Seimaden Volume 5: Side Story Translated by: Soujirou no Miko % = thoughts $ = flashbacks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 97 Marion: I’ve found it. Marion: I’ve finally found it, Cerubros. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 98 Marion: Have a look inside the enchanted mirror---- just what I’ve always longed for! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 99 Soldier: Take that! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 100 Marion: How handsome! Marion: To look upon him will set one’s heart racing.... Marion: There can be none other more suitable than him to be I, Count Marion of the Demon World’s successor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 101 General: Oh, so that’s the scorched earth policy. General: This way, the enemy soldiers looses a place where they can resupply, and can do nothing but await their own death. General: However, this method of burning an entire village, don’t you think it’s too.... Laures: What is it? You look like you’ve got something you want to say. General: Ah, nothing. Laures: In things like war, some form of sacrifice is unavoidable. Laures: Look, that blazing light of the fire illuminates the sky like the light of dusk. How brilliant it is. How mystifying. General: % Prince Laures is a character to be feared.... % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 102 Laures: You hear that, Zakusen? Laures: It is the hollow laughter of the deceased. Laures: They are urging me to join them. Laures: For they are amazed that one such as I, who’ve commited so many heinous deeds, could still be here. Laures: How amusing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 103 General: You must never listen to those voices, my prince. It’ll bring disaster. General: You must never invoke them. Laures: You’re wrong. I am the embodiment of disaster. Villager 1: The prince is back? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 104 Villager 3: Prince Laures has returned. I’ve heard that he not only triumphed against the legions of Alzanus, but left not a single one of them alive! Villager 3: We won the battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 105 Villagers: Long live Prince Laures! Villagers: Long live Prince Laures! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 106 King: I’ve already heard of the results of your expedition. Well done. Laures: Thankyou for my lord father’s praise. I am very glad to see, father, that you are still enjoying such excellent health. Queen: Eeeeiiiiiiii...... Maid: Oh....somebody...the Queen....she.. Queen: Ah....ah... Queen: Ah ~ monster! Courtier: My queen, please calm down. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 107 Courtier: Come, let me bring you over here. Maid: My deepest apologies. The lock on the Queen’s rom must have been loose. Laures: She said I was a monster....ah.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 108 King: Since you haven’t been back in the palace for a long time, go and enjoy yourself as much as possible. Afterall, you are the hero of every citizen in this country. General: What is it they’re looking at, that have those ladies over there gazing with such rapt fascination? Noble: You’ll understand when you’ve seen for yourself, general. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109 General: So that’s it. The conquest he made this time has increased the desirability of the prince once again. No wonder there was such a stir among the ladies. Noble: Not to mention he has a face that can make even a man dizzy with its beauty. General: Say, the prince is at the right age for settling down. I wonder if he already has somebody in mind.... Noble: Well ---- Laures: Erise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 110 Laures: I’ve been looking all over for you. Your dress will be soaked by the dew if you stand there. Erise: Please don’t come near me, you can’t! Erise: Ah....because my face looks very weird at the moment! Erise: While you’ve been fighting on the battlefield, I’ve been worrying everyday. I couldn’t sleep at night. In addition, I cried my heart out after I heard you’ve come back safely, so my face.... Laures: Ha! Laures: Hahaha! Erise: And here you are laughing at me, how dare you, Laures.... Erise: Oh! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 111 Laures: I’ve never known anything more beautiful than how you look today, Erise. Laures: Despite the red eyes and nose caused by your tears. Laures: Because, the tears you shed are for me! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 112 Erise: I feel a bit giddy and out of breath. Oh, If only this is a dream from which I’ll never awake. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Laures: You are so amusing, to say such cute words. This is the reality you cannot awake from, why do you say it is a dream? Laures: To say so is to insult this reality. Marion: What a loving couple, but regrettably, Marion: It doesn’t suit you, Marion: Laures. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 113 Laures: This scar on your chest, it is from a wound inflicted by me, isn’t it? From that time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 114 $ Laures: You....saw it? $ Laures: Saw me slaying these people? $ Laures: That’s right, that’s my younger brother Ridel and my uncle Aldinan, Erise. $ Laures: And next would be you, who was brought up with me by my wet nurse. I feel like the most tragic of all princes in a tragedy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 115 $ Laures: What are you doing? $ Erise: I don’t want my existence to cause even more pain than the pain you are in right now. So, I’d rather choose to be gone from your sight. $ Erise: Because, you’ve already had to endure so much hardships, Laures. I never thought heaven would be so cruel as to force you, until you have no other path to take but this one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 116 $ Erise: Don’t worry, I will take the blame for everything. Right now, that’s all that I can do for you. $ Erise: So please hurry and go.... $ Laures: You fool, Erise! $ Erise: Ah. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 117 % Laures: I had thought that nothing in this world could be trusted. % Laures: The shadow of death always quietly lurking behind me --- the numerous assassins sent after me. % Laures: In a complicated adult world, how very warm were the tears of my childhood playmate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 118 Laures: Are you asleep, Erise? Erise: Ho....hohoho... Erise: A battleground feeling isn’t it, Prince. % Laures: !? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 119 Erise: Abandon that insignifcant thing you call love. For you, there is nothing to gain from it. Laures: You....who are you? Laures: What did you do to Erise? Erise: Isn’t that too dangerous? I’m just borrowing your lover’s body. If you do that, you’ll only end up hurting her! % Laures: ! It’s a demon! Erise: Hohoho. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 120 Laures: Ugh! Erise: Don’t you feel foolish? Erise: Once this woman gets taken hostage, you can do nothing.... Erise: I’ve chosen you. Erise: Your ability, and your beauty. So wasted in a human body. Erise: I want to possess you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 121 Erise: Laures.... Laures: !? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 122 Marion: I am Marion, the count of the demon world. Marion: Come, go with me. Marion: The demon that exists deep in a human’s heart is the most powerful of all evils. Therefore, you have the potential in you to qualify for the highest rank of demon gods. In my opinion, you will be the most beautiful of all the demon gods as well! Laures: Get away from me, you demon! Laures: And take those vile fantasies with you! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 123 Marion: How cold. Marion: No matter. Marion: It’s one of my hobbies to slowly wait for the prey to play into my hands. Marion: We will meet again, prince Laures. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 124 King: Why all the people? Noble 1: It seems to be due to the fact that prince Laures is playing his harp. Noble 1: Not only is he both a fighter and scholar, he has quite an impressive knowledge of instruments as well. No wonder the ladies of the palace wear their smiles so bright on their faces. Noble 2: Not only does prince Laures have the ladies’ support. I caught wind of a group who wants him to declare himself king. Noble 1: Watch what you’re saying there. Noble 1: Everyone knows that the prince has not even a thought of treachery. Please don’t be mistaken, your highness. Noble 2: So you’re one of those people who follows everybody else. King: No---- King: Even if he serves me faithfully, his vast popularity is a threat to me. King: --- not only that. King: Ever since we lost Ridel, the queen has been like a living corpse, living in a world of her own far, far away. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 125 Noble 1: But I heard that the one who killed prince Ridel was the one who was with him at the time, Count Aldinan. He slit his own throat afterwards. King: The one who murdered Ridel was Laures. Aldinan was nothing more than his scape goat. King: The queen wished for Ridel to be named successor, and to remove the previous queen’s son from his position to inherit. King: So Laures chose to perform an act of vengeance that would hurt the queen the most. He killed Ridel. Noble 1: If that’s the truth, then why don’t you punish him for his crime? King: Do you think he would leave any evidence that might point to him? King: That kid has the cunning of a demon. The whole thing was carried out flawlessly. Everyday I live in the fear he planted in me! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 126 King: Now I see it. There’s only one way to bring him to his knees. By using that girl ---- Noble 1: Oh, I never knew the prince was capable of that kind of expression as well. King: The daughter of the wet nurse Lucrette..his childhood friend, if I’m not wrong. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 127 Laures: What your highness mean is, you want me to marry princess of our ally Sarae? King: Very soon, the surrounding kingdoms will look to conquer our land. It is absolutely vital at this point to strengthen our relations with our allied neighbours. King: Among many, the bond of a blood tie is the best way of keeping good will between two countries. Larues: I already gave my heart to someone. I don’t want to marry anyone except her. Laures: I beg for your highness’s forgiveness. King: You dare go against my decision? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 128 Laures: ! % Laures: So that’s the game he’s playing! % Laures: If I comply, it shows that I yield to the king’s power. % Laures: If I don’t comply, it would mean treason.... King: This is rather sudden, and I know you’ll need time to prepare yourself. For your own sake, I hope you will give the matter much consideration. Laures: Yes.... % Laures: How stupid and trivial are things like jealousy! Erise: There were some flowers that bloomed so beautifully this morning, so I brought them over for you. Erise: ? What’s the matter? You look distracted. Laures: I’m fine, it’s nothing. You’re always such a worrier. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 129 Erise: Ah, what is it? Laures: Do you think I am a fearful person? % Erise: !? Laures: Maybe I will once again take my sword and point it at your chest. Why is it that you feel no need to defend yourself against me? Laures: Do you want me to tell you the names some people call me? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 130 Laures: They say I’m a blood-thirsty demon, have no human emotions.... Erise: Please don[‘t say any more! Laures: Huh? Erise: I don’t care what anyone else says, you are you. You are the one I love and worship with all my heart, a very innocent, emotionally fragile person. Erise: Why should I think that you’re fearful? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 131 Laures: I’m really glad to have met you, Erise....there isn’t anyone else I would want to call my wife but you. Laures: Why do you cry? Erise: Be.... Erise: Because I’m so happy, so very happy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 132 % Erise: To be able to hear this, I have no more regrets. % Erise: I know. I know the king wants you to marry Sarae’s princess % Erise: Word has already spread of the disagreement between you and the king. In this atmosphere of tension, I cannot continue to be a source of your worry anymore. % Erise: The love between us will be used by those who wants to see you to the throne. Before things can reach that stage. % Erise: I must leave you. % Erise: But, % Erise: Oh, what do I do? % Erise: It’s like half of me is being torn away---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 134 % Erise: It hurts, It hurts! Marion: Of course it does, woman! you better stay far, far away from the prince. Marion: You understand very well, don’t you, Cerubros. Marion: Go and give her a hand, so she’ll feel less pain over parting with the prince. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 135 % Erise: A....a wolf? How can there be wolves around here? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 136 Erise: Eyaaaah! Marion: Hoho, Marion: Goodbye, Erise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 137 % Erise: Ah! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 138 Erise: ---! Erise: Aaaah! Laures: Idiot! Who told you to sneak out by yourself? Am I that unworthy of your trust? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 139 Erise: Laures! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 140 Erise: Behind you, Laures! Erise: They’re not normal wolves, but a kind of demon! Laures: You know how to ride, Erise? Erise: Hm, I’ll try! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 141 Laures: Hyaa! Marion: Ho.... Marion: Cerubros is also gone....?. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 142 Marion: I admire you more and more. Marion: Good work, Cerubros. Marion: I will be following shortly. % Marion: Do you know, Laures, at this moment I would give anything to see... % Marion: Your sorrowful expression when you sigh. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 143 Laures: Erise, Laures: I will not allow you to leave my side again. Erise: ---- yes. Laures: It’s a promise! Erise: Yes. % Marion: To see your handsome face distorted by pain and fury. To see your eyes that are as clear as ice turn into an angry inferno. % Marion: Hoho---- just thinking about it sets one’s heart racing! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 144 Laures: My lord father! Laures: What is the meaning of this? King: That woman is suspected to spy sent by our enemy Alzanus. Her sneaking out of the palace without permission is proof of that. Laures: Your majesty is jumping at shadows, how could Erise be what you’ve claimed? Or is my lord mislead by the poisonous words of treacherous worms? King: The truth will be revealed after I make further investigations. I will see that she be thoroughly interrogated. You did a good job bringing her back, Laures. You are indeed my faithful subject. % Laures: I get it, so that’s how it is! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 145 % Laures: You want me to obey your orders, and to sacrifice the one I love so as to prove I am your subordinate. % Laures: Because you want to distinguish your authority, you need to make it clear to everyone I am your subject. King: Bring that woman over here. Erise: Oh... % Laures: So, you would charge Erise guilty for a crime she didn’t commit. % Laures: You.... % Erise: You can’t % Erise: Laures! Guard: Your majesty! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 146 Laures: Release Erise, or else.... King: You are so foolish to do such a thing for a mere woman. Laures: But isn’t this what you’ve hoped for, father? I would rather lose everything else than lose Erise. Laures: In my eyes, she is more valuable than the country or the throne. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 147 % Erise: This is a man who would give up everything for me --- % Erise: He really would throw away anything.... % Erise: This can’t go on, I --- % Erise: I’ll have to stop him. Erise: Ah... Erise: Kyaaaaah! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 148 Laures: Erise! Guard 1: Dis...disappeared, she was eaten up by the floor. Guard 2: This....this must be the work of a demon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 149 % King: Things like power and status which you hold no value to....are things I cannot give up.... % King: You who were so blessed by the gods, % King: Is incapable....of comprehending the stubborn hearts of mortals. King: Drag him down! Courtier 1: Pst, have you heard? Prince Laures has been imprisoned by the king on the charge of treason. Courtier 2: Aiyah, how could the prince do such a thing? Courtier 1: I heard that he attempted to use black magic to disillusion that king. It’s really horrible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 150 Laures: Ah, you finally came? I’ve waited for a long time. Marion: The pleasure is all mine! Marion: Prince Laures. Laures: Where is Erise? Laures: I know you’re behind this. What do you want of me? Marion: I’ve brought along a gift for you today. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 151 Marion: Behold the head of your beloved. Laures: Erise! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 152 Erise: Uh....ah.... Laures: ---! Marion: That’s right, this head is still alive. I don’t allow her to die. I want her to live so as to hear my curses and suffer never-ending pain. Laures: Aren’t I your target, Count Marion of the demon world? Why do you have to do this to Erise...why? Marion: Oh, so you remember my name? Marion: How flattering. Erise: Uggh.... Laures: ! Laures: Stop it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 153 Marion: There is a taste of blood on your beloved lips. Marion: Who told you to resist me in the first place? It’s you who are at fault, by resisting me. Laures: Give me back Erise! Marion: That can be done. Only, if it goes on like this, her soul will never be redeemed. Marion: She would remain in this form forever and endure this endless suffering. there’s only one way to save her, and that’s --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 154 Marion: To defeat me, and release her soul. If that happens, maybe you will have a chance to meet again in the cycle of reincarnation. Marion: However, the power of mortals cannot defeat me. Marion: Do you understand the meaning behind my words, prince? Laures: You want me to....descend to the path of demon? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 155 Guard: The prince --- the prince has vanished. % Marion: That’s right. The only way is to harness the demonic powers which can conquer, and release me. Only then can Erise be saved! Erise: Oh....oh..oh. Erise: No, Laures! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 156 % Laures: Erise, don’t worry. % Laures: I will help vanquish this pain. % Laures: For you, I won’t crease an eyebrow even if I get damned to hell. % Laures: You will --- stop feeling pain. % Laures: I won’t let you feel pain again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 167 Marion: Our pact is made. Let me now inject my demonic powers into your body. Guard: A man swore he saw the prince ascend into the sky accompanied by a demon. Guard: The prince must be possessed by a demon. % King: He was born with everything anyone ever wanted. % King: Now he gives it all up and leaves? % King: I pity him for his stupidty. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 169 Laures: Uh...waaaaah! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 170 Marion: You’ve finally awaken? Marion: What a long nap it had been. Hm....with a little adding up, you’ve nearly slept past judgement day. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 171 Marion: Oh. Marion: What a big welcoming gift, but, you better be more careful. Marion: Or you will hurt the one you love most. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 172 Marion: What a very brave girl. She remained by your side until you regained your consciousness. Marion: Although her lips sometimes twist in pain, her beautiful eyes never left your face for even one moment. Laures: You...bastard! Laures: The flames of hate are burning in my body at this moment.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 173 Laures: It craves to tear you from limb to limb, pulverize you to dust! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 174 Marion: Tsk, pushing yourself so hard even when you haven’t adapted to your new body yet. However, I am happy to hear you say those words. Laures: Heyaaaah! Marion: I will have no regrets to die by your hand. Marion: But. Marion: To die for nothing is not my style. Marion: Let me see just how powerful you’ve become! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 175 Marion: Hahaha! Is that all you’ve got? You’re not as good as you claimed! Marion: What? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 177 Marion: Excellent, that’s the way, my successor.... Marion: I was right to have chosen you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 178 Laures: Why....did you hold back? Marion: Don’t joke around! It’s only that my powers have waned a little, I admit. Because I’m running out of time. Laures: Time? Marion: Even fey creatures such as us have to face death at some point. Only, our life span far exceeds that of mortals. Before that time, I have to find my successor. Marion: Since I’m going to die, rather than slowly fading away, I wanted to have one last fight with him, and die in glory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 178 Marion: It is the pride of a demon. Marion: so happy, I can’t stop shivering. Marion: You and those drops of blood, Marion: Goes very well together. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 179 Laures: How completely meaningless! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 180 Laures: Erise, I’m sorry, I’ve wasted too much time. I will release you from Marion’s binds now. Erise: Uh....uh.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 181 Laures: Come, close your eyes. I don’t want your eyes to be tainted by my hideous form. Erise: you, La...ures. Laures: I love you too, Erise. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 182 Erise: One day. When...when the time comes, I will...will... Laures: You will. One day, You will come back to me. % Laures: When you do, I will never let you leave me again! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 183 Woman: Hilda, Hilda! Hilda: Coming. Hilda: Who are you? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 184 % Laures: At the end of time, the both of us again shall meet ----- definately...--------- Laures: You are in much pain? Laures: But, now you can finally be released. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- page 185 Laures: are so beautiful! Laures: Just like, Laures: Just like an angel! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to The Seimaden Translations