Suki. Dakara Suki. Chapter Eleven Disclaimer: This translation is meant as a guide for those who wish to read the manga. Please don't steal this translation or do anything illegal with it. Please don't use this for commercial use or sell it, etc. >.< Another note is that I am translating with Japanese One basic knowledge- there are very well mistakes in this. I welcome all help/corrections. Arigatou, minna. Sore ja! -Meimi Translation by Meimi ( July 25, 2000 %thoughts (side notes) [narration] $flashbacks ------------------------------------------------------------ pg 2/3 Chapter 11 pg 4 "I 'love' you after all. I really 'love' you. Do you 'love me?" pg 5 pg 6 Hinata: Didn't the circut breaker just- Asou: Your house is 80 amperes, it wouldn't be easy for this to happen. Kizu: ...Tomoaki-san. pg 7 Asou: Stand, but don't make a sound. Hinata: ...right. Hinata: % My warm. pg 8 Hinata: What's that sound?! pg 9 Asou: Kizu! Hinata: Sensei! Kizu: Please stay here. pg 10 Hinata: But sensei is...! Tomoaki: Shirou'll be fine, knowing him. pg 11 Hinata: Sensei! Kizu: They got away? Asou: Yeah. Hinata: Then the sound of those footsteps...did someone come in here after all? pg 12 Asou: But since they made so much noise and shattered the glass, I doubt it was a pro. Hinata: A pro? At what? Asou: ...a pro at doing bad things. Hinata: ? Why would people who are good at doing bad things come to my house? Asou: ...hey... Hinata: (Oh, now that I think of it...) Sensei, how did you know the ampere level of my house? Asou: Well... I just sort of glanced at it before. Hinata: You mean you looked at where the electrical wiring is? pg 13 Asou: Just wasting tim- Hinata: AH!! Back when the glass shattered, there was a beeping noise!! (It came from your pocket. What was it?) Asou: T... That was a call on my cell phone! Hinata: Oh, so that's what it sounds like! (It went off at the same time, how suprisinng!) Tomoaki: ...if it Hina-chan... It would be easy to figure out Asou's identity. pg 14 Crowd: (Wow! Typical Hina!) (Wow!) (She can jump her own height!) (Typical~!) (She's like a monkey! You're amazing, amazing~!) Teacher: (Hey! You two, hurry and jump yourselves!) pg 15 Emi: Even though it's so cold... Hina's still so entergetic! ...did you find out anything about Asou? Touko: I checked all of the school's records, but...nothing about him is in there. pg 16 Emi: What's with that?! Touko: I asked the other teachers, but nobody knows anything about him... ...I may have no choice but to ask Ojisan. Emi: "Ojisan"? Touko: Hina's... ...father. pg 17 Emi: Oh! He's the chairman of this school, so he should know, huh? pg 18 Woman: $ Asou-san. $ I don't have to worry when you're with me. pg 19 Woman: $ Asou-san, you'll be all right, won't you? $ Asou-san, you'll protect me, right? Asou: ...the two of them really are alike. Asahi Hinata, and... Woman: $ I love you, Asou-san. Hinata: $ I love you, sensei. pg 20 Woman: $ Watch out! Asou-san!! Asou: ...I won't let the same thing happen twice. Even she loves a guy like me. pg 21 pg 22 Woman: $ I'm so glad you're all right, Asou-san. pg 23 Hinata: ...sensei? pg 24 Hinata: (I'm wwalking home with sensei today again~! It's dark but I'm not afraid~ We might meet a kangaroo and fight him in a boxing match, because sensei won't lose~) Woman: $ Do you know what I'm thinking now? pg 25 Woman: $ That I can be with Asou-san forever like this. Hinata: ...sensei, you're sad. Asou: ...not really. Hinata: That's a lie! You're sad! Did something bad happen to you? Did someone say something mean to you? pg 26 Asou: ...why are you worried about it. Hinata: Because... I love you, sensei. pg 27 Hinata: I love you, so I worry about you. Woman: $ I love you, so I don't want you to get hurt... pg 28 Asou: ...why do you love me. pg 29 Hinata: "Why"...? Asou: The reason. The reason why you started loving me. pg 30 Hinata: By coincidence, we lived next to each other. By coincidence, you became my class's tannin. Even though I'm just a student, you're so kind to me, your next-door neighbor. pg 31 Hinata: And you do so many things I love. That's why I love you, sensei. Asou: coincidence. pg 32 Hinata: What's wrong, sensei? Are you hurt somewhere? Hinata: Are you okay? pg 33 Asou: called it a "coincidence". Living next door by coincidence. Becoming your teacher by coincidence. Always being with you when you're in danger, by coincidence... pg 34 Asou: ...what would you do if it wasn't a coincidence. Hinata: Huh? pg 35 Asou: If all of that wasn't a coincidence... If I wasn't just your "everyday next-door neighbor and teacher"... ...what would you do. pg 36