Copyright Masami Kurumada. Summary of Saint Seiya Manga 22 - Chapter 1. Version 1. March 6th 1995. By : Carene Veanc,on. And : Jean-Luc Leger. Title : "Athena ! A Deadly Decision" p8 : Kanon is always in Pope's Room. He recognizes the sound made by the crash of 2 Athena Exclamation. He remembers this technique has been forbidden by Athena In a destroyed Virgo Temple, the 2 groups of Gold Saints confront, an energy ball between them. p10 : Each team tries to push the ball towards the other one. Then they feels that someone else has just changed the balance of powers. Saga notices ball is slowly coming closer to him. He wonders who is strong enough except for the 6 Gold Saints who are here. He feels that the cosmo comes from behind Mu & Co. p12 : It is Shiryu. Mu & Co tells him to stop this and to leave quickly the Temple. If he doesn't, his body will be destroyed because he doesn't wear a Gold Cloth. But he answers he didn't come here in order to run away. He wants to add his little cosmo to theirs. p14 : Saga & Co also tries to convince Shiryu, but he is ready to die for Athena. So he increases his cosmo and ... p16 : .. attacks with his Rozan Shoo Ryuu Ha (Ascending Dragon) p18 : The energy destroys a part of Temple which still was in a good condition. Shiryu is also carried away. All pilars fall down on Mu & Co. p20 : Athena feels it and calls Kanon. He tells her not to worry. She explains him there is a thing she would like he bring to her. It's the thing which is under the throne of Pope's room. Saga put it there 13 Years ago. Now it's time to give it back to him. p22 : In Virgo Temple, Mu & Co pull up from under pilars. They look for Shiryu but can't find him. Then they notices a movement in the fragments of pilars. p24 : It is Saga. Milo is furious because Saga, Evil incarnation, is still alive whereas Shiryu is dead. So he is going to finish him off ! But a voice tells him to wait. p26 : They don't understand why but they know that the voice they heard directly in their spirits is Athena's. p28 : <29-2> Athena : "Milo..Mu..Aioria" "I beg You" p30 : She asks them not to attack Saga & Co any longer and to bring them with them to Athena Statue. Milo tells her they can't do such actions. It's too dangerous. Saga & Co wants to take her life. Athena replies she wants to speak directly with Saga and they don't have plently of time any longer. Mu & Co don't really understand Athena's intentions, but they can't disobey. So they prepares to look for Camus and Shura. p32 : In the meanwhile, Shun and Hyoga arrive in front of Aries Temple. They wonders why Mu or anyone else doesn't protect the entrance to 12 Temples. Hyoga, watching at Fireclock, discovers the battle versus Specters began 8 hours ago. He feels a foreboding about Athena so they hurry up to rejoin her. p34 : Star Hill. Seiya wakes up and wonders where he is. He recognizes Star Hill and reminds Mu sent him there to save him. He notices too many fires of fireclock have disappeared. Then he also feels a foreboding about Athena. p36 : Athena Statue. Mu & Co arrive with Saga & Co. Athena moves near to Saga and orders Kanon to give Saga the ritual object. p38 : Kanon holds out to Saga a box which contains a dagger. Saga recognizes it. Athena confirms : it's the golden dagger with which he tried disguised as Popoe, to kill her, 13 Years ago. Saga doesn't understand why she gives him it back. p40 : She explains him it's to let him take her life. He's astonshed. She tells him not to worry since that's why he and his friends came here. Saga seems reluctant. Athena smiles and then blood spurts out. p42 : The 7 Saints (Mu & Co, Saga & Co and Kanon) can't get over it. Shun and Hyoga, somewhere on the stairs, and of course Seiya on Star Hill, feel it too. p44 : Saori is dead ! Next Chapter : Athena's Cloth. =============================================================================== Summary of Saint Seiya Manga 22 - Chapter 2. Version 1. March 11th 1995. By : Carene Veanc,on. And : Jean-Luc Leger. Title : Athena's Cloth. p46 : Athena knifed herself ! The 7 saints surround her but it's too late. Feary, the butterfly is still spying. p48 : Hades Castle. Frog tells Radamanthys of the return of Feary and of Athena killing herself. Radamanthys becomes confused so Frog asks him what's the problem. Radamanthys wonders why Athena killed herself. Frog doesn't believe him. He thinks