Volume 7: Part 1 Edited by Tae-chan --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 Hilda: % I am remembering cold fingers touching my cheek. It is passion enveloping me and memories infused with sadness. It’s a pleasant sensation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6 Hilda: % I --- know this hand... it was always nearby me, protecting me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 7 1 Hilda: Laures... is it... you? 3 Hilda: These sad eyes, these kind arms... are they ---- yours....? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 8 3 Demons: Revived demon king, revived demon king, we are here to glorify the demon emperor Laures. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 9 Hilda: % ----Where is this...? Karoun: You’re finally awake. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10 1 Karoun: I wonder if I should introduce myself, since you’ve been unconscious till now. My name is Karoun. Greetings, Hilda. 2 Hilda: I’ve heard your name before. I heard from Rod’s new clique that there was an interesting child... Karoun: The church being attacked by demons was completely destroyed. 3 Karoun: Since you were wounded you lost consciousness so we took refuge here. Rod was away fighting, so I had to treat you. I have some medical knowledge, you see! 4 Hilda: % That’s right, the hurt... is gone. (aloud) Thankyou Karoun. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 11 1 Karoun: Soon this place will become dangerous too, the demons have come in greater numbers, so everyone is worrying. 2 Karoun: Sorry for leaving so soon, but I want to go and join Rod and the others. I’ll go and bring you a change of clothes. (They’re small, though) 3 Hilda: The wound on my chest--- Karoun: It doesn’t hurt? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 12 1 Hilda: % A strange child... 2 Hilda: % That image of Laures, was it a dream after all--- 3 Hilda: % Then, this lingering sense of touch on my cheek is also---- 5 Hilda: % There is no scar...! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 13 1 Hilda: % How can this be...? 4 Karoun: The flower of life blossoms or scatters at my will. It’s not that I healed your wound, rather that I, the ruler of Hades, took what I wanted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 14 1 Karoun: Your flower is mine to manipulate, in other words I am holding your life in my hands, Hilda. For that reason, Laures will make any sacrifice. You haven’t thought about that. 2 Karoun: I have to win this game, because that is the fate given to me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 15 3 Hilda: % It’s terrible... this is all Laures’ work... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 16 1 Hilda: That man... has changed into a dreadful demon. --- And then 2 Hilda: And then this is Laures’ real nature... His real nature as a demon----! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 17 2 Karoun: Let’s go. Rod is waiting. (% This wasteland is all your fault...) 3 Hilda: Y...yes, that’s right... Karoun: % If you knew that Laures had done all this to protect your life, what would you do ---- Hilda. 4 Woman: ! It’s Hilda. 5 Man: Hilda has returned. Someone else: Karoun is with her too. Someone go call Rod. Karoun: % At that time, what would you do---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 18 (At the Demon World Hades Palace) 3 Ratoku: It’s some storm, isn’t it Captain Gerumu. I can’t see clearly in front of me. 4 Gerumu: It’s always like this here. Directly below us is the labyrinth, so cling on tightly to your dragon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 19 1 Gerumu: If you fall, the probability of being able to reach the end of the labyrinth is practically nil. This Palace of Hades is a place that sucks people in. 3 Gerumu: % I can’t think that he would obediently let himself get secluded away, but---- 4 Ratoku: I’ve heard rumours, but this is somehow a strange place. Gerumu: Follow me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 20 2 Korosu-B: You cannot pass through to the Palace of Hades, without the ruler of Hades’ permission. 3 Gerumu: I am Captain Gerumu of the demon dragon-riding squad. I wish to see Laures-sama. 4 Korosu-B: That is not possible. My orders are not to let anyone through, no matter who they are. Ratoku: What is this you’re saying! Captain Gerumu is Laures’s trusted lieutenant, so that is...! Gerumu: Stop it, Ratoku! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 21 1 Iria: Let them through, Korosu-Beta. 2 Korosu-Beta: Iria-sama, ---- but... 3 Iria: It’s okay. Laures is the demon emperor isn’t he? In other words, the greatest person. Not being able to see people he knows would be strange! 4 Iria: I will speak for my brother. Follow me, I’ll guide you. 5 Iria: This is fine isn’t it Beta? 6 Korosu-Beta: -------- But I will keep your weapons in custody. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 22 1 Iria: Geez, those guys are tense! And Laures is also very quiet. 2 Iria: It’s usual for him to show a peaceful face but.. somehow... distant. It’s like his heart isn’t here. Gerumu: % She said ‘Older brother’. 3 Iria: I thought it would be good if he’s cheered up a little. Gerumu: % This girl is Karoun’s little sister? 