Room One -- "Between love and dreams" Shachou asks Fuwa if Kanamori Construction has offered him work and Fuwa acknowledges. She thinks it is about money but he denies this, didn't she listen to what he told her? She is perplexed by his seriousness. But didn't she tell him before to care about Izumi's future? At Nanba-san's home Izumi realizes that Fuwa might just go to Chiba for her sake. "How long would it take for Rai-chan to become fully qualified as an architect?" Tokiko wonders. "Those school expenses are my problem," Izumi states. "Are they really?" Nanba-san asks. "He's thinking about Izumi-chan's future and for that reason he's sacrificing himself. It's a different problem. However Fuwa-kun isn't Izumi-chan's guardian." "Yeah, Rai-chan could absolutely do this. I know." Tokiko realizes. "She knows anything and everything (about Senpai)." Izumi's jealousy shows. "Sorry, sorry," Tokiko apologizes. "However Rai-chan is an irresponsible, lazy good for nothing." "But his sense of responsibility is strong." Nanba-san and Izumi yell together. "I thought you would say that," Tokiko gives in. "He's immediately burdened with a persons feelings." "His lack of sincerity shows a weak character," Nanba-san agrees. "Is this supposed to be praise?" Izumi wonders. "Besides he surely cares about me leaving home," Tokiko flatters herself. "Fuwa-kun really just shifts the responsibility onto somebody else." Nanba-san adds. "Please speak well of him," Izumi-chan pleads. "Senpai is awfully nice." The others just laugh and Izumi feels like she has been had. "However, to throw away his dream for my sake really..." Izumi thinks out aloud. "Anyhow we have to verify with Rai-chan," Tokiko decides. "What are his intentions. Let's speak with him later." "What. Are we going to Fuwa-kun's home?" Nanba-san asks? "Of course. Izumi-chan: hurry up!" But before they are out of the door, Tokiko feels suddenly sick and runs off to the toilet. Nanba-san inquires if she is well, but Tokiko replies that she must have drunk too much. They leave in a taxi for Fuwa and Izumi's apartment. At the restaurant Shachou tells Fuwa that she understands his determination. She'll speak to Izumi and she thanks him in Izumi's name. "It is the logical decision," Fuwa tells her. Shachou tells him that it will be alright, tomorrow evening she will visit them, and leaves. After she has left, Fuwa is sure that he made the logical decision. In the train on the way home he thinks about Izumi as a girl student. At his station, much to his surprise, he finds Sugita-san waiting for him. "Did you already tell Izumi-chan about your decision? The chief is back from his business trip tomorrow. You'll have to answer." "I'll be going to Chiba." "Is that a fact..." "Won't you regret it?" "I won't. It's the logical decision." "That's life for you. Let's have a drink." "It’s the logical decision. It's for Izumi-chan's well-being." Fuwa's thoughts are projected on the evening sky. At his apartment, Tokiko, Nanba-san and Izumi are waiting for him. Izumi is drinking steadily her cans of beer. "Where is he wandering about!!" Tokiko asks out loud. "He must be drinking somewhere," Nanba-san guesses correctly. "How will he be getting back? The trains have stopped." "'We'll wait till morning!" Tokiko decides while eating. Suddenly she feels bad again. "Tokiko-san ate too much. Izumi-chan drinks too much." Nanba-san observes. When Tokiko returns she and Nanba-san decide to return home. Before leaving she tells Izumi-chan not to drink too much. Sipping her beer, Izumi hears Fuwa entering. She gets up and immediately attacks him. "Senpai is going to Chiba!" "Is Senpai going to Chiba? Is Senpai for my sake going to work for Kanamori Construction? "You heard that from whom? Did you hear it from Shachou?" "I understand Senpai a little. Senpai is going to Chiba! For my sake you'll throw away your dream of becoming an architect." "Please answer, Senpai." "Izumi-chan..." "Izumi-chan's dream is important." "I have no dream. I do not want to go. Please don't throw away that what Senpai would like to do." "I'm not throwing away anything." "You're going to Chiba!" "You're drunk." "Why didn't you tell me a single word about it? You knew about the 500,000 yen, but it is my problem." "Is it because I'm a child? What am I to Senpai? A child? A lover? "I won't be going to school. I won't be taking the exam." "Izumi-chan. Izumi-chan. I would like to be Izumi-chan's guardian." "I would like to improve your situation. It is not that I'm throwing away my dream; it is not that I'm sacrificing myself. All I'm concerned about is Izumi-chan's happiness." "It's okay that Izumi-chan goes to school. I'll be going to Chiba." "I won't be going. I'm not going to school!" "Izumi-chan!" "Senpai don't you realize? When I pass the seminal, I'll be in Tokyo. I won't be in Chiba." "Is Senpai saying that we have to separate?" Room Two -- "Going to the company in this way" It is morning and Fuwa watches Izumi sleeping on her futon in the living room. He thinks about what she has said: "Is Senpai saying that we have to separate?" Izumi awakes. "Senpai." She jumps up quickly in bed, which causes her to realize that she has the mother of all hangovers. "Last night I had a quarrel with Senpai," She remembers. "We quarreled a lot. Senpai went to sleep, I continued to drink. I better stop drinking." She starts to look for Fuwa but he has left. "I wonder if he went to work..." She then notices he is wearing his suit and knows that he has gone to Kanamori Construction. She calls Tokiko at Nanba's home "Ah, Izumi-chan. What an awful voice." "I'm fine. I did all the vomiting yesterday." "Rai-chan did what!?" At the same time Fuwa enters the offices of Kanamori Construction. He walks up to Komada-san and asks to see Kanamori. "You made your decision," Komada-san says. "Welcome." Immediately Fuwa is stopped by his former colleagues. "Alright Fuwa-kun," Isseki holds Fuwa in a lock. "Now don't be hasty." "Just wait a second," Fuwa tries to wrestle free. "What are you going to do about your dream of becoming an architect? It’s a mistake to throw it away for the sake of Izumi-chan!" "It was very difficult decision! I'm not making a mistake!" Fuwa yells. "It's none of your business!" "None of our business!? It's Izumi-chan's problem! "You're hurting me! You're tearing my suit!" All other employees watch the bizarre scene with amazement. Nanba-san, Senri-san and Isseki have released Fuwa again. "I know what I should do for Izumi-chan's sake," Fuwa explains himself. Nanba-san tries to talk Fuwa out of coming to work at Kanamori Construction. "The people are very rude here!" "Shachou's breath is awful," Isseki adds his two cents worth. "I think we all can agree on that," Fuwa replies. "Am I a horse that I have bad breath?" Suddenly Kanamori-san asks. "Good morning." Nanba-san tells him, hitting herself on the head. "Good