SILENT MOBIUS-Side 8 Translation by Joyce November 1997 Edited by Sam Lysinger A few things: A few things are not literal, but closer to English usage. Also, anything I had major problem with translating are enclosed in [ ], but most proved OK. Commentary and Definitions are in ( ). SE stands for sound effects. I'll be using first names. LH stands for generic monsters w/o names. OF stands for old fart. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20: Ring on the Ring Tokyo, What can you? p. 5 Katsumi: Roy, what do you think of Tokyo? I. . . I sometimes think this city is like a dream. p. 6 Roy: What? Katsumi: Nothing. . . (thinking) This city is inorganic, but it seems alive. Saying that nobody could ask for more. Everyone at AMP. . . p. 7 Roy: Isn't your work hard? Katsumi: It's hard, but I don't care. (thinking) After all, everybody is always there. The work's dangerous and hard, but it doesn't matter. And this town is alive. Roy is here in this town. p. 8 Katsumi: Even love. Roy: Katsumi, are you happy? Katsumi: Like a dream, I'm happy. But there are bad dreams. We might be living inside of this city's dream. P. 9 Katsumi: If a nightmare were to come, perhaps the same dream would repeat. Roy: I don't know. Perhaps the next dream will be nice. Katsumi: Yes, but there's one dream I want to wake up from. I want reality to come. Roy, I sometimes think. . . p. 10 Katsumi: Tokyo is alive. p. 14 SE: Don. p.15 Ganosa: haa haa haa (not laughter, exertion) Rosa: Ganosa! Ganosa! Ganosa: haa haa haa Rosa: What's wrong, Ganosa? Ganosa: ha ha ha ha ha Rosa: Ganosa. Ganosa: Shut up! p. 16 Ganosa: Shut up Rosa! Don't come near me. Go back! Rosa: What? I can't believe what I'm hearing. Ganosa: Don't think about it. Disappear, Rosa! Rosa: Mu..... Ganosa: Quickly. Rosa: I heard you! But I won't forget this, Ganosa! Think about your situation before you say stuff like that. Ganosa: haa haa haa p. 17 Ganosa: My situation. I know it without her saying it. This body is in pieces. Lucifer Hawks look at me! Don't underestimate my power! I'll be the last to laugh. Fu, fu, fu, soon the most powerful card will be in my hand. I, Ganosa, King of the underworld, will show his hand. SE:oooooooooo p. 18 Ganosa: Haa, haa, haa. Demon Sword Medium. SE: Doken. p. 19 Medium: What is it Ganosa: My master's been chosen. Ganosa: Fu fu fu fu. . . You always ask the same thing. Medium: You are here because you've chosen my master. Am I wrong? Ganosa: That's right, medium, I'll be handing you over to a new master. Aren't you happy, medium? You'll be able to destroy. . . Medium: I'm happy! Quick, hand me over. p. 20 Rosa: Ganosa, what's going on with him. That's the first time I've ever seen him like that. I feel uneasy. Looks like I'll have to keep an eye on things. Dogura! Magura! Dogura: Yes, Rosa! Magura: Rosa, did you call? Rosa : Fu fu fu fu. p. 21 Rosa: You were dead, dispersed to the wind. I brought you to life. You haven't forgotten, Dogura, Magura. Dogura: Of course not, Rosa. We belong to you only. Rosa: Fu fu fu. How sweet. I've got a favor to ask. Keep an eye on Ganosa all the time. Leave nothing out of your report. p. 22 Rose: Ha, ha. p. 23 Se: Goooooooo, kacha Box: Katsumi's been missing for half a year. The strange thing is that the Lucifer Hawks' activity completely stopped from that moment on. Then a terrible thing happened to the AMP. p. 24 