Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations Volume Thirteen--A Beautiful Night from the front flap-- Watsuki (patting Iwanbou on the nose): You just make yourself at home. (But this is unexpected ...) Iwanbou: Gufu? LOOKING BACK ON 96 1) I had three serious breaks with people; one I couldn’t persuade no matter what, one I couldn’t compromise with no matter what, one I couldn’t forgive no matter what. 2) I did some deep soul-searching three times--all after the breaks. Without giving into anger, if I talk to people more calmly, I could solve problems without breaking human relations or trust, but ... 3) I realized one thing--whether things go well or badly is all up to what I ought to be. Part 103--One Dawn (A group of police take care of the wounded.) Saitou: No buildings were burnt down, seven partially burnt. Fifty minor blazes, but they were soon put out. Sanosuke: Pretty miraculous, eh? Saitou: Well. Forty-one officers were killed and many more were wounded. Civilian casualties haven’t been determined, but reports aren’t in yet. Kenshin: Forty-one . . . Saitou: That's not even a hundredth of the five thousand we mobilized. We were able to arrest almost all of the enemy soldiers; it was ideal. Kenshin: . . . That’s not the problem. Saitou: Feh. Well, you can think whatever you want. I need to deal with the results of last night before we go to Shishio’s headquarters. Wait at the Aoiya till I send for you. (Kenshin and Sanosuke head off.) Sanosuke: We’re supposed to be fighting together, but we get along like oil and water. Same as ever since I came to Kyoto. Kenshin: The police were looking after you. Could it be you've made peace with Saitou? (Sanosuke slugs him, sending him slamming into a brick wall.) Sanosuke: Why would I make nice with that underhanded cop! After we settle with Shishio he’s next! Now that we got that straight, I’m hungry. Hurry up and show me where the Aoiya is. Kenshin (trudging off): Okay, okay. (He keeps punching people out of the blue . . . ) (A little later.) Sanosuke: So the Oniwabanshuu are in Kyoto, but this time they’re on our side. That’s a weird twist. Yahiko (standing in front of the Aoiya): Kenshin! And Sanosuke! Sanosuke: Hey, Yahiko. What, they made you stand outside? You get in trouble? Yahiko (steam blowing out of his ears): I’m on guard!! (Kenshin: Oh, new trick.) Yahiko: Hey, Kaoru! Kenshin’s back! (The door opens a crack, and Kaoru peeks out.) Sanosuke (yanking the door open): What’re you sneaking around for. Kenshin: I’m sorry I caused you worry, Miss Kaoru. Kaoru: . . . Not at all . . . Sanosuke (to Yahiko): Good job getting the girl here. Yahiko: It was a man’s promise. I had to keep it. Kaoru: Did you learn the technique? Kenshin: Pretty much. After this, it depends on my heart . . . How is Miss Misao? Kaoru (bowing her head): She’s . . . pretty bad . . . (They race down the hall.) Kenshin (thinking): Oh no! I wrote the letter so the Oniwabanshuu could spread the word and warn Kyoto, but knowing Miss Misao, she wouldn’t leave it at that. She’d have to do something herself. This was my mistake! (throwing open the door) Miss Misao! (Misao pounds the floor with her fists, tears streaming from her eyes.) Misao: I can’t believe this!! An enemy got up right behind me! I’m so embarrassed!! Kaoru: She’s been like this since last night. She's fine, but it was really close. (Kenshin: Such a strange expression of suffering.) Yahiko: It was this crazy guy with his eyes covered. Everything about him said killer. "Mind’s eye" was written on his blindfold, but it looked like he was blind. Sanosuke: It was probably Blind Sword Usui from the Ten Swords. He’s supposed to be one of the toughest of the Ten Swords, according to that broom-head. If he was right behind you, you did pretty good getting out without getting hurt. (Flashback. Usui appears behind Misao, ready to stab, when Anji breaks his spear.) Usui: What are you doing, Anji. Anji: Other than Kamatari and Henya, almost all of our men are put to flight. This battle no longer has any meaning. Usui: That’s not what I meant. Why do you interfere with my pleasure? Your life hangs on your answer. Anji: . . . Mr. Usui, you joined the Ten Swords under one condition. I joined under the same. Have you forgotten it? Usui: Power over life and death. If ordered to eliminate someone, we are free to decide their fate, yes? Anji: I take no pleasure in the wanton taking of life. Kaoru (in the present): Then they stood staring at each other for half a moment. In the end, they both withdrew without saying a word. Kenshin: This Anji . . . he seems a little different than the other Ten Swords. Usui was on the point of attack, and if they had fought he probably couldn’t have settled it without injury to himself. Well, whatever happened, Miss Misao, I’m glad you’re safe. (Misao is clutching her forehead, wailing to the heavens.) Kenshin:--you’re not listening. (Sanosuke is staring at his fist with a strange expression on his face.) Kenshin: Sano? Sanosuke: Twist of fate . . . So it wasn’t someone else’s concerns. (thinking) Interesting . . . I’ll make sure it was the guy who said he would save the world with this fist. Yahiko: Kenshin. Hey, Kenshin! Kenshin: Huh? Oh, I’m sorry. What is it? Yahiko: I’m not done yet. There’s someone else you have to look out for. I didn’t want to interrupt your training so I kept quiet about it-- Kaoru: He just forgot, actually. Sanosuke: Aoshi’s in Kyoto?! Misao: And that’s not all. Okashira Shinomori Aoshi, who has vowed to kill you, has joined forced with Shishio Makoto. He put the Aoiya in danger. He almost killed Gramps . . . He is our enemy, and we