Radamanthys is worrying because, in spite of Pandora's orders, he sent Specters to Sanctuary and, except Feary, they were all exterminated. So Radamanthys is thinking about the best way to explain that to Pandora. p50 : They enters Pandora's room. She still plays harp. She asks him if he sent Specters to Sanctuary. He tries to explain and tells about the strange suicid of Athena. But Pandora is too angry. She plays a dreadful chord. p52 : Energy waves surround Radamanthys and bring him down. Pandora tells him those who disobeys to her orders (which are coming from Hades' will) must receive Eternal Death. Nevertheless since Radamanthys is one of 3 Kyotoo (Leaders) who judges dead people, she forgives him, only for this time. p54 : Then a messenger enters. Saga & Co has just come back with Athena's dead body. p56 : Back to Sanctuary. In front of Athena Statue, 4 Bronze Saints looks at her blood on the floor. Seiya can't bear his fail in protecting Athena. p58 : Then Shion appears. He tells them the real battle is about to take place. They recognize him as a Specter and surround him. He tells them to move over but they refuse and attack him. p60 : So he hits them all. p62 : He orders them to go to Hades Castle and to kill Hades because time came to stop Hades ambitions ! p64 : Bronze Saints are astonished. Then Shion kneels down on Athena's blood. He mours for Athena's death. They don't understand why he is crying since he came to kill Athena. p66 : So they wonder if he is an enemy or an ally. He tells them both he and Saga & Co are Athena's Saints. They asks him why they claimed they wanted Athea's head. Shion shows them his hands covered with blood : "All was for this !" p68 : He touches Athena statue requesting for the rebirth of the Sacred Cloth. Athena Statue is suddenly surrounded by eergy waves. p70 : Then an explosion of light happens and the statue has disappeared. Shion explains them it doesn't disappeared and advises they looks at their feet. p72 : The giant statue became a very little one. Shion teaches them it's Athea's Cloth. It also needs blood to rebirth, like their own Cloth. But to wake up a such cloth which was sleeping for about 240 Years, it absolutely needed Athena's blood. Athena must wear her cloth if she wants to defeat Hades. p74 : He explains that Hades woke the up from their Death Sleep saying : "You, who were formerly Saints, you should be able to cross easily the 12 Temples ! If you can bring me back Athena's head, you will be released from Death World and you will receive Eternal Life !" They took advantage of that to enter 12 Temples but it was only to inform Athena about her Cloth. They had to act exactly like enemies aiming Athena's life. Otherwise Hades would have removed their body. Saga & Co showed to Hades Army they were able to use up to Athena Exclamation, the forbidden technique. p76 : They doesn't understand what's the importance of that since Athea herself died. <2> Shion : "I already told you .. that the real battle begins from now on. Ad this doesn't mean that both Athena and Shaka gave up the battle" <3> Seiya : "What ? Athea and Shaka who are dead, didn't ... ?" <4> Shion : "That .." But Shion can't finish his sentence, he kneels dow suffering. He explains Hades gave them a temporary new life. They had only 12 hours (that means up to dawn) to fullfil their mission. Shion doesn't have time left anymore. His body will return to dust. His eternal sleep in Death World is waiting for him. But before that, Shion wants to offer them something. He raises his hand covered with blood . p78 : He throws blood on their Broze Clothes (Seiya and Shiryu are wearing theirs, Cygnus and Andromeda Clothes are still in boxes). <6> Shion : "Bronze (clothes), you, too, be brought to life by Athena's blood!" Andromeda and Cygnus Clothes appear fully repaired. Saints are astonished. They thought it was impossible to repair their clothes covered with damages. p80 : 4 Bronze Saints with repaired Clothes. Next Chapter : Let's go ! New Clothes. =============================================================================== Summary of Saint Seiya Manga 22 - Chapter 3. Version 1. March 11th 1995. By : Carene Veanc,on. And : Jean-Luc Leger. Title : Let's go ! New Clothes. p82 : New Clothes. p84 : Shion tells their clothes were brought to life by Athena's blood. These are ultimate Clothes. Then he collapses