morning," Fuwa offers. "I've been waiting for you," Kanamori-san replies. The two men look at each other angrily. "Those two don't get along smoothly." Nanba-san comments after having taken cover. "Kanamori-san, well, Shachou, I'm much obliged..." Fuwa starts to say, but Senri-san and Nanba-san tackle him again. "Don't say no more!" Nanba-san yells. "You'll be ruined." "What do you mean he'll be ruined? Silence! Fuwa-kun is taking a step onto a new road. You'll have to stop. No-one has the right (to do what you're doing to Fuwa-kun)!" "Fu-wa-ku-n..." Nanba-san tries a last warning. Kanamori-san extends his hand and Fuwa is about to take it when a loud voice rings out: "Wait a second!!" It is Tokiko and Izumi. (Oh Izumi-chan, you do look awful ^_^;;) Izumi still has a headache. "Not so loud, Tokiko-san." "I'm sorry." Everybody is surprised to see Tokiko in the office. Kanamori-san finally finds his voice again. "Tokiko!" "I'm talking to Rai-chan!" "Tokiko? Together with Izumi-chan? Where on earth have you been up till now!?" Fuwa yells, causing Izumi to feel awful. "That's not important right now! Rai-chan has to reconsider! What is the most important? You have to reconsider! "I won't reconsider. Izumi-chan failed already (to make me reconsider). "You cannot give up that what you want to do for Izumi-chan's sake. You should not work to get the money to let Izumi-chan go to school." "You answered your own question in every way. There are just two sides. Either I love Izumi-chan or I don't really." "Is Senpai saying he doesn't? I would like to do this for my sake. If Senpai would go to Chiba, Senpai and I would be living apart. I don't like that choice." "But there is no other way. To do it like this is the best." "You're not considering my feelings. You're doing just like my father did, aren't you? This argument strikes deep with Fuwa. "Well, how would you say we should do? I just wanted to create a place to live for Izumi... That's what gave me my strength. Otherwise, I would despise myself..." "Rai-chan. You're not the only one to worry about Izumi-chan," Tokiko says and hands Izumi an envelope. "We just put in some money. After yesterday's discussion, I collected money from everybody." "But, say..." "Don't worry. We didn't overdo it on the money. But, everyone is concerned about Izumi-chan." Senri-san explains: "Really. It's just a present for Senpai's life." "And of course because Izumi-chan is a cute, good kid," Isseki adds. "Everybody likes Izumi-chan." All other employees are watching the scene. Even Komada-san opens his wallet and hands Izumi an envelope. "Just a little something from me." "Komada-san..." Taking this as a cue, all other employees give Izumi envelopes with small quantities of money, varying between 500 and 1000 yen. Izumi is very surprised by this gesture. "Everybody..." "Don't be so perplexed, Izumi-chan. With this you can live with Rai-chan, don't you." Tears well up in Izumi's eyes. "Thank you." "I'm so happy. I'm so happy." "This clears the whole problem." "It feels good." Fuwa is happy that the situation turned out well. "What does feel good?" Kanamori-san suddenly interferes. "Fuwa Raizou! What is your intention? Money can be earned at Kanamori Construction! You are going elsewhere! You're irresponsible!" "What a stubborn thing you're saying." "Quiet!" "Tokiko! What are you going to do? Are you going to Chiba? I'll be leaving Tokyo!" Tokiko thinks a while, but suddenly she collapses. "Tokiko!" "An ambulance!!" Room Three -- "Time to depart" [page 40] At the hospital, Fuwa, Izumi and Kanamori-san are informed that Tokiko has nothing serious, just a little morning sickness as she is 3 months pregnant. Mother and child are both healthy. [page 41] Fuwa and Izumi are going one way, while Kanamori goes the other. "The hospital room is this way," Fuwa says. "I have to contact the office." "Ah, well, we'll go ahead already." Holding a hand over Izumi's mouth he asks: "Did somebody laugh?" "I laughed." They come to Tokiko's room and knock. "Enter." "Odd," Fuwa observes. "Are you alright?" "Hehehe." "Once... That... Congratulations?' Fuwa stammers. "Thank you. Won't you sit down?" [page 42] "Tokiko-san what will you be doing?" Izumi would like to know. "I'll be going to Chiba." "You really are going, aren't you. But in spite of the long awaited relief. Those pottery teachings must have made you feel at home. "I'll make a home for the child when it is born." [page 43] Kanamori-san has finished his telephone call and enters the hospital room. "Won't you sit down?" Tokiko asks. Fuwa and Izumi take this as a cue and leave silently. [page 44] "What do you feel like doing?" Kanamori-san asks after a long silence. "It can't be helped. Tokyo is too small for a pregnant woman to be alone." "Really." [page 45] "Do you love me?" "How I worried when you collapsed." "Do you love me? You hear." "Very much. And you!?" "I love you! You're looking good, don't you!" "Re... really. "We'll be happy." "I would like to see a (marriage) proposal..." [page 46] Izumi and Fuwa are walking back. "What will you be doing, Senpai?" "Well, I give up. It feels difficult to make a person happy. Somebody else's happiness, my own happiness, it gives me a headache." "Senpai. For my sake you..." "However, for someone's sake too getting separated from Izumi-chan." Izumi takes a decision and puts herself in front of Fuwa. [page 47] "Senpai! It was very hard on both you and me, wasn't it! But that situation will surely result in something good. We won't look back to the past, Senpai! You can do something for my sake; please become an architect. Please go to Sugita-san." "But I already told Sugita-san that I will be joining Kanamori Construction." [page 48] "It's for your happiness!" Izumi yells. Bystanders look at the embarrassed couple. "I'll try to phone them. I made my choice clear, buy I'll try to talk to Sugita-san. I still want to become an architect." [page 49] "If it doesn't turn out well, you'll have to console me, Izumi-chan." "Senpai, fight!" Anxiously, Izumi watches outside the phone booth while Fuwa is on the phone. He calls off and waits a while before giving a thumb-up sign to Izumi. [page 50] She is really happy for him and throws herself into his arms. That night the old gang is together at Fuwa and Izumi's place. "Unexpectedly the chief's business trip was extended by half a day, so it was okay for Fuwa-kun," Shachou recaps the afternoon's events. "It appears that he had a hangover from the day before," Fuwa explains. "How is Izumi-chan's hangover!?" Nanba-san inquires. "Fuwa-kun is clever. You friend has a good fortune however." "Is this praise, I wonder?" "[page 51] Thanks you everybody for the sake of Fuwa-chan and Izumi-chan," Shachou says. "This capacity for united action of everybody did it. If they had ended up separated, it would have been a disappointment. Let's toast. But first