Silent Mobius side 3 Translated by Joyce October-1998 Edited by Sam Lysinger Kat = Katsumi Hol = Holonik Noz = Nozomu Cap = Jose Gilliam (Captain of Thunderbird 4) Con = Diros Cone LH = Lucifer Folk Se = sound effects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.8 Dewey: Lebiasama, the data colony that disappeared is multiplying everywhere. Lebia: If it keeps up, this network's going to be deleted. Dewey: Lebiasama. Lebia: I know. There's not much time; lets begin. The place the program was in real space was destroyed; but its data was absorbed in a different place. I have to call the AMP. p. 9 Yuki: Chief, it's Lebia. Rally: Send it over, Yuki. Yuki: Yes. Lebia: Chief, good morning. Rally: Yes, Lebia, what should we do? Lebia: Okay. Please put a trace on me from where you are. Then I'll immediately penetrate the date colony. When the data colony program I'm in begins to interfere, I'll leave at that time. p. 10 Lebia: Please seal the data colony's perimeter. You see, this way the program will be tied up, and it'll be boxed in. If AMP doesn't control Tokyo's data colonies supervisor system. . . Rally: I see. But if we close off the perimeter; a panic will erupt. Lebia: Yes, but it'll be better than having Tokyo's entire system wiped out. That's our number one priority. Rally: Yeah, I see.. Suspended animation is better than death. I'll get the supervisor system to do what it can. All of Tokyo's data will disappear within 22 hours, Lebia. p. 11 Lebia: I know! Se: Za Lebia: What! Kiddy: Lebia! Yuki: Lebia! Chief, what happened to Lebia? Kiddy: Chief. Rally: Don't worry, Yuki. Lebia will drive it away. p. 12 Se: gagaga Lebia: Damn, it found me? Louie. Se: dotsu, ra Lebia: Louie, I'm afraid they intercepted my message. Not that it'll... Louie: I think it's okay. That was just it searching... p. 13 Lebia: We have to hurry, Louie. Louie: Yes. Lebia: I wonder if AMP's tracing me like I told them. Let's isolate the upper part of the data colony. Louie: Understood. System: Danger. There's a dangerous program. 1/7120000's isolated area might stop my drive. p. 14 Se: vovovovovo Jeff: What? I... I'm not as good as that girl. Fun. To say that... old bugger. I'm not the one who's weak. I'm not the one who should be at her feet. I'm the best visionaire. p. 15 Se: Kiii Jeff: What? This presence? What... Hol: Lebia, the best visionaire, Lebia. I see, delete. DELETE. Delete Lebia in the real world. Jeff: u p. 16 Lebia: I heard. Rally: Responsibility? Yes, that's right. Yes, I'll take full responsibility. Guy: Even if you take full responsibility, there's nothing you can do if Tokyo dies. Lebia: Louie, I'm going to shift. p. 17 Rally: Please believe in the AMP. She's not an amateur. Please help prevent a country-wide panic. Guy: I see. Se: dododo Yuki: Lebia's marker has moved. Lebia: I'm OK. Rally: All right, seal off the T-132415-1107 line. p. 18 Kat: Ah. Nami, You're leaving already? Nami: Yes, Katsumi. Kat: Well, Shall I take you to the entry of the underground passage? Nami: Huh? but... thank you, Katsumi. Se: iiiiiiiii p. 19 Nami: fun, Kacho. Kat: But Nami, your work at AMP isn't the one job, right. Nami: But I'm the only who feels upbeat. Whether Tokyo lives or dies... I'm the only one who it doesn't really affect. Kat: But isn't that why the chief asked you to join? Because you're the purest of the pure. Believe in yourself. Becuase it's your job to sense the presence of Lucifer Folk. Nami: I guess so. Se: don p. 20 Se: shuuu Nami: Fu. Kat: Nami, be careful. Nami: Ok. Kat: Later. Jeff: That girl was with Lebia. Se: dododoooo p. 21 Nami: I'm being followed. Who's there? p. 22 Nami: Who's there. Jeff: You're a friend of Lebia Maverick's, huh. Nami: Lebia. Se: buaa Jeff: fun Nami: Wha. . . ku Se: Ba, bashi. p. 23 Se: meki,batsu Jeff: guo Nami: Ha! Da! Se: zun Jeff: Gufu. guuu Nami: Sa! Tell me! What are you? How do you know Lebia? Se: Pote p. 24 Nami: Kiyaa, centipede! Ooo. Oops. Se: dosu Nami: Ah. p. 25 Nami: a, u. Se: gaku Jeff: You'll show me... where Lebia is. Se: dodododo p. 26 Lebia: There it is. Se: dododododo Lebia: Eh. No way! A trap! p. 27 Lebia: Ah. Huh! I'm not so damn tasty. Se: vun, bashi. I believe that when Lebia says Diagram, she may mean firewall. Also, I've never heard of the term data colony to refer to a program before. Most peculiar. It's also interesting she calls it a worm instead of a virus. I wonder if slang changes for computer stuff in the 21st century. (Check for spelling errors) I'll fill the middle parts soon as well as fill in the gaps of the R. Vice chapter. p. 28 Se: don Lebia: Fu, you can't break this diagram. Fu, that was really dangerous. Stay alert, Louie. Louie: Yes, Lebiasama. p. 29 Yuki: White is the living data colony. Black is the sealed data colony. This is the map of Tokyo we've gathered. We believe that program exists in T-2141, 0-1313, A 415, C-317. Rally: OK, Yuki. Input that data to Lebia. Yuki: Yes. Kiddy: Kacho, that program can't possibly defeat Lebia. Rally: She should be able to do it. Anyway, Lebia won't be erased by that kind of attack. She's shielded by her own program. p. 30 Rally: But her real body is not... Kiddy! Quick go to Lebia's mansion. [note: Mansion is japanese for condominium; don't ask me why - Joyce] Kiddy: You got it. Rally: Damn it. That was bad. The enemy's not going to overlook such a simple thing. Yuki: Chief, a message from Lebia. Rally: Yes. p. 31 Jeff: It's here. A complicated key. System, break, break. Se: bashi p. 32-33 spread Voice: Number five warning has been announced. Number five warning has been announced. Everyone, please follow police instructions. Calling all regions. Number five warning will be rescinded 17 hours from now. All mass communication mediums must spread the number five warning. Number five warning has been announced. Yuki: Chief, if this keeps up, it'll only take one hour to trap the program. Rally: Yes. What happened Yuki? Yuki: The data colony that controls this building's electrical supply has been wiped out. AMP's supervisor system has lost control. p. 34 Alarm system: Intruder alert, intruder alert. Se: vu, vu, vu Alarm system: Intruder alert, intruder alert. Se: dotsu Jeff: kukukuku Alarm system: Intruder alert, intruder alert. p. 35 Jeff: Found it. Se: vui Jeff: The alarm system is useless. You can't see me. Kukuku. Time to die, Lebia Maverick. Holonik can't let you proceed. Kukuku p. 36 Se: vun Kat: Heh. The number