The Disclaimer and background info: The Book: Magic Knight RayEarth 2 Volume 3, Kodansha Comics Deluxe #698. ISBN4-06-319698-4, retailed at 680 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha, 1996. First printing: April 23, `1996. This "script" was written as an _aid_ for those who wanted to read the Japanese manga (as the US version is not available yet... someday I hope it will be.....)... not for sale or for commercial/public use. Please keep it for your own personal use. Thanks. Thanks to all of ye for your patience in waiting for me to put this up. Fuu ( Magic Knight RayEarth 2 -- Volume 3, Version 1.0 % indicates lines not spoken $ indicates flashback lines [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates footnotes < > indicates sounds << >> indicates spells, {} indicate the original kanji used P.3 P.4 PRESEA She came to. HIKARU I...... UMI You went inside the Road of light that one of the attacking countries created, and you fainted. HIKARU .... Oh yeah. There was a battleship inside the Road..... CALDINA A battleship.... That would be Autozam. FUU But.... Why was Hikaru-san able to enter a Road when Umi-san couldn't? P.5 UMI I don't know..... HIKARU %.... That was...... %Eagle of Autozam.... %... he had beautiful eyes.... %Beautiful, yet sad eyes.... PRESEA Hikaru? What's wrong? Do you still feel ill? HIKARU No, I'm okay. I don't hurt anywhere. P.6 UMI Really? You're not doing something outrageous again, are you? FUU Umi-san was really anxious until you woke up, Hikaru-san. UMI Fuu, you too! You looked really worried! HIKARU ..... Thank you. P.7 [MOKONA: Puu puu!] HIKARU You worried about me too, Mokona? Thank you. [Butting in... with a backhand punch!] CALDINA This fluffy ol' thing was just watching absentmindedly. PRESEA Yes. While I was giving you the medication, it hung on my hair... ... kept running around me..... .... and it was just being in the way. Moo...... Koooo.... Naaaaaaa...... P.8 PRESEA Looks like it's time to punish you... it's been a while! So..... should I test whether those eyes really open!? ... Or should I see how much stuff fits into your mouth!? Weeeelll!! It's time to have some fuuuuuun! CALDINA I'll help---! PRESEA O-hohohohoho! UMI It's been a while since I've seen Presea lose herself. FUU It is great to see that she is still so energetic. P.9 [MOKONA: Pupupu---!] HIKARU %The ornament...... %..... turned yellow.....? PRESEA Prepare for punishment--!! P.10 HIKARU %Mm....? It's red again...... %Was it just me....? P.11 P.12 EAGLE Can I ask you to stop attacking Cephiro? TARTA, ASUKA NO! EAGLE Why are you invading Cephiro? ASUKA I'm gonna be the Pillar of Cephiro and make that country a happy place full of candy!! P.15 EAGLE Full of candy. That sounds fun. But what about Fahren, your country? ASUKA I'll make both countries happy. [humph] EAGLE .... That is not possible. ASUKA Why!? EAGLE Cephiro's Pillar is not allowed to love anything but Cephiro. If you were to have something that you care about besides Cephiro..... P.14 EAGLE .... that country will easily crumble.... like this. The two princesses from Chizeta -- why are you going to Cephiro? TARTA To expand Chizeta's empire!! P.15 EAGLE Are you trying to make Cephiro into the agricultural and residential portion of your empire? TARTA I have no intentions of putting pressure onto the people of Cephiro! EAGLE Even if you don't mean to, if you invade.... you will definitely end up fighting with those that live there. You would invade regardless...... ...... It seems difficult to become the Pillar of Cephiro unless you are willing to sacrifice your life for the sake of the country. P.16 TATRA And you? What about you? I have heard about the Pillar of Cephiro. That the Pillar is the center of that world, the one that supports the whole country with Willpower.... That cannot be done unless you are willing to live and die with the country. I also know a little about Autozam. The atmosphere of that country is too harsh for man to live in.... P.17 TATRA Is the reason that Autozam is attacking Cephiro to figure out the Pillar system, where all the laws of the world are controlled by the Pillar? Or is it to make