this. Today I came here to finish some things I had to do." She hands Izumi a passbook. [page 52] "A passbook in my name..." "An awful lot of money!!" "At the time when Izumi was coming to Tokyo, Izumi's mother... In brief, my close friend asked me, mainly to leave Izumi alone as she requested, to give Izumi the money when she decided to study again." [page 53] Izumi is overjoyed by this gesture. "Please call her afterwards." "I will." "Let's toast." "To Tokiko's happy event, to Izumi-chan going to university, to Fuwa-kun for finding new employment, in any case, Izumi, Fuwa-kun, do your best!" [page 54] "To everybody! "To shachou." "KAMPAI" Later that year Tokiko is about to leave. "Rai-chan, thank you for everything." "What are you thanking me for. You're already leaving home." [page 55] "We'll be departing," One of the movers yells to Tokiko. "All happiness for you two," Tokiko whishes Fuwa and Izumi. "Good health for your baby." Kanamori-san comes out of the apartment with the last bags and he and Fuwa exchange a last gaze and then they are off. [page 56] Izumi-chan is moved to tears. "Izumi-chan." "It's becoming lonely." "Many times we changed our place to live. Often our stay was a choice. Each time we would meet people." "Farewell..." Fuwa puts his arm around Izumi's shoulder and they walk off, remembering the different places they lived before. Room Four -- "Sweet life!?" It is early 7:30 am at when the alarms goes off at Fuwa and Izumi's place. Both reach for the alarm and wish each other a good morning. On Fuwa's question, Izumi tells him that she has English class this morning. She sits up only dressed in her panties and stretches herself. "It's cold." "It's the wrong season to sleep in the nude," Fuwa tells her. "Because it is December." [page 61] She gets back under the warm futon and snuggles up with Fuwa. Later she prepares eggs and sausages for breakfast while Fuwa hangs the towels outside to dry. He can see his breath and he realizes that it will be New Year's day soon. [page 62 "Will you be working over New Year's?" Fuwa asks when sitting down at the breakfast table. "We'll be having vacation. It's the policy of the shop manager." [page 63] In the JR train on the way to his work and her university he worries about her. "You seem to be confused. Everything alright, Izumi-chan?" With a big smile Izumi denies is concern. "I'm fine. I can't believe you put up with these crowds everyday." "The Takahashi-design office is in Nakano*, just two stations away. Izumi-chan's school is in Yoyogi, not so bad." "It's is fun to go together with Senpai. But..." "But...?" [page 64] At Koenji station a lot of people struggle to get into the train; Fuwa is forced into Izumi and they end up holding each other. "But to be held openly. It's just a two station love affair." "About New Year's day however..." "Yeah?" [page 65] "What would you say to come home with me? We have talked about before. Taking home a guest will make my family glad." "Will it be alright, I wonder?" "Izumi-chan you'll be a special guest. You'll get a VIP reception." "Okay." [page 66] "Then it is settled." They embrace. The other passengers don't look too pleased. At Nakano Fuwa gets off and waves goodbye to Izumi. Izumi is so busy waving back that her arm gets caught in the closing doors. [page 67] Izumi arrives at Yoyogi station and walks to the school where she is greeted by one of her classmates. "Hiyama-san!!" The girl yells and bows deeply. "Good morning." "Morning. Stop to be so formal already." [page 68] "But Hiyama-senpai seems so grownup." "I'm not your senpai..." "Are you living together with a man? I heard it from Momoko." "In spite of asking her not to speak of it," Izumi winces. "Don't speak to too many people about it." "I understand. I understand." "Good morning. Good morning. Good morning Hiyama-san." "Is Hiyama-san living together (with someone)?" A classmate asks. Immediately all other girls start asking Izumi questions. "What kind of person is your man?" "Does he work as a construction worker?" "Is he over 30-years-old?" "How many times a week do you have sex?" "Do you really have a little son?" "MOMOKO!?" Izumi yells in desperation. [page 69] "Sit down. Sit down." The bearded teacher has entered the classroom. "It's time for a fun lesson." A girl sits down next to Izumi and smiles. "I'm Hayami. Please to meet you." "Please to meet you." "The truth is that I'm also living together with someone. We're partners." [page 70] Izumi smiles, happy that she will meet her classmates everyday. Sugita-san and Fuwa are meeting a customer. "Because I've been saying this many times over. This door and that house don't fit together! A door is giving splendor, I tell you that it will get depressing otherwise." "But to spend so much on the hallway." "You're a stubborn person." "Well, well." Fuwa interrupts. "Let me explain it to you. The hallway is facing the road. A lot of people will see it." [page 71] "Oi! Fuwa-kun." Sugita thinks. "It's alright, it's alright." Fuwa reads Sugita-san thoughts. "But it is important that not each person passing the road will come and visit the house as a guest." Fuwa continues. "They'll be judging the house by it looks," The woman realizes. "Don't you agree? Don't you agree? Everybody will be delighted." [page 72] Back at the office their colleagues wonder how it went with that customer. "Well somehow we reached an agreement." "Really that lady brings up a different matter each day. Fuwa-kun dodged this one, otherwise we would have been quarreling still." "Chief, don't you think it is time for Fuwa-kun to start drawing?" A colleague asks. "It seems so. At least the drafts to become accustomed to the essentials." [page 73] Nobody makes objections and Fuwa happily accepts. "Well then Sugita-kun how about the Nakatomi** building?" "First of all Fuwa-kun, you have to get used to this. Make a clean copy of this." "It's quite a small building, isn't it?" "Actually it is inside the building... [page 74] Those are the TOILETS." "You're not satisfied?" "I am, I am." At the Minami-Asagaya station, where they live, Fuwa suddenly hears somebody calling him. "Senpai!" "We were in the same train." "We will be starting to go home together." "Let's go shopping." [page 75] When they get home they see a man sitting in front of their apartment door. "You got back at last. It has been a long time, Fuwa." "Tomoi!? Aren't you Tomoi? When did you come to Tokyo? You should have called." "You are thinking ??????" [page 76] "As always, you're still fast." "This is my friend from high school, Tomoi. "Good evening. My name is Hiyama." "Good evening." "It looks like you are happy." "Ouch. Why are you in Tokyo again?" "I have something to ask you." "To ask?" "I'm building a house. I would like to ask you about the design." "Ha?" Fuwa is stupefied. *Nakano: there is a great Mandarake shop in the arcades. ^_^ **Could