Silent Mobius Side 12 Translated by Sam Lysinger, edited by Joyce Wakabayashi. Translated on and off from August 1999 to January 2000. I went to Japan, came home to find my company got bought. Adjusted to the new world order. Looked, bought, and moved into a house. Now I'm finishing up on my transfer to Japan. Life is not boring some years. Kat = Katsumi Liqueuer Gro = Grospolina Lum = Lum Cheng Ral = Rally Cheyenne Nam = Nami Yamigumo Nana = Nana Yamigumo Yuki = Yuki Saiko Kid = Kiddy Phenil Ralph = Ralph Bomers Leb = Lebia Maverick Dew = Dewey Mana = Mana Isozaki Gan = Ganossa Luc = Lucifer LF = Lucifer folk -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23, Hell. P3p2 Gan Look! It will only take a short while for the door to finally open!! p3 Gan Are you watching Gigelf!? It's moving!! p4 Gan I'm doing the one thing you couldn't do yourself!! FUHAHAHAHAHA!! P8p1 Gan Behold! p2 Nam The ground is Glowing!! p3 Mana Could this be Project Gaia? P9p2 Leb Chief Isozaki, this is Lebia!! I'm currently at the 99th Precinct and awaiting orders. p3 Mana Lebia!? Lebia! Are you okay!? P10p1 Leb I won't say I'm at one hundred percent, but I'm going to fight!! I've confirmed the presence of six Lucifer Folk that are at Tokyo's six magical points. p2 Mana Understood! We're going there now!! Leb Roger. p3 Leb The time has come at last... For the final battle. p6 Leb You're here. P11p4 Nam Lebia!! Lebia! Are you all right now!? p5 Leb It's not just me. P12p1 Nam Katsumi! Yuki! p2 Nam You're yourself again? Kat Yeah, much better. Yuki Lebia, you're a bit... Leb Don't worry. p3 Mana Katsumi. Yuki. p4 Kat Chief... p5 Mana Katsumi. P13p1 Kat I've made you worry. p2 Mana Katsumi. You... yes... p3 Kat Yes... I understand now! There are people and a town that I must defend. And then there's the future of the children who have yet to be born! I can't watch while it slips away. p4 Kat That's how I feel. p5 Kat And I'm doing it for Kiddy too... P16p2 LF What is that which tries to interfere with me!? p3 Lum Me!! p4 Lum Lum Cheng of the AMP!! As long as Jesso and I are here, you won't be able to do what you want!! P17p1 LF A human!! A human who dares to fight us. They still exist!? p2 Lum Yeah, but I'm stronger than you!! I think you'll find out real quick!! p3 LF You'll regret that, human!! Like that time long ago when paradise fell. p4 Lum How nice!! I'll regret it later!! Jesso!! Call down the thunder!! P18p2 LF You intend to oppose even though we are demons. Relying on the existence of god! p3 Nam As darkness exists, so does the light. Where there is evil, there is also the light of God. p4 Nam In everyone's heart. p5 Nam I am Nami Yamigumo of the AMP!! If you quietly return to Nemesis, I will leave you be, but... P19p1 Nam If you remain in this place and try to destory it, I will be stopping you. p2 LF You have no idea what you just said. I'll show you that light has not beaten the darkness. p4 Nam I'm ready!! P20p1 LF I know you. You're a survivor of our last battle. p2 LF We put you to shame, you miserable mischievous little humans. It seems that the long search for a place to die is at an end. p3 Mana But I'm still alive! Alive enough to beat you!! I came here to win!! P21p1 LF People who don't know their own strength die. Are you worth toying with? p2 Mana Give it all you've got! p3 Mana I'm strong now. P22p2 Leb Are you the last lock? p3 Leb If we have a contest and I win, will you surrender the line to the cyclotron? p4 Oasis Who are you. p5 Leb I'm LEbia Maverick of the AMP. I'm the strongest Visionaire!! Do you think you can beat me? P23p3 Yuki This is Yuki Saiko of the AMP. Psychic navigation alignment complete. From here on, I'll be starting up support. p4 Yuki Let's do our best!! P24p2 LF Hm!! p4 LF What are you trying to do. P25p2 LF Don't you get it? That thing is useless against me. p3 LF I'm going to prove it to you many more times. p7 Kat You will huh? I don't think you know me. P26p1 Kat I'm Katsumi Liqueur of the AMP!! Grospolina, Emperor of Swords!! Blade From!! P27p1 Gro Yes Master!! p3 Gro It's been a while hasn't it, Katsumi. I've awaited this time. Both of us are fighting together again. p4 Gro Avalanche's treatment was perfect. You were cut in half. p5 Gro Thanks to him, I feel 300 years younger. My Master! p7 LF Why do you interfere with us, Katsumi Liqueur? We are following your father's dying wish. P28-29p1 LF Your father, Gigelf, was trying to open a gate to Nemesis. So are we. Why do you do this? Shouldn't you be continuing your father's dying wish? Shouldn't you be cooperating with us? Kat My father wanted to build a bridge between us!! He wanted to being peace to both worlds!! I don't know why the Gaia