Seimaden Volume 7: Part 2 Translated by Tae-chan % = thoughts $ = flashbacks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 46 1 Small child: U.. uwaah 2 Mother: Shhhh. It’ll be okay. You’re a good child so don’t cry. 3 Mother: Azeru-sama will surely protect us---- Surely. He is looking after us. It’ll be okay... 6 Asubaru: % Peoples ---- clinging-like eyes and thoughts... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 47 1 Asubaru: % Ordinary humans aren’t ones to quickly accept. Man: Heh. But I wonder how. 2 Man: It’s being rumored that we’re joining ranks with a demon--- our enemy! He’s protecting us and all as some big righteous cause, when the truth is that he probably only wants to become a ‘lord of the manor’. He’ll change into a guy who’ll rule over us with absolute authority. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 48 1 Man: Ow! What was that for you bitch...! 3 Hilda: Return the bucket. It’s your fault that I now have to go fetch water all over again. 4 Hilda: If you don’t trust Rod, that’s fine. But --- if you don’t, then why are you here? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 49 1 Asubaru: Nicely done. Hilda: It isn’t the time for team-mates to be divided. 2 Hilda: But I know what I did isn’t helping any... 3 Hilda: By the way, who are you? Asubaru: Is it that hard to figure out? 4 Asubaru: Hilda. Your strength is a great help to Rod. If he does just too much, he’s like fragile glass ready to break. Would you help support him? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 50 1 Hilda: Yes! Thank you Asubaru! 2 Asubaru: % Whatever fate --- Whatever comes to be --- 3 Asubaru: % It can be changed freely with the power of people’s wills. ---- A new path can be created... 4 Asubaru: % I want to believe it... make me believe it... with you two...! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 51 2 Hilda: Rod...? I’d heard you’d gone to the new town... What’s... wrong? Your face is so pale. 4 Rod: Ku... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 52 1 Hilda: Are you okay? Are you sick or something? 3 $ Kukuru: Rod! Rod! 4 Hilda: Hang on, where does it hurt? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 54 2 Hilda: Rod... 3 Hilda: No... let me go please!... 4 Hilda: Nooo, Rod! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 55 3 Hilda: What you’re doing...! It’s too sudden...! 4 Rod: .... You can’t forget that guy...? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 56 3 Hilda: Why... are you saying... that... 5 Rod: Kukuru is... dead. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 57 1 Rod: Laures killed him! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 58 2 Townspeople: Uh oh... it’s really pouring down. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 59 1 Kaimei: It’s your fault... Rodrique. The child was killed because you have been weak-minded. 3 Kaimei: This is the result of your weakness. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 60 1 Kaimei: You were to become my true guide who would lead the world to the proper direction, without a thought for anything else. Even now it is not too late. Absorb me into your young flesh without hesitation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 61 5 Rod: % If I accept his consciousness like this, can I become comfortable....? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 62 1 Rod: % Like this... 3 Karoun: Rod...! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 63 3 Karoun: % I knew it... Karoun: Pull yourself together, Rod. Do you want to become a mindless sheep? Karoun: % The shock of Kukuru’s death.... 5 Karoun: Accepting Kaimei would point to your own death. You must understand that yourself. Karoun: %.... is making him susceptible to Kaimei’s control...! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 64 2 Kaimei: Why do you stand in my way...! 3 Karoun: --- I don’t like your personality, Zol Kaimei. 4 Karoun: You think you’re the greatest, but truthfully you’re a burden. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 65 1 Karoun: I will be Rod’s ally. 2 Karoun: And I will obtain Rod, who has obtained your power! 3 Kaimei: What...!? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 66 1 Rod: Ka...roun!? % ----What on earth...!? 2 Karoun: Rod, can you hear me? With my own power subduing Kaimei in this way is taking all of my might. Later you will rule over Kaimei with your own will. 3 Rod: Rule... over... Kai...mei...!? --- but that is... 4 Karoun: Do it, Rod! That is the only way for you! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 67 2 Karoun: I love you. Not only I, but everyone... you are starting to live for the sake of your own life aren’t you? 3 Karoun: You are the only who regrets Kukuru’s death. If you are ruled over by Kaimei, then who will be sad over the child’s death? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 68 1 $ Kukuru: I want to be like Rod. Rod, Rod! 2 Kaimei: Have you forgotten your own mission? Don’t be deluded by his worthless words. 3 Rod: --- I... I... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 69 1 Kaimei: Push the sword, Rod. Don’t you understand his danger? He will corrupt you! Push the sword into him and you will be liberated. With my power your existence will transcend that of an omnipotent god! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 71 1 Asubaru: % Kaiemi’s.... 5 Asubaru: % .... “ki” has ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 72 1 Kaimei: Wh... what is the meaning of this.. 2 Kaimei: This.... 4 Asubaru: % ... been subdued! No... 6 Asubaru: % A bigger, newer power that surpasses Kaimei’s has been born...! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 73 2 Rod: Thank you Karoun. I’m grateful for your help! 4 Laures: The wind... has changed... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 74 3 Gerumu: Laures-sama. We have obtained some new information. 4 Gerumu: I wasn’t sure whether or not I should inform you, but Zadei’s baffling reversal in loyalties somehow... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 75 3 Gerumu: --- Seems to involve Teteiyusu. 4 Laures: What do you mean by that, Gerumu? 5 Tetei: % Laures-sama---- Laures-sama----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to the Seimaden Translations