should destroy him. (in a quieter voice) That’s right. Our enemy . . . Kenshin: Miss Misao . . . Back to Home To Volume Thirteen To the Next Chapter Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations Volume Thirteen--A Beautiful Night Part 104--Tears Kenshin: Miss Misao . . . (Footsteps pound down the hall.) Sanosuke: Hm? Omasu: Misao!! (She and the rest if the Oniwabanshuu charge in.) Omasu: Oh, Kenshin, you’re here too? Great! Everyone, come on! (They carry them off.) Sanosuke (left behind): What the hell . . . (from outside): I’m with the police. Is anyone home? Misao: What’s going on? Omasu: It’s Okina! Misao: What’s wrong with Gramps!? Omasu: He’s regained consciousness! (A little later. Okina sits up and reties the bow on his beard.) Okina: I seem to have caused everyone a lot of worry. I’m sorry. Yahiko: Wow, he looks like a mummy! Kaoru: Hey! Okina: Himura. Will you hear my request? Omasu, let me borrow your shoulder. You know the situation with Aoshi? Kenshin: Somewhat . . . but I can guess the details from what Miss Misao’s told me. Okina: I see . . . then my story will be short. My request is nothing other than Aoshi--Aoshi isn't evil at heart. I’ve known him since he was an infant, so I should know. But for one word, "strongest," he abandoned all ability to tell the difference between right and wrong, and I could not stop him. As things stand, under those blood-soaked killer’s swords, the victims can only increase. So please, Himura. Kill Shinomori Aoshi with your own hands. I understand that for you, who has vowed in your heart never to kill again, this would be violating a promise. but only you can destroy Aoshi as he is now. Only you can destroy one who has given all to violence. The only peace in violence is death. Finishing him will be his only salvation . . . (Memories flash before Misao’s eyes; her pulse sounds louder and louder in her ears.) Misao (thinking): My heartbeat won’t slow down. I can’t move. My mind should be made up. I should be fine. But--Himura . . . will you hurt Lord Aoshi? Will you kill him? Himura . . . (Kenshin bows his head.) Kenshin: Mr. Okina, your wounds--probably the Kaiten Kenbu? If it’s like what I’ve seen, if Aoshi had truly turned to violence, then you should be in your grave now. Aoshi has not yet given all to violence! Probably even Aoshi didn’t realize that for an instant, unconsciously, he held back . . . but it’s proof that he is not a man who has abandoned everything. Even if it’s just a sign that violence cannot extinguish his entire self, I believe in his heart. Aoshi’s place of rest is not in death. It’s here. And I will bring him back here. Okina: Himura . . . Omasu: Misao? (Everyone looks at her, as tears gather and fall from her eyes.) Misao: Huh? I . . . No, I . . . huh? Kaoru (hugging her): I’m so glad, Misao. Misao: Yeah . . . Okina (thinking): I almost made Misao miserable . . . It's time for an old soldier to withdraw. (aloud) Himura. Please, take care of Aoshi. (Out front, Sanosuke is talking with the policeman.) Sanosuke: A message? Officer: Yes. It’s from Chief Fujita. Back to Home To Volume Thirteen To the Next Chapter Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations Volume Thirteen--A Beautiful Night Part 105--A Beautiful Night Sanosuke: Here’s pretty much what Saitou has to say. He won’t be done with making arrangements for the four thousand arrested soldiers and pursuing the survivors till half the day. So we’ll set out for the final battle break of dawn tomorrow. If it were up to me we'd be outta here by now, but hey. Okina: Himura, all this happened while I was laid up? Kenshin: Yes, but nine of the Ten Swords are still at large. Okina: And one more thing. Misao (pointing to Sanosuke): Since you’re in my house and all, who are you? Okina: That’s what I was going to say. Sanosuke (to Kaoru): You didn’t tell them about me? Kaoru: We’ve been kinda busy . . . (sorry . . .) Sanosuke: All right fine. I’m Sagara Sanosuke. A friend from Tokyo. DOUBT (hangs in the air) Sanosuke: Don’t you believe me??? Misao: Sure, that’s what you say. Okon: He’s just some punk. Omasu: I don’t like the look in his eyes. Okina: Anyone whose hair sticks up like that can’t be any good. (Like Chou.) (He glances at Kenshin.) Kenshin: There’s no one in the world I’d trust more than Sano. Okina (pounding Sanosuke on the shoulder): Good to meet you, Sanosuke! Sanosuke: Oh shut up. Okina: Well, now that Himura’s friends are all together, we’ll have to have a drink tonight to send you off before the battle! Omasu: No way! You’re not healed yet. Definitely no drinking! Kenshin: Thank you for the sentiment, Mr. Okina, but we’ll be leaving early tomorrow. After dinner we should get to bed early. (The middle of the night. Kenshin sits atop the roof, surveying the city.) Kaoru (climbing up beside him): Kenshin . . . Kenshin (startled): Miss Kaoru . . . Kaoru: You said you were going to bed early. Are you all right? You’re up . . . Kenshin: I got some sleep. Half an hour Kaoru: Half an hour? Is that enough? Kenshin: Miss Kaoru, it’s the middle of the night. (What were you--) Kaoru: Ah, nature called. (smacking him) Don’t make me say it! (A pause) Kaoru: Hey, Kenshin. Kenshin: Yes? Kaoru: What you said this afternoon. "After this, it depends on my heart." What did you mean? I’ve been thinking about it, but I don’t really understand . . . Kenshin: You don’t really need to understand. Kaoru: I do! Since, it concerns your life. (Kenshin smiles slightly.) Kenshin: I understand the technique itself. The Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki, battou-jutsu whose speed surpasses speed--but even with the reverse