Cephiro itself the new land for the people of Autozam to live in? .... Cephiro is a dangerous country..... Are you willing to die for that country? P.18 EAGLE I know why both of you are attacking Cephiro now. But I cannot retreat, either. I will wait three hours in our time. If you promise that you will not invade Cephiro, I will release Doumu and Bravada. But, if you say that you still wish to fight.... P.19 EAGLE You will have to deal with us first. P.20 ZAZU Eagle seems a bit scary.... GEO ..... so he is hiding something from us. ZAZU Eh? P.21 GEO Well, it looks like we're hanging out for three hours. Let's have some tea. [ZAZU: Um... okay...] You don't want that booze that I promised you? ZAZU IwantitIwantitIwantitIwantit---! GEO I'll bring some teatime sweets so invite Eagle too. ZAZU Okay. P.22 GEO This is Eagle's medical data. Analyze this within three hours. %.... Eagle.... you..... P.23 UMI %But.... %Why was Hikaru able to pass through the Road when I couldn't.....? Ascot! P.24 UMI What are you doing? ASCOT Um... getting some food.... UMI Those are Cephiro's fruits, right? Oh, I've eaten this before! Mokona gave it to us! I love it. What's wrong, Ascot? Your face is all red. ASCOT No, no, no, nothing...! P.25 UMI Ah! I've seen you before. Is everyone okay? Are these fruits for the people in the residential district? Everyone is helping each other. That's really kind. Ugh... I can't reach... [I can't pat you on the head...] But you sure grew. It's probably because your Heart Matured. ASCOT Thanks to the Magic Knights.... P.26 ASCOT Thanks to you... who scolded me when I was wrong... UMI You're making me blush.... I'll help! We have to collect the fruits that grow here? Thanks--! P.27 FUU Umi-san! UMI Oh, hi Fuu! FERIO What are you doing? UMI Getting fruit. See? FUU Oh! You have so much! UMI Heheheh... I've always been good at this kind of stuff -- from when I was a little kindergartner. FUU Umi-san, have you seen Hikaru-san around? P.28 UMI Eh? Isn't she sleeping in her room? FUU She's not there. FERIO Fuu asked me, and I've been looking around with her, but she's not here. UMI Oooooohhhh!!! When we take our eyes off her for one second....!!! P.29 CLEF %There still is no sign of a new Path appearing.... %That means there is no one worthy of becoming a Pillar in Cephiro %yet....... %Or.... %It's a Path that I can't perceive..... %I do not know where the Path to the Pillar is, or what it is like. %The only ones that know are the Pillars themselves.... PP.30-31 CLEF %I am not wishing for a birth of another Pillar... %Princess Emeraude... %This country that you Protected using your life.... %If you knew how I feel now, would you think I am at fault...? %Or..... P.32 HIKARU Well, I'm going now, Mokona. It's okay, I'll be right back. [MOKONA: Puu puu!!] UMI Hikaru---!! HIKARU [eh, eh?] What's wrong, everyone? UMI WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WHAT'S WRONG!!!? FUU We were looking for you. P.33 HIKARU Eh.... why? UMI WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WHY!!!? Where do you think you're going, right after you collapsed!? HIKARU I thought about going outside..... UMI OUTSIDE-----!?!? [Fuu: Please, calm down...] P.34 FUU You are not completely well. You should not go out. HIKARU I'm all right, I feel fine! UMI YOU'RE NOT FINE!!! FERIO [Calm down...] Why do you want to go outside? The only thing outside right now is land that is ready to crumble. .... Do you want to see if there is a Path to the Pillar somewhere? P.35 FERIO In the last battle, you.... were not able to see nor understand anything for yourselves. HIKARU Ferio.... FERIO I understand. BUT! I won't let you go alone. I'll go with you! HIKARU Eh!? But...!! P.36 FERIO Sometimes I go out with Lafarga to tell Guru Clef about the condition of Cephiro. Although I can't be a guide because the landscape keeps changing, I should be able to help. FUU Then I will come along with you too. UMI I'll go too, of course!! ASCOT I'll go too! I can't wait here at the castle... I won't take no for an answer! UMI Ascot... HIKARU But, but....! P.37 HIKARU It's like an ocean outside! We don't have anything for transportation....! UMI