this be the reconstruction of the Nakatomi building after Bruce Willis demolished it in Die Hard? ^_^ Room Five -- "The man from Mt. Fuji" Izumi, Fuwa and Fuwa's old friend are standing outside the door to the apartment. "What? You're constructing a house?" "Well the truth is that I'll be marrying next year and father..." "Tomoi's house! He's a rich man." "It's just a rural house. Nothing to the extend of Tokyo, nothing major. "Yeah, nothing major, nothing major. You're getting married? Congratulations." "That's why I would like to ask you." "Why?" "I would like to ask you to design the house." [page 79] Izumi looks very happy, but Fuwa looks worried. "It is strange that you heard about me however. I just recently started my studies." "It would be no good?" "It would definitely be no good." "So." "You're disappointed, you were serious. It's not your fault I refuse." "It's been like that since a long time." "Bye." "Wait a minute!" [page 80] "You took the trouble to come so come on in." "You're a weird guy." "Would you like some beer, or something?" "I came by car." "In that case you must stay over." "Look! Come on in!" "Excuse me for disturbing." "..." "Huh?" "Senpai are you refusing?" "Izumi-chan what are you doing? I said so." [page 81] Inside the apartment, they are finishing a meal of unagi (eel, quite expensive) and are enjoying a glass of beer. "My father took on a strange architect." "What. So things are already alright." "But, something about that person." "You're not pleased?" "He's famous, but he's like... strange." "Who's he?" "Yabuki Gouji." "Yabuki Gouji, you; he's this super-selling, new architect." [page 82] "He's somewhat of an awful person." "How can you compare me with Yabuki Gouji?" "How could I know someone to ask? I was thinking of my good friend." "It could only be you to look for someone to ask. What photo-books did you get?" "Will you do it?" "I'm not ready! I don't have the technical qualifications." "Qualifications?" "The architect qualifications. But that's not only the reason I'm working." [page 83] "When will you be ready? Next year? The year after next?" "These are a busy times. It can't be helped. I will work for a long time. It will take a lot of years." "Does what I say surprise you so much? Izumi-chan you too!" "Excuse me for disturbing." "We'll be there for the wedding ceremony. Why don't you stay tonight? You are by car and you've been drinking." "Really, please stay." [page 84] "I'll have to work early in the morning. I'll take a taxi home." "All the way to Fuji? That must be expensive." "Oh, about 40,000, 50,000 yen." "I forgot, you're a rich man." "Fuwa, won't you be coming back to Fuji?" "I'll be back for New Years." "Okay. My younger sister will be glad." "It is still impossible?" "It's really impossible." The taxi drives off." "Oh dear." [page 85] "Let's go to sleep." Izumi grabs the hood of Fuwa's coat. "Why wouldn't it be possible? I would like to see a house made by Senpai." "Make something, make something." "I just manage to make some curry-rice." [page 86] At the office Fuwa explained the whole story to Sugita-san. "Yabuki Gouji, you don't say." "It's a disaster. Me and Yabuki Gouji, it's like a calculator and a pankon." "It can't be helped to compare." "Right. Him over there selling a lot. And here I am drawing toilets." "Well it is not really like that. For Yabuki Gouji the essence of this work is different, I tell you. His artistic appearance is the most important thing. [page 87] For us the most important thing are the people living in the house. This is the only way, as otherwise you would be referred to as a low-grade architect. Don't you agree?" "Really... it's like that." "I don't like that self-centered Yabuki Gouiji." "Really?" "Really, really." "Actually me too." [page 88] Izumi is at work. "Thank you very much." "Haa. That Momoko-chan took the day off again." "Welcome." "The menu please." "Let me see..." "Huh?" [page 89] "Tomoi-san..." "A hamburger and a coke." "Yes. yes." "I must be mistaking someone for Tomoi-san." Later that night. "You saw Tomoi?" "Maybe it was someone who looked like him." "His company is local (in Fuji)." "It was during the day. Maybe he came to Tokyo for business." [page 90] "Where did he leave his car since he got back by taxi? He had his car keys on him." "Maybe it was someone who resembles him a lot." "A twin brother!" "Can't be. I know he has just a younger sister." The phone rings. "Hello." "Well, Fu... Is this Fuwa-san's home?" "Yes. This is Fuwa speaking." [page 91] "As I thought. Is this Fuwa-senpai? I'm Tomoi Tatsuo's sister." "Ah, Hideko-chan." "Waah, you remember. It's been a long time." "It really is. Since we were at high school." "What?" "Is my older brother still at your place?" "He left yesterday. Eh? He's not over there? Didn't he get back?" "No, well..." There is someone at the door. [page 92] "So maybe he didn't get home?" "Yes." "Senpai, it's Tomoi-san." "Huh?" "Wasn't that a girls voice? Who is that?" "Could you hold for a second?" "" [page 93] "Tomoi! What's wrong? Hideko-chan is worried and called me." "Fuwa, do me this favor!" [page 94] "Please come with me." "Meet Yabuki Gouiji." "" Room Six -- "Passion's toll" [page 96] Inside Fuwa and Izumi's apartment, Izumi is serving green tea. "I understand that what you said well enough." "Why do I have to meet Yabuki Gouiji, Tomoi?" "You're not pleased with his design yourself, you tell me. It concerns your home, if you like." Tomoi confides that it is because of his father that he had said he was satisfied with the architect. "Tomoi's old man is a well-known celebrity." "Therefore, first of all it will be unpleasant to tell him. My intention was to pick you as an alternative architect." [page 97] "The alternative architect is me?" "You hit the nail on the head..." "Fool. You have changed from who you were before." "Excuse me." "However I would really like Fuwa to do the design. I'm really serious." [page 98] "Senpai..." "No way." "Tomoi-san didn't return home yesterday because he wanted to work it out." "Really, in the past this guy was a honest person." "Will you overlook his fathers tyranny?! Aren't you bothered by this?!" "I'm being bothered now!" "What I'll do. If Yabuki Gouiji's design were awful, I really would like to talk to the person himself first hand. Let's go together." [page 99] "You'll meet him?" "I have an appointment this Sunday." "You seem rather cheerful." "This way is quite comfortable. I'll find out what kind of chap Yabuki Gouiji is, and that's a pleasure." [page 100] "Really. He's the kind of person with a lot of self-confidence as well. Compared to him even you are good natured." "Thank you very much." "It's alright. It would be good for your soul and passion to run into Yabuki Gouiji." "Soul..." [page 101] "Why Izumi-chan had to come, I wonder..." "Number 3-16... Senpai, it must be in this neighborhood." "Yes." "Izumi-chan. It