Project failed, but what you're doing now is blatant agression!! p2 Kat I am the daughter of Gigelf Liqueur! As his daughter, I will finish what he started!! p3 LF Then give us your power, Katsumi Liqueuer!! p4 Kat I'll cut you off!! p6 LF Is that a MArtian Elemental intelligent sword! You're using it without a recitation? P30p2 Kat Right now, the gate to Nemesis is small, but it's getting bigger and I'm the key to it all!! I can close it if I want!! p3 Kat I will complete what my father has left undone. I know that!! p4 LF Our world is about to collapse. If we cannot obtain as much of this world as possible, we have no future. It is regrettable you do not understand. p5 LF We already have have your genes, now die!! P31p1 LF If you had collaborated, we wouldn't have done this to your world. When the gate is completely open, little will be left. p2 LF As Ganossa said, our world will not perish. The darkness will continue. p5 Kat I want to bring peace to this world, there is no reason to destroy it!! That's why I'm fighting!! P32p1 Oasis GUAAAA p4 Leb My safeguards against Lucifer Folk work perfectly in logic space. The time I thought the Simurgh felt strange, I asked Lum Cheng to do me a favor. p5 Leb When the 00 Precinct was destroyed by the Lucifer Folk, I had her monitor its pattern closely. p6 Leb By doing so, Lum Cheng couldn't use Jesso to its full extent. The kid was reluctant to agree at first. p7 Leb Ha Ha, sorry Lum Cheng. Anyway... p8 Leb Can you hear me Oasis? Oasis Yes. P33p1 Leb I just destroyed a virus that the Lucifer Folk incorporated into you. How do you feel? Oasis I'm okay. You saved me. p2 Leb Now, I'd like a path opened to the cyclotron. p3 Oasis It's not here. The way to the cyclotron was sealed twnety years ago. p4 Oasis Tokyo did this to all its systens twenty years ago in one big operation. You should know about it too. Leb And this left no paths to the old systems? p5 Oasis After that, it was impossible for any present day system to get it. The cyclotron's power supply is closing. Its path is being destroyed as well. p6 Leb No! There is still one way left. There is still a connecting point to the old Local Net in Tokyo! P34p4 Nami You cannot corner me with your false dragon of light!! p5 Yuki Nami, get back and to the right!! You have two seconds!! p6 Nam Got it! P35p4 Nam Ku!! p6 Yuki Nami!! P36p1 Lum Over here, big brother!! Is that your best shot, Daruma-san!! [Daruma are short, strange looking dolls. Lum Cheng is taunting the Lucifer Folk - Joyce] p2 Lum Fall!! p3 Lum Yeah!! p4 Lum You can't get me that easily. P37p1 LF What!? Lum Jesso can fly through the air. Cool isn't it! p2 Lum Now I'm going to show you some real power. Jesso!! Call down the wind!! P38p5 Lum Shit... p6 LF Not happy to see me? P39p2 Dew What's going on, mistress Lebia? You look like you're about to laugh. p3 Leb It's been a while since the two of us headed out. When this war is over, let's rebuild Louis. p4 Leb I want it all to be like before. Dew Mistress Lebia, before you do that... p5 Dew You should work on a boyfriend. p6 Leb Nah, it's not as important to me. Anyway, we're in the middle of a war. My battle starts here. p7 Leb We're at the sole Local Net gateway. P40p1 Leb Tokyo Tower. p3 Dew Verifying the route. Completed. p4 Dew You're not going to dive are you, mistress Lebia? Leb No, there's no need to. P41p1 Leb The cyclotron has to be manipulating a large number of Megadynes. They are self centered and don't work together on their own. They're not moving by themselves. p2 Leb I'm going to give these hard workers a Chritmas present. p3 Leb The Lucifer Folk used these to manipulate Kiddy a long time ago. Spider-type K-Worms. p4 Leb At that time, I picked up a lot of data on them. Go on back to where you came from. p5 Dew Mistress Lebia, the connection is complete. All lights are green. p6 Leb Okay! Sending the K-Worm! P42p2 Gan Shit, the Lucifer Folk are fighting with the AMP... You're supposed to be opening the gate!! p3 Gan It's not too late to deal with them after the door is open. It would be better that way. p5 Gan What... p6 Gan What's happening? This, I'm... My body, this can't be happening. P43p2 Gan Ga- p5 Gan What's happening? My body is... All of you... Return at once... P44p2 LF GUAAAA p3 Mana *panting* p4 Mana HA!! p5 Mana Guaa- P45p2 Mana Gu... ooo... p6 Ral Even for you Mana, it is pointless to chalenge two high level Lucifer Folk. p7 Mana Eh... P46 Mana Chief Rally... P48p1 Ral Can you stand Mana? p2 Mana Yeah... I think so. p3 Ral Let's fight them. Mana Yes. p4 LF Rally! Rally Cheyenne!! LF Rally Cheyenn!? That's Rally? p5 Ral The time has finally come. Let's end this. Mana Yes ma'am! p6 Ral (Rosa, I'll