five warning announcement even fills the air. Dewey, How're things with Lebia? Spinner: Yes. The program has been successfully boxed in. Next, we plan to trap it. Kat: Fun. Dewey: That program is running for its life from the net it's currently in. That's why we've opened up a road that it can run through. Kat: Why? Dewey: So we can force it there. p. 37 Kat: But isn't that program intelligent? It's been swimming in the net so long it can do these things. Is there a place with enough capacity for the data colony? Dewey: Yes, Lebiasama asked me to look for its physical location. Se: ooooooooooo Kat: You found it? Dewey: Yes, in .75 seconds, you'll see it. Outside of Shinjuku, It's not in use, furthermore this program's data colony might absorb... This civilization's treasure. p. 38-39 Dewey: Tokyo Tower. Se: ooooooooooo p. 40 Se:goooooooooo Lebia: What's going on with that program? Looks like they've come to delete me. Louie: Yes, Lebiasama. If we don't flush out where the program is... Lebia: Fufu. We don't have to worry about that anymore. Louie. p. 41 Lebia: Let's go home. Louie: Yes. Se: Kashu Louie: How about that program? Lebia: Don't worry. I can reason with it. Se: kashu Lebia: What... p. 42-43 Lebia: Worm! That kind of shape, smell... It's no use. Se: Bashi. Lebia: Louie, shift now! A worm like this will eat its way through the diagram. SE: biku Lebia: Uh SE: gaku, su Lebia: My body, what's wrong... What's... p. 44 Jeff: Soon, you'll be deleted. Se: vuoooo Jeff: Die, Lebia. Se: biuuuu Jeff: You'll disappear like a filament. Se: baken Jeff: kukukuku Se: ooooo Nami: u, Lebia. p. 45 Lebia: Ah Se: Kaha Lebia: My body's not moving. SE: kasha Lebia: If this keeps up, it'll absorb you. Ku, something's going on with my real body. Ah, ah... p. 46 Nami: Stop, don't kill Lebia!! Se: Gabatsu Jeff: Mu... Carbon based unit, don't get in the way of what Holonik is doing... Se: dokyaaa Jeff: Gutsu p. 47 Se: gasha Nami: Kiddy! Kiddy: Nami. Why are you here? Se: Ba Nami: Eh, um. Se: paki Jeff: Return to your Rom. Come back to me. Kiddy: Wait, hey, where are you going? Hey. p. 48 SE: gogogogo, don, gan oooo, babababa, gasha, gasha. Yuki: Chief, at the present time, there have been 46 cases of rioting in Tokyo. As far as can be determined, there've been 86 deaths and 245 injuries. The other stations are asking when the net is going to be free. Rally: Tell them to wait. Yuki: Yes. Rally: This station's electical system is the only one that is monitoring most of the net. The supervisor system can't control the output. If that program takes over the tower, we won't be able to isolate the tower. p. 49 Rally: What should I do. Shall I send electricity to the other electrical companies? No, the paperwork and the connection would take more than twenty hours. Yuki: Chief! The program's access we were supposed to have totally blocked has come back to life. Rally: What! No way! It's going after the supervisor system. Yuki, how much time does Tokyo have left right now? Find out! Yuki: I've got it. One hour and 21 minutes. p. 50 Se: shuuuu Kiddy: Wow. It looks really beat up. Nami: Lebia. Kiddy: Lebia. Se: meki meki, Bakin, shuuuu Nami: Le, Lebia, no way. Please open your eyes, Lebia. Lebia! p. 51 Se: pachi Nami: Ah. . . Lebia: Nami? Kiddy: Lebia, you're okay. How did you get out of the net. We've just sealed it off. What's wrong, Lebia, we saved you. Lebia: Blood. Se: tara Lebia: *stare* Kiddy: What... Don't look at me like that!! Huey: Lebia, Rally has a message... p. 52 Se: biyuuuu Kat: Tokyo Tower, huh. . . Deja Vu. Se: pori, pori Kat: Lets go up, Dewey. Dewey: Yes maam. p. 53 Lebia: The supervisor system can't handle the output. Rally: Yes. Lebia: Chief. I need some electricity for one thing. Rally: For what? Lebia: However, it'll take one hour. Rally: There's no choice. That's the quickest option we can think up. I leave it in your hands. Lebia: I understand. I'll start immediately. Kiddy, Nami, lets go to Tokyo Tower. p. 54 Se: oooooooooo Dewey: Katsumi, there's a message that just came in. The program's access has been revivved. It will eat up Tokyo Tower's data in one hour 15 minutes. Kat: What! What are we going to do! Se: kiiiin Dewey: As we speak, Lebia and the others are flying over here. Kat: That'll be one hour. Oh man. p. 55 Kat: How is it? Dewey. Dewey: It'll take me a little while to make a return circuit. SE: bun, bun Kat: I see. Hurry. SE: katsun Kat: Lebia? You're not... p. 56 Jeff: Why are you here? Why are you where Holonik is? Kat: You... you. The guy at Junk Castle...? Holonik. Jeff: I won't permit you to get in my way. I won't permit you!! Se: Cha. Kat: Want to fight me? Fun. It'll be over quickly because I don't have time for you!!! SE: vun p. 57 Se: batsu, otsu, buchi Kat: Ku Se: biuuuuu, do, vuuu, vuuu, gyro Kat: What the hell!! Se: Zudo p. 58 Se: zaaaa Jeff: Stop, you damn carbon-based unit. Kat: uuuu p. 59 Katsumi: Shit. Se: yoro,su Kat: I command destruction and fighting. Mars' planet spirit Barsho. . . Lebia: Stop! katsumi! p. 58-59 spread Lebia: Using magic against humans is a major offense!! SE: oooooooooooo p. 60 Kat: Lebia! Jeff: Lebia, the best visionaire, the one who got in the way of Holonik. Lebia: He's not a Lucifer Folk, he's just a ROM cassette. Kat: ROM cassette? Jeff: Destroy... I'll destroy you!! Lebia! p. 61 Se: Bun Lebia: Stop! Se: za Lebia: Your job is over! Holonik! Se: buooo, dosha, ta Lebia: Enough!! You damned stubborn program!! p. 62 Se: Gotsu, gasha Lebia: Take your hands off the net!! Se: ta Lebia: I'm ready to take you into myself! Se: doga, vuu p. 63 Se: gasha Jeff: You're lying. Se: bun, za Lebia: You don't get it?! Your function is finished. No, it ended a long time ago!! Se: dobo, gatsu Lebia: Gu Se: tan, zatsu, kitsu Lebia: It... p.64 Se: vun Lebia: Ended 21 years ago!! Se: dotsu, bari,bari, bari, zun, bari, bari, bari Jeff: Guooo Lebia: Open your ears a little! Kat: Lebia! Se: ooooooo p. 65 Nami: Lebia! Katsumi! Kat: Nami? Didn't you go home? Lebia: I'll tell you later, Katsumi. It's useless to reason with him. Kat: Reason? What do you mean? Lebia: When I was in logic space, the program that called itself Holonik tried to access me. For one instant, Holonik's data went through me. It was totally ancient code p. 66 Lebia: Holonik had a purpose. It had feelings and consciousness. If it has consciousness like a human's, to think and choose what to do for itself, then... it's not just