again. They rus towards him. p86 : Shion tells them to go to Hades Castle. They just have to follow Saga, Aioria & Co's Cosmo. Then they have to bring obigatory her Cloth to Athena. Seiya takes Athena Cloth and they leave Shion. Shion lies down and disappears. p88 : Dohko who witnessed Shion's death, mourns for his friend. He "tells" him their sacrifice won't be unnecessary. Those who are still alive will try to kill Hades. And after that, Dohko will probably rejoin them in death. Meanwhile, Bronze Saints follow Gold Saints' cosmo. They regain a motivation : to protect Athena and to kill Hades. p90 : Hades Castle. Pandora and Frog meet Saga & Co. Pandora seems happy they succeeded in bringing back Athena corpse in less than 12 hours. She reminds them what whould have happened if they didn't have come back before dawn. <91-2> Pandora : "Come on, remove quickly that material and show me Athena's dead face." <91-2> Saga : "Before that .." <91-2> Pandora : "What's the matter ?" p92 : They would like to know if they wasn't mistaken about Hades' words to grant them eternal life if they kill Athena. Pandora reassures them, Hades can't lie. So Saga tells her, they must, at all costs, show Athena's dead face directly to Hades. But Pandora explains they can't see a God ! <5> Pandora : "If I see it, that will be good!" "Come on, do remove that material !" But Saga doesn't move. So Pandora orders Frog to take it off. Frog does it, muttering : <93-3> Frog : "`ket' !! These guys have something suspicious !!" "What are they plotting ?" An astonishing thing happens. p94 : There is no corpse in the shroud, there is only blood. Pandora asks what happened to corpse because blood isn't a sufficient prouf. Saga replies by asking where Athena could disappear, when they was coming here. He also asks if she didn't go directly to the Hades World. Frog doesn't like Saga's mocking tone, so he tries to attack them but Camus hits him before. p96 : Shura appears behind Pandora. <1> Shura : "As you know, my hand is Excalibur." "If you move, even a little, your head will fall" Saga tells her they don't like to attack a woman. So if she wants head and body stay linked, she must take them to Hades. <4> Pandora : "What will you do when you will meet Hades ?" <97-1> Saga : "We will take his head, of course .." And this time, they really want to do it. Pandora understands all they did was to deceive her. <97-3> Pandora : "But don't you forget an important thing ?" <97-4/6> Shura/Saga/Camus : "Wh.." "What ?" p98 : A light strikes them. Pandora tells them they only could move, until now, because Hades gave them a new life. Other dead people who forgot His acts of generosity felt in endless hell and are eternally in pain. p100 : Saga tells, with difficulty, he had lost the weak power he kept. He asks her what she did. She replies she didn't do anything. Next Chapter : The door to the Hades World. =============================================================================== Summary of Saint Seiya Manga 22 - Chapter 4. Version 1. March 11th 1995. By : Carene Veanc,on. And : Jean-Luc Leger. Title : The door to the Hades World. p102 : The light of dawn enters by a skylight. <1> Pandora : "The 12 hours-lives you receved from Hades .." <2> "It means time came for these lives to disappear." <103-1/3>> Camus/Saga/Shura : "huh.." "huh.." <103-4> Pandora : "Is it dreadful to come back again to Death Country ?" "Is it painful ?" <103-5> "Do answer only to 1 thing !" "If you do so, I'll request from Hades he extends a little more your lives" <103-6> "Athena.." "Athena who should be dead, where did she disappear ?" p104 : Saga explains she went to Death Country. Pandora wonders if Athena intends to kill Hades. So she calls a messenger to inform every Specters they must leave the castle and return in the Hades Kingdom to protect Hades. Pandora heads for a glassdoor. p106 : The door opens on a endless hole with stairs. At the outside of the tower, Aioria, Milo and Mu are thrown on the ground by Radamanthys. p108 : The messenger informs Radamanthys about Pandora's orders : they must leave quickly the castle before its destruction. Radamanthys prefers to finish his job with GoldSaints before leaving. He compares them to summer insects who are attracted by a flame. Aioria wonders if he is Radamanthys, one of the 3 Judges of the Hades. He can't accept this man may be more