always be with you.) (I understand that now.) P49p1 Ral Goddess Nemesis!! Rosa and I have become your worst enemy!! From the minute we were born, we were yours!! Even so, I am human. p2 LF The... The light! p3 Ral I'm determined to fight! I relied on you, but now I'm turning on you!! I'm going to turn against you, mother!! I may only be your daughter, but I'm going to straighten your mess out!! P50p1 Gan Guoooo. I get it now!! Nemesis!! In the end I was tricked!! This body is... This body isn't mine! p2 Gan You did it with Lucifer Folk, this is a fake body!! My body... my time... Can I regain it!? p3 Gan This body... This body is Shit!! p4 Gan FuFuFu... The plan has changed!! I curse you all, Nemesis, Gaia, everything!! p5 Gan I'm going to become a demon for my sake only!! Lucifer Folk!! Come here!! Become my body and blood!! P51p1 LF Do you understand the disparity between our powers!! p3 Nam Guu... p4 LF It looks like you're in pain. You only have to endure a bit more. I'll ease it right now. p6 Nam No, I'm not done yet. I'm not giving in! P52p2 Lum Whew, haha. You're not bad. p3 LF You understand now, but the price was rather high. p4 Lum Well, what do we do now? p7 Lum Jesso!! P53p1 Kat Guah. p2 Kat Grr... p3 LF What's wrong, Katsumi. Or shall call you Gigelf's... p4 Kat Daughter!? I'm also an AMP member. p5 Kat This fight's not over!! Let's go Grospolina!! p6 LF It will be settled soon!! p7 Kat HA--! P54 LF What!? P55p4 Lum The Lucifer Folk... p5 Nam ...just... p6 Kat ...disappeared? P56p1 Ral What's going on? p2 LF What is the meaning of this, Ganossa!! p3 Gan I've had a change of heart. p4 Gan HAHAHA. I used to have a human body. I want to throw this body away. p5 LF What!? p6 Gan Don't act so surprised. I said I want my body and heart to become those of a demon. P57p1 Gan If I don't, my Gaia Project will not be complete!! My project to take hold of this whole world! p2 Gan My project to... Destroy everything!! p3 Gan Now then!! Enter my body!! I summon you to make me into a demon!! P59p3 Kat The cyclotron!? How is it moving above ground!! p4 Gro Katsumi!! Look!! P62p1 Gan Can you hear me, women of the AMP!! p2 Gan I'm going to turn it all into dust!! Gaia, Nemesis, everything!! p3 Gan Everything will be bathed in darkness!! p4 Kat Ga-GAnossa!? P63p2 Gan The cyclotron has become part of my body! Project Gaia will soon be complete. P64-65 Gan This light streams between Nemesis and Gaia!! The name Ganossa Maximillian is being lifted to the heavens. Do not bind me! (help!) Moons!! Receive me!! P66p2 Lady There's light coming from Tokyo... Guy What the hell is going on there? p3 Girl They're fighting in the middle of that light aren't they? p4 Mom Yes... p5 Girl I wish we could go back to Tokyo. Mom Don't worry, that's what the AMP is fighting for. p6 Girl Everyone. Hang in there! P67p1 Leb Dewey! Hurry!! Climb, I want to follow up with the Simurgh dropping the K-Worm. Dew Roger, Mistress Lebia. p3 Leb Thanks Yuki. How's everyone? p4 Yuki Nami and Lum Cheng are badly injured. They're undergoing medical treatment right now. Chief Rally and Chief Isozaki... p5 Yuki And Katsumi, I haven't been able to contact her. We're going to win, right? Those demons... Leb Yuki... P68p1 Leb We have to win! If we think about losing, there will not be another battle. p2 Yuki Lately, I don't know what to do. I've seen the shape that NAmie and everyone else is in and I, I p3 Leb You can't know until you try... Right? p4 Yuki Yes, that's it. That's exactly it. p5 Leb Let's hurry up and pick up Chief Rally. Yuki Yes ma'am. P69p6 Kat The Lucifer Folk are descending from the lgiht. p7 Kat The gate to Nemesis is open at last, Grospolina. Gro It is regrettable. P70 Kat But I'm the key. If I can open it, I can close it! Gro Exactly, Katsumi!! P71p1 Gan Katsumi Liqueur! Listen well. In 1999, I made the Gaia Project fail! I, Ganossa Maximillian, planned it all!! p2 Gan Your father had a bit too much integrity!! The Gaia Project would have been a success!! p3 Gan That's right. The mutual exchange of impure molecules between Gaia and Nemesis would have probably created peace! To everyone, I became the official ambassador to Nemesis! p4 Gan However, I wanted all of this to be chaos so that I could play everything into my hands!! P72-73p1 Gan I set the cyclotron to run wildly. The gate to Nemesis only opened a little, but it will unbalance the natural order. It wasn't your father who called for the Lucifer Folk!! It was me, and it wasn't too difficult to pin the blame on Gigelf!! p2 Gan The fool held all the responsibility for the Gaia Project. So when it failed, all the blame became his!! p3 Gan I set up my ruse well. I managed to fool Gaia and Nemesis