being a stubborn program... it can be reasoned with. So I thought. p. 67 Se: chira Lebia: But it looks like its personality is stubborn. Kiddy: But why is it eating up all that data? What's the use of making all that data disappear? That program... that program's creator. Lebia: It looks like there's no purpose to it. I don't think its creator meant it to turn out this way. Se: pi. Huey: Lebia, I got a message that the network will crash in 45 minutes. Lebia: I know. Kat: Lebia. You said its purpose had ended? Lebia: Yes. In the heart of Holonik in logicspace, that program's pattern is... p. 68 Lebia: Frighteningly ancient. Se: zuzuzu p. 69 Lebia: From my knowledge of computers, I found some similarities with something more recent, its role is to... p. 70 Lebia: Just to collect data. Kat: That's it. Are you serious? But why would that program eat data? Se: oooo Lebia: I don't know yet. That knowledge disppeared with the person who created the program 21 years ago. p. 71 Se: gooooooo Yuki: Kacho, Energy storage system is ready. Rally: yes. How's movement through the net? Yuki: It hasn't changed. On the contrary, there's been a sharp increase. Rally: There's only 30 minutes until the net's destroyed. 30 minutes, can you do it, Lebia? p. 72 Jeff: gu Kat: Lebia, he... Jeff: What you said... I can't accept what you said as the truth. My creator's not dead. Lebia: Fu... The one who made you was a human, just like me. p. 73 Jeff: The one who created this greatness couldn't have been a human. It must be someone greater. Lebia: What a sad program, not to understand one's self. It's OK, Holonoik, now input the access drive. No matter what you do, your creator can't take you in. Instead, I'll let you come inside of me. p. 74 Jeff: It's useless. The only one who can hold me is my creator. [Hmm, reminds me of the first Star Trek movie - Joyce] Kiddy: I'm telling you he's dead. Jeff: Fufu... Anyway, this Tokyo network will be mine. Lebia: I won't let you do that. Soon, the supervisor system will revive. p. 75 SE: gashu Yuki: Kacho, there's only 10 minutes. Rally: Not yet... Lebia... p. 76 Lebia: It's ok. Se: do, kiiin p. 77 Se: dotsu Yuki: Kacho, the enery! Rally: Alright! Yuki, turn on the supervisor system!! Yuki: Yes. Se: pipi, chaki, kyuuuu Rally: We made it, Lebia. p. 78 Se:ooooooooooo p. 79 Jeff: uuuuuu, this. . . Se: bikun, bikun Lebia: That's right! Supervisor system's up and running. Se: yoro Lebia: Soon you'll be like a mouse in the bag. ha ha Dewey: Lebiasama, Tokyo Tower's circuit is on. Lebia: Thank you, Dewey. Se: vuuun Lebia: Did you hear that, Holonik, you can't swim through the net anymore. You can only live inside the Tokyo Tower. ha ha ha. Se: Zu, gaku Lebia: Uh. Kat: Lebia, what's wrong? Lebia: It's nothing. I just really exerted myself, that's all. p. 80 Se: bari, bari, don, bachi, gagagaga, dodododo, ka Jeff: Anyway, I guess that this is the only place I can exist, but there's still one more place I can go. . . kat: Wait, where are you going? Se: tatata p. 81 Yuki: Kacho! Holonik is inside Tokyo Tower. Rally: Yes, it managed to turn out Okay. Yuki: But this energy from the satelllite. . . Rally: Yuki, I'll be going. Continue to monitor. Yuki: Yes. Se: babababa p. 82 Se: Biyuuu Lebia: No way, that guy? Hol: That's right, Lebia. I'm going to use this body to escape. Lebia: Stop Holonik. He can't possibly abosrbe you. Jeff: What are you saying, Lebia... This guy thinks he's even better than you. Once I absorb this guy, I'll store all of Tokyo's intelligence and become the ultimate visionaire. p. 83 Lebia: Stop!! Kat: Lebia. Lebia: It's impossible, Holonik. Holonik: hahaha. There's nothing you can do to save Tokyo!! Then I'll become one with my creator. Lebia: Why don't you understand that it's impossible!! Holonik!! Se: bun p. 84 Jeff: guaaa, oooo gu Se: gaku Kat: What? Kiddy: What's going on? Jeff: What the. . . Lebia: It's simple. Jeff: It hurts. Stop... my head... Why can't I be absorbed... p. 85 Lebia: The quantity of data accumulated by Holonik is that of the City of Tokyo. It filled up the Tokyo Tower's data bank. That's why a single visionaire doesn't have the capacity to take Holonik in. Jeff: Ugaaa. Lebia: Oh, no. It's rejecting! Kat: Rejecting? Jeff: aaaaaa. Se: kuru Kat: Eh. Corner box: [A loose summary as I have trouble reading Japanese handwriting - Joyce] [It's nasty stuff to decifer - Sam] Lebia: Mo- (something about date being screwed up/lost) why don't you understand? Kat: Eh, but this is really hard story to understand. I'm stupid, Okay, I'm stupid. p. 86 Lebia: If that guy dies, then the data that Holonik has inside of him will be destroyed as well. I don't know how much of Tokyo's data will be lost. Kat: Oh my God! Nami: But, we can't just leave it like this. It's in danger of falling. Lebia: Kiddy, get a hold of him. Kiddy: I got it! Se: datsu, bashu Jeff: Guga Se: ban p. 87 Se: fu, vu Kiddy: No... Se: dan Lebia: That was a bit much, Kiddy. Kiddy: Couldn't be helped. Jeff: Guooooo. Se: gaba Lebia: Calm down, Holonik!! p. 88 Se: katsu, cha Kiddy: Lebia, what's that for? If that guy dies, then Tokyo's data will be lost, isn't that what you said? p. 89 Lebia: Is that enough? Holonik, this is your last chance. You can't slide into this man. Do you want to die or live inside of me? Choose! Jeff: uuuuuu Kat: Lebia! Using a graviton on a person is a major... Nami: Katsumi! she's doing her job; it's just a bluff. Kat: I know. I just wanted to say it. p. 90 Jeff: Lebia... help me... I'm in pain. Se: gun Hol: Do you have enough capacity to take me in? Lebia: Yes! p. 91 Se: biyuuu Hol: I see, I'll trust you Lebia Maverick. p. 92 Se: babababa Grover: I must apologize that Jeff caused Miss Rally so much trouble. Rally: Please don't apologize. It's our job to protect the city. Grover: I see... That guy was just thinking about his own little... Rally: anyway, people in general are like that, but we take pride in our job of protecting this city. We think of the city as part of ourselves. We love this city and the people who live here. p. 93 Caption: Tokyo Tower observation deck. Rally: How is it going Lebia? Lebia: The download of this old program will take a long time, but it's Okay. Dewey is here as well. Dewey: Yes, Lebiasama. Lebia: Lets start, Dewey, this spot. Dewey: Yes, Lebia. p. 94 Se: hiuuu Lebia: Just as I expected, this is big. Holonik... Your programmer isn't here anymore. Well done, Holonik... You've