Rune Masquer Version 1.0: 06/26/92 June Dragon, 1992 Episode 32 Artwork and story by Yutaka Izubuchi Translated by Curtis Hoffmann and Kiyoshi Takenaka English word balloons by Bob Angell 51-1 Voice 1 Gilgimus Rasputin is finished! Voice 2 Shogun! Nereidou escaped to the open sea! Shogun Leave him alone! -1 Mech 2 Ha? -2 Mech 1 Well, I suppose our goal is to attempt to the bitter end, the liberation of Verm. And then expel the occupational Jipardo Forces! Mech 2 Bu... But. Mech 1 Dipshit! It's pointless for the Official Army to do something that pleases the monsters in the Church! -3 Shogun Anyway, we're not the ones in for the hard times. -4 Shogun It's the damned shit priests. 53-1 Nayura Hah (Focus sound used in the martial arts.) DIE! -2 [Blast] -3 [Boom] -4 [Tap] -5 Menea [Aha] Heh. Looks like you've lived up to the reputation of the Sokaku (two-horned) People. That spell's a hard trick, not everyone can do it. 54-1 Nayura What! You survived?? -2 Nayura Who on earth... is she!!? -3 Nayura [Zip zip] Heh, in that case. -4 [Running] -5 [Blink] 55-1 Nayura Hah. -3 [Strain] -4 You -- you BITCH -- 56-1 Nayura Grrr -2 Nayura Katsu (Religious focussing word) -3 Menea [Roar] Ugh Maharu Ah! -4 Maharu Stop this, sister! -5 Nayura [Ahahaha] I WON'T stop. This is just getting to be fun! Tsuki Uh. -6 [Aha] 57-1 [Thrum] -2 Nayura Here, young lady. Really, who in the world ARE you. -3 Nayura [Veeeee] Eh! -4 Nayura [Whack] Erg! -5 Nayura Who did that! -6 Nayura Bitch! Tsuki (Spell) 58-1 Nayura However, to think that I'll be sealed, absurd, Absurd, ABSURD. I'll settle this with BOTH of you! -2 Menea [Raise] ..... -3 [Flick] 59-3 [Whew] -4 Menea [A little tired...] Thank god that's over -- huh. Maharu You killed her? Menea Nah, she's ok. I pulled my punch. -5 Tsuki She overwhelmed the Sokaku... This looks like Myuu's power must be very different (from that of my sects'.) -6 Nayura [Stare] This can't be... I was... -7 Nayura Hah! 60-1 [Run] -2 [Grab] -3 [Flap] -4 Lucas [Run] ! Menea! -5 Menea Lucas? You're slow. Slow. -6 Maharu If you let her talk to you like that, she won't respect you, buddy. Lucas Who's the little kid? 61-1 Garman Surrender Now!!! -2 Lucas Still haven't learned, have you, old man? -3 Garman Heh, of course not. I'll take care of everyone at once!! -4 [Whir] -5 Garman Myuu woman, come with me! -6 Garman Otherwise... 62-1 Garman There will be trouble! -2 [Metallic Clash] -4 [Rumbling Roar] 63-1 [Pop] -2 [Shhh shhhh] -4 Menea Trouble. -5 Layle Menea. -6 Layle You are ok. -7 Menea Yes. 64-1 Nayura Groan. -2 Menea Ah! Nayura [Push] ! Menea Good morning. -3 [Zip] -4 [Eeeeeeee] -7 (Spell) 65-2 [Fssh] -3 Menea That's good. -4 Tsuki The Law of Sealing is extremely difficult to perform; even for Karma, my father... and she makes it look so easy... Menea Rupar is a frightening girl... -5 Tsuki And what of this Winged Night Masquer... Lucas Tristan! -6 Lucas I'm sure it's Tristan... Why is my Night Masquer here?