blade, I almost took the life of my master. If I forget myself, as with Saitou and Chou, I will kill again. But if I hold back too much of my strength, speed alone won’t be enough. In a fight to the finish, the secret technique is what stands between life and death . . . If I can do that, it will mean I have mastered my Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki. So . . . it depends on my heart. (Another silence.) Kaoru: Kenshin . . .here. (holding out Megumi’s jar) I keep missing my chance to give it to you, but I brought it for Megumi. Her wishes that you’ll be safe. It’s not just me and Megumi. Everyone wants you to come out of this all right. So . . . Yahiko (jumping out of nowhere to whack Kaoru with his shinai): There you are, Kaoru!! Kaoru: Ow! What was that for! Yahiko: All right, c’mere a second! (pulling her to the other side of the roof) I’ve been watching you for a while and what do you think you’re doing, building up all this atmosphere! Kaoru: What do you mean, for a while? Since when have you been a voyeur? Yahiko: Megumi’s bad enough, but you were going to k-k-kiss him or something! Kaoru: What are you saying! I’ll tell Tsubame where your mind is! Yahiko: There’s nothing between Tsubame and me! Kenshin: I’m not really sure what you’re talking about, but Yahiko, I’m going to have to ask you to stay here tomorrow. Yahiko: Wait, I’m not going with you? Sanosuke (appearing out of nowhere): You got that right! If something happened to you guys, who's gonna pay off my debt to Tae at the Akabeko? Kaoru & Yahiko: YOU!! (Your debt, you pay!) Sanosuke: Damn. Stingy master, stingy student. Kenshin: You’re not making any sense at all, Sano . . . Yahiko: I’m coming with you, Kenshin! Since we got here I haven’t missed a day of training! I’m a lot lot lot stronger than you think! Kenshin: I know, Yahiko. I didn’t just tell you to stay here. Tomorrow, when we’re fighting the Ten Swords, it’s not unthinkable that Shishio would send other soldiers to attack the Aoiya. Just in case it does happen, you won’t be able to avoid a fight. So be ready for the outside chance and stay at the Aoiya. As a guard! Misao: It’s all under control! I’ll protect the Aoiya. Leave this to me! Just do what you said . . . about Lord Aoshi . . . Yahiko: Didn’t expect you to be so mercenary. And you were so weepy this afternoon. (Misao and Yahiko start fighting) Misao: I was not weeping! Yahiko: It's just an expression, idiot! (Kenshin and Kaoru are trying to break it up.) Okina: Himura. As Misao said, there’s no need to worry. Defeat the Shishio faction for us! (In fact, all of the Oniwabanshuu are standing on the opposite roof.) Sanosuke: Looks like everyone’s up. We got our sendoff after all. Kenshin (thinking): The Arai family, who entrusted me with the true reverse blade . . . Master Hiko, who taught me the secret technique Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki . . . The friends far away . . . And all the friends gathered here--Now it depends on my heart. There's nothing to fear-- (The next morning, at dawn, Saitou approaches the Aoiya.) Saitou: Everything’s ready. Let’s go. (Kenshin and Sanosuke set out.) Kaoru: Kenshin. We’ll all go back to Tokyo together. Kenshin (smiling): Of course! (In Shisho’s headquarters) Houji: Lord Shishio, I’ve received word from the scouting patrol. Himura, Saitou and Sagara have left the Aoiya. Shishio: All right . . . Houji, assemble the Ten Swords. Houji: Before that, I have a strategy proposal. Shishio: A challenge doesn’t need any strategy. When it’s your turn, you fight till it’s settled--Houji, what are you thinking . . . ? Houji: I’m really only thinking about one thing. Lord Shisho’s unconditional victory. Back to Home To Volume Thirteen To the Next Chapter Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations Volume Thirteen--A Beautiful Night Part 106--Like Snakes and Scorpions Shishio: Unconditional victory? Houji: Yes. Unconditional victory. In this battle against Himura, Saitou and Sagara, we have ten men, counting Lord Shishio, against three. So, we have a clear advantage in both numbers and skill. Yumi: That’s great. So what’s the problem? Houji: But when the enemy is the best of the best . . . If we fight them now, even among the Ten Swords, any one of lesser strength than Chou will be destroyed. Thus, we should chose only our best fighters. These three will come up against Soujirou, Usui and Anji. The remaining six will eliminate those left at the Aoiya! (Yumi looks surprised; Shishio says nothing.) Soujirou: I see! Houji: In the last battle, the Oniwabanshuu of the Aoiya engineered the failure of the Kyoto fire. Not only that, but ever since Himura Battousai arrived in Kyoto, their information network served as his base support! If not for them, we should have succeeded easily. To put it another way, not eliminating them sooner was the cause of our failure. Himura Battousai is clever . . . he may anticipate our using this oppurtunity to attack the Aoiya. But he is, after all, a swordsman. He would never dream of an opponent attacking behind his back after issuing a challenge. He thinks like you, Lord Shishio, and like you, “a challenge, ten against three” was all that was on his mind. Do not forget, our final goal is to take the nation. For this, the best course is to destroy Himura Battousai and his compatriots here and now! Shishio: Houji, since when did you start giving me advice? Surprise attacks or foul play wouldn't bother me. But I challenged Battousai. Changing that would be doubting my confidence as a swordsman. There will be no change! (raising a fist) Stop babbling and call the Ten Swords! Houji: After