been working several decades, you don't have to work anymore. Your duties have ended. Rest, Holonik... I'll take you inside of me... Live inside of me, Holonik. p. 96 Lebia: Lets go. Yuki: Yes maam. Se: babababa Jeff: Lebia... Grover: Do you know why she is called the number one visionaire? Jeff: No. Grover: She's a totally different type from us. Her databank isn't in her body. p. 97 Grover: There's a satellite in outer space where her databank is. This system allows her to process 3000 times the data of an ordinary visionaire. Also, this satellite is lebia's alone. Kat: kuka. Grover: This satellite system is like her eyes and ears. she's on a totally different level, the woman Lebia maverick. Shall we go home. Jeff: Yes. p. 98 Lebia: Louie... Dewey. Yes, Lebiasama. Se: Goooooo. Lebia: What do you think about Holonik? Dewey: Lebiasama Lebia: Hm? Dewey: I think that program is very different from us. Humans are different from plants and animals... It's possible, there are similiar evolutionary differences even among machines. The Holonik program was groping its way through its evolution. Louie: Even though we shared Artificial intelligence, it was on a different level. That's what i think. Lebia: Yes. You machines might evolve. Se: koto Lebia: Dewey, Louie, Like Holonik... p. 99 Dewey: It's a definite possibility. Louie: Could be. Dewey: The same could be said about humans. Lebia: Thank you, Dewey. Louie: Lebiasama, there's a message from AMP. Lebiasama, we're grateful. Every enterprise's master program will be up in four days. Lebia: We're saved, this city and ourselves. 104 lebia maverick no koto** p. 106 Se: zaaaa Kat: Eh, transfer? Roy: Yes, the same section as Aida. Kat: Where? Roy: You've heard of domal, right? Kat: That drug domal? Roy: This past year, it got really popular. Suddenly his past month, the damage has gotten worse. A special task force was created. p. 107 Kat: What... today, you called just to tell me that. But what about the narcotics divisions of the regular police and detectives, can't they handle it? Roy: It doesn't look like it. The drug is one problem, but there's a secondary problem. Kat: Secondary problem? What kind? Roy: Muscles and motor neverous systems function at an accelerated rate. It's as if it gives you super powers. Ah, it's come. Kat: Ah, I'd like a glass of wine and seaweed salad. Waiter: Yes. Roy: A vicious killer could pop up, etc. That's a problem. Kat: But, isn't it like the past drugs. Roy: The scale is different. This is staring to affect groups that take this poison like armies and sports teams. p. 108 Roy: Anyway... I don't know what to do about this drug. No matter how many times we try, we don't learn what the ingredients are. It's our main aim. That's why I won't be able to see you for a while... Kat: ku... Roy: Fu. You must be tired. No wonder, that small body protecting this city. p. 109 Waiter: Customer. Kat: ku. Roy: It's okay, leave her like that. Waiter: Yes, excuse me. Kat: ku. . . Roy: fufu. Waiter: Sir, please excuse me, sir. Please wake up, sir. Kat: Gu. . . Roy: Gu.. . Waiter: Sir p. 110-111: bababababa p. 112 Con: Day in day out, all we do is cockroach cleanup. Roy: We're getting pretty good at it though. Cap: It's all good, but this time we plan to jump out of a helicopter. Screen: Just in case you die, you're all being sent down in separate pods. Aida: That's terrible, don't you think? Screen: Do you intend to die this time? Roy: Crash and uh... into the water... haha that's Thunderbird 4 Con: It's not water yet, we're above concrete and people. Kinda gross. How many cockroaches do we have this time? Screen: Four according to our reports. Cap: We were called in to help the cops in this district. I don't want to argue with them again. p. 113 Noz: Huh, you don't enjoy it, Cap? Cap: That's "official" position. All right, everyone, let's say our motto. Hey, hey. Everyone: We won't get killed until we're dead!! Wa haha. Warning: Danger, danger. All citizens should stand back. Cop: Start hosing. Se: dododooo, bababababababa p. 114 Se: dododo Cop1: Life signs indicate that there are four other people inside the mansion. Se: dododo, zaaaa Cop2: Damn, monsters. Se: pa, bahiu, bahiu Pilot: Hey, hey, move that water truck. The helicopter can't land, hey! Cops, move your cars. Cop2: Looks like the monsters are increasing. Cap: Doesn't matter, drop the helicopter on top of the water truck. Pilot: Understood. Se: bahi p. 115 Se: baken Cop2: Huh!! Se: zun Cop2: What the hell!! Se: don, gogogo p. 116 Se: zun, bashi ??: Don't kill it, capture it alive. ??: If I can. ha ha. Se: doga, bakibaki, gaaa, batsu Cap: Damn, that tranquilizer isn't working. p. 117 Se: jachi, dose, zun Cap: This is the end for you. Se: Gashi Cap: What? This is different than usual! This guy. Se: zubiuuuuu, gatsu. Cap: Don't be putting your hands on me!! p. 118 Monster: aaaa Se: vun Cap: Fu. Se: pushi Cap: Another one down. Se: gooo ???: Cap! Please come to the fourth floor. Cap: What happened. Se: dododo Se: dogagaga Cap: No way. p 119 Se: gaba Roy: Heh, not even a scratch. Se: Jiki, ba, do, bachi, baki Roy: What? Se: ura p. 120 Se: dosha Roy: But the electrical needle broke. Cap: Roy, it's urgent you come to the fourth floor. Roy: I understand. Huh? This girl's alive. Se: zuru, gucha p. 121 Cap: What is this. ??: There were two of the bodies. Suddenly, it evaporated. Cap; So that's the last symptom. The body's cells disintegrate. ??: You can't even say they're human. Cap: Torch the place!! ??: Yes sir!! Se: booooo, gooooo p. 122 ??: Get back!! Se: gooooooo cops: ha!! Se: babababa, oooooo Cap Looks like this girl is the only one we saved. ??: Yes. Cap: Anyway, this is strange. According to reports from downstairs, this time there were still life signs... p. 123 Se: gi Old fart: So, this is an example of how it ends up. You only capture one guy alive and the only survivor is that little girl. Can't you do any better. There's also the usual complaints from the other stations. Cap: Yes, but this time there was lot of resistance. Old fart: The problem is the result, not the method. If it keeps going like this, you will be disbanded. From now on, be careful. p. 124 Aida: Don't tell us to be careful. Noz: That pisses me off. Aida: Daily medical examination, huh. Noz: Oh, it's three o'clock. It's time for a medical examination. Aida: I can't get used to needles. Ever since I was a kid. Nurse: Fufu... You're not a chid, you're a commander. Aida: I know. Girl: Big brother. roy: Hm? What? You're up already? Aida: Women always take a shine to you. Izawa: Yeah, Roy's girlfriend is an AMP member. Aida: Hey, it's amazing he has one. Roy: Shut up Aida! p. 125 Caption: A month later. Roy: Ah--Ah. I hate deskwork. This kind of work is for women... Katsumi, what is she doing now? Kat: Guuuu. Se: kachi Roy: Ah. Damn Se: Gatan p. 126 Se: Su Roy: Shit, I should've saved it to disk once I finished!! I'll have to go back to the beginnig to fix this. Se: Ban Roy: Hm. Se: Bashi Roy: What? This data. What... p. 127 Se: Gatsu Roy: Gu. Ouch. Why you!! Y-... you. A... Aida!! Aida: Uh, uh. Roy. Roy: No way, you took Domal! Why? p. 128 Roy: Why did you take domal? Aida! Aida: The same. Roy: What? Aida: You're the same as me... You'll become. Cap: Roy, what's wrong? Roy: Cap! Aida's... Se: Batsu p. 129 Cap: Domal! Damn! Se: Chiaki Roy: C... Cap, wait. Please wait. Cap: Roy, Aida's ruined. Look at his body. It's better to kill Aida while he can still die as a human. p. 130 Roy: Cap!! I'll do it. My best friend by my hand. p. 132 Roy: *Ha* Aida: U. . . Roy: *ha, ha* Aida: Kill me Roy. Roy: *ha, ha, ha* p. 133 Se: Vuaaguaaa Cap: Roy! Se: don p. 134 Cap: Roy... Roy: Cap. I've never hated myself as a human baing and a cop as I do now. Why did I... always have a gun that can kill people by my side. If I didn't have it, if I wasn't a cop, I wouldn't have had to kill my best friend. p. 135 Roy: I wouldn't have had to. Cap: Roy. Noz: Cap... what happened? I heard a gun shot. Cap: I'll tell you later. Roy: Oh, there's this data!! p. 136 Nurse: What are you doing!! Cap: What? Fufufu, that's what we're asking. Tell us! What have you done to us. Nurse: What do you mean. Se: dotsu Nurse: *gasp* Nozomu: What did you shoot us up with? Why did only Aida turn out like that? p. 137 Noz: Tell us or we'll kill you! Con: Nozomu, enough. Don't kill her, you can tell from the data what happened. Noz: Cap. Cap: Doesn't matter, do it! Noz: Understood. Se: batsu, dan Nurse: Wait! p. 138 Se: pita Nurse: I'll tell, I'll tell you. You were innoculated with domal, but it's an extremely dilute solution. Cap: What the. . . why? Nurse: You are the test group for experiments to use domal to create super cops. If this experimental drug was to work, it would be be distributed all over the country. What do you think? Isn't that great! You'll be the elite of the elite. You'll be praised as the best cops. Roy: shut up. Wha... why did only Aida... Aida turn out like that. Se: Batsu Nurse: Ku p. 139 Nurse: It must've... it must've been my mistake. I must've given him an overdose. Roy: why you! Se: Gashi Roy: Cap. Cap: Wait, roy. There's just one more thing. You've told us everything. We were going to stop the rise in the prevalence of domal. Was this all a plan from of the higherups? Whose plan was it? Nurse: Your boss. Cap: I see. Everyone, lets go. p. 140 Nozomu: What's wrong, Roy. You can't hit her? Roy: Guess so... I just can't raise my hand at a woman. Nozomu: That's nice Roy, but someday it's going to get you killed. Roy: Maybe so. p. 141 Old fart: Hose, you bastard, you think you can get away with this! Cap: I don't think that. Do what you want. Tell me where the domal manufacturing plant is. Old fart: No way! Se: Gotsu Cap; Is that so. [Hmm, lots of police violence - Joyce] p. 142-143 Se: Doon, babababa Cap: You know where the manufacturing plant is? Cop 2: Of course, it was inside the medical center's data. Cop3: Right now, it's inside an abandoned pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. Cap: Fufu, this is probably our last job. Noz: Cool. Isn't that great, captain? Con: Nozomu admires that... what a character. p 144 Con: What's up, Roy? Are you thinking about your girl? roy: Hmm? Yes. I was thinking that my girl is one amazing woman. Cap: You don't say. Noz: *whistle* Se: bababa Pilot?: We're there. p. 145 Se: bababababa Cap: At last! Lets get down to business. p. 146 Se: oooooooo, dodododod, meki, meki p. 147 Kat: ha. Se: gaba Kat: Huh? What was that. Roy... Se: pi, pi Lebia: Katsumi, are you there? Something terrible... Kat: Eh? p. 148 Se: goooo, dodododo, pachi, pachi, zun, goooo, zusha, guvaaa, doooo p. 149 Cop1: Even though the building looks like it's about to crumble, it's brand new inside. Cop2: Cap!! it looks like there's an ADS in here. Cap: I agree with you 100 percent. Where's the refinery? Cop1: From the heat pattern, I'd say it's 43 floors down. Cap: We'll have to get rid of the truck to do this. I see... Cop2: It's the ADS. Se: vuiii Cap: We'll take the MPC as far it'll go. Se: doooo Cap If we use the MPC, then forget everything and take aim below. p. 150 Girl: Big brother. Roy: You! Why are you here! Girl: Well... My big sister's gone, I didn't want to be alone so there was only you... Roy: But this place is dangerous. Cop: roy, what's up? Se: dooooooooo p. 151 Cop: Cap!! It's just 200 meters to the freight elevator. Cap: I understand! Make sure we get there. Se: gogogo Cop: Yes! Cap: Roy!! Nothing we can do about it now, take care of her! Roy: Yes, but... Cap: It's not too much for you to do your duty and protect her, is it? Understand? Roy: Yes!! even if I have to die. Cap; Stupid, you're not going to die. Cop: Just 50 meters. Se: dododo p. 152 Se: dodon, dogyagya Cap: Con!! Bottom floor! Se: gatsu, gon Cap: Ho. p. 153 Se: goooo, gon Cap: made it. Lets go! Cop: o!! Cap: Con, you know where it is? Con: Yes!! I got it from the elevator's connection to the net. Go right, then 100 meters, then left. It'll be right there. Cap: It's here! p. 154 Cop: Huh? Nobody's here. Cap: Con, is it really here? Con: No mistake about it. Se: Vuvuvuvu Se: Looks like the systems are on-line. p. 155 Se: gobo Noz: Cap! My god! Se: gobo Cap: What's wrong, Nozomu? p. 156 Cop: What is this? p. 157 Cap: Roy, do you know what this is? Roy: It looks like an extraction plant. Cap: Isn't this a Lucifer Folk? Domal is Lucifer Folk's bodily fluids. What's being extracted? p. 158 Cop: But... What is an LH doing here... Girl: Fufufufu. Thank you, humans, for bringing me here. Cop: what! Girl: Humans are a frightening lot. You even use our body fluids for your own pleasure. Se: bishi Cap Lh? an Lh! Roy: Please wait, Cap! p. 159 Girl: Enjoy shooting? Even when I look like a girl... Roy: shit. Girl: This face and this body is the girl's. She died in the last incident, I