Rurouni Kenshin Chapter 250 "A Smile, Again" From Shounen Jump 37*38 Translated by Reiko ( Notes -san, -dono = respectful suffixes (indicates thoughts) Pg. 1 Saitou: Lowering the sword's flash to the lower one. After all, it's that...? Aoshi: But with this the watou can't be used anymore. Sanosuke [exhaling with relief]: That's the fight. Yahiko: It's Kenshin's! It's his victory!! Megumi: Ken-san! Misao: Himura!! Side text: The one the sakabatou broke was the watou... Or...!! Pg. 2 Kaoru [happily]: Kenshin... Unnoticed by her and the others, Hei Shin has awakened, and grits his teeth in anger. Side text: The fight is not yet over!! The target of Hei Shin's black glance is?! Pg. 3 Kenshin suddenly starts to collapse. Megumi: ! Not good! She and Misao rush towards him. Misao: Are you all right, Hi--- Kenshin steadies himself by plunging his sakabatou into the sand. Kenshin: I'm... still........ Pg. 4 Enishi, panting heavily, stands up and glares furiously. Kaoru [worried]: (...... That's right...) Pg. 5 Kaoru: (Crimes can't be atoned for with the win or loss of a fight... The sinful crime's atonement is----------...) Enishi [clenching his fingers]: Ba... ttousai.... Battousai! Kenshin: Eni---- Pg. 6 Suddenly, from a distance, Hei Shin fires his gun at Kenshin and wounds him in the shoulder. Everyone: !! Pg. 7 Kenshin collapses. Misao: Himuraa!! Aoshi [keeping her back]: It's all right. The vital point was missed. But. Hei Shin: All of you bastards took me for dead-!! Pg. 8 Hei Shin: I'll kill you!! He aims a second gun at Kenshin, who seems unable to stand up. Hei Shin: I'll massacre everyone!! Kaoru: NO-!! She jumps between them. Yahiko: KAORU!! Misao: KAORU-SAN! Pg. 9 On seeing this, Enishi is reminded of how Tomoe was killed in that similar situation. Hei Shin [grinning psychotically]: DIE!! Kaoru closes her eyes as an impact is heard. Pg. 10 A moment later, she opens them and is shocked to find that the sound was from Enishi punching Hei Shin. Kaoru: ! Hei Shin gets slammed into a tree and passes out. Pg. 11 Enishi glares at the unconscious Hei Shin and rushes forward for the final blow. Enishi: HAAAA-!! Kaoru: Wa... wait! If you go any further he'll really die--- Pg. 12 A hand catches Enishi's fist. Enishi: ? Kenshin has stepped between him and Hei Shin. Yahiko: Kenshin----... Pg. 13 Enishi: Get out of the way!! Kenshin: I won't. Enishi: OUT OF MY WAY!! Kenshin: If I do you'll kill this man. I've already had enough of people killing and being killed. No matter with what kind of person, as long as these hands can reach them I won't let anyone die! Enishi stares. Kenshin: Stop adding to your crimes from now on, Enishi. If you continue like this, before long you'll lose Tomoe's smile forever....... Pg. 14 He lets go of Enishi's hand and walks past him. Kenshin: You protected Kaoru-dono... Thank you----... Enishi is still for a moment, then drops to his knees. Pg. 15 Enishi: THAT'S WRONG! The one I wanted to protect was... The one I really wanted to protect was----... Tears stream down his face. Enishi: ....... Shit! Shit....... Kenshin goes toward Kaoru, who looks a little anxious. Kaoru: (----.....) Pg. 16 Kaoru: (... Atonement is... for sinful crimes, no matter how much pain is poured into atonement, it can't become that without someone's forgiveness...) Kaoru: (He doesn't know whether it will end without forgiveness... He doesn't know whether it will become a life without retribution... However----...) Kenshin [smiling]: Are you unhurt? Kaoru [teary-eyed]: ... Yes. (Despite that he still smiles. With that usual fully kind smile that hides this slight sadness...) Pg. 17 Kaoru: (It can't replace human life, but) Kenshin [stumbling in the sand]: ! Kaoru: (I at least want to stay by him--------...) She reaches out to catch Kenshin as he falls forward. Kenshin: Oro? Kaoru: (I want to stay by his side throughout anything---------) Side text: Welcome back! End chapter 250