Act5 Amy's note: Nothing really ^^; Translation note: Sound effects are in <> [] Represent actions and different scenes. Thoughts are in Italics. --- page 1: Touko: Yup, that's really strange. Yuka: Right. I guess there is something between the two of them. Touko: Well, how did Nozomu-kun explain it to you? Yuka: He said he met her recently at the library. Touko: At the library? Is that true? Is she his ex-girlfriend? Nozomu-kun lied to you because he doesn't want you to know the truth. Yuka: I don't think so. Nozomu-kun doesn't look like he has any feelings for his ex-girlfriends. I don't think he lied to me. Katsura: He might have another reason, one you won't have to worry about? Yuka: Yes, but when I saw them, I got the feeling they weren't just friends. So there must be some feelings between the two of them. I'm sure that she likes Nozomu-kun...and I don't want to admit it but he might like her. Touko: Ah, she's a sneaky one. There are many cases I heard of such girls. Of course, Nozomu-kun doesn't feel bad when someone comes to him. So don't worry! You'll be o.k.! The 'girlfriend' is you, Yuka. Yuka: You're right!! I have no choice, because he's so cool. Touko: Yes, yes! If you are the 'girlfriend' you don't need to pay attention to small things like that. (Note: -_- where doe's Touko get her opinions from?) [Touko and Tsukasa are on a date] Tsukasa: I want a cup of coffee, let's go. Touko: Oh wait a minute. I'll take you to this coffee shop; it's not very far from here. [They go to the Starbucks and Ryouko is working] Touko: Excuse me. Ryouko: yes. Touko: Do you know Nozomu Shiki of Morinaga High School? Ryouko: ...yes... Touko: It is you, I'm glad. I only knew that your hair was straight and semi-long. Let me tell you that you shouldn't like Nozomu-kun, because he has a girlfriend. Ryouko:...I know. They came here the other day. Touko: Yes, I mean her! Both Nozomu-kun and his girlfriend have a father who is a famous writer. They get a long because they have a similar situation. Of course since their parents are friends, they are almost like fiancée's. I feel bad, but could you give him up? [Goes back to Tsukasa]. Sorry to make you wait. Tsukasa: Do you know here? What did you say to her? Touko: hehe, nothing. Just supporting. Tsukasa: Supporting? [Yuka and Nozomu kiss in the hallways of school] Yuka: One more time..... Nozomu: No, someone may come. Later. Yuka: [thinks] Gentle kiss, soft hands...they are as usual. But I know he's getting far away from me. What can I do? Nozomu: By the way, did you hear about Tsukasa and Touko? Yuka: What? Nozomu: I heard that they broke up. Yuka: WHAT!!?? Touko: Yes we broke up. Yuka: Why, were you bored with him already? Touko: No, it's not that. But I had enough. Do you remember, he complained when he met us that first time? That first day I was very angry, but on the other hand I thought he was cool and new, because I was never complained to by any other guy from our same generation. But I reached my limit! He was always complaining to me and I was annoyed!! Yuka: Oh, he complained to you again? What did you do this time? Touko: ... [Flashback] Tsukasa: Why did you say that to her!? Touko: Yuka was worried because of her... Tsukasa: That can't be a reason. Don't do anything that she didn't ask you to do!! Touko: [angry] Tsukasa what you are saying is that you are on Nozomu-kun's side. What about Yuka? Tsukasa: That's not the point. You shouldn't have said anything about their problem! Touko: I'm getting angry!! Why are you always like that!? No, I've had enough, I'm leaving!! Tsukasa: Good! [End flashback] Touko: So anyway. I don't want to hear him complain anymore. I want to go out with someone who can make me happy. Yuka:...[thinks]ahh, I was hoping to go on a double date, I feel like I'm losing him more and more. [Nozomu is at the library] Nozomu: Seta-san! I was waiting for you. I have something for you. Ryouko: Is your father Ryooichiroo Shiki? Nozomu:...yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I couldn't say anything when you told me you were his fan. How did you know? Ryouko: ...Did you say you had something for me? Nozomu: Ah, yes. This book. I remembered you had said you wanted to read this but the library didn't have it. I found it at the used bookstore by chance. Take it. Ryouko: This book is already out of print, I don't know how much it used to cost. I can't accept it, it's too valuable. Nozomu: In that case...borrow it and when you're done, return it. I want to read it also. Ryouko: No thank you. I don't need it!!...You should give a gift to your girlfriend. Why are you interested in me!? You have a cute girlfriend. Why did you do that... Nozomu: She is very honest and nice. I like her...but I can't stop thinking about you! Ryouko: Don't say something so selfish! You're a spoiled boy. Your parents took good care of you and you have never had a financial problem. So you can, without hesitation, buy an expensive, hard-to-find book. You live in a different world than me. The only reason you are interested in me is because I don't have any money to spend and that going to the library is my only hobby. Nozomu: Is it my fault my father is rich!? I admit that I'm selfish, but if you're disappointed in me why are you here!? The day I come, the time I come, you knew that I was coming today. Ryouko: I will never come here again, nor will I ever see you again!! Goodbye!! [She runs away and Nozomu stares after her] [Yuka and Nozomu are on the roof of their school] Nozomu: I have something to tell you, Yuka-chan. Yuka: Yes... Nozomu: I'm sorry. I fell in love with someone else. Yuka: The girl from the library? Nozomu: ...yes. I like you a lot and this feeling we share is very enjoyable. But it's not love. Yuka: ...mmm, that's what I thought. Nozomu: I've been thinking these last few days and I didn't want to hurt you..I wanted to care for you but I couldn't. I'm very sorry!! Yuka: I understand. It's O.K. I had no choice. But, your father will be upset because he likes me. Nozomu: I'm ready for him. Yuka: Did you tell her how you feel? Nozomu:...yes, although, we had a fight and I was told she'd never see me again. I'm going to apologize to her now. I'll try my best to get her to forgive me. Yuka: I hope everything goes well. Nozomu:...thank you. Girl: What, Ryouko-san, did you break up? Ryouko: Yes, the person I liked had a girlfriend already. Girl: Don't give up! Steal him. Ryouko: Impossible. They make a nice couple. Also, I said some mean things to him. I think he hates me now. [thinks] to be honest I knew he wasn't fooling around with me. [Notices Nozomu waiting for her at the gate] [She is surprised] Yuka: [thinks] Nozomu-kun. Finally you have found your true love. Congratulations. It is a wonderful feeling to fall in love with someone. It makes you so happy to like someone. But I wish I could have been the one. ..[aloud] I'm going home [thinks] The damage wasn't too big because I had a feeling. Since I didn't go out with him for a long time, I'll be ok. [starts to cry] Strange. I must be o.k. there's just something wrong with my eyes. I can't see too well. [wobbles down the stairs] [a guy with long hair watches her] -end of act5 Note: How come students are always shown talking on the roofs of their schools? I find that a little strange. I'm also jealous cause that'd be a cool place to chill. Wai! The end of Tankoubon 1. I'm sort of happy for Nozomu, it's true he was a sleaze, but he was honest and I'm happy he's in love. Zahara's Reply to Note: That's because japanese schools have a nice roof where people can linger and talk, instead of having to talk in the halls with everybody else. (Japanese schools aren't very big in "empty, peaceful space," contrary to what is shown in some manga... ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome, contact Amy at: Find more Random Walk translations at: Also for more Random Walk: Random Walkml ( ) Thank-you! ^^ -----------------------------------------------------------------------