powerful than a GoldSaint. So he hits him. p110 : But his attack doesn't have any effect (like the bite of a mostico !). Radamanthys explains him the castle is protected by Hades' will. Every enemies who enter here will lose the main part of their power. They have only 1/10 of their power. Radamanthys hits Aioria. He tells them even with their full power, they wouldn't have been able to defeat him. p112 : Radamanthys lifts Aioria up and throws him in the same hole he had already thrown Death Mask and Aphrodite. It's a trapdoor to Death World. Next, he catches Mu and Milo and throws them also in the hole. He thinks he defeated last Gold Saints. They, although being alive, will suffer eternally in the Death Coutry. He shouts that he should have been able to have done easily with Athena Army if he had been sent to Sanctuary. p114 : Meanwhile, in the castle, Frog takes revenge on Camus for having hit him with his frozen air. Radamanthys enters and asks him what he's doing. He tells him he thought every Specters was heading to the Hades World. Frog explains him what he is doing. Radamanthys reminds him they will go back to ashes soon but Frog doesn't care about it : he only wants to take revenge. Suddenly, Radamanthys fells a cosmo which is quickly coming closer. p116 : 4 Bronze Saints enters by the skylight Seiya floors (or lands on !) Frog. p118 : Radamanthys asks them who they are. Seiya replies they are Athena's Saints Frog gets up and asks them how they hit him. p120 : He asks again but they don't understand what he wants. So Frog shows them how he thinks they hit him and hits Camus on his head. Again and again. p122 : Hyoga can't bear this and hits Frog probably with his Diamond Dust. Seiya asks Frog if it was like that (I suppose he is talking about the way Camus hit Frog). Frog replies it was so. p124 : Camus and Shura disappears. p126 : And Saga too. Bronze Saints mourns for their brothers. Frog cries because "the golden haired" man froze his leg. Radamanthys goes away. Frog asks him where he goes. p128 : Radamanthys reminds him Pandora's orders : to go back to the Hades World and to protect Hades. Frog is astonished : they hit him and they won't die ! Frog is too angry for leaving the castle. He tells Radamanthys not to intervene. He plans to get rid of the Saints alone. Radamanthys reminds his he hasn't got time enough because castle is going to be destroyed. Frog thinks he only needs 2/3 mn to kill them all. He shouts at them. Hoga moves forward. He will fight against Frog because the latter kicked his master Camus. Frog may be deaf because he hadn't understood Hyoga's words. So he throws himself towards Hyoga. p130 : Hyoga hits him with Diamond Dust. p132 : Frog asks him who was Camus to him. Hyoga replies Camus is his master. Frog understands that if he fights against Hyoga, his body will be frozen again. So he calls for help from Radamanthys but the latter refuses : he doesn't want to be late, he says. Consequently, Frog has to fight alone. He concentrates all his power and attacks Hyoga. p134 : Hyoga uses Camus's main attack : Aurora Execution. Next Chapter : "Wake up ! 8th Sense" =============================================================================== Summary of Saint Seiya Manga 22 - Chapter 5. Version 1. March 11th 1995. By : Carene Veanc,on. And : Jean-Luc Leger. Title : Wake up ! 8th Sense. p136 : Frog is killed by Hyoga's attack. p138 : Seiya points at Radamanthys and tells him it's his turn. Radamanthys doesn't seem to understand. Seiya explains, while attacking him, it's his turn to be killed. But Shiryu holds him back. Radamanthys' cosmo seems incredibly powerful. He may be more powerful than they are together p140 : Radamanthys teaches them he throwed the 3 Gold Saints alive in the hole to Hell. Suddenly he notices something strange about these Bronze Saints : they shouldn't be able to move, (Remember : The castle is protected by Hades will, even Gold Saints were weakened) but they succeeded in killing Frog. Then he understands they are protected by a god's blood. p142 : Seiya attacks but misses him. He is determined to kill Radamanthys who replies he also wants to kill them here. Seiya attacks to force him to head them to the Hades World. p144 : But he is brought down by an energy ball. A new Specter appears in the room. His name : Valentine. In fact, he isn't alone. p146 : At least 7 other Specters