Kiddy: It's been 1/2 a year since she's been gone. Where is she? No way... She's not the type. Katsumi, be OK. . . Fu fu fu. Ok, sorry, sorry. Just as long as you come back freely, Katsumi. SE: goooooo p. 25 Lebia: Huh? You put the decorations on the tree? Nami: Yeah. Lebia: Heh. You didn't know about Christmas before you came here. Nami: That's right. My house's religion is different. Lebia: Fu fu. Even so, people around the world do this regardless of religion. Nami: This Christmas, everybody wants to go home. New Year's too. Lebia: Yes. p 26 Caption: Precinct 00, AMP Headquarters Rally: Shut down? AMP? But why? OF: Rally, this decision is irreversible. AMP was a police department aimed at repulsing Lucifer Hawks. There's no more need for AMP. Rally: They aren't gone yet. . . p. 27 OF: I know what you're going to say. OF2: If they came back, what are we going to do is what you were going to say? Don't worry. We've analyzed all of your data. We've developed new weapons. There's an old saying: Don't worry be happy. Rally: Ku OF2: On 12/25/29, AMP will shut down. Immediately. SE: Don p. 28 SE: pi,pi Kiddy: What is it? Shut up. I was about to go out. Wha...What is this! SE: gooooooo Nami: Yes. Lebia: Nami, those clothes on Christmas day. Nami: Oh? SE:pi p. 29 Nami: What's wrong, Lebia? Lebia: Nami, this is serious. SE: Gashan. Yuki: No way. Rally: Mana, did you see it? That mail message. Mana: Chief Rally, yes. p. 30 Rally: Whether it's real or not, we should go to the place and check it out. Mana: Shall I tell everyone? Rally: No, everybody's going. SE: doooooo Rally: That's the last I'll see of that building. Se: oooooooooooooo Mana: What a thing to worry about. Rally: Yeah. SE: kiiiii p. 31 SE: hiyuuuuu p. 32 SE: Zo Yuki: Ah? It's snowing. That's rare. Kiddy: Yuki? Yuki: Ah, Kiddy. Kiddy: You got the message, too. Yuki: Yes. p. 33 Kiddy: Everybody else's coming here. Yuki: Yes. Nami: Kiddy! Yuki! It's here. Kiddy: Nami! Lebia! It's where the mail said. Yuki: Is it real? Lebia: I don't know. Kiddy: It might be a trick. Nami: Could be. SE: Kiiiiii. p. 34 SE: kiii Yuki: Chief Rally & Isozaki-kacho. SE: Shuuuu Rally: Everyone's here. Mana: Just one more. Yuki: Rally, is that mail real? Rally: That's why we're all here. This is where she disappeared. p. 35 Rally: That mail said to be here. Well, speak of the devil. Kiddy: Katsumi Liquer. SE: Hiyuuuuu, zatsu Caption: AND IT WAS SO! p. 38 Everyone: Katsumi. p. 39 Caption: Katsumi returned after a half a year's disappearance. But this was the true start of the war between AMP and Lucifer Hawks. Se: hiuuuu p. 40 Yuki: Ah. SE: Zatsu Kiddy: Katsumi? p. 41 Yuki: Katsumi, you've come back. Katsumi. SE: Da Rally: Yuki, wait. . . She's. . . p. 42-43 SE: Datsu p. 44 Yuki: Ah. Lebia: Yuki. Nami: Yuki. SE: Dose. p. 45 Lebia: Wait, there's something funny going on here. Kiddy: What are you doing? Don't stop me, Lebia. SE: Zu p. 46 Katsumi: Long time no see, everyone. How are all of you? Fu fu fu. It's been half a year. Kiddy: What? Mana: Nami! Quick, call an ambulance. Nami: Yes. Katsumi: I'm sorry to have worried you. It just didn't occur to me. But I'm fine, I'll be able to be with you all from now on. p. 47 Rally: Lebia, monitor her. Lebia: Yes. SE: piiii,kiiii Mana: Yuki, are you OK? Yuki! Yuki! Kiddy: What the hell is this? Katsumi. What are you doing? Katsumi: Simple thing, really. p. 48 Katsumi: That's just my way of saying hello. She's not going to die. Kiddy: You bitch. Katsumi: But I've always been like this. Rally: Katsumi. SE: Za. p. 49 Rally: Are you truly Katsumi Liquer? Katsumi: I am. Who else would I be? There's just one thing that's changed. That . . . p. 50 Katsumi: Now I want to destroy the AMP. I want to send you all to hell. SE: goooooo p. 52 Se: Da Kiddy: You bitch. What kind of stupid things are you saying? SE: Vuun Katsumi: That was useless. SE: shu, dotsu p. 53 Kiddy: Gu SE: Goku Katsumi: Fu fu fu. I won't be slicing you again so please relax. If you don't, what I have to show you won't be as amusing. SE: gu, ba p. 56 Rally: Katsumi, what the hell is this? Katsumi: Fufufu. I became a follower of Nemesis with the greatest of ease. I gave up my empty dreams of compassion for humans. Nami: A follower of Nemesis. Katsumi: I'll return to the darkness without a trace. p. 57 Katsumi: See you later, everyone at AMP. Fufufu. SE: Su p. 58 Se: hiuuuuuu Rally: Greatest of. . . Enemy.. . You've become our worst enemy. Katsumi. SE: ku p. 59 Se: fuan, fuan,ooooooooo Rally: How're Yuki & Kiddy? Kiddy: I'm fine, just a slight scratch, but Yuki.... Mana: We've done everything we can, she's lost a lot of blood. We've got to get her to a hospital quickly. Rally: Yes. SE: fuan, fuan p. 60+61 Rally(thinking): The fight has truly started. p. 62 SE: Goooooo Ganosa: Their first glimpse of the enemy. . . Even Rally must've been stunned. How did she turn out? This time Katsumi Liquer is their worst enemy. Kekekeke. SE: ooooooooooo p. 63 SE:oooooooooo Ganosse: hahahahah p. 64 SE: ooooooooooooooo Rally: That so. . . Lebia: Yes, the dcotor says that besides the wound, they're worried about the shock. She was the one who knew Katsumi best. Rally: That's true. Mana: Chief! SE: Katsu. p. 65 Mana: Chief. They want to see you. Rally: Understood. Lebia and Nami, please look after Yuki and Kiddy. Lebia: Yes. Nami: What's going to happen to the AMP? Lebia: Nami. Mana: You know. . . Rally: Don't worry, we won't lose AMP. p. 66 Nami: Yes. Rally: Lets go, Mana. Mana: Yes. SE: oooooooooooo Mana: Is it true chief? AMP Rally: Are you worried, Mana? I still have a final hand to play. . . p. 67 Rally: Don't you think I can pull the wool over those upper level's eyes? Mana: Yes. SE: ooooooooooo p. 68 Katsumi: Fufu. SE: ooooooooooooo p. 69 SE:ooooooooooo p. 70 SE: oooooooooo, gooooooo Rosa(thinking): What is it? Demon Sword Medium is gone? p. 71 Rosa(thinking): What's this? A successor has been chosen. Who then? No, is there someone who could use that sword? No. p. 72 Rosa: There is one. Ganosa, what is he thinking? SE:oooooooo Dogura: Rosa. Se: su Rosa Magura? Where's Dogura? Magura: Dogura is following Ganosa. He knows what happened to Medium. p. 73 Rosa: What? Magura: Medium is in Katsumi Liquer's hand. Rosa (thinking): It's in Katsumi Liquer's hand? SE: don p. 74 Rosa (thinking): Why did he give it to Katsumi? p. 75 SE:ooooooooo Rosa(thinking): What the hell. p. 76 Mana: How is Yuki? Lebia: She's still in a coma. The doctor says she's healed and should be coming out of it. Mana: What do you say. *Lebia: Something is preventing her from coming back to this world. Mana: What Katsumi did to her. p. 77 Lebia: It was too much for Yuki. She can't face the reality of it. Mana: Yes. If Katsumi who changed over to Nemesis returned back, that would be