as well. Kat Guuh... p4 Gan But now, my time has come... It is unfair that only I am out of time. p5 Gan If I'm out of time, All the worlds are out of time!! p6 Gan I'll destroy them!! I'll destroy any world I cannot have!! P74 Gan Destroy every one!! P75p1 Ral Recover Katsumi!! Hurry up!! p2 Ral Get her now!! Leb Y-Yes ma'am!! p3 Gan What a sight this is, Katsumi!! You are just an ant to me!! p4 Gan You called upon all your power and I trampled on you!! I love it!! Kat Gu... p5 Gan DA-HAaHAaHAaHAaHAa!! p6 Leb ChiefRally! There!! P76-77p2 Yuki The air... The air is tearing!? p3 Ral It's space-time distortion!! As the gate to Nemesis continues to open, the effects will get worse. Nemesis and the Earth are synchronizing!! p4 Ral The Earth's substance and laws are completely different from Nemesis. If they temporarily come into synch... P78p1 Ral They will annihilate each other and the galaxy itself will be converted into energy!! p2 Yuki So, we're all going to disappear? Ral That's Ganossa's last program in his Gaia Project. P79p1 Mana There's no way to control it. Ganossa must have known it from the start. There's no way to control it... p2 Mana This is happening because the cyclotron's output has been left to go wild!! Lebia!? Leb Yes, but the K-Worm isn't... p3 Mana In the cyclotron yet? p4 Mana Confirm Katsumi's present position!! Please hurry!! p5 Kat Guu... Uhhh I won't lose. Somehow... I won't lose to you... p6 Kat If I give up now, I won't be able to face my mother or father. p7 Gan It's been a long time, Katsumi... The rivalry between me and Gigelf is over. P80p1 Gan I never forgave your father. Everything, power, status, love... All in the palm of his hand. I have it all now!! I was jealous of Gigelf!! And I've plundered everything that bastard ever had!! p2 Gan Except for one thing that I haven't taken yet. Do you understand me? p3 Gan It is you, Katsumi Liquer. After Gigelf, Fuyuka, and Roy, the only thing left is you. P81p1 Gan It is you, Katsumi Liqueur!! Now, I'm going to make you mine!! p2 Gan I love you Katsumi!! p3 Gan I love you HAHAHAHAHA!! p4 Kid Katsumi!! P82p2 Kid Katsumi!! P83p2 Gan WA-Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha p3 Kat Wh- What the hell was that? p4 Kid Get up, Katsumi!! Didn't you just say you hadn't lost yet!? p5 Kat Ah!! p6 Kid I thought so... P84-85p1 Kid One shot and you've come to rely on me already, haven't you! Kat Ki-Kiddy!! p2 Kid I'm back, Katsumi!! Hehe P86p1 Kat Kiddy... You're p2 Kid I'm not a ghost or an illusion. I'm alive! p3 Kid I died that time, but because of who I am... I was able to survive and within this body, I live. p4 Kid A lot has happened. I hated my body, accepted it, now I appreciated it. I've come to like it, but this time... p5 Kid Hell, I'd better be thankful to it. There's not much of me left that's flesh and blood. P87p1 Kid What's wrong Katsumi!! Do I have to say it again? Kat A... p2 Kat Wel-Welco... p3 Kid I'm really back, Katsumi! p4 Kat Welcome! Welcome back, Kiddy!! P88p1 Yuki Kiddy!? Kiddy's alive? It's not a dream. p2 Yuki Chief!! Mana You're correct. Kiddy isn't dead, she's quite alive. p3 Mana Because of who she is... She was able to. p4 Mana That time, Kiddy's heart had surely stopeed. But there was still a chance... p5 Ralph Cybercoat her above 90%? But... p6 Mana Kiddy's armor coating is functioning minimally. As it is, she'll continue to live in a state of suspended animation. But, p7 Mana To be blunt, she only needs her brain to live. Is it better to leave her like this or... Or else... P89p1 Ralph Or else... p2 Mana What should I do? I can't decide on this one. Do I leave things as they are or... p3 Ralph We have to trade a 90% armor coating for her life. p4 Mana I want to hear your opinion. You... p5 Mana You love her. You're the closest to her, what are your thoughts? p6 Ralph Could you... Could you please give me some time to think about it. P90p1 Mana I understand, but until Avalanche seals Medium, This has to remain a secret. p3 Ralph Kiddy... p4 Ralph I've... I've decided? It's okay isn't it? Kiddy, this time I'm asking you to live for my sake. P91p1 Ralph Live for me, Kiddy!! p2 Ralph Kiddy!! What are you lounging around for!! Rally sent a message!! Kat Ralph! p3 Ralph It looks like Katsumi's going to be picked up by the Simurgh!! Hurry!! This war isn't over yet!! p4 Kid You got it!! Kat Kiddy... p5 Kid We've got lots to talk about. Let's do it after the wat's completely over. Kat Sure thing Kiddy. We'll talk over a few drinks! P92p1 Kid As long as we use your card, eh! Kat You got it! p3 Kat Thank you Kiddy!! P93p1 Ral Are you okay, Katsumi! Kat Yes ma'am. p2 Ral And the K-Worm? Leb Yes. p3 Leb It's possible