will be just me speaking with Yabuki Gouiji about the reasons of his design." "Understood." "I'll be playing the role of Tomoi's assistant, so to speak. You'll just keep to the background." "I understand." "9-18." [page 102] "It's quite unique." "Our office is just normal, this abnormality..." They enter the monstrosity and immediately Izumi walks into an ill placed pillar. [page 103] "Senpai, what is this?" "It's a pillar." "Let me see Yabuki Gouiji .... Do you have an appointment?" "Eh, well." "Please wait over there." "Fuwa." "Tomoi." [page 104] "I was surprised. I'm feeling relieved being such an amateur and being so stubborn. "It was me who was stubborn." "This person is?" "I'm Tatsuo's father." "I'm pleased to meet you. I'm Fuwa." "This time I ask you for the impossible for the sake of my son." "No, no, I'll be merely playing the role of assistant." [page 105] "Tatsuo is the kind of chap who went to university, found employment, found a wife via a formal marriage interview without entrusting an out stander. Till I saw the trouble with the architect." "Tomoi-sama, please take the elevator to the 5th floor." "Tatsuo and I really appreciate what you are doing for us." "We went to high school together." "His father doesn't seem to be such a blockhead...," Izumi thinks. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." [page 106] They are sitting around a table with a pillar placed in such a way that it blocks the view of the persons sitting opposite. "You are Tomoi-san?" "I'm Tomoi." "Excuse me. It is because I meet people everyday." "You, get me Tomoi-san's plans." "Yes sir." "These proportions are nice." [page 107] "What is this wall placed in the hallway?" "And you are?" "This is a friend of mine who is an architect." "In that case you'll understand. It is stone-board." "Stone board? Really, this destroys the symmetry of the perfect proportions." "WELL." "What would be the function of this wall?" "Function? Hohohoho what a ridiculous thing to say. I don't think there must be a function to architecture." [page 108] "This stone-board meaning is to fill the vacant space. It's like a strong and powerful symbol." "Symbol? For whose sake? For Tomoi-kun's sake? What about the significance for the people living there?" "You, you're quite rude. It is Tomoi's father's decision to ask me to occupy me with this." "You occupied yourself alright. I would like to hear what Tomoi has to say about this design. "How long have you been an architect?" "Three months!" [page 109] "Three months...!?" "Tomoi!" "Answer Tatsuo!" "I never hoped for such a house. I would like a warmer house, where I could entertain family, friends, etc. I have said this often before. However you never listened. Your design is shit." [page 110] "How rude! I object to this. I object my designs being cursed at." "Tomoi-shachou!" "I was foolish to ask you just because you're famous. Your designs are shit!" "You will be back. You will be back." "We won't be back and you will receive no more money." "You'll regret this! These profanities!!" [page 111] "I'm sorry. Please laugh at the overly fond parent. This too because you’re my cute son." Fuwa feels bad, trying to explain how he tried to avoid such a confrontation. "Not at all. It was really kind of Fuwa-san to offer his expert opinion. Thank you!" "Excuse me, I have to go to Singapore after this." "You're busy. What are we going to do to get a replacement for Yabuki Gouiji?" "Please take your responsibility, Fuwa-san." [page 112] "It has to be you. Nobody else but you." "For the sake of my son's family, build a splendid house." "Were you not listening to what I said? I'm just starting in architecture..." "Your passion and soul sang out to me." "Soul..." "Take your responsibility." "Err!!" Room Seven -- "To be a home for a man and a woman" [page 114] In a café Fuwa, Izumi and Tomoi are discussing the day's events. "Really a strong authority, Tomoi's old man." "In any case it's fine, isn't it. Yabuki Gouiji won't do the design." "It's really great. The design will be done by Fuwa." "Don't say that! I won't do it." [page 115] "Really?" "Don't you feel you would you like to see it a little?" "Well I'm doing architecture therefore to a certain extend..." "Aren't you? Aren't you?" "About the house I would like to live in, it would be fun to build it myself. Tell us about the image you have." "No, no." "Senpai, you drew various designs, didn't you?" "Izumi-chan, don't bring this up!" "Thinking about the Tokyo circumstances, a 2- story building would be more suitable than a 3 story building. But on the other hand, Tomoi would like to see a large plot of land in the countryside." [page 116] "No way, Fuwa!" "What so suddenly?" "I dreamt of a small house. I'll live in a 2 story house!" "My house would be really rural, a bungalow maybe with one entire large room and sliding screens. Like you see on TV dramas: a door, stairs, and posters decorating the walls..." "That's the house I would like to live in!" "Teach me! I beg you!" "Why are you pushing so hard suddenly?" [page 117] "Anyway, as much light as possible I would like to enter the house. Certainly in the living, but also in the bath, toilet and kitchen too. The living stairwell being overlooked from any of the rooms. The 3rd floor outside creating a deck with a skylight from which you can see the stars. Certainly, this would be nice to live in." [page 118] "What's the matter?" "Great! It's great, Senpai!" "That surely is ideal!" "I knew it was good to ask Fuwa." "Don't ask me." "You must shortly come to make our house. How about this Sunday!" "I still have to decide!" "You'll meet my fiancee." "Hey!" "I'll pay for this." "Hey!" [page 119] "HEY!" "That's the reason he was such a good friend. His younger sister only enjoyed..." "Let's go home." "[Enchanted]" "What's that girl dreaming about?" "But to see a house created by Senpai. I have somewhat a presentiment about that." "I thought as much." [page 120] "But it would feel so good to live in a house created by Senpai in the future." "That would be impossible, at least in Tokyo." "I know that, that's why I'm dreaming. I enjoy only imagining it." "It wouldn't be a great deal besides the reality." "Reality is a dream..." "Really Senpai! For the sake of Tomoi-san's dream, create a splendid house!" [page 121] "I'm afraid that it will be impossible. It can't be helped." "Senpai!" "Senpai look! A housing development. Let's visit. Surely we get some references." "I still have to decide." [page 122] "It's free to have a look." "It's free, right." "This reminds me of something some time ago." "Heh?" "Look, the old man who gave me his land..." "Tanokura-ojiisan." "Our Shachou said that one day I would like to see the plot of land where the house was standing." "She did, she did." "I remember it fondly. That time the price of land was at it's highest." "How would Ojiisan be doing." "I