Seimaden Volume 6: Part 3 Translated by: Soujirou no Miko % = thoughts $ = flashbacks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 109 Karoun: She will die, if this continues on. % Laures: --- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 110 Karoun: Hilda’s Flower of Life --- you can understand the situation just by looking at it, right? Karoun: When the petals of this flower completely drops off, her life would be at an end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 111 Karoun: Even if it’s already wilting, the flower bravely retains it’s loveliness. So pretty....a pure and flawles flower. Exactly like that young woman. Karoun: I’m the master of the spirit world. There is a way that I can rejuvenate this flower. Laures: What do you want of me? Karoun: You are quick to pick up on things, aren’t you? Hardly surprising, given that you were the previous count’s right hand man. I have need of your assistance in a certain matter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 112 Karoun: And that is --- to see you ascend to the throne of the demon world. % Karoun: I have the utmost confidence. % Karoun: That to save that girl’s life. % Karoun: You would bind yourself in these heavy chains. % Karoun: What you can take advantage of, Karoun: Although the demon world is vast, there is no candidate more suitable than you. % Karoun: you grab it and use it to the fullest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 113 % Karoun: --- you --- % Karoun: --- are a chess piece in my hands --- Laures: .... Laures: What will you benefit from this? Karoun: You will know later on. The only thing left for you to do now is to give me a yes or a no. Laures: --- Laures: I think you know my answer already, Karoun. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 114 Laures: Come, my comrades. Laures: I am going to free you from your chains. Give me all your power! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 115 % Laures: Everything that is vile, come rally to my banner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 116 % Laures: It is the call of your king. % Laures: Quickly, come! % Laures: Come! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 117 % Laures: Come and kneel at the feet of your almighty king! % Laures: The revered king encircled by darkness! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 118 Child: Waaa....waaa.... Kukuru: Stop crying. Get up on your feet. Kukuru: We have to get out of here quickly. Child: I can’t stand up. Kukuru: You have to be brave, hurry. Villager: It’s Azaru-sama, Azaru-sama’s here. Villagers: Azaru-sama! Villagers: Azaru-sama! Kukuru: Rodrique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 119 Child: Big brother, who’s that? Kukuru: Don’t you know? He’s the leader of Azaru, our messiah. Child: What’s a messiah? Kukuru: It’s one who will destroy all the monsters and demons. In simpler terms, he’s the avatar of righteousness. Rodrique: Kukuru, you okay? Kukuru: Ah Rodrique, there isn’t anybody else futher on down. I’ve already instructed everybody to take refuge in the church. % Child: Avatar of righteousness. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 120 Rodrique: Good, then hurry and get out of here yourselves, Kukuru. when you see everybody tell them I’ll take care of the rest. Kukuru: Promise me you’ll be careful, Rodrique. Kukuru: Don’t push yourself too far. Rodrique: Thankyou. Child: Oh wow, to be able to actually talk to the avatar of righteousness. Kukuru: Of course! Kukuru: We are mates. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 121 % Rodrique: This is bad.... % Rodrique: It is the worst one we’ve ever had. Rodrique: I can sense a very strong demon “ki”. Hurry back! This is most likely to be the demon’s lair. % Rodrique: What was the cause of all this? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 122 Monster: It is the call of our king! Monster: Our king is calling us. Monster: Our king is calling us. % Rodrique: Their king....? % Rodrique: Can it be.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 123 % Rodrique: Laures! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 124 % Rodrique: Laures is the king of the demon world!? Rodrique: Ugh--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 125 % Rodrique: --- Then, everything is all ----!? Rodrique: H...halt! Rodrique: Laures! Kukuru: We are shielded under Rodrique’s magical barrier he set up. Those nasty demons have no way of getting near. Kukuru: Oh, Rodrique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 126 Kukuru: Are you okay? You look lik you’re in pain. Rodrique: I’m fine, but what about Hilda....? Woman: The bleeding has stopped, but she’s been unconscious since you left. Rodrique: Hilda.... % Rodrique: If you know about him, you’ll surely be broken-hearted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 127 % Rodrique: If possible, I want things to stay as it is. % Rodrique: I don’t want to tell you anything --- Kukuru: Rodrique? !? Karoun: You used up too much of your strength. No matter how powerful you are, there is a limit to your endurance. Rodrique: You are.... Kaorun: Forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Karoun. I’m one of your followers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 128 Karoun: You better go back and have a rest. I’ll lend you my shoulders to lean on. Rodrique: Sorry about this. Kukuru: Who is he? Woman: Oh, he came just recently. He’s a very nice young man. (% and cute too) Maruka: ! % Maruka: I seemed to have sensed an unfamiliar “ki” ust now. % Maruka: --- am I just worrying too much...!? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 129 Karoun: Are you okay? Rodrique: Yeah. Karoun: Loosen up your clothes, it’ll be easier for you to breathe. Karoun: What happened? Karoun: You do this every time, shouldering all the pain by yourself. Rodrique: It’s none of your concern. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 130 Karoun: You didn’t push my hands away. That’s a big step forward, am I right? Rodique: Don’t tease people like that. Karoun: Why would I tease you? Don’t you agree that the warmth of human skin feels soothing? Karoun: Whenever a heart is frozen, even that will become a troublesome thing. Anyone who doesn’t have the warmth of human skin cannot continue to live. Karoun: If there’s one exception, I guess it’ll be the dead. Rodrique: The dead.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 131 Karoun: You--- Karoun: wish to become one of the dead? Rodrique: --- you --- Rodrique: You ---- what do you know! Look at you, you think you know everything! Rodrique: This is the reason I was born into this world, even if I have to sacrifice my all, I have no other choice but to accomplish this mission. Other than that, there’s no other meaning to my life. % Rodrique: The people of the Azaru’s.... % Rodrique: The elder Kaimei’s dying hopes --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 132 % Rodrique: Even if it means abandoning everything, I’ll have to.... Karoun: They purposely led you into thinking that. Rodrique: I don’t know. Karon: You should know. Rodrique: I don’t know! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 133 Karoun: You can’t go on like this. Karoun; Azaru have no need of your personality, no need of your soul. This way, you are bound to be destroyed. Don’t you care about that at all? Villager: Is it another demon attack? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 134 Rodrique: Who the hell are you? Rodrique: ! Karoun: I’m your friend, Rodrique. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 135 Kukuru: Rodrique, what was that earthquake just then.... Kukuru: Ah.... Karoun: He must have overexhausted himself, and could not keep a tight rein on his own power. Karoun: It’s alright now, I’ll look after him. Kukuru: Ah, Kukuru: that’s good. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 136 Karoun: Oh yes, your name is Kukuru? You are such slave-drivers, to exhaust him to such an extent. Kukuru: ---!? % Karoun: Yes, I have to make Rodrique trust me from the bottom of his heart. He must willingly hand over his body and soul. Or else all this will loose its meaning. Karoun: Can you please get out? You’ll only be in the way here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 137 % Karoun: Because of that, you don’t need any other confidantes. Kukuru: ! Kukuru: What is he up to? That nasty guy. % Kukuru: I wonder if he’s seriously hurt. Karoun: You are a prey Karoun: That have fallen into the silver trap laid by me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 138 Laures: To save you, I will even kneel before others, or become another’s henchmen. Laures: Even if I have to become the lord of destruction, and destroy everything, I will do it without any regrets. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 139 Laures: Even the blood of all the living things in this world pooled together, Laures: Is not worth a single drop of your blood. Laures: Do you know that, Hilda? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to The Seimaden Translations