that when the cyclotron surfaced, it's likely that cables to the local net were cut. But I am still monitoring it continuously. p4 Ral We're out of time! Move slowly and this world will be annihilated. Originally, we planned on using the K-Worm to stop the cyclotron. p5 Ral This huge Lucifer Folk is a metamorphasis of Ganossa. It was done by using many Lucifer Folk bodies. P94p1 Ral Our objective is Ganossa's real body. It's somewhere in that gigantic monster. Mana Anything happening, Yuki? I assume you've continued scanning. Can you see anything? p2 Yuki No... Nothing yet. But it looks like somewhere in the body, there's a crevice opening up. Something may be happening there. p3 Ralph I'll blow a hole in it so he can breathe. Kid You said it, Ralph! p4 Mana I want you to do just that, Kiddy. Ral Then Mana and I can drag Ganossa out of that body. p5 Ral Katsumi, go for Ganossa! Kat Yes ma'am!! P95p1 Ral Grospolina? Gro I think we can do that without your worrying about us, young miss. p2 Gro At best, we can break the container. There are ten minutes left until battle. p3 Ral I leave the Simurgh controls to you, Dewey. Dew Yes, mistress Rally. p4 Ral This is the last battle of the AMP!! We must defeat Ganossa!! Do not touch the other Lucifer Folk. Let's go!! P98p1 Gan AMP, you still wish to fight me... That's fine with me. Time is up anyway. My project for making everything disappear is nearly complete. p2 Gan All the world is mine. Every living thing will die with me. p3 LF What are you saying, Ganossa!! Do you intend to destroy us and Nemesis as well? p4 LF Goddess Nemesis does not wish this!! Ganossa!! Do you Goddess Nemesis will allow a bastard like you to stay like this!! P99p3 Yuki One minute to Ganossa!! I'm finding us a way with the fewest Lucifer Folk. p5 LF Gaa!!! p6 Ral The Simurgh's shield is holding!! Dewey, slip in under Ganossa now!! p7 Dew Roger! P100p1 Ral Alright! Let's go!! p2 Kat Yes ma'am!! p3 Nam Wait a second! p4 Kat Nami!! Lum Cheng!! You're okay!! p5 Lum We're fighting too!! Nam Please!! We won't slow you down!! P101p1 Ral They don't listen to a word I say, do they? Mana Nope. p2 Lum Th-thank you!! Nam Chief!! p3 Dew Firing particle beam blade!! p6 Ral Dewey!! Fire all the missiles that you can!! Dew Roger! P102p2 Yuki Up above!! Ganossa's attacking. Power output is dropping, Chief!! p3 Ral Hold out until the blade is out of power!! Yuki Yes- Yes ma'am!! P103p1 Kid Yuki!! Are you alright!! Yuki Yes, thank you, Kiddy!! p2 Gan AMP!! p3 Gan You are struggling too much!! Damn you all!! p4 Yuki The blade is out of power!! P104p3 Ral Are you okay, Katsumi? Kat Ye- Yes ma'am! p4 Ral I see. p5 Kat (don't worry, my child.) (Tomorrow will come and your time to live will too...) p6 Kat (I'll see to it with my own hands.) (But please endure a little more of this in the mean time.) P105p1 Kat (I'll watch over you carefully...) (Your mother is going into her last battle.) P106-107p2 Gan What's with you, Rally? You can't possibly fight me in this form!! p3 Ral Guess what! We are going to fight you!! And we're going to kill you!! p4 Gan Impossible!! p5 Ral Ganossa!! p8 Gan Muguuuooo P108p3 Lum Jesso!! Call down the thunder. p4 Nam Haa! P109p1 Ral Where's Ganossa!! Where are you!! p2 Ral Yuki! Yuki I don't know yet... p3 Kat Chief!! Not yet!! p4 Kat Unless you hit Ganossa's real body, nothing will happen!! p5 Kat But, Chief... as it is now... p6 Mana Katsumi!! Dewey!! Start up the spirit shield!! p7 Dew Roger!! P110p2 Kid Oh my god!! p3 Kid Waah!! P111p2 Ral Grrr... p3 Leb Yuki!! Yuki!! Yuki Unnhhh p4 Kat Ganossa... p5 Kid Are you okay, Ralph!! Ralph Yeah. I'm okay. p6 Gan The AMP is a tiny annoyance. Those missiles you shot didn't do a thing to my body. P112p3 Ral Is everyone safe!! Nam I guess so, but the Simurgh is gone. Dewey and the others are okay and can continue. p4 Ral We're out of time, look! p5 Ral Is that Nemesis!? P113p1 Gan Wahahahaha. Soon Gaia and Nemesis will collide and annihilate each other!! When that happens, you and I will no longer exist!! Everything will be mine!! Everything in this world will be mine!! Life, death, time, space, past, future, all mine!! p2 LF Ganossa!! We... Nemesis will not give you her power!! The one who will be turning into nothing is you!! p3 LF Goddess Nemesis wants peace!! Therefore we do as well!! We will overthrow you who wants destruction. If our only hope is the AMP, then... P114p1 Gan What did you say!!?? p2 LF If our only hope is with the AMP!! We shall collaborate with them!! p3 Gan GAAa- P115p1 Gan Guoaaa p2 Mana What's happening to Ganossa? Gro He's breaking up!! p3 Kat How's this happening, Grospolina? Gro That gigantic body is made up of many collected Lucifer