I prepared to receive violence from that fist, I secretly resolved one thing. As the proverb "The Royal Army is the one who wins" states, the victors write the history books. I will devote body and soul to the plan to make Lord Shishio the victor. (tearing off his gloves) For this, I have chosen my role . . . No matter what base, cowardly things I must do, I will offer Lord Shishio unconditional victory! I don’t care if my countrymen or even Lord Shishio loathes me like snakes or scorpions! Now that we’ve lost the Rengoku, the Ten Swords are our remaining secret weapon. I cannot approve of this foolish plan to waste them! (a pause) Shishio: An enemy might if he had to, but this is the first time an underling has resisted me this far . . . All right, Soujirou. Go call the Ten Swords. (the Ten Swords are assembled in the room.) Henya: . . . Lord Shishio, does this summons mean the next battle is about to begin? Shishio: Before that, I have something to tell you about the last plan. Usui: Yes, yes, I want to hear about that. About the Great Fire of Kyoto being a decoy plan, and us being sacrifices. Saitsuchi: Hmm . . . and what does he mean by that, Lord Shishio? Shishio: Ah, I knew I hadn't heard the last of that. The truth is, you were supposed to be with me on the Rengoku during the last battle when we sailed for Tokyo. But the decoy plan was more flashy, and Houji changed the orders without my consent. Isn’t that right, Houji. (Sweat breaks out on Houji’s face, but he gets down on his knees.) Houji: Yes . . . it was all my doing. I ask your forgiveness. Kamatari: Oh, I knew Lord Shishio wouldn’t betray us! Usui: So that’s how it is. Then Houji must be punished. (he kneels down beside him.) Tell the truth, Houji. (laying a hand over Houji’s) You can’t lie before my mind’s eye. If you tell the truth, we can settle this without pain. Houji: I . . . I don't understand. Usui: Nothing on your own? (He snaps off his thumbnail. Houji screams.) Kamatari: Oh God ow. Yumi: Lord Shishio . . . Usui: You want to say something now? Houji: I can only tell the truth. The decision to betray seven of the Ten Swords was all my own. In atonement-- (he rips off his own fingernails with his teeth) I want all doubt or mistrust of Lord Shishio to be torn out with these seven nails! Shishio: Your orders for the next battle! Sou, Usui, Anji, you will stay and face Battousai with me! Saitsuchi, Fuji, Henya, Kamatari, Iwanbou, go to the Aoiya and take the heads of all you find there! Houji, you’ll stay here. You won’t be able to fight with those hands. Houji: Lord Shishio . . . Shishio: I saw the strength of your resolution. After this I'll leave the dirty work to you. In return, you'll be the first to taste the sweetness of victory. At my side. (The door at the end of the hall, open just a crack, closes.) Aoshi (thinking): Battousai is coming . . . ! Shishio: First to fight is Anji! Your target is the one behind the destruction of the Rengoku, Sagara Sanosuke. And I don’t just want his head. Rip out his skull and bring it to me. (Outside) Sanosuke: Rokutsurane no Hakone. This is it. All right, let’s do it! The Making of the Characters--Sadoshima Houji I got the idea from the character Forge from my favorite American comic X-Men. (Houji’s name is kind of a pun on this.) It’s not so much his personality, but this position in the organization. The character Forge doesn't fight directly, but he invents all kinds of machines and is a support character for his friends. I thought it would be interesting to have a character in the Ten Swords who wasn’t a fighter but supported the organization in other ways, and eventually came up with Houji. At first he was just a stupid guy who was always surprised, and I thought "Maybe this didn't work . . . " But actually, he ended up being the number two in the organization (like Hijikata Toshizou or Shokatsu Ryoukoumetsu) which I've always liked, so ideas started flowing and he ended up being one of my favorite characters. This is giving it away, but Houji has a cool part at the end of the Kyoto story. Don't miss it! (or so I say, even though he probably doesn't have any fans.) As for the design, people say he's from Giant Robot, but he's not. Houji is 100% Watsuki Nobuhiro and I'm proud of him. There have been a lot in the earlier books, and my readers like good-looking characters (men or women) but as for me, I don't think it's enough. I think it's important to draw monsters and evil-looking characters as well, and that's why I put a lot of effort into them. (First of all, if all the characters were good-looking, the idea of beauty would be lost and we wouldn't be able to tell which ones are supposed to be beautiful. My only regrets are about his costume. I wanted to draw Western clothes from that era, but when the time came I had to work with the information I had . . . Back to Home To Volume Thirteen To the Next Chapter Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations Volume Thirteen--A Beautiful Night Part 107--Bright King Yumi: Lord Shishio, this might not be for me to say, but aren't you a little worried about Brother Anji fighting Sagara Sanosuke? The only one who could have taught that man the Futae no Kiwami is the priest himself . . . Since he's gone so far already, could he hold back during the fight out of compassion . . . ? Shishio: You don't have to say it. The possibility is there. Anji may be a fallen monk but he lives in accordance with Buddhism. (In his chamber, Anji stares at a small statue of a Boddhisattva.) Shishio: He has the most compassion of all the Ten Swords. Yet-- (Anji smashes it.) Shishio: He acts far more out of divine wrath