wonder how he would be doing." [page 123] "Go away! It's my land! I've been living here since a long time! I'm not selling to anybody! Before you were born. To enjoy the time my family spent in this house. I'm happy." "I would like to meet him." "Yes." "Let's go to see him." "Since Namifuku went bankrupt he has been on my mind." "Will he still be wielding his stick?" "Well I think after the bubble burst that his personal appearance quieted a little, don't you?" [page 124] "Where's Ojiisan's house?" "I think the house was sold." "A parking lot." "Where do you think Ojiisan went?" "I wonder if Shachou would know." [page 125] "If I'm not mistaken, the entrance hall was here." "At any rate, it is not like the space is used. "No-one is living here." "No dreams and hope..." "I wonder what ever became of where Izumi-chan first lived in an apartment." "I thought about that too." "Let's take the occasion and see for ourselves." "Sure." "It's a jungle." "What reason did they tear it down for..." [page 127] "The old man is living in a rented apartment." "Alone, I suppose." "It seems that way." "I'll go and see him next time." "That would be great." [page 128] "I can't do it now." "First of all, I have to go and see the plot of land for Tomoi's house." "I don't have any self-confidence at all, however." [page 129] "Senpai, fight!" "What? You didn't send somebody to pick me up?" "Excuse me, Some urgent business came up. I sent my younger sister instead..." "Hideko-chan? As ever your little sister is a good friend." "Senpai!" [page 130] "It has been a long time... Fuwa-senpai!" "Hide...ko-chan...?" Room Eight -- "Back to Shizuoka*" [page 132] Hideko-chan was sent by her brother to collect Fuwa at the Shinkansen station. "Is Tomoi's plot of land far from here? I would like to see it before..." "It's quick by car." "Let's pass there." [page 133] "Okay" "How pretty you have become, Hideko-chan." "E, Waaaaaah" "What's the matter." "You said suddenly such an unexpected thing." "Unexpected thing? Every men would say so." "Well they don't say it. Really, not at all." [page 134] "They must have said it so often that your ears got paralyzed." "No such thing, Fuwa-senpai must be joking." "I really mean it, Hideko-chan, honestly." "Excuse me, Fuwa-senpai. My feelings are immediately put onto the steering wheel." "Senpai is only saying this because he is confused, isn't he." "Like every men." "When really. But I, regarding Fuwa-senpai.... [page 135] Regarding Senpai, I, very much, ..." "HIDEKO-CHAN!!" "This is an expensive car, gather your courage, this is just terrible. "This is an expensive car?" "It is expensive to buy... Is this you car?" "It really is." "She's really a rich girl." [page 136] "Shall we change places?" "It is alright. My heart was just beating a little fast. But I like driving." "I loved Fuwa-senpai a lot." "You are joking. Wasn't I a senior high school student at the time? Where could you have come to love me?" [page 137] "I never talked to many boys, no friends of my brother came to our house, but Fuwa-senpai was different." «Se, Senpai hello.» «Hello.» «Please.» «Thank you.» «Hideko-chan doesn't say much, does she?» «The cat's got her tongue.» «knock knock.» «Ah, Err... Cake.» [page 138] «Thank you very much, Hideko-chan.» "During that visit you came 3 times with cake and o-cha..." "And Fuwa-senpai ate them all, I was happy." "That time I was in 3rd year of high school." "I was in 1st year." "Say, Tomoi's land is outside the city?" "Yes." [page 139] "First year of high school... The same age as when I first met Izumi-chan." "I... Izumi-chan?" "She's the girl I'm living with." "Aahh. It's got an expensive aluminium body. [page 140] "Are you married to that person?" "Aahh. You ought to mind the scratch on the car!" "Is it useless?" "It's only me. We'll have to wait till someone passes." [page 141] "It didn't change, the smell of this mill. Really the bubble didn't burst as so many paper mills were closed. Aren't there a lot of things that don't change in this world..." "Many things do change." "....." "Living around here isn't too bad. Great view." "It would be more fun as a couple." [page 142] "Excuse me, could you give us a hand." "As I thought, Hideko-chan." "Sakada-san." With joined forces, Sakada-san and Fuwa manage to get the wheel back on the road. "Excuse me. Thank you very much." "Thank you very much." [page 143] "By no means. Hideko-chan is this your boyfriend?" "No it's not the case." "Don't feel awkward, don't feel awkward. Hideko-chan, why not finally?" "It is not true." "Alright, alright. Hahahaha" "The misunderstanding got resolved?" "It doesn't matter. Since senpai and ..." [page 144] "He'll get the building from your old man, I imaging that this is a lot of first class land." "The price was lower as it is such a remote place and he would like to see a lot of haggling." [page 145] "It was cheap, so he bought a large piece." "My brother feels he earns it with all his might." "Isn't this your old man's plot of land? Wedding present." "It is just a house for the wedding. The land we don't need to deal with ourselves. My father is like that." "I see." "But... Tomoi... That guy's land?" [page 146] "You really did my brother a pleasure. Fuwa-senpai even doing the design." "I see." "It's also a pleasure for me." "I could make use of... That guy's house." [page 147] "Let me see. Nakano district, Sakakami street. 369." "«Long Life villa.» Here it is." [page 148] "Ojii... san? Ojiisan. OJIISAN." "Young lady?' "Huh? Who's this person?" *A city south of Mt. Fuji. Room Nine -- "Reunion time" [page 150] "He's hurt, isn't he." "You're the young lady from the other place." "Yes." "Hmpf." "Waaaah! He's bleeding." "Let's put him down, it is a nose bleed." "Keep your side up." "Heavy." [page 151] "" "His body is weak from overdoing it." "Say, who's he?" [page 152] "He is a student from next door, room 103." "A nosy fellow he is. When I had a cold he came to nurse me and stayed up all night." "38° Celsius. I was very mean." "I apologized to student-san later and he said it was alright." "As I thought he got a fever." "But why where you so mean on him? A while ago your health was weak." "As to physical-strength, this is a powerless guy at any rate. When I moved in:" [page 153] "Ojiisan! Do you need some help?" "I'll manage." "Don't say that." "What are you doing? My luggage." "Fool." "I'm sorry." [page 154] After having put the boy on a futon, Ojiisan invites Izumi to sit with him at the kotatsu* and serves o-cha. Izumi notices that there is not much sunlight getting into the room, but Ojiisan assures her that sunlight is like poison for old people. [page 155] "I was surprised to find your house has become a parking lot. What happened?" "You remember that big earthquake in the spring?" "I remember, it was 5 on the Tokyo scale! That time the door to our house got jammed." "Was your house damaged in