the best medicine. Lebia: Yes. Mana: Lebia, I want to tell you something important. Lebia: Important? p. 78 SE: Dotsu, ooooooooooo Lebia: kacho, what do you want to tell me? Mana: It's about AMP. Lebia: AMP? SE: ooooooooooooooo p. 79 Mana: AMP is being shut down. Lebia: No way. p.80 SE: goooooooooo p. 81 SE: hatsun, hatsun Lebia: I guess nobody'll be attending the New Year's party. Mana: Are you serious, Lebia? Fufufu. Lebia: All the other personnel moved out. Mana: We're the only ones left. SE:uuuuuuuuu Lebia: Is that so? p. 82 SE: pushuuu Nami: Lebia. Kiddy: Lebia, what the hell is this? p. 83 Lebia: Everyone. Rally: There's no one but us here. I'm glad you're all here. Nami: Chief. Kiddy: Chief Rally. What's going on? Rally: Please listen to me. On 12/31/97. . . p. 84 Rally: AMP is to be shut down. p. 85 Rally: now. p. 86 Kiddy: No way. Nami: What are we going to do? Rally: We can't change it. Until we meet again, is there something you want to say? p. 87 Rally: If not, we'll dissolve. I look forward to our next meeting. Everyone dimissed. SE:oooooooooooo p.88 Ganosa: Uh, ha, uoooooooooooo, gu, shit, my body. I won't forgive. Someone did this to me, Emperor of Nemesis. Fufufuf. Are you watching me? p. 89 Ganosa: Why, it's Dogura, fufufu. SE: Su Ganosa: You were killed several years ago by Katsumi Liquor. Why are you alive? You're not saying anything. You've got your eye on me, so. . . p. 90 Ganosa: I hate it when someone spies on me. It would be good if you disappeared. If you don't, I'll kill you. Dogura: Want to show me, Ganosa? SE:ooooooooooo p. 91 SE: gooooo, pushu p. 92 Lebia: Dewey? SE: shuuuu Lebia: Louie? What the hell? SE: shu, shoo,ooooooooo Katsumi: Welcome home, Lebia Mavelick. p. 93 SE:oooooooo p. 94 Lebia: Katsumi. p. 95 Lebia: You. . . you did this. Katsumi: Of course. Who else besides me could've done this? Lebia: That's right. Katsumi: But you should thank even though I blew apart your room. You didn't have a skylight to see the stars. SE: ooooooooooooo p. 96 Katsumi: But now it's OK. Take a look around. p. 97 Katsumi: Isn't it a big and beautiful moon? p. 98 Katsumi: I like this red moon, red, red the color of blood. Truly cool. Lebia Mavelick, I wonder if your blood is as red and pretty. Lebia: Katsumi. . .are you serious? Katsumi: You think I'm joking? I'm serious, Lebia. . . Lebia: I see. p. 99 Lebia: Katsumi! SE: Ba Katsumi: Fufufu. Are you going to shoot, Lebia? Me. . . Lebia: Ku. Katsumi: But. . . p.100 Katsumi: I'd have no problem doing so! SE: vuuuuu, pitsu Lebia: What. . . p. 101 Lebia: Ku. SE: Gaku. Katsumi: Beautiful blood. Beautiful body. Creamy skin. I like you, Lebia, but playing with such a beautiful thing is something I like even better. Shall we begin? Fufufu. p. 102 SE: gooooooo Ganosa: Fighting me won't end with just a scratch, do you understand Dogura? p. 103 Dogura: Yes, completely, but before I get hurt, I'll have killed you. Ganosa: Fufufu, good. I'll show you the full extent of my powers. Dogura: Lets go, Ganosa. p. 104 SE: piu, doga, su Ganosa: Idiot! Why? Why are you wasting your powers? Dogura: Ganosa. SE:oooooooooo p. 105 Dogura: Where? Ganosa: You're going to need all your strength. You're assuming brute strength is everything. You can't beat a human. SE:oooooooooooo Dogura: Ganosa, ku, didn't you hear me? SE:ooooooooo Dogura: Where are you? p. 106 Se: Ga, peh, lun, bodon, ga