Folk bodies!! p4 Gro For some unknown reason, the whole body started breaking up!! Ganossa is obviously in a lot of pain. P116p1 Leb I'm diving, Dewey. Standby!! Dew But, mistress Lebia. Leb The K-Worm hasn't reached the cyclotron yet, it's strange. p2 Dew I cannot monitor the system right now. It is possible that you cannot return from your dive... Leb I'm going anyway! p3 Leb It's not one of my better ideas, but I have to go. When I was small, I had a friend like that. Please do the same for me sometime, Dewey. p4 Dew Roger. Leb I love you Dewey. p5 Leb I'm going, Chief! Ral I leave it up to you, Lebia! p6 Gan Guaaaa P117p1 Luc Shall we go, miss Liqueur? p2 Kat Lucifer Folk! p3 Luc Goddess Nemesis has decided to overthrow Ganossa!! This is the only way for Nemesis and Gaia to survive. I can take you to the place where you want to fight Ganossa. p4 Kat I... Gro Is that okay with you, Grospolina? Gro Yes!! Master Lucifer is telling the truth!! p6 Gro Katsumi, there is no more time. This is our last chance. Let's go!! P118p1 Kat Chief!! I want to fight together with everyone!! Let's go! p2 Ral We're with you. We'll fight together from now on!! Go Katsumi!! p3 Luc Well then, shall we!? Kat Yes! p6 Ral They will guide us, so we must defend them!! AMP!! Go to it!! P119p1 AMP Yes, ma'am!! p2 Gan Guaaaaa!! Stop it!! Damn you all!! p3 Gan I won't give up!! The cyclotron is still moving!! What will happen to me... P120p1 Kat Chief Rally once explained why p2 Kat the AMP is made up only of women. p4 Kat Whi was that p5 Kat the act of war is unproductive. P121p1 Kat Only women can p2 Kat bring living things into existence, therefore p4 Kat they inherit and spin the yarn of time. P122p1 Kat The power to give life is p3 Kat truly magnificent. p5 Kat When this war is over, We'll surely all become parents. P123p3 Kat We'll create new lives p5 Kat for the sake of the next generation... p6 Yuki Found it!! Ganossa's in the chest area!! P124p1 Gan HAAAAA!! p2 Nam Ganossa's in the front of that thing's chest!! He floated out!? p3 Gan D-Damn... aaahhhh... p5 Leb Infect the cyclotron with the K-Worm. Crash the system now!! P125p4 Gan The cyclotron... Stopped!? p5 Kat GANOSSA!! P126p1 Kat The time has come to end your vision of the Gaia Project!! All of your mistakes will be cut off!! I will create the future that Father and Mother wished to see!! The Gaia Project ends now!! p2 Gan Lucifer!? You can't be standing behind her!! Lucifer!! Katsumi!! P127p1 Kat God of protection!! God of this planet's soul!! Now give me the gift of your power this once!! p2 Gan Guoooo Lucifer Folk!! Give me your power!! p3 Kat Twelve planet's spirits and the Earth as well!! p4 Ral Everyone!! Give Katsumi your pwer. All of your hope! All of your power! Give it to Katsumi and her sword!! p5 Kat Earth's God of protection!! Gaia!! p6 Gan Noooooooooo P128-129p1 Kat By Katsumi Liqueur's name, become the light that holds up the sky!! Shut off this wicked light!! P132 Gan GAAA P136p1 Yuki Everyone's caught in the light!! They're all in danger!! p7 Ral Yuki!! p8 Yuki The last one is... Katsumi!! P137p1 Kat Yuki!! p2 Yuki Katsumi!! p5 Gan You're not going anywhere!! p6 Gan You're mine!! Katsumi!! P138-139p1 Gan Katsumi!! You are mine!! You're the only one I won't hand over!! I alone will... p2 child NO!! P140p1 child I will not hand over my mother! Never! P141p1 Gan It can't be... P144p145p5 Gan Is my appearance so strange? p6 Gan Goddess Nemesis used a pittance of her magic to do this. It's even more frightening than death. Regressing towards becoming a fetus. p7 Gan Going to point before birth... Then nothingness. Until now, my body was made by a contract with the Lucifer Folk. A container for it, so to speak. p8 Gan After all, I couldn't... p9 Gan I couldn't do anything by myself. But. P146p1 Gan I won't give up... Look. My body's just going back... p2 Gan Going back... P147p1 Luc Miss Katsumi. Kat Y-Yes. p2 Luc We are returning to Nemesis and we shall completely close the dimensional door. Goddess Nemesis thanks you. p3 Luc You and your parents. p5 Luc However, if the door is closed and there is a hint of treachery at any time, we will not be restricted from coming to Gaia. And the AMP's will not stop us. P148p1 Luc Rally... p2 Luc We will probably never meet again. Live well... I believe Rosa wanted to say the same thing. p3 Luc We're your family... P149p1 Mana Well, shall we head out everyone? Yuki Where to? p2 Kid Tokyo! The city's gone, but if there are people, they will rebuild it. Right, Chief! p3 Ral Yes! We've got a lot of unfinished business here. As AMP members, as people, and as women! p4 Kat Yes ma'am! P151p5 Mana As long as people are alive... The city will