that earthquake?" "It was damaged considerable here and there. The Ministry of education and the fire station considered it a danger and I had to vacate." "Weren't they going to build a mansion? What happened?" "The bubble burst when the price of land went down. Oh, the freedom to live in one's own house, how about this world." [page 156] "How is that rascal Fuwa doing?" "He's studying to become an architect." "What, that guy an architect!? The world really has changed." "I see, that guy can begin the construction of my damaged house." [page 157] "He's coming to." "What time is it!?" "Past ten o'clock." "Terrible, the mock test is starting." [page 158] "I say, you better sleep today, or you'll die." "But my mock test..." "What about that mock test! Your life is at stake." "No, I have to take that examination, my life is at stake." "Really, he cannot be absent for a mock test" "I have to pass at least two subjects." "Your nose is bleeding." [page 159] "Is this your granddaughter, Ojiisan?" "What a foolish thing to say" "She's my great-granddaughter." "What a surprise" "I don't admire this situation." "Fool! You're not well!" "No, I'll catch up with my rest later..." "Your nose is bleeding." [page 160] "I love Mt. Fuji. Nothing has changed." "Fuwa-senpai what are you doing?" "How to experience the slope of that plot of land from a window..." "How beautiful is the sight of a man working." "Let me see, this is the east, therefore the living ..." [page 161] "Hideko-chan..." "You're just designing Oniichan's house. You don't even notice the delicious o-cha. "And before your eyes is Mt. Fuji and me..." "Well, excuse me. I did it unintentionally..." "That occasion of that guy's wedding ceremony is not the only reason." [page 162] "What's the matter!?" "Excuse me. Excuse me." [page 163] "Are you alright? You're not trembling?" "I'm alright. Just some past memories." [page 164] "Onnichan is home." "Do your best and please create a good house. I'll be rooting for you." "Thank you." "I'm home. I brought Fuwa-san." "Fuwa! Hideko!" "Ah Tomoi! The house is as always." [page 165] "Are you two engaged to be married?" "HAA?" "What are you talking about?" "Because people are talking about it! You're getting married." "What? We just met a little while ago." "Really." "That's true." "What are you thinking! Fool." [page 166] "Mother met a man in the neighborhood who made the uproar." "And you didn't even question it." "I'm living with Izumi-chan. You never mentioned this?" "I didn't tell them." "All our relatives and neighbors are here to meet the son-in-law!" "All together?" "Where?" "Inside." "At any rate, put up an appearance." "OOI" *Table with cover Room Ten -- "The Madonna's" [page 168] "Will you be alright?" "You're feeling alright?" "Yeah." "Do you have your pens?" "Yes." "The examination table?" "No? Did you lose it?" "Let me see, let me see." "This isn't it." "Ah." "Isn't this it? Natori Gaku." [page 169] "That's it.' "Hold on to it tightly." "Should I come along, girly? "It's alright. I have taken exams once too, Ojiisan, please get some sleep." "Besides, this person won't relax." "Ah, is that the time already." "Do you best, Student." [page 170] "Thanks." "You're such a handsome man to return Hideko's happiness." "Well Okaasan, how often do I have to say that it is all a misunderstanding." "During the day, Hideko-san and I were together, but how many years have we not met; how could I propose marriage." "Well-well-well, Mr. Son-in-law." "Who's the son in law!" "Generally speaking, you have a strange way of spreading a rumor. This is weird." [page 171] "What's weird?" "Since Hideko-chan and I are getting married! All the relatives are present, what do you say?" "Marriage?" "Marriage, congratulations." "I won't! Marriage and such!" "You won't? Don't you feel you're deceiving Hideko-chan?" "You just jump to conclusions as it pleases you, don't you think?" "Me, to jump to conclusions?" "You're feigning ignorance on purpose, aren't you?" "This gathering isn't because I jumped to a conclusion." "I think the point is that you don't care about our feelings! Where's Hideko-chan?" [page 172] "Hideko-chan!" "Hideko-chan?" "Haven't you seen Hideko-chan?" "It's useless, Mr. Son-in-law. You caught the perfect wife." "Tomoi." "As before, this guy cannot handle alcohol." "What about the appointment about the house..." "Really, Mr. Son-in-law." "Mr. Son-in-law." "Mr. Son-in-law." "Aargh, stop pouring like that!" "Somehow these people, appear to be weird on purpose to gather in order to have a look. I wonder if it's my imagination." [page 173] "They're finished." [page 174] "Natori-san!" "Are you his guardian?" "No, uh, yes." "He's obliged to have his health examined." "I'll take care of it." [page 175] "Natori-san! Natori-san!" "Don't worry, don't worry." "Well, don't worry, you have a fever." "Don't worry, don't worry. I get home alone." "It cannot be helped." "Excuse me." "It's okay." "He's a bit like a younger brother." [page 176] "Finally, you're in bed after all." "Ojiisan, you can sleep in your room, I'll be keeping watch here." "This is such a bother for you." "Afterwards you can make some gruel." "Sure. You just have to ask." "Senpai, still..." [page 177] "Mr. Son-in-law." "So irresponsible." "Please listen, how often didn't I tell you. Hideko-chan and I are not getting married. So selfishly to cause all this trouble, don't you think Hideko-chan isn't bothered by this? First and foremost Izumi-chan and I are living together. Really!" [page 178] "Tomoi Otoosan." "They're all getting drunk." "May I ask you , somehow this foolish disturbance ...." "Are you marrying Hideko-chan, or not?" "Ha?" "Are you going to marry Hideko-chan, or not?" "Otoosan. You know about Izumi, what are you saying?" "You're going to marry that girl, right?" "Ha?" "You're marrying her, aren't you?" [page 179] "Look, just between the two of us now!" "I will! I will! I'll marry Izumi-chan." "Have you thought about it well enough?" "I think you have the wrong idea about marriage." "Fuwa-kun." "I'm pleased with you. Tatsuo likes you. And best of all, Hideko loves you." "Well, maybe in the past it appeared like that..." "Why do you say it is just in the past. Even this minute it is accumulating. [page 180] "Just wait a second. Isn't what you said a bit weird? "You're drunk, I didn't say anything weird." "Make Hideko happy." "Well then everybody, to celebrate the future of the couple, let's have a toast!" "KANPAI." "Weird, this is weird." [page 181] "Hideko-chan isn't..." "Marriage... I'm not even considering it..." "What would Izumi-chan like to do..." "She hasn't returned home at this hour?" [page 183] "Ouch. I didn't get much sleep...." "I'm going back." "I have to hurry to be back in time for work." [page 184] "Can I take you to Tokyo?" "Hideko-chan." "My relatives are a bit strange." "Yeah, A little they are, aren't they." "I, my fiancé