are with him. Valentine explains they are Radamanthys' troops so they won't leave if they don't receive the order directly from him. Aiacos and Minos' troops are the only ones who left. Radamanthys orders them to return to the Hades World to protect Hades and to stop Athena. p148 : Seiya tells Radamanthys to wait. He reminds he ordered him to head them to the Hades World. Valentine proposes to rid Radamanthys of the Saints. So Seiya attacks but Valentine catches his arm and tells him Radamanthys is one of the 3 Leader of the Hades World. Consequently they are not worthy of fighting againts him. p150 : Valentine throws Seiya in the air. Hyoga, Shun and Shiryu try to help Seiya but 3 Specters appear behind ... p152 : ... and hit them. p154 : Valentine proposes Radamanthys to leave. Radamanthys is still thinking about Bronze Saints protected by Athena's blood and supposes they will become more and more dangerous. p156 : The castle destruction begins. Valentine asks Radamanthys if they go or if they kill Bronze Saints. They have to hurry so they head to the "hole to the Death World". p158 : Seiya calls out to Valentine who replies they haven't time to care about them at this time, but if they want to fight they can go to the Hades World. The 4 Specters introduce themselves : Harpy Valentine, Basilisk Sylphid, Minotauros Gordon and Alraune Queen. They reminds they'll wait for them in the Hades World and they disappears. p160 : However, Seiya does't want to let them running away. So he jumps, catches Valentine and falls with him in the hole. Valentine laughs at Seiya because his last action is synonymous with certain death. p162 : Hyoga, Shun and Shiryu looks at the hole where Seiya and Specters have just disappeared. They decide to follow Seiya but someone behind holds them back. Shiryu recognizes his old master Dohko. p164 : Dohko explains Specters can come and go in this world and in the other one because they are protected by Hades' will. But for human beings, to fall in this hole is like a suicid. So Seiya may be dead at present. Nevertheless, Seiya may also have reached alive Death World if he succeeded in being aroused to the ArayaShiki. Dohko reveals them why Shaka sent this strange message to Athena. Hades is extremely vigilant : he won't leave the Hades World until he dominates completely the surface of the World. So, to defeat Hades, Athena has to go herself in the Hades World. But Hades reigns there since Mythological times, therefore, one can't go easily. Of course if you die, you go there easily but, then, you, like other dead people, become controled by rulers of the Death World and you are not able to fight Hades. Consequently, if you want to kill Hades, you must go alive in the Death World. p166 : Dohko explains that Shaka is called "the man who is almost a god" because he is the only one among the Saints to have been aroused to the ArayaShiki. ArayaShiki is a buddhist word for an hidden thing or for origin/root. It is the 8th level (of 9) of consciousness, the 8th sense that every human being possesses at the origin of his life. Unfortunately, the 8th sense dozes in a deeper place of the cosmo than the 7th sense. So usually one finishes his life without knowing this power. When you die, all your senses, from the 1st to the 7th one, disappear. Then the 8th sense appears. Shiryu deduces that Athena and Shaka developped their 8th sense and went alive to the Hades World. This explains Shion's words : Both Athena and Shaka didn't give up of fighting. p168 : To conclude, if Bronze Saints wants to go to the Death World and fight Hades, they must go alive. And for this, they must be aroused to 8th sense. Dohko asks them if they think they are able to do that. Shiryu replies they can't give up. Hyoga says they also have a mission to carry out : to give Athena Cloth to Athena who is in the Death World. Shun reminds them Specters are looking for Athena and maybe are attacking her. So they must hurry and follow Seiya. The castle is collapsing, if they stay here they will die. Dohko says Athena's blood protects them and has increased their cosmo. So they may are able to be aroused to 8th sense in a moment. Bronze Saints are sure Seiya succeeded and reached alive the Death World. p170 : At last, they jump in the hole and the castle collapses. End of the 1st Part (on the Earth). Next Chapter : Cross ! The Acheron River.