than compassion. (Inside the statue is a small black tablet. Anji tucks it inside his shirt.) Shishio: The Bright King Anji has no mercy for those who stand in the way of redeeming the world. Stop worrying about it, Yumi. There's something I want you to do. (Kenshin, Sanosuke and Saitou walk through the gates to the main doors. A figure stands in front of them.) Kenshin: Someone's . . . there. Yumi: Welcome. We've been expecting you. Inside, the depths become a labyrinth. So that you will not lose your way, I, the unworthy Komagata Yumi, shall be your guide. Sanosuke: Using a woman to make us careless . . . He's full of tricks. Be careful. Saitou: Only you'd fall for such a weak trap. Sanosuke: ! Kenshin: Shishio's not so desperate. Sanosuke: !! Yumi: Please follow me. (They cross a narrow bridge across an underground gorge.) Kenshin: This is more of a maze than a cavern. A single misstep would probably plunge us into a storm of traps. It's a very elaborate system of defense. Yumi (before she opens the door before them): Oh yes, I almost forgot. I have a message from Lord Shishio. Each battle must be man to man, to the end. One man waits in each room. Each time, you must choose one to fight him. The other two must do nothing to help. Sanosuke: Great! A fight's gotta be man-to-man! Saitou: I don't care, but having this all neatly arranged annoys me. Just give me my opponent. Yumi: And you, Mr. Himura? Kenshin: It's fine. But after the match, no matter who it is, I will not give the finishing stroke. I know this is a fight to the finish, but I will not take part in a duel to the death. Yumi (giggling): You're so sweet. Well, then, the first match. (The doors open onto a gigantic statue.) Kenshin: Acala, the god of fire? Saitou: How flashy. One of the Ten Swords is a monk? Sanosuke: Yeah . . . a fallen monk, who lost his footing on the way . . . There's something I want to ask this guy. This one's mine. (Sanosuke and Anji square off, staring each other down.) Kenshin: Miss Komagata, who is he? Yumi: The Bright King Anji. He's good. Kenshin (thinking): Anji . . . so he's the one that saved Miss Misao, third strongest of the Ten Swords . . . I don't know how you met, but be careful, Sano. This is no ordinary man. Sanosuke: Hey. It's been a month or so now. I thought we'd met again, but not like this. Anji: I, too, never dreamed of this. So all you said at Shimosuwa about hating the Meiji government was a lie. You have abused my trust. Sanosuke: You're the one who can't be trusted, you shitty monk! You're helping the crazy twisted Shishio destroy--what happened to saving the world?? Anji: Nothing happened. This destruction is the first step to salvation. Sanosuke: WHAT?? Anji: Listen. You think saving the world means liberating everyone from confusion and pain. I thought so too. When I followed the Buddha's path I prayed for it with all my heart. But the real world isn't like that. It is full of beasts and demons unworthy of being saved. These beasts in human form steal the future from those with pure hearts . . . After the turmoil of the Bakumatsu we entered the Meiji era. However, in the sudden transformation the wanton, corrupt men who cannot be saved went too far. To save those who must be saved, one must punish those who cannot be saved. For this purpose, I, Bright King Anji of the Ten Swords, shall accept the divine wrath of Acala. This world will be destroyed, razed to the ground, and returned to nothing. Those who should be saved will be saved, those who should be punished will be punished, when their hearts are judged for their next lives. This will truly be the salvation of the world. Do you understand, Sagara Sanosuke? Sanosuke: I don't understand, freak! I don't know all this religious crap like you, but I do know one thing! I don't accept your way of saving the world! Kenshin: Sano! (Sanosuke charges, hitting the wall next to Anji with the Futae no Kiwami.) Kenshin: That's what we saw on the Rengoku . . . Saitou: That's the third time. I guess it wasn't just a fluke. Sanosuke: I've trained with hundreds of boulders since Shimosuwa till I got to Kyoto. I've mastered the Futae no Kiwami. Give it up, Anji. I don't want to use what you taught me against you. Anji: Mastered . . . ? Don't be arrogant, boy. (He punches the wall, making a crater.) Anji: What I taught you was just one of the basics. This is mastery. Back to Home To Volume Thirteen To the Next Chapter Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations Volume Thirteen--A Beautiful Night Part 108--A Difference of Strength Acala-- Acala embodies divine wrath, the god who protects faith. Because of his great strength, demons surrender to him, and he punishes the foolish masses who cannot be saved. Anji: What I taught you was just one of the basics. This is mastery. Sanosuke (thinking): That was the Futae no Kiwami with both hands and both feet. And his left hand wasn't even a fist, he used his elbow . . . Kenshin: Sano! (Sanosuke drops down to avoid Anji's next punch.) Sanosuke: Damn . . . Saitou: Want me to take your place? Sanosuke: Shut up! Anji: I don't care if you don't accept my idea of salvation. But I will show no mercy to those who stand in my way. Sanosuke (thinking): No kidding! Forget hands and feet, with that attitude he could do the Futae no Kiwami with his head. All I've got is my right fist . . . But I'm not backing off! Anji: I thought you were smarter than that. Saitou: Looks like you were wrong. Sanosuke: I told you to shut up! Kenshin: Sano! Don't worry! In kenjutsu two-sword style isn't necessarily better than single sword technique! Even if you are kind of dense, if you think