just took it over. I used this body to follow you people here. fufu... That was my plan, to return this LH back to our world. Se: doshia p. 160 Se: dodododoooooooo, zun, gagagagaga, dadada Girl: How useless! You can't fight us with that. Hahahaha. p. 161 Girl: Die. Se: Zun Roy: Guwa. Girl: farewell, humans. I'm about to destroy this building. Se: Gashia roy: Shit. I'll shoot you right now. Se: Jaki p. 162 Girl: I know the situation you're in. Robert Device, come shoot, ha ha ha. This body is still human. If you shoot, blood will splatter and the flesh will fly. Can you shoot, Robert? If you shoot, you'll feel the same pain as if you shot at a human. Fuhahaha. You can't shoot! If you do, you'll wallow in self-hatred. Se: don Roy: uga!! Noz: roy! Cap: Shoot! Robert. Con: Roy. p. 163 Se: guooooo Monster: hahaha. Se dotsu Girl: Big brother. Roy: Ha. Girl: Shoot, big brother. roy: I can't... I don't want to shoot. p. 164 Girl: Shoot, big brother. I... I don't want to die like this. Roy: But... I. Girl Big brother, you're supposed to protect me. If you don't, I'm going to turn into a monster!! Roy: Protect, to protect... to protect you, I have to... Girl: Protect me! Save me from the monster. Shoot, big brother! p. 165 Roy: Uooooo. Girl: Big brother. p 166 Se: Dova Roy: Looks like we're saved. p. 167 Roy: Before AMP... I'd never seen LH look like that. Not like that little girl... Kat: The minute the AMP knew that there were LH in this incident, it came under our jurisdiction. Roy: We were very close to getting fired if Chief Rally hadn't intervened. Kat: Yes. Roy: Anyway... p. 168 Roy: I would rather have had a regular job than feel this horrible. I would've preferred not to known rather than be so sad. Se: su Katsumi: But I... I like that about you. Roy: Katsumi... Kat: What, Roy. Roy: That girl. That girl I... Do you think she could forgive us? p. 169 Roy: Everything has a price, whether it's for profit or pleasure. It's a law of nature for our species. For humans... Perhaps they, LH know more about the meaning of friendship. Humans, what are we? p. 170 Kat: I don't know Roy. Roy: Katsumi. Perhaps that young life could forgive this worthless one. p. 172 Robert Device Why does everyone call Robert Roy? This note: Robert & Rob (would be more common). Why does Roy introduce himself as "I'm Robert de Vice, please call me Roy." Please look on it with your eyes wide open. He, he, he. Robert de Vice's name of course came from my favorite actor Robert De Niro. He's amazing for being able to change his body and looks for a new role. Now that Katsumi has had that conversation, I'll be writing more about it so please wait*. I think her role is going well (since Katsumi is the main character, she can't get hurt too badly now can she). The truth is that Silent Mobius is at an important point for the characters. Katsumi's boyfriend will be needing her and her friends to watch over him. *[he's probably referring to pages 167-170 - Sam] His character voice is done by Akihito Hashimoto. His performance as Roy, the Great Edo Yamigumo detective was very good. He really has feeling (laughs). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silent Mobius Side 3 P.174+ Translated by Joyce 5-22-1998 Edited By Sam Lysinger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Into the intermission 3 P. 174 Getting fatter. Lebia: Oh, what's the matter, Katsumi? You don't look so good. katsumi: Yeah, I'm on a diet. Lebia: Just eat for heaven's sake. Katsumi. I can't. I'll pig out! What am I going to do? Lebia: What is it now... Katsumi: Recently, I've been getting tons of food delivered to me. Yuki: Yes, that's right. Cans... set of 10. Yes, Katsumi Liquer's house. (thinking) If I'm going to get fat, Katsumi might as well, too. p. 175 Nami's day (self-explanatory w/o dialogue so no translation). p.176 I want to move. Grospelina: I am Emperor of Swords Grospelina. Anyway I'm the unable to move Gros. . . Needing Katsumi to carry me around is a bit sad. . . Couldn't I move. Ha, I remember, that Simon Light in the end, used a cart to move around. Ah! Oi! Lebia, Lebia. Wa. . . I'm just like Jamison the teacher (I really don't get this reference.) p. 177 New office Rally: I'm going to my new office. Lebia, I leave you in charge. Lebia: Yes. SE: uiiiiin, iiin Lebia: Hm, I really don't understand what the designer of the floor plan had in mind. Katsumi: Perhaps, we're not supposed to go to the command center. [here's a pun about the characters also meaning the naval command center which] is why you see the boat - Joyce] Silent Mobius. Rosa: ho, ho, ho Se: pishi, pishi Katsumi: Kiya. Rosa: Call me josama (or the equivalent in this context: queen). Katsumi: Who. .. What is a character like you doing in Silent? Rosa: Doesn't Silent Mobius stand for S&M. SE: Gyann p. 178 Costume. Nami: Everybody keeps asking, don't you have anything besides the old-style clothes. They keep saying, you wear the same thing, get something different. Enough already, I want tons of clothes. I'm a girl, just like everybody else. When I walk down the streets, off work... I want to have clothes I can show off. Me too! Me too! Katsumi: Why don't you wear them? Nami: Um, uh. I have to get some first. Figure. Kiddy: Yuki, why do you pose like petit silent mobius? [This is a joke related to the super deformed resin kits that came out since there is a kit of Yuki striking the pose that Kiddy is failing miserably at. The set was called Petit Silent Mobius. - Sam] Yuki: hehehe Kiddy: Why, you're not the only one who can do it. Yuki: Ah, if you say so, why don't you try it? SE: bori Kiddy: Like this? Box: Can't do it even if you die trying. p. 179 Art of the Sword. Rally: To learn how to use Grospelina, you have to learn how to use the sword. Kendo Lessons, Katsumi. Katsumi: Ha. Rally: Mu... She's getting better. Katsumi: ei, to, ya, ta. Se: Gaoooooooo, peko Katsumi: By your leave. [literally means please, but I think this captures more of the flavor - Joyce] Robocop. SE: don, ban zun Lebia: Ah. Kiddy: You want me to do what? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11. P. 189 Victim: ha, ha, ha, ha , ha, ha, ha, ha Se: Ba Victim: Ha, ha, ah, kyaaa. Se: Gaba p. 190-191 Se: goooooo p. 192 Lebia: This month's second set of abnormal incidents has already exceeded 15. Rally: I see. A third set of instructions should be sent out. This string of incidents must be connected to the LH. Lebia: What's wrong, chief? Are you OK... Rally: It's nothing, Lebia. That's right. I'll look at the third set of petitions. Lebia: Yes. Rally: I'll be returning to my office, Lebia. I leave you in charge. Lebia: Understood, chief. p. 193 Yuki: Lebia? Lebia: Yes. Yuki: The chief... she looks doesn't look so good What's wrong. [or you could put down "green around the gills" - Joyce] Lebia: You're right, we've been busy. It might be overwork. Kiddy: It's because Katsumi's been giving her a mountain of paperwork everyday. Katsumi: (in small letters, 'Why you...') As if you should talk, Kiddy. Lebia: Chief. p. 194 Rally: Fu, I know, I know. The reason I'm not feeling my best is not because of overwork. I know it. Why the hell are the LH coming to this world? So far I've looked at the date of all LH attacks, but I don't see a pattern. p. 195 Rally: This creepy feeling... that's right, the time has come when AMP... No, I have to fight. Damn LH. p. 196 SE: bri, bori, meki, gatsu LH: Gu. Kiddy: Chi, we're too late. Nami: Yuki, get us some data. Yuki: Yes, here we go. It's a low level B-H type. Hand blaster A can be used. Kiddy: Ok, I don't have to mess up my hands over this creep. p. 197 SE: ooooooo, gaa, don Kiddy: Tada. Se: gua, dasha, zun Yuki: Please go to J-46-302 Kiddy: Another one? This is the third time tonight. Nami: Busy, huh, Kiddy. Se: shioooooooo p. 198-199 Rally: where? What? p. 200 Voice: Demon child. Rally: What? Voice: Demon child. Rally: How painful. Voice: She's a demon child. Young Rally: Wait. Rosa! Where are you going? Young Rosa: I can't stand it anymore! I hate this world! I'm going to a place where I'm wanted. p. 201 Rally: Rosa? Young Rally: way. Young Rosa: That's right. I... I'm going to a place that's welcoming me with open arms. Farewell, sis. Young Rally: Don't, Rosa. Rally: Rosa! p. 202 Rally: Just a dream... Rosa: Or was it real... p. 203 Rosa: It was real, it was real. p. 205-205 Rosa: Rally-nesan. p. 206 Girl: What... what's that over there. Man: Hmmmm, something for TV? Se: zawa, zawa, gyoooo zuzun Katsumi: LH sighted. What the hell? It's destroying the city. Alert the people quickly. SE: ooooooooo p. 207 Se: dodod People: Gyaaaa. Se: don People: It's a monster, help. Se: shuoo Katsumi: Looks like we'll have to politely introduce ourselves to everyone, LH & AMP both. p. 208 Rally: Rosa Rosa: Long time no see, Sis. Ten years isn't it? Anway, nice place. The shield was wasted on me. Rally: What the hell do you want? Rosa. Rosa: I've come back for you. Rally: Me. You who went to Nemesis. Se: Dose p. 209 Rosa: Fufu, that's right, Sis. It's OK. Nemesis is totally wonderful. Rally: I'm busy protecting the world from Nemesis' grasp. No thank you. Rosa: This world. Hahaha. Se: pi pushi p. 210 Rosa: What's so special about this world, Sis? Rally: This world has people in it. I'm protecting these defenseless people. I'll protect my happy home from sadness. Rosa: I hear you, but remember how humans treated us in the past. You haven't forgotten, have you sis? p. 211 Lebia: Chief, it's lebia. Rosa: That time humans looked down on us. Rally: No matter what people say, aren't we human too. Rosa: Fu, yes, but we're also half LH. p. 212 Rosa: We're human, but we're not. We're LH, but we're not. That's what we are, right? sis! Rally: Yes. Rosa: Fufu. p. 213 Lebia: What are they saying? Chief Rally a LH. No way! Rosa: I'll say it one more time, Rally Cheyenne, I've come back for you. p. 214 Rally: Rosa, I don't have to think about it. I won't go to Nemesis even if I have to die. p. 215 Rosa: Fufu, I thought you'd say that. Then get trashed like your dear humans, Rally. Lebia: Handblaster D type, safety off. Se: Ba p. 216 Lebia: Chief! Se: don, zun, dovua, bushu p. 217 Lebia: Chief a LH? Don't say such a stupid thing. Rally: Lebia... Rosa: A follower of Sis. Even though you eavesdropped on us, what we said was true. Lebia: You lie. Rosa: It's a lie all right. Rally-nesan, tell her. Rally: Lebia. Lebia: Chief, tell me it's a lie. p. 218-9 Rally: It's true. Rosa: Hahahaha. p. 220 Se: Goton Lebia: No way... why. Rally: I'm also human. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't. Lebia: It's a lie. Chief, I don't understand, Chief. Rosa: She says it's true, my dear, we're LH and human, fufufu. p. 221 Lebia: Then why did you create AMP? Rally: I couldn't forgive the LH half of my body. I couldn't forgive them for making me part LH. Why LH came here, why they are killing people. I found out. The reason LH came to this word was that humans made a mistake. A group of people did it without anybody else's knowledge. Anyway, LH attacked indiscriminantly. I wanted to protect the innocent, the defenseless people. My hatred of this LH body then disappeared; the monstrousness disappeared. p. 222 Rosa: Fufufu. Stupid sister, protecting worthless humans when you have such magic powers. Rally: This power is only for fighting magic, Rosa. I hate this body as much as I am thankful for it. Rosa: Idiot! Rally: This is the fate of anyone with this power. I'm going to fight LH. Lebia: Ah... But... I still don't believe it. Chief... hasn't there been a mistake? Rosa: Fun. I'll do you the favor of showing you that there has't been a mistake. SE: Basetsu p. 223 Se: suun, bashi Rosa: Fufufu. Lebia: No. Se: bun, bashi. p. 224 Rally: Lebia. Se: dotsu Lebia: uuu... Rosa: So, Rally! Please show your power to this girl. If you don't I'll keep going until she's dead. Rally: Stop! Rosa! Lebia: Chief... Please say that you're a regular person... and can't fight... I... Rosa: chi. p. 225 Se: pashi Lebia: Ugh. Se: Bashi, pishi Rosa: Rally! I'm killing your follower. Protect her. Lebia: Chief, it's okay... Se: bashi, pishi,gashi,bashi, bashi, pishi p. 226 Rally: Stop! Rosa! Rosa: Fufu. Now you're serious, Rally. p. 227 Rally: I won't forgive you, Rosa! Rosa: fufufu, so what are you going to do about it! p. 228 Rally: I'll kill you. Se: piku Rally: Rosa, If you don't want to die, disappear with the rest of your LH friends. p. 229 Rosa: fufufu, I don't want to. . . Rally-nesan, I really came here to kill you. That's why there's been so many attacks by LH tonight. It was done so no one would get in the way of our fight, mano a mano. Fufufu, lets go, Rally! p. 230 Se: zuba, shuuuu Kiddy: Ha, ha. Enough already. Why is it that tonight, there's been twenty sightings of LH? Shit! Nami: Yeah, this is a bit strange. What is it... SE: ooooooooo