4 Iria: (Yeah, but I’m still annoyed with my brother.) 5 Gerumu: % Somehow, she still seems kinda cute... 6 Gerumu: % I’ve heard that Karoun is a severe ruler, but it looks like his sister is just the reverse... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 24 1 Gerumu: We will certainly hasten to join you in this serious affair. As usual we are waiting for your command. 3 Iria: What---- you’re going to return already? Gerumu: Yes. You helped us out before. 4 Gerumu: Thank you Iria. 5 Iria: Come again. I’ll speak to the Korosu. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 25 1 Iria: Gerumu... 2 Iria: --- No, it’s nothing. Take care! 3 Iria: % I wonder if Gerumu knows... that Laures is being held here because he’s protecting Hilda’s flower of life. If I borrowed his power I might be able to set Laures free... 4 Hilda: Laures. Is it okay if I come in? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 26 2 Iria: % P...pretty...! Page 27 1 Iria: % But... it has such a sad resonance. 2 Laures: What’s the matter? You’re not coming in? Iria: Ah, yeah. I thought I might be in the way. 3 Iria: Laures you can really play this. (Fantastic!) Laures: Is there something you would like me to play for you? 6 $ Gerumu: It seems that the Demon Shogun has sided with the Azeru. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 28 1 Laures: --- I see. Zadei lived after all? 2 Laures: But until now he has been a man who took pride in being a demon. Why has he decided to join the humans... 3 Gerumu: I cannot understand why you don’t try to find out the reason yourself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 29 1 Laures: ... You’re a conscientious man, Gerumu. Teteiyusu was good, you guys are good, geez... 2 Laures: Even if I took your advice, it would be no good. After all, I am a puppet king. Gerumu: What are you thinking? I can’t understand. 3 Gerumu: Why is someone like you submitting yourself to this humiliation? Aren’t you someone who loves freedom more than anything else? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 30 1 Gerumu: (Why is he laughing? What is this reaction...?) 2 Laures: % Even if I take away your freedom, there is something I have to protect. 3 $ Teteiyusu: That is your only weak point. 4 Laures: If I’m not mistaken, that may be true. Iria: Huh? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 31 1 Laures: I’m making the best of these circumstances. 3 Citizens: Ooooh, somehow that misfortunate thing is coming closer. Something dreadful... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 32 1 Citizen1: Somehow the demon warriors are being boisterous. What happened? Citizen2: How would I know? 3 Rabi/Maruka: % They came at last. I’ve been waiting. 4 Rabi/Maruka: % However, although Rod’s power is strong, for leading the weak humans his power isn’t enough. For defeating Laures’ power, we need someone who has power which has surpassed his. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 33 2 Rabi/Maruka: % Even if that someone is an enemy demon. 3 Rabi/Maruka: % There won’t be any harm to us if we use him for his abilities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 35 2 Zadei: It took a bit of time for my wounds to heal, but, as promised I have come, master. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 36 1 Rod: I want to see proof that you have become our ally. 2 Zadei: You’re a difficult guy. 4 Rabi: Aaah! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 37 1 Zadei: Look well you pathetic idiots! This is the power of the Demon World Shogun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 38 1 Zadei: Is that good enough for you, Mr. Azeru’s champion? 2 Rod: --- It’s fine. 4 Karoun: % Strange... that’s not like Rod’s usual demeanour. 5 Karoun: % Could it be---! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 39 2 Demons: Traitor! Traitor! The demon world shogun helping humans, a vile coward to betray his partners. You’ve thrown away your pride as a demon! Die! Die! 3 Zadei: % Shut up! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 40 1 Zadei: If you have a problem with it, just try and kill me! But even though you don’t have the power to do it, you’re still loud-mouthing. 2 Zadei: If you can’t do it, then just shut up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 41 2 $ Zadei: % I’m not dead...! 3 Zadei: % Even though the days and months were confused while the dimension was deflected into isolation, Even through the shame of currying favour to the humans and leaving that place... 4 Zadei % "That unique guy I will kill". With that one thought, I rose above it all... 5 Zadei: % You gave your life to protect Laures...! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 42 Zadei: % Worse than my purgatory is this carnage in which lies the discarded angel with eyes of ice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 43 1 Zadei: He... heh heh heh... Hey, Tetei, I don’t know how to say this right, but. 2 Zadei: When you’re thinking of that guy.... your feelings tremble violently. 3 Zadei: Is this feeling like the emotion called “love”... Beloved--- beloved, like wanting to pull out my guts – an ultimate love. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to the Seimaden Translations