you'll find some way to win! Sanosuke (fuming): Everyone's calling me stupid. But I think I see my chance now. Yumi: Hang on, Mr. Himura. This is supposed to be a man-to-man fight with no outside help. Kenshin: I know, that's why I'm using my mouth and not my hands. Saitou (thinking): What a sweet-talker. (Kenshin hums innocently.) Yumi (thinking): Jerk! Anji: A chance of victory? . . . foolish. You have nothing of the kind. Sanosuke: Well, whether I do or not--gimme your best shot! (Anji punches. Sanosuke ducks to the side, close to his body.) Sanosuke (thinking): Just like I thought! Anji, you turned your whole body into a mass of muscle mastering the Futae no Kiwami. But all that muscle is too heavy--your body can't cope with the speed of my fists! The Futae no Kiwami destroys in one attack! So if I just get in one good punch, I can win! Kenshin: He hit! (Anji gives him a disparaging look.) Sanosuke: Wh--what? Kenshin (thinking): When he took Sano's Futae no Kiwami, he punched himself at the same time, and the instant transmission of shock canceled the two punches out . . . !! Anji: I'll say it once again. This is mastery. (He punches, and Sanosuke goes flying.) Kenshin: Sano! Sanosuke (regaining his balance): Damn that was close. Can't believe there's a way to dodge the Futae no Kiwami-- (The full impact hits him, and he coughs blood.) Sanosuke (thinking): . . . He just grazed me, but the shock . . . It's the same Futae no Kiwami, but totally different from mine . . . Anji: Retreat. This time, I'll let you go. (A long pause.) Saitou: I was being nice when I said I'd take his place. He's not going to get out of this with a joke. Yumi: Wait a minute, Brother Anji! Lord Shishio said to kill him! Anji: Stay out of this! I have freedom over matters of life and death. Sanosuke: Matters of life and death? In other words, it's up to you whether I live or die? So you really are the Bright King. You must feel pretty good. (Anji says nothing.) Sanosuke: You take orders from Shishio about these matters of life and death. So Shishio must be the head Buddha, huh? Anji: I don't take orders. I agree that the Meiji government must be destroyed. I'm only lending my strength for this purpose. If Mr. Shishio's new age is not the salvation of the world, then I will become his enemy and destroy it as well. Sanosuke: So you don't want the destruction to ever end? I hate the Meiji government. I can't forgive it for what it's done. Even now sometimes I want to destroy it. But in this age there are people doing their best to live. And there are people who believe in their future and will fight for it! You can despair as much as you want, Anji. But as long as I've got hope, I won't let you choose who gets to live and who has to die! I will not lose! There's no way I'm gonna lose! Saitou (to Kenshin): This all right? It's not even a fight anymore. He'll torture him to death by inches. Kenshin: "There's no way I'm gonna lose." Sano said the very same thing to me when we fought. But this "I'm not gonna lose" means a lot more. Back to Home To Volume Thirteen To the Next Chapter Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations Volume Thirteen--A Beautiful Night Part 109--Fists of Conviction (Sanosuke attacks again and again, with little effect.) Saitou: If they're not using the Futae no Kiwami, it'll be a long fight. But he hasn't got a prayer against that wall of muscle. The deciding factor is going to have to be the Futae no Kiwami. Look how Anji is focused on his right hand. Kenshin: Sano knows that. He hasn't used his right hand at all. Yumi: Enough already! How long are you going to waste time with that boy! I'm sorry about what I said before, okay? Just hurry up and finish him! (Sanosuke is sweating and breathing hard; Anji looks untouched.) Anji: It may be unsportsmanlike, but it's time we settled this. It's too bad I must kill a man who could master in a week what took me a full month. At least you can taste for yourself my salvation of the world as you die! Saitou: This is it. If you're going to stop them, it has to be now. Kenshin: You seem pretty worried about Sano. Saitou: Don't be ridiculous. What I'm worried about is the effect his death is going to have on your morale. Kenshin: It's all right. Sano won't lose. Sanosuke: Let's do it!! (They charge) Yumi: I knew it! When it comes to fists, Brother Anji is definitely the best! Anji: From the nether world assure yourself of the world's salvation! (He punches Sanosuke full in the chest.) Yumi: He got him. Anji (raising a hand in prayer): Namu Amida Buddha. Sanosuke: Hang on there. It's a little too soon to start praying for the dead. (He has blocked, like Anji, by punching himself at the exact same instant.) Anji (thinking): It couldn't be--the Kiwami Hazushi? (Sanosuke smashes him in the face.) Sanosuke: That's the fight! (Anji is sprawled out on the floor; Kenshin, Saitou and Yumi come down from the balcony.) Saitou: A win's a win, but that was a one in a million fluke. Sanosuke: I don't know about that. It was definitely one in a million returning Anji's right cross Futae no Kiwami. But I didn't just make up the block out of desperation or anything. I knew I could do it with the fists that I bet my life on learning the Futae no Kiwami. It might have been one in a million, but it was no fluke. Yumi: I can't believe it . . . Brother Anji . . . Sanosuke: Don't worry. Anji's not dead. He just took the shock of the Futae no Kiwami. He should be out for a day or so . . . (But even as he says it, Anji's fingers curl into a fist, and he gets to his feet.) Sanosuke (thinking): That's crazy . . . he took the Futae no Kiwami full on . . . (Anji