Dogura: Where are you hiding? p. 107 SE: zugo, dododododo, oooooooooo Dogura: Ku. SE: goooo, gogogo p. 108 Ganosa: Anxious, Dogura? Dogura: Ganosa! Ganosa: But at the stage of this game, getting up is useless. SE: Gatsu Dogura: What. . . p. 109 SE: zubu,zubu, zubu Dogura: Gaaaaaa. SE: baku, goooooooooooooo Ganosa: I see, it's Rosa. p.110 SE: Zupo Ganosa: Even Rosa's a problem. I can't keep my eye off her for one second. Women are a troublesome lot. Fufufu. SE: Gooooooo. p. 111 SE: hiyuuuuuu Katsumi: I won't kill you, Lebia. If you're gone, the fight will become boring. But now you're prettier than ever, Lebia, to a shocking degree. p. 112 Katsumi: So, Lebia, see you later. p. 113 Katsumi: I've left a message for everyone. They should come in 10 minutes. Fufufu. Se: Ba, go Katsumi: Hahaha. p. 114 SE: goooooooo Kiddy: Kacho, what's Lebia's condition? Mana: She's OK. She'll be out in a week. But she had the same big shock as Yuki did. Kiddy: I knew it. . . Shit. SE: Doka p. 115 Kiddy: That jerk, Katsumi. . . I won't forgive you. Next time you're in front of me. Mana: Nami. Nami: Kacho. Is Lebia OK? Haa, haa,haa. (exertion, not laughter) Mana: I wonder. We can't see her. Nami: I see. Mana: Is it Ok if I talk to you two for a little while? p. 116 SE: oooooooooooooo Nami: Hong Kong? Mana: Yes. Kiddy: Why Hong Kong? It sounds like a sightseeing trip. Mana: I want you to meet someone. That's all you have to do. Kiddy: Which someone? p. 117 Mana: The person is someone we need for the upcoming battle. If you meet him, you'll know why. Nami: But we were dismissed Kiddy: Is this being done for the AMP? Mana: Of course, and I want AMP members to go. By the time you come back to Tokyo... SE: ooooooooo p. 118 Mana: AMP will be resurrected. SE:gooooooooooo p. 119 SE:oooooooooo Katsumi: Fuuuuuuuuu p. 120 SE: hiyuuuu Rosa: AMP has been shut down. Really. . . fufufu, I'm glad. That problem's gone. We can now move openly. Fufufu. Then Rally. . . Magura: You called. Rosa: Magura, get ready. Magura: Understood, Rosa. p. 121 Dogura: You're getting a swelled head, Rosa. You're not that big a person. Rosa: What? Who? p. 122 SE: ooooooooooooooo Rosa: Dogura, you're. . . SE:oooooooooooooo Dogura: You are one stupid woman. Rosa: Dogura, you bastard. . . Who turned you, who told you that you speak to me like that. p. 123 Ganosa: Rosa, turn around. Rosa: Ganosa. SE: Ba. Ganosa: You should just do as I say. Rosa: Ku. Ganosa: Trying to take the number one position is unforgivable. p. 124 Rosa: Ganosa. . . you. . . Ganosa: You should do what I say. Don't think so highly of yourself. Rosa: What? Ganosa: You should understand why you're still alive. Rosa: Why I'm still alive? Ganosa: Yes, you're Rally Cheyenne's sister. That's all you are. p. 125 Rosa: Rally Cheyenne's little sister. That's all. Ganosa: Really? p. 126 Rosa: If that's it. . . If that's it, I'll change that. I have to make you recognize me. I'm not Rally Cheyenne's little sister. I'm Rosa, Rosa Cheyenne. p. 127 Ganosa: Poor fool. SE: Batsu Rosa: I'll make you see. Ganosa! Now! Here! p. 128 SE: pi Rally: So. . . 