revive... P152p2 Yuki Lum Cheng! Lum Cheng! Lum What is it, Yuki? Why are you so loud today. p3 Yuki Um, I think that a Chinese restaurant and a coffee shop together is impossible. Lum What? p4 Lum In the beginning, you said you wanted to do this, didn't you? p5 Lum Here you are! Shrimp fried rice!! Yuki Well, I guess I did. p6 Lum Can you ask your sponsors for another store front? Yuki Un un. What can we do... Lum Hey, why do you look so worried? P153p3 Nana Nami, how long do you plan on sweeping? Nam Ah... p4 Nana It will be time to go soon. p5 Nam Yes, you're right. I'll get ready. p6 Nam It's been a really long time since I've seen everyone. Especially since today is... P154p2 Ral I'm sorry, Lebia. You must've had a lot of government work to do. Leb Actually... p3 Leb I can relax here in this office. That place is a bit too stiff for me. p4 Ral You're quite right about that. Mana I'm back, Chief. p5 Mana Chief, it's time to go... Ral Oh, that's right. Are you ready, Lebia? Leb I'm always ready. P155p1 Leb It's been five years since the war with the Lucifer Folk ended. The town's being rebuilt quickly. Leb Humanity's ability to do this is amazing. Ral Lebia, what do you think about a job other than administration? p2 Leb A business? Everything's just gone up. Ral Really now. p3 Leb The AMP is in the middle of a transition, I wouldn't feel right leaving it. Mana It's okay to say there's not much hope. p4 Ral Either way, it's a good thing that there's less work to do now. p5 Ral Peace is an everyday thing now. Right? P156p2 Yuki I'm sorry we're late! p3 Mana No need to worry. Leb You're just in time. Lum See! Everybody's here! Yuki But... p4 Yuki Lum Cheng opened the shop today... Lum Hey!! Didn't you say we had to work with all our might!? p5 Nami Please don't fight in a place like this... Lebia That reminds me. Katsumi's not here yet. P157p2 Kid Hi! Ralph It's the same old AMP. P158p1 Leb I should have figured the two of you would want to get married at the police headquarters. Nam Kiddy, Ralph, congratulations. p2 Mana Congratulations to the both of you. Ral Be happy together. p3 Yuki Kiddy, you look so pretty! Lum They're birds of a feather. p4 Kid Thank you everyone. Lum, that was a little too much. p5 Ralph Katsumi's not here yet? p6 Kid Yes, Katsumi's living far away from town now. Ralph Oh, I'm sorry. P159p1 Kat *huff* I'm sorry Kiddy, sorry Ralph. *fuu* Hey everyone! p2 Leb? Katsumi!! You made it!! Kat Of course I made it, it's Kiddy and Ralph's special day. Kid Always making us worry aren't you. Mana That's just like her, hahaha. p3 Ral Okay, let's go to the station. Everyone's waiting. All Yes ma'am! P160-161p6 child Mama. p7 child Maamaa... come here come here. There's a real big rainbow!! p8 child Aaawww... You're playing with tarot cards again. p9 Kat Sorry, sorry. I'm coming right now... P162p1 child Maamaa hurry hurry p2 Kat The rain let up. It's good weather. THE END Production Note: (to be translated in the future) Inner cover Translations: In the end, and ordinary day is full of peace and tranquility. p1 Kat Silent Mobius has ended after a run of over ten years. Kid Most respectable. p2 Yuki Yes, but there are many ten year runs of manga. p3 Leb So what you're saying is that a ten year run isn't all that special? Nam It's impolite to say that with so many comic writers who have done the same. (help!) p4 Asamiya *massive crying* p1 Kat What good things happened to you in Silent Mobius? Kid I got him in the end, hehehe. p2 Yuki Customers came to my shop. Lum I came to Japan. p3 Nam Let's see here... I made a CD mini album, I became the head of the House of Yamigumo, and they made a doll of me. p4 All Huh! p1 Kid Silent Mobius is over, but there are a bunch of things I still don't understand. Yuki Really. p2 Kat Yeah, how did Medium take over my body and how did the team win in the end. (help!) p3 Leb That reminds me, I don't know what Goddess Nemesis got in the end so she could survive. p4 Asamiya *massive crying* p1 Kat Will there be a third Silent Mobius Movie? Lem Nah. p2 Nam I don't think there will be one. Kid I'm hoping that they do away with the idea. (help!) p3 Kat Oh yeah, I overheard someone talking about 'Silent Mobius Neos'!! It's a story set in the future, but we're all in it. p4 Kat Hey!! What's Yuki got in her hand? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Translator's Afterword: Well, with the exception of the final production note from Asamiya-Sensei (which I will translate sooner or later) and editing, I have finished translating the final volume of Silent Mobius. I first picked up Silent Mobius as a Viz comic when it was first released. It was the first manga I had ever purchased. The cover is what caught my eye the most and the story was pretty cool. I was much younger at the time, 14 or 15, and I never expected any of the the things that came after. I never expected to buy a Japanese version of the manga. I never expected to learn how to read hiragana and Katakana with the fourth manga. I never expected to live in Japan for a year. I never expected to buy all the Silent Mobius stuff I did and still do. I never expected my web page to have gotten any notice at all. I never expected to translate any of this manga into English. I never expected to meet Asamiya Sensei either. I didn't expect to transfer back to Japan after living in my house for only three weeks. I owe a certain amount of interest in Japan to comics. In the beginning, that's all that interested me. Then I read some books about the place and took some history classes. Then I went to see it all live and without a net. I actually got away from most of my anime watching during my stay there. I haven't given up on manga though. In the future, I plan to edit some of the translations a bit, mostly in the layout department. I also plan on updating my web page as needed. In the future, I plan on translating the rest of Compiler and Assembler 0X. I also plan on taking on the Rose of Versailles one of these days. In the mean time, I have lots of packing to do, so I'm going to take a rest from translating for a bit. I'd like to talk a bit about epic storytelling. The Ilyad, the Odyssey, the Knights of the Round Table, and more recently; Babylon 5, Strangedays, Mononoke Hime, and Macross Plus. The classics taught us mostly about honor, sacrifice, and hubris being our downfall. The moderns hold additional messages: When everything is said and done, the only thing you have left, if you are lucky, are your friends; do lunch with them. If you put a price on your dreams, you will regret it. There is an overwhelming amount of greed and hatred in this world but there is still love, hope, and redemption if you are willing to look for it. If chasing a dream means free-falling through the earth's atmosphere while the planetary defense grid is firing at you, fasten your seatbelt first. Silent Mobius tells us nothing this spectacular, but it does have some things to say: Forgiveness is very important in relationships. Communication between family members is difficult. We do not control our anger, it controls us. It is okay to cry now and then. On a final note, I would like to extend my thanks to David Tang, Michael Surbrook, and Katsuhiro Yasutake who have provided much encouragement and feedback over the years. I would also like to extend my deepest thanks to Joyce Wakabayashi who translated the bulk of this series and edited all of my translations. You're only as good as your editor, and Joyce is one of the best translators / editors I've ever known. Without her, none of this would ever be finished. I'm now going to take a few days to read all of Silent Mobius cover to cover. Dreams are sometimes all you have, don't give up on them. Sam Lysinger. January 19, Y2K -------------------------------------------------------------- Editor's afterword: One of my first memories as a kid was watching the unedited, subtitled version of Captain Harlock on the local foreign programming channel. It was truly remarkable not only because it was a good series, but because it was the only anime series that channel ever showed as part of their Japanese programming. I also remember watching Star Blazers and getting comics in Japanese like Sazae-san, Doraemon and Sally-chan, so you can say that anime and manga has been part of my life from the very beginning. As for Silent Mobius, I remember seeing the first issue from Viz, then thinking that while I liked the artwork though I didn't care for the coloring. However, the English version was discontinued. I encountered it again when my mom took me on a trip to Japan. My cousin had a large manga collection, which included 3X3 Eyes and various others. But the one that really caught my eye was Silent Mobius. It became the one I turned to over and over again during my vacation. Why? The artwork was really eye-catching and the fact that it was an all women team fighting to save the world was a definite plus. What does Silent Mobius say? Some of the lessons are already stated by Sam, but here are few: Keep fighting, you never known when your opponent will give up. Dealing in bad faith will only hurt yourself in the long run. Cry, but keep on going. People are worth more than you know. Also, never think that a monster is dead until you've seen it explode. Thanks to Sam for doing the translations and putting them up for all to enjoy.