spits blood, then parts his shirt to reveal the tablet, now cracked.) Sanosuke: A mortuary tablet . . . ? Kenshin: That's enough, Anji. The fight's over. To tell the truth, in strength alone you have the upper hand. But now Sano's strength isn't in fists alone. For the sake of those he wants to protect, he's holding on to the belief that he can't lose. That strength surpasses yours and your desire to save the world. Anji . . You saved Miss Misao's life. I can't believe you're bad at heart. What would harden you into the Bright King--and whose remains would you conceal in your breast even on the battlefield . . .? Anji: . . . These are the spirits of those pure at heart that I could not save. It began ten years ago, on the night of the Haibutsu Kaishaku . . . . Back to Home To Volume Thirteen To the Next Chapter Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations Volume Thirteen--A Beautiful Night Part 110--A World Hard to Save Haibutsu Kishaku, the Anti-Buddhist Movement In Keion 4 (the first year of Meiji), the Meiji government, in the name of accord between church and state, decreed that Shinto and Buddhism be separated to reduce Buddhism's influence. However, as this form of anti-Buddhism was embraced by the general public, it resulted in a storm of Buddhism oppression and the destruction of countless temples, altars and texts. It is known as the Haibutsu Kishaku. Now, this storm will rip through one man's soul-- Meiji 2 (1869) In distant, snowy Ezo (now Hokkaido) the war between the government and the shogunal army still rages. But this mountain village is already conquered and spring has come. (A younger, thinner Anji and five children are working in the fields beside the Juuraku temple. One boy is holding the baby's toy just out of reach as the baby cries.) Anji: Hey, Tasuke, please don't tease Gorou . . . (The oldest girl bonks them both.) Tsubaki: Tasuke! Quit teasing Gorou! Gorou, quit crying over nothing! Now go get back to work! (They scurry off.) Tsubaki: You too, Father! When you're angry, you have to harden your heart and get mad! You're way too nice to them . . . Anji: I guess you're right . . . But I'm not good at getting angry. I'm sorry. Tsubaki: Well, I guess that's how you are. Little girl: Tsuba--ki---! Tsubaki: What is it now! Little girl: There's a snake--! Tsubaki: All right, leave this to me! (Anji smiles.) (One of three men at the gate): Anji. Anji, are you here? Anji: Mr. Mayor? (Later, inside.) Anji: Leave the village? Man: You've heard about the Haibutsu Kishaku. We met and decided to obey Meiji policy by tearing down the temple. Anji: Wait a minute. It doesn't matter what happens to me, but what about the children? They lost their parents in the Boshin War. They don't have anywhere else to live . . . Mayor: Of course they'll leave. They have to leave. Tsubaki's father, the old mayor, and his followers fought for the Bakufu. Our standing with the government is perilously low. (as he leaves, to his men) Luckily I have friends in the prefectural government. If we play our cards right it will mean riches for the village. The temple, the monk and his brats are just in our way! (The children rush in.) Girl: The temple's going to be knocked down? Tasuke: They're kicking us out? Tsubaki: I'm sorry, Father. This is my dad's fault. Anji: Don't apologize. I know all your father wanted was to bring peace more quickly. There's nothing for you all to worry about. Cheer up. Your parents would want you to be happy. That's what I want too. We're not going to cause trouble for the village by staying here. What do you think about moving out and finding a new place to live? Where should we go? Kids: I want Tokyo. Tokyo's the best! I want to go to Kyoto! I want Hakodate! Stupid, Hakodate's right in the middle of the fighting. Anji (thinking, as he gazes up at the Kwan Yin statue): Great Buddha. Such terrible things have happened to these children . . . Somehow, let them have a better future . . . . Please, watch over them. (Outside) Man: Mr. Mayor. Aren't you being a little easy on them? Mayor: Hm? Man: It's not like you're up against any church-goers. It's just a run-down temple, a poor monk and a bunch of dirty kids. You can do whatever you want with them, no one's going to complain. And the goodwill of the government has its limits. If you drag your heels on this, some other village's going to get all the good stuff. Mayor. Hmm. (smiling slightly) I guess you're right. (Later that night. The kids are asleep. Anji prays under a waterfall, until something makes up look up. He rushes back to the temple, to find it ablaze.) Anji (running): Tsubaki--Tasuke--Gorou--the children! (Two men hit him across the back of the head; he falls, bleeding.) Man: All right, that's all of them. Go tell the Mayor. (The children are huddled together in front of the Kwan Yin, surrounded on all sides by flame.) (That morning. Anji falls to his knees in the temple's wreckage, screaming in rage and grief.) Anji (before the Kwan Yin): Why . . . Why did you abandon these children . . . (Tsubaki's burnt arm is visible in the wreckage, her prayer beads still on her wrist.) You too, Father! When you're angry, you just have to harden your heart and get mad! You're way too nice . . . (Anji clasps the hand. His own hands come away streaked with ash. He draws two dark circles under his eyes, gritting his teeth in rage.) And so five years later-- (Anji holds up the mayor, amid the bodies of the other men responsible.) Mayor: I--I'm sorry--just--don't kill me! Anji: Namu Amida Buddha. (He claps his hands together on his head, decapitating him.) (In the present--) Anji: Do you