Grospelina: Katsumi. Katsumi: Hm? What's up, Grospelina. p. 231 Grospelina: It's terrible... We've been set up by the LH again. Katsumi: How? Grospelina: Tonight, the LH did this to drag us away from the police station. Rally's in danger. Katsumi: Yuki, Yuki! Yuki: Yes, what, Katsumi! Katsumi: Where's the chief? p. 232 Yuki: She's in her office still. Katsumi: Yes. She's been in there too long. Yuki: Now that you mention it. Lebia went to give her some data, but she hasn't returned either. What's going on. She was just going to drop it off, it shouldn't take so long. Katsumi: Yuki! I'm coming back. Yuki: Hah? SE: giua Katsumi: Send a message to Kiddy & Nami to return to the station. p. 233 Kiddy: Nami! Return to the station. Nami: What, but... Kiddy: Katsumi & Grospelina went back immediately. Se: Kiiii Nami: What happened... Kiddy: Not sure but... something's behind tonight's incidents. Anyway, let's hurry. Nami: Yes. p. 234 Se: dogaka, bakubaki,meki Rosa; Ku Rally: Is that it, Rosa. Not quite... p. 235 Rosa: If so, then... Se: bishi,meki, meki Rally: ku. Rosa: How was that? How do you feel with your insides all ripped up? Rally: Fun, didn't feel a thing. Rosa: What! Se: Kiii p. 236-7 SE: kiiii Kiddy: Chief, Rally. p. 238 Se: oooooooooo Rally: Kiddy, Nami. Kiddy: what, what, she... Nami: Kiddy, be careful, I sense something big here. Kiddy: Anyway, it's evil. Rosa: Fun, what? You want to look just like her? p. 239 Kiddy: Lebia. Yuki: Yiaaaa Kiddy: You bastard, I'll smash you to death. Rally: Wait, Kiddy, I'll take care of this, go to Lebia. Kiddy: But, chief. Rally: Do it now, Kiddy. Kiddy: Yes. SE: biku, bashu Kiddy: Ah. Rosa: Fufufu... that door won't open. p. 240 Kiddy: Fun... If it doesn't open, I'll make it open. There! Se: gan. Kiddy: No... no way! Rosa: I won't let you escape. Rally: It's not for you to say that, Rosa. The one who won't escape is you. Rosa: Shut up. Rally: Breaking a body from the inside goes something like this! p. 241 Rosa: gu. Se: mishi,meki, meki, boki, gori Rosa: guaaaa. Se: Dose. Rosa: Guuu, ahhh... my hand, my hand. p. 242 Rally: Shall it be your feet next or your left hand? Rosa: Guuuu... Rally, I won't forgive you. Rally: So. Rosa: This! Se: Vun, pakin Rally: Breaking the glass behind me. Rosa: Fufufufufu. p. 243 Rosa: You'll be sorry, Rally, once you lose your followers. Hahaha. Se: zuo Rally: Shit, that's right. Voice: Ah, guuu Se: zushin. p. 244 Nami & Yuki: Ahhh. Kiddy: Yuki, Nami, shit, the air. Lebia: Ah. Rally: Rosa. Rosa: Fufu, that's for my right hand. You should be happy I didn't change the gravity. That woman, ah yes, her body's giving her artificial life support, I see. But the other 3 have only 2 or 3 minutes. Fufufu. p. 245 Rosa: Even if you are my elder sister, you don't have unlimited power. Fufufu, you can't break the glass from the inside, my power is behind it. Fufufu, this is the end, Rally! Se: dogo. p. 246 SE: zun Rosa: What. Se pushu, cha p. 247 Katsumi: You're LH, huh. Grospelina: Rosa! Rosa: Katsumi Liquer & Grospelina, fun. Yuki: Ha, ha, ha. Nami: We're saved. p. 248 Katsumi: You're called Rosa. You can't beat us. You'll have to fight against AMP. Rosa: AMP! Fufun. I laugh at you AMP members. We LH made this organization. p. 249 Rosa: I see you didn't know, Rally didn't... I see. Just like that fallen woman. I see. p. 250 Rosa: That woman... your leader Rally Cheyenne is an LH. Just like me. Katsumi: that's stupid. Grospelina: Wait, Katsumi, What Rosa said is true. katsumi: It's a lie. Rosa: Ha. Se: doshi. p. 251 Se: dotsu Rosa: Gu. Katsumi: Even if it's stupid, I'll stop, I'll stop. Tell me. Rosa: Damn it, what a stubborn bunch. Tell them yourself, sis. Rally: What Rosa said is true, Katsumi. It's time to tell you all. My mother was human, but my father... p. 252 Rally: Was LH. . . 29 years before I told Katsumi about LH. Almost 30 years ago, that was when a person named Rally Cheyenne was born. The LH created one more person besides me. Katsumi: No way, no way, 29 years before we commited ourselves to this. What are you? I don't understand at all. Box: We made an organization to oppose it. Katsumi: No way. p. 253 Rally: Now 30 years ago, LH interfered with humans. Lh indiscriminately mated with humans. That's how Rosa and I were born. Tha'ts how something that was a combination of the two, with a human face and magic powers was created. That's how we came into the world. I hated how I was born. My magic was discovered when I was a child. Our powers were so strong that the people around us hated us. We were called demon children. People hated us. Then, when the existence of LH was confirmed to be part of this world; I no longer hated this body. This power was meant to fight LH. p. 254 Rally: I decided to devote myself to fighting LH. I felt it was my fate due to my body. Power used to fight demons wasn't good, power used only to fight is evil. As the evil forces increased, I need spiritually powerful women. So, I established AMP. p. 255 Rosa: Fufufu. Anyway, now there's no mistake about it. You're nothing but the commander of AMP, an outcast of the human race. It was too easy for me to spoil things for you in this world. Rally: Go home, Rosa, along with your LH friends. You can't win. Rosa: What? Is this OK, Rally? You'll see... You're too optimistic. They'll hate you! Rally: Go, Rosa. p. 256 Rosa: Ku. Se: shun, gooooooo Rally: Katsumi, Kiddy, Nami, Lebia & Yuki. Will you still follow me to fight LH? All: Yes. Of course, Chief. p. 257 Rally: I see. I have such good followers. Thank you everyone. p. 258 Rally: LH's fight is for real now, Katsumi. Do you know why AMP is all women? Katsumi: Huh? No... not really. Rally: Lh, no, fighting is a barren thing. It can only lead to more fighting. I think that women have the power to create life; an incredibly wonderful power. When this fight is over, I believe that all of you will create new life. p. 259 The lives of people you love. p. 260 The lives you pray for, the women who create them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p. 1 of previews Katsumi: Roy! Roy: What? He... Mana: Since I, Mana Isozaki, has become the new chief, the way you do things is going to change. V1: Nami. Voice 2: No way. p. 2 of previews Coffee man: This is a labyrinth coffee mill. Yuki: Labryinth coffee mill. SE: u, hya, hya, hya Katsumi: I'll do an impression. First, Miki Katsura. Nami: I'll be taking it off. Everyone: ooooooooooooo.