Rune Masquer Version 1.0: 06/09/92 April Dragon, 1991 Episode 30 Artwork and story by Yutaka Izubuchi Translated by Curtis Hoffmann and Kiyoshi Takenaka English word balloons by Bob Angell 140-1 Sai All of these are my men. I asked the soldiers of Vern to leave (go out.) -2 Sai They did what they wanted to do. -3 Sai Don't pay it any attention, it happens all the time. -4 Aide Chairman... Chair. Don't speak. -5 Sai Like a fruit, any town will smell sweet as it decays. This town, too. It is high time to abandon it, and although I feel sorry about it, 141-1 Sai This might also be its destined fate. -2 [Sound of burning] -4 [Sound of water splashing] -6 Guard Captain, we better hurry. -7 Woman The submarine is waiting for us. 142-1 Sai Roger. Have the population prepare to evacuate. What IS Zigfried doing? -2 Woman Err... He's taking longer to capture Tristan than expected. Sai Finish it soon. Woman Ja! -3 Sai We have to rescue Menea! Quickly, to Armana! (name of submarine?) Guard Ja. -4 Sai ...... -5 [Zip of curtain closing] 143-1 [Spoo -- ] -2 [-- loosh] -3 Guy Is it Neraidou? -4 Kawzar Looks like the ceremony of fusion has been postponed. -5 Kawzar The sudden attack on Vlad has been successful. 144 Top [Artist's Note: I've changed the design of Neraidou again -- hahaha.] -1 [Splooshes] -3 Voice That's Rune Masquer -- !! He's named Neraidou of Vern! Shogun Good timing. Capture him, give him to the Emperor!! -4 Voice Shogun, it's impossible to capture a Rune Masquer using a TOLL; that's made for land battle, not sea fighting! -5 Shogun My men are all incompetent. If you can't capture him, destroy him! -6 Rasp. Leave it to me, Shogun! Shogun ! Who dares!? 145-1 [Boosh] -2 Voice Shogun! That is Rasputin, from Vlad's Church. Shogun What!? -4 Shogun Him! We don't need you! -5 [Bong bong] [Mechanical whirring] 146-1 [Clank] -2 [Screeeech] -3 [Gong] [Pooosh-ang] -4 Rasp. Starcard said to respect Rune Masquer. He said I'm the only Starcard to be a Rune Masquer for Vlad. You don't need any other Rune Masquer than me on this world. *I* am the ONLY Rune Masquer! -5 Layle ..... 147-1 [Whang] -2 [Spang] -3 [Clang] -4 Layle [Bo-bong] Shit! -5 [Shake] 148-1 Layle Zigfrie -- d! -3 [Flap] 149-1 [Step] -2 [Wind] [Fluttering of cloth] -3 Garman Finally, they started it. Really nice scenery. -4 Maharu ...... -6 Nestor Garman! Garman ! 150-2 Garman Indeed, persistent old man... -3 Garman It's been a long time, Nestor! How long ago had I seen you last? Since then, the Sacred Soldier has fallen, and now you are a dog of Gerumu. -4 Garman Wait. If your proposal is to return the woman, I refuse it. This girl is a necessary chess piece for Officer Kawzar. (Captain Kawzar?) 151-1 Nestor You've changed -- you've become a talker, boy. -3 Garman YOU haven't changed. But, Nestor, I have, a bit. -4 Nestor If so, how about using me to test just how MUCH you've changed. -5 Neph. I'll do it! Garman Stop that. -6 Neph. DON'T stop me! -7 Garman I don't accept your offer, Nestor!! Idiot. He's more than you can handle. 152-1 Neph. Damn. Garman As I distract Nestor, Nephu you handle Tsukijo. -2 Nestor You must wait 10 more years before you can claim to be the Right Hand of Kawzar! -3 Garman Maharu, you stand in front of Nestor -- he doesn't attack kids. Maharu Huh. -4 Garman I've grown up enough to know the difference between good and bad. It doesn't do me any good to fight with you. -5 Nestor Looks like you HAVE changed, a little. Garman Yes, I -6 Garman [Run] have! 153-1 Nestor [Swish] Predictable! -2 [Whoosh] -3 Nestor What!? -4 Nestor Ha! -5 Nestor Dammit, I blew it!! -6 [Zoom] NOTE: Rune Masquer and Starcard seem to be the names of the highest level of a grading system that ranks the giant mecha on the opposite sides of this conflict. Tsukijo literally means "Moon Priestess." I can't tell whether this is her name, or a title.