understand? Prayers and wishes couldn't save anything. This is all there is--to save this world hard to save . . . !! Until these children can pass through the wheel of reincarnation and be reborn, Bright King Anji cannot lose! Kenshin: Anji! Sanosuke (putting out a hand): Stand aside. Kenshin: Sano . . . Sanosuke: You can't stop him with reason. This is where the fists have to come out. Come on, Anji! Answer these fists! The Makings of the Characters--Tsubaki and the Children I already had an image of Anji's past, and I came up with them to fit it. At first I thought of not five but an entire orphanage, but that would have been too hard to draw. (But this one ended up being hard anyway. Assistants, I'm sorry.) I got letters from readers saying "Anji looks like Colossus in the X-men Fatal Attraction story," after reading about Anji's past. I guess he does look like him. But I thought of the character close to a year ago, and I read the Fatal Attraction story (the Japanese edition) afterwards, so it can't have influenced me. I think it's natural that they be similar in feel, though, since I like the X-men so much. I also got letters saying "I think Tsubaki likes Anji," and maybe I think so too. These tragic episodes are easy to imagine, but hard to draw; they take a lot out of you. After I finished this, I decided light stories are better. There was no real model for the design. Some people thought that Tsubaki was based on Kyou Kusanagi from King of Fighters, but that's looking at this too closely. Can't we be a little kinder to the manga?(laughs.) Tsubaki's headband is simply a way of making her look different from Kaoru or Misao, and doesn't have any other deep meaning. (But I did pick it out of a fashion magazine, so maybe that's my model.) Back to Home To Volume Thirteen To the Next Chapter Rurouni Kenshin Manga Translations Volume Thirteen--A Beautiful Night Part 111--Fists Can't Tell (Sanosuke and Anji trade blow after bloody blow.) Yumi: What is this . . . They're both using the Futae no Kiwami, but neither one can finish the other. Kenshin: No . . . I wouldn't be surprised if one had already defeated the other. They're both only going on by believing they cannot lose. Their spirits have long overcome their bodies. Since the Futae no Kiwami isn't the deciding factor anymore, the fight is completely even. Saitou: You really think so? Didn't you notice? He's one of the Ten Swords, but he's not a swordsman. So why is he carrying that sword-- (Anji pulls the short sword from his belt and drives it into the ground. The force throws Sanosuke back with considerable force.) Kenshin: A long-range attack-- Saitou: I see . . . so the sword transmits the effects of the Futae no Kiwami through the floor. (Sanosuke pulls himself to his feet.) Yumi: Then it's over. The rooster-head can't attack now. (Anji raises the sword again.) Kenshin: Jump, Sano! (Sanosuke leaps up, fist back to deliver a blow. Anji looks up, drawing back his own fist.) Kenshin: Oh no, he saw it coming-- (The fists come together in slow motion, once--) Sanosuke (thinking): That's enough, Anji. You've lived with your pain long enough. You have to accept that your life as one of the walking wounded is over. Anji (thinking): I'm wounded, but I no longer feel pain. I continue to fight as the Bright King to bring about the salvation of the world that the children who perished the in the flames want of me! Sanosuke (someone sensing this thoughts and thinking): You goddamn idiot! (The fists collide a second time--and Sanosuke strikes a third time with his open palm.) Sanosuke (thinking): You don't understand anything! (Anji's fist comes away broken and bloody. He hits the floor hard.) Kenshin: That was . . . (thinking) After the Futae no Kiwami, he added one more attack by snapping all five fingers out . . . a Sanjuu no Kiwami. (Anji gets to his feet and raises a fist.) Sanosuke: Those kids don't want you to save the world. They want their priest, who survived, to be happy . . . Look. (pointing at the tablet) It's soaked with your blood. Can't you hear them crying that it hurts? (Anji freezes.) Sanosuke: You thought so much of them, it twisted you . . . You have to understand how they'd feel. (Anji is defeated.) A Beautiful Night--End The Making of the Characters Supplement--Yuukyuuzan Anji After I finished writing the Anji story and revising it, I realized I'm still pretty inexperienced at this. Reader response has been pretty much positive, but this is only three-quarters of the original . . . I got carried away drawing it, and by the time I realized, I'd already spent five weeks on it. Drawing any further could have got in the way of the flow of the story, so I couldn't help but cut it . . . (In the original plot, there was a whole other chapter about the Sanjuu no Kiwami stopping Anji's heart for an instant.) Like I said in the previous "Makings of," planning the stories is fun, but when it comes to drawing the manuscripts it's just so much work . . . If you read closely I think you'll understand that from just what I've written here, Anji's heart is not yet saved. He has only stopped spinning out of control when the story ends I read somewhere that "Man, in the end, can save only one other at the cost of a lifetime of toil," (I think this was an essay about religion after the Aum sarin gas attack.) I felt strongly, drawing this story, that it's true for the manga world as much of the real one. I want to do something, but . . . What happens to Anji next is still vague, but I've got some ideas, so if I get the chance, I'll draw another story about him. It'll probably be sad, though . . . Back to Home To Volume Thirteen