15% Apollon: Understood. How about Toyoda electric 4%? Even though it has to be done quickly, it won't take much time. Rally: Show me the next list of people. p. 129 Apollon: Understood. SE: pi,pi. Apollon: Is this good? Rally: It looks it. Apollon: I understand. I'll put it in your left hand. p. 130 Se: pashu Mana: Fu. AMP will live again. SE: Pashu p. 131 Mana: That's right. We're not dead yet. We can't disappear like a bubble. Mana: Fu. SE: Zabu Mana: Us. p. 132 SE: oooooooooooooo Ganosa: You won't understand unless I beat you. That's OK, you're not crazy. It's not too late to know the truth. p. 133 Ganosa: Ga,ooooooooo, ga,oooooooo, gaguka Dogura & Magura: Ganosa. p. 134 SE: meki, meki, meki, meki Ganosa: Hoga. Se: pushuu, SE: meki, meki, meki, meki Ganosa: Hoga. SE: pushuu, meki meki Rosa: Fufufu. SE: Do, chaka p. 135 SE: dosha, gushu, pushuu Rosa: Hehehe. How do like the feel of being turned inside out, Ganosa? p. 136 Rosa: Ganosa! You looked down on me and look what happened. Fufufufu. I feel good. Hahahahahah. . . p. 137 Rosa: Dogura! Magura! Ganosa is dead. In his stead, I will be Nemesis' leader, Rosa Cheyenne! Dogura: Rosa, is it that simple? Rosa: What? p. 140 SE: oooooooooo Rosa: Katsumi Liqueur. You bitch. . . That's right, you're still here. SE: ooooooooo p. 141 Katsumi: You want to fight me? Rosa: You saw how I killed Ganosa. SE: ooooo, zatsu, zatsu, zatsu, hiyuuuuuu p. 142 Katsumi: You can't beat me. Stand down so you don't get hurt. Rosa: What? SE: doken p. 143 SE: doken Rosa: Demon Sword Medium. One thing, I want to say, Katsumi Liqueur. Katsumi: What? Rosa: Do you really know how to use Demon Sword Medium? (it can also mean magic sword medium) Enough to fly? p. 144 Katsumi: I don't mind showing you. Rosa: I thought no one could use Medium. Katsumi: Fuun. Silly woman. SE: hiyu, hiyu p. 145 Katsumi: This time, I'll say this, Rosa. I don't have an issue with you. Please disappear. p. 146 SE: Goooooo Rosa: Katsumi Liqueur, I'm going to kill you. Katsumi: If you can, eh. p.147 SE: dododododo, gooooooo, dododod, utsu Rosa: Go! Katsumi: Fu. SE: Goa p. 148 SE: Dan, pishi, dooooooooo,dodododo p. 149 Rosa: A little hot, wasn't it, Katsumi? So you thought before you died. Magura: Rosa. SE: ka, gooooooo p. 150 SE: gooooooo Katsumi: You cast that Salamander's throat? Rosa Cheyenne, you are simply a mutant crossbread born of a human and a spirit of the dead. p.151 Katsumi: That's the extent of your abilities. How cute, fufufu. Rosa: What. SE: Gin, oooooooo Katsumi: If you're serious, come on! Rosa! If you don't, you're going to die. SE: Goooooooooo Katsumi: I'm nothing like you. Even though I'm human, the blood that runs through my veins is cursed and evil. From time immemorial, my lineage is that of demons. I feed on the strength of weaklings. (my favorite personal version of the last sentence is I eat people like you for breakfast.) p. 152 Katsumi: I'm nothing like you. Rosa: What! Katsumi: I am this world's creation, all of its strength is mine. Inside is Nemesis' magnificent spiritual power. I'll show you what happened when you add another's spiritual power. . . SE: oooooooooo Rosa: Mu. SE: Batsu. Katsumi: I'll show you the full extent of my power. p. 153 SE: hiyuuuu Katsumi: You'll know once you're dead. Rosa: Ah. Katsumi: Moon spirit, shadow Bashumosa (that's just what it sounds like), Silver Mirror's fiery anger reflect and blow her away. SE: don. p. 154 SE: goooo Rosa: Uwa, uoooooooo. Katsumi: It's stronger than your salamander? Fufufu. Moon spirit's fire doesn't suit you. Jupiter's spirit. Ismael! Show my fire! Sapphire light burn everything! p.155 SE: vuuuuuu, zugoooo, dodododo Rosa: Kiyaaa. Magura: Rosa. p.156 SE: zaaa, zaaa. Mana: I'm sorry, you two. This is the only place we have right now. Kiddy: That's Ok. Where in Hong Kong can we meet this person? Mana: The data's in here. The person's name is Avalanche. . Avalanche Wong. Nami: Avalanche. . .? SE: zaaaaaaaa p. 157 Kiddy: What is it? You know him? Nami: Eh? Yes. . . Of course I've never met him, but I've heard of the name. In the magic guild (mado translates as heresy, unorthodoxy, evil ways, occult, but I chose this), my father and his friends fought demons. Kiddy: What the heck is a magic guild? Nami: Kiddy, it's in the data in the disk. Read it! Take this case with you. It's something that'll protect you and help especially in Hong Kong. p.158 Mana: It's up to you two. Nami: Kacho, is it OK just to go to Hong Kong to see Avalanche? Mana: Yes, that's it. Avalanche Wong will show you what to do. Kiddy and Nami: Yes. Mana: You'll be leaving in three days. SE: zaaaaaaaaa P. 159 SE: gooooooooooo , goooooooooo Katsumi: Fu. SE: zuzuzuzuzuzu, () p. 160 SE: shuoooooo Rosa: Don't underestimate me, Katsumi Liqueur. You're not the only one with planet power. SE: oooooooooo p. 161 Katsumi: Neptune's power protectd you from the fire? So, you're a follower of Neptune. Rosa: When did I become. . . fu. . . my present compact. Watch! SE: Booo, dododododo, oooooooo p.162 Katsumi: Fuhahahaha. Rosa, you blockhead. Neptune's follower. Aquamarine floor of Pisce's palace light and dark punish your impudent follower. SE: Gatsu, gooooooo Rosa: What? p.163 SE: zu, dododo, gagooooooooo, gooooo Rosa: It disappeared? Azul. . . Why? Katsumi: Simple. SE: zaaaa p.164 Katsumi: You don't understand the true meaning of the agreement. You're just using the planet's power. SE: zaa Katsumi: You've not fully lived up to your side of the bargain like me. Rosa: Ku. SE: Vuon. Rosa: I can't beat you. Not when you have something that to protect you. p.165 Rosa: In the end, what we had as sisters wasn't love. Ridicule, anger, jealousy, hatred, treachery. There was nothing warm about it. Katsumi: Hahahahahaha. How tragic! I suddenly feel sorry for you, sister! But relax, Rosa, you don't have to worry about it anymore. SE: goooo Katsumi: Now, I'll make things easier for you. Pitiful Rosa! p.166 SE: zaaaaaaaaaa Apollon: Rally, everything's been done. SE: Gacha Rally: Good work, Apollon. Apollon: It's all yours. Rally: That's right. The police was put under private management. That's why it could be done. The higher ups will be confused and grit their teeth, I imagine. Tell Mana. Apollon: Understood. p. 167 Mana: Rally shocho, understood. Yes... that's right. We're getting ready. I'll yell everyone. Yes. Aah. SE: Gishi Mana: Fu fu. Tomorrow's going to be busy. This is more like it. SE: Karan. p.168 SE: Dotsu, fu, oooooooooo, pi,ooooooooo Rosa: Ha! SE: zun p. 169 Katsumi: You're wasting your strength. It's not working. Rosa: Hozake!! [Does anyone know what this means?] SE: Batsu, gooooooooo Katsumi: Enough. SE: Don Rosa: What? p. 170 SE: gooooooooo Katsumi: Lets stop this, Rosa. If we keep messing up Nemesis' landscape, Goddess Nemesis will get angry. Rosa: The goddess is not related to me! I'm going to kill you! Katsumi: Stupid girl p.171 Rosa: Katsumi. SE: Batsu Rosa: Lucifer's Hades. Black Pearl's dark light destroy what's there with my power. I, Rosa Cheyenne, command you. p. 172 SE: oooooooooooooo Rosa: What? Katsumi: Hahahahaha. Nothing's going to happen. It's simple, Rosa. p.173 SE: Rigu Katsumi: Goddess Nemesis is mad. Your planet power contract has been withdrawn. Your own powers have been sealed. Congratulations, Rosa. You've always wanted to be human. Now you are! SE: yoro Rosa: What? p.174 SE: batsu p.175 Katsumi: Weak woman. SE: Gaku, pita. Katsumi: Farewell, Rosa. Dogura: Wait! Katsumi! p.176 Sister: Nami, Nami. Nami: Nana, what's wrong? Sister: You haven't forgotten anything? You've packed. . . Nami: Sis, I'm not a child. (thinking) Hong Kong. Sister: Bur this is the first time you'll go abroad. . . Nami: (thinking) What kind of place will it be. . . p. 177 Ralph: Hong Kong? That's real sudden. Kiddy: It's not for very long. Ralph: Even so. Kiddy: Huh? Ralph: What? Kiddy: Are you going to be real lonely? Ralph: Don't be stupid. Kiddy: Tell me the truth. Ralph: Shut up! Kiddy: Ahaha. p.178 SE: ooooooooo Katsumi: You. . . Dogura: Don't kill Rosa. . . Leave her be. Katsumi: You bastard, who are you to say. Dogura: Wait! SE: Pi p.179 SE: zuuu Rosa: Ganosa! Ganosa: I have a purpose in mind for Rosa, so leave her be. SE: Zushi p. 180 Rosa: Who did I really destroy? Ganosa: That was Dogura. Magura: What? SE: ooooooooooo Ganosa: You went a little too far. I wanted to see what you were going to do. Imprison Rosa, Katsumi. Katsumi: Understood. SE: Kiiii p. 181 SE: Pakiin, gatsu Ganosa: Fufufufu. Next time, think things over more carefully. Until then, rest. p.182 Ganosa: Lets go SE: Base, gooooooooo p. 183 SE: Gooo Rally: Lebia's data on Katsumi. . . SE: Kashu Rally: That turncoat Katsumi, what's going on with her? Lets take a look. SE: Ven p.184 Rally: This is. . . This data. Impossible. According to this data. . . Katsumi Liqueur is dying? Katsumi is dying!? SE: Don p.185 Rally: That's... That's Impossible! Impossible!! p.186 Kiddy: Nami! Nami! Nami: Yes. Kiddy: What are you doing, watching TV? We have to go. Nami: Yes, but there's something big going on on the TV. Kiddy: Fuun. We're leaving Japan soon, it doesn't affect us. Lets go. Nami: Yes. p.187 Announcer: Nakasoni has been taken over by Cheyenne Corporation. It now has complete control over all of Japan's police. The interesting part is that there was no profit in the takeover. What is behind this? SE: Gia p. 188 SE: Dogo Announcer: What is going on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- P190p1 Production Note Volume 8 Asamiya-sensei kanto 96nen no 7gatsu kara rensai ga yon hon ni natteshimaun desu ...kore ha... 2 Asamiya-sensei a-------- do--sho----- 3 Asamiya-sensei a------ komatta------- 4 Asamiya-sensei demo maa hikuketan dakara yarushikanai ka? ?? a! hiraki naotta Arrow pointing at the dude above: tantou no tsu-ji... 5 Asamiya-sensei sonna wake de Studio mo toshin he hikkoshimashita kondo ha mae yori hiroi! 6 Asamiya-sensei mae ha Assistan 4-5nin ga seiippai datta kedo kondo ha 8nin made OK da! Caption: UCHI no Studio ha ???? ne P191p1 Asamiya-sensei OFURO mo hirakunattashi iya ?? nani YUBUNE ha hirokunai 2 Asamiya-sensei demo neru heya 6ninbun made shika taiou shitenaikedo shikamo FUTON ha 5ninbun...... 3 Asamiya-sensei demo Assistant ha BOSHU- chu dakara henshuubu made moushi konde ne 4 ?? ---de sensei yo ORE no KAO ha? Asamiya-sensei a-! tantou no tsu-ji sore ja DAME nano? To be continued... Upper left caption: [too many kanji to do quickly or even slowly]