuto: you, the current top master of Yin and Yang, and Hokuto: the heir of the Sakurazuka family that have come to support the history of Japan from the shadows with the same mastery of Yin and Yang. --- Page 020 Hokuto: If the Sumeragi are the front, the Sakurazuka are the back... Hokuto: That family head and heir being in love... Hokuto: It's so glorious! Hokuto: Romantic! Like a fairytale! Hardboiled! Seishirou: The tea is getting cold, Hokuto-chan. Hokuto: Except the persons concerned... Hokuto: aren't all too forceful. Seishirou: Today's snack is anpan from Kimura's. Hokuto: Hey, Subaru! Do you realise you're the hero of this story? --- Page 021 Hokuto: And you, Seishirou-san!! Hokuto: Do you really think it's fine for one of the family of assassins, Sakurazukamori, to sit here eating anpan? Hokuto: Those happy eyes! Hokuto: The happy smile! Hokuto: The happy anpan! Hokuto: There's no tension at all! Seishirou: Even if you say that, I'm just an ordinary veterinarian... Seishirou: Even if it's the family occupation, I don't have the personality to do that... Hokuto: Subaru! Subaru: Y... Yes? --- Page 022 Hokuto: And you! Hokuto: Though there's nothing wrong about your figure, what's with those strangely low hips! Don't you do work saving the world!? Hokuto: Don't you think you should apologize to Kujaku-san of "Kujaku-oh"!? Don't you think you should say sorry to Katou-san of "Doomed Megalopolis"! Subaru: I... I'm only an ordinary master of the Yin and Yang, so... Hokuto: Being a master of Yin and Yang is extraordinary in itself! Subaru: Oh, I have to go... Seishirou: Is it work? Subaru: Yes, there's one more case...! --- Page 023 Seishirou: It's late, so... Seishirou: I'll take you there Subaru: Ah... No, that's OK. Hokuto: Let him take you! It's free! Seishirou: I'll take you! Really... Hokuto: Woo, woo, you did it! Hokuto: Seishirou-chan! If you can't do a "seeing-off-wolf", at least attack as a "seeing-off-gepard"! Seishirou: Oh, yes! Why don't we all go? I'm sure it would be fun like a picnic! Subaru: Excuse me.. I'm not going for fun... --- Page 024 Hokuto: Hey! I might become a hindering koala! Seishirou: What are you saying, Hokuto-chan. Aren't you the one who'll become my sister-in-law? Let's deepen our family relationship from now on! Subaru: Just what are you talking about? What! (Seishirou: I'll go fetch my car keys!) --- Page 025 Woman: You must be Sumeragi... Subaru-sama, right. Woman: I'm afraid my husband isn't home... Subaru: Ah... that's fine. About that girl we spoke... Woman: It's this way. --- Page 026 Woman: She seemd to suddenly become enraged at the office... Woman: Yes... She's not that sort of girl. Woman: She's an ordinary girl... Uh? Yes, she works with a company my husband is having a transaction with right now... She hasn't eaten anything... and she's thrown about the things in her room... I honestly don't know what's happening... My husband knew someone that had been helped by the Sumeragi before... I can't think of anything else. Woman: And... um... I'm sorry, but... how old are you? --- Page 027 Girl: *huff* *huff* *huff* --- Page 028 Subaru: Wah! --- Page 029 Subaru: It didn't work at all. Subaru: This... isn't a dead spirit. --- Page 030 Subaru: Subaru: Subaru: --- Page 031 Subaru: Om. Subaru: Om abokya... beiroshanam... (Subaru: The claws coating the office lady's manicure are strong!) Subaru: Makabodara. Mani Handomajinpara. Paraparitayaun. --- Page 032 Subaru: Om Abokya Beiroshanaumakabodaramani Pandomajinparaharaparitaya Un OL: Gyah?! --- Page 033 OL: Geh, gyaah?! Subaru: Om. --- Page 034 OL: Gyuaah! --- Page 039 (Subaru: Wh... what should I do!) Hokuto: Welcome back, good work! Subaru: I'm sorry for making you wait. Hokuto: Whaaat!? Hokuto: There are living spirits in her Channel-Suit!? --- Page 40 Subaru: They were more like hatred than living spirits, but... Hokuto: What do you mean? Subaru: When I asked that girl after returned to herself, she said she bought the suit the suits when the grand battle opened with Isetan's summer sales. Subaru: It seems the hatred of those who lost in that battle, and Subaru: the yearning the people always seeing it in the store window gathered in that suit... Hokoto: I see. Hokuto: The tenacity of women during summer sale is almost absurd... --- Page 041 Seishirou: Since, now as well as in the past, humans are what is most scary, Seishirou: There are spirits called Tsukumogami that dwell in objects, but in recent time, human hatred has become so great the is no place for the Tsukumogami. Subaru: Huh? Hokuto: That's right! Both demons and spirits are already powerless before human power. Pollution, the nuclear problem and the disturbances in eastern Europe are all like lullabies compared to Japanese girls!! --- Page 042 Hokuto: No matter what the ecology-boom and their mouths say, Hokuto: Despite the ecological fashion they wear, they keep using hairmousse with freon gas. (By the way, there's freon gas in the spray I use to dry my manicure as well.) Hokuto: Even though they know there's a water deficiency, they take a morning shower, and even though they cry while hearing on the news how the poor trees are being cut down, they have to buy their fashion magazines and comics! Hokuto: Aaah! Girls are so cute!! Subaru: Maybe you should stop using freon gas too, Hokuto-chan. Hokuto: You're still foolishly shallow, Subaru. (Hokuto: You still don't understand your sister enough!) --- Page 043 Hokuto: If I don't buy the things in the store windows, someone else will. If the freon gas will be emitted anyway, isn't it just as well that I use it myself and make myself beautiful? Subaru: Th... that thinking is a bit dangerous... Seishirou: Now that you mention it, there are nuclear power plants in eastern Europe just as aged as Tchernobyl. Seishirou: Kyahahaha! I wonder how long we have! Dwindling resources and nuclear power plants!? Seishirou: Still, I really love this Tokyo. --- Page 044 Subaru: Why is that? Seishirou: Because it's the only city here on earth --- Page 045 Seishirou: that can enjoy itself as it walks the path to destruction! --- Page 046 Subaru: Seishiro-san... Seishirou: That's how it is. Seishirou: We should have Subaru-kun and my wedding someday soon! (Seishirou: It'd be troublesome if the city was destroyed!) Subaru: Though it's for somewhat different reasons than Seishirou-san... Subaru: I also love Tokyo! Vol.0 T.Y.O - END