ran away." "Ah...." Room Eleven -- "The couple gets home in the morning" [page 186] "You could run away too." "Don't say that." "This person came from a distinguished family owning a paper mill, father introduced us and we started socializing." "A rich people's history." "Everything was alright, we really had feelings and we fell in love." [page 187] "Then his company went bankrupt. However, since I loved him a lot, my family didn't care either, father too found our feelings important and therefore the date was decided upon..." "However, he ran away. On the day of out engagement---" [page 188] "I see... that's why everyone is worried about you, but a farce to get you married." "Because that man ran away, you should not give too much importance to it..." "Over time a person's feelings have changed." "The whole world has been changed completely." "Hideko-chan..." "Whether the situation has become good or bad, the bubble has burst; things like fire or war, every feeling has been changed completely...." [page 189] "Not to change.... Nothing." "Hideko-chan!" "Hideko-chan!" "Senpai, marry me. Please marry me." [page 190] "I loved you a lot." "That hasn't changed.... A lot of important feelings have not changed..." "That's good too, isn't it, Senpai?" "Let me drive." "Let's swap places." [page 191] "The fever went down." "Was it high?" "Yes, I'm relieved Natori-san..." "Just like a younger brother." "I'm 20-years old, older than you I think. How old are you?" "Say, what's your name again?" "Hiyama Izumi, 17-years old." [page 192] "Izumi-san... No, Izumi-chan." "Are you alright?" "Just a little cold I'm having." "What would help? The hospital and chemists are still closed..." "I know! I've some cough medicine at home." "It's okay, girly." "At any rate I'm not coming back, I'll go to university and drop in on the way." [page 193] "Such a sweet grandchild." "Of course." "Ojiisan... to get along well with her." "You're in love." "Fool, what a thing to say." "You're blushing." "Blushing doesn't mean anything..." "You have a nosebleed." [page 194] "Senpai must have gone out." "I have to find the cough medicine." "She isn't there." "Since yesterday she's not there." "No, no, can't be." [page 195] "Didn't she get home the other day?" "Nothing like that. Surely she had an early shift at work." "She didn't stay at a friend's place?" "She would never spent the night from home without telling me." "Really, I wonder?" "For sure." [page 196] "Izumi-chan and I are very much together. I know it for sure." "Are you saying since you are together her feelings cannot have changed?" "I'll say so." "They change. Someone's feelings do change sometimes." "Drop it already!" "Senpai." "WAAH!!" [page 197] "Because this car is powerful, I'll take care. Hahaha." "Look, you can see the building now." "The design is good, but it is full of defects." "What an amazing car." "The rain leaks, sounds can be heart directly. To make matters worse the building is badly built, promptly we couldn't open the door..." "Stop it!!" [page 198] "Just drop this conversation. I don't want to hear it." "People, the world are rapidly changing. Each time, often we are forced to make a choice." "Senpai." "I'm sorry." [page 200] "Wait!" "Izumi.." "It's a misunderstanding!" "Izumi-chan!" "Izumi-chan, it's a misunderstanding." "How could it be a misunderstanding?" "Senpai and that person were together, I think. I called often yesterday." "I called you too. But it is nothing like that." [page 201] "Unlike Senpai, I didn't spent the night at a woman's place." "No, therefore, I stayed, I just stayed... Aahh!" "Where are you going!?" "I'm in a hurry." "We have to talk, listen! "I'm in a hurry!" "Izumi-chan!" "Ouch." [page 202] "At this time." Room Twelve -- "Leaving home" [page 204] "Senpai, if it's a misunderstanding... Then why are you not coming after me?" [page 205] "It's useless. It must be opened from the outside." "It's like the auto lock of a hotel..." "Good. When Izumi-chan returns we have to talk about it..." [page 206] "I have my work! This stupid door." "At track number 4 the train to Tokyo is entering." "I cannot run away like this. I might have misunderstood." "I have to make sure!" [page 207] "She got it all wrong, I can't be helped." "Afterwards I have to get Sugita-san to come." "All right! Somebody came!" "I hope it is not NHK." "Hideko-chan..." "Yes." [page 208] "Senpai, I'm sorry." "I apologize." "Yes." "Moreover you girlfriend seems to have misunderstood... I didn't apologize for that." "You're angry, aren't you? You don't open..." "No, this..." "The door won't open." "Could you open it from the outside for me?" "Ha." [page 209] "That car from a while ago." "Umhp." "It won't open---" "All right! I'll push from this side." "On three." "One, Two..." [page 210] "Three!" "Kyaa!" "It opened." "Are you alright?" "Ouch." "Show me." [page 211] "Come in anyway." [page 212] "Senpai, that..." "My apology is just a pretext, besides..." "I didn't want to see where you two lived..." "This is not my place..." "I have well understood that what you said. The world and people are gradually changing, I just understand that it is time that I accept that, however I have this heavy burden. In the family everyone is so worried about the past." [page 214] "I'll get the medicine box." "Izumi-chan, what did you take?" "This is good." "To go to work....?" [page 215] "This way." "What's the matter?" "Izumi-chan." "Jiisan had a strange cough, his appearance got weird." "I called 119." [page 216] "Ojiisan! Ojiisan." "Are you a relative?" "Uh, Yes." "Well, get in." "Ah, me too." "He has a non-serious pneumonia." [page 217] "He will really be alright. However he has his age and it is no good to neglect a cold." "Thank you, I'll take care of it." "Hahaha. I'm here, we went all three by ambulance." "What a cheerful thing you are saying." [page 218] "Why did you leave Ojiisan alone!" "He's family!" "Are you living with him?" "I feel that Ojiisan really needs somebody." "Can't you do it? Is the family opposed to it? Are they pestering you?" "I'm not living with my family." "Huh?" "You're living... alone?" "Yes." [page 219] "If that's the case it is good to live with him. It really is." "When you go to work it is alright. Really." "Really." "You have a nosebleed." At the office, Fuwa and Sugita-san are discussing the design of Tomoi's house, where to put a wall, windows to the south, etc. [page 220] "Because it is needed for the lighting." "But then the stairwell will appear open." "This is the fourth time we're doing the same thing." "We have to get the opinion of the man himself." "Hello, Takahashi Architect Office." "Ah, Tomoi, you call me at the right moment." "What? Hideko-chan has not come home?" "It's an accident. She left by car this morning, however she certainly would have contacted us." "Is she by any chance at your place..." "Hello. Hello." "Hideko-chan..."