Mokona! You gotta have something! Something to ride in!!! HIKARU (? speaker uncertain) Waaaa....... UMI See, you CAN do it. P.38 FUU Since there are three.... FERIO [hmmm....] Two people each? [MOKONA: Puu puu] HIKARU Mo... Mokona! FERIO Then let's go together. [MOKONA: Pupuuuuu---! Puu Puu] [MOKONA: Puu puu] UMI Why do you get to assign pairs, Mokona? [MOKONA: Puu puuuuuuuuuu Mokona is very satisfied.] P.39 FERIO You okay with me? FUU Y, yes.... UMI Oh well. Hope you don't mind, Ascot. [MOKONA: Puuuuuuuuuu!] PP.40-41 HIKARU %This is..... Cephiro.... now...... %A pillar is necessary after all for this country to regain its beauty... P.42 HIKARU %But is that the only Way!? %Is there another Way.....!? P.43 HIKARU Umi-chan! Fuu-chan! P.44 ASCOT <>!! {guard, electric, break, extreme} P.45 FUU Thank you very much! FERIO You're welcome. UMI Ascot, was that a summoning spell? ASCOT It's my own magic. Guru Clef taught it to me. I can't rely on others forever. P.46 UMI It was cool. HIKARU %Where is the Path to the Pillar!? P.47 HIKARU %But, if a new Pillar is born... %Another person will not be Allowed to Love Someone... %And someday, Magic Knights will be summoned from another world. %Just like we were..... P.48 HIKARU %And.... %That tragic battle will be repeated.....! Why..... Why can't they fall in love......? P.49 HIKARU Mokona. People can't live all alone... Can't fall in love with anyone. Can't come to understand anyone. That is too sad..... [MOKONA: Puu] P.50 EAGLE %Lantis.... $ (Geo) $Would someone usually oversleep on a day like this? $ (Eagle) $I did remember that there was a military festival today... [$GEO: Yes, yes, you're always like this. Eagle looks absentminded.] P.51 $ (Geo) $Oh yeah. About Lantis... $He declined the offer to be officially registered as a fighter $of the Autozam army. $ (Eagle) $... Geo, I'm going to borrow your bike. $ (Geo) $Eh!? $What are you going to do about the festival!? $ (Eagle) $Tell them that I'm still asleep. P.52 $ (Geo) $You know your dad's going to yell at me for this---!! $ (Lantis) $ ..... <>. {elemental, beast, summon} P.53 $ (Eagle) $Lantis! $..... you're returning to Cephiro? $To end the Pillar system of Cephiro? $ (Lantis) $ ..... Yeah. $ (Eagle) $Is there a way? P.54 $ (Lantis) $The Pillar must travel through the Path to the Pillar and accept a $Challenge. $Only the past Pillars know where that Path is.... $ (Eagle) $You plan to find, and destroy, that Path. $ (Lantis) $ .... Yeah. $ (Eagle) $Will your life be at risk...? $..... It will be, isn't it.... P.55 $ (Eagle) $Use my hovercraft. $I can't lend you FTO because Zazu will get mad at me. $But I think this is faster than your seijyu. $ (Lantis) $.... Eagle. $ (Eagle) $.... It is what you decided. You will go through with it no matter $what happens. P.56 $ (Eagle) $I have decided something now too. $ (Lantis) $.... What did you decide...? $ (Eagle) $A little secret. LANTIS %.... Eagle. P.57 LANTIS %What you decided.... %was to invade Cephiro. ..... Do I have to fight against you....? P.58 SANYUN It is the promised time, Asuka-sama. What will you answer to Autozam? ASUKA ..... Cephiro is what it is now...... ..... because it lost its ruler? P.59 CHANAN Yes. The Pillar system of Cephiro completely differs from the Emperor- based ruling in our Fahren. The Pillar supports all order within the country with the power of his Will. You could say that the Pillar is the country. ASUKA Why did Cephiro's princess pass away? CHANAN I do not know. But I had not heard of the princess falling to an illness. Whether it be an accident or a will of the Heaven, or even a plan by another person... it is only known that she disappeared suddenly one day. ASUKA We will go to Cephiro. P.60 ASUKA I will go to Cephiro. To see with my own eyes. Why the Pillar passed away. Why Cephiro is about ready to collapse... SANYUN .... Not to become the Pillar of Cephiro? ASUKA I love Fahren. I love Grandpa {Chanan}, Sanyun, and everyone that lives in my country. I can't possibly love Cephiro and only Cephiro. P.61 ASUKA I must rule over Fahren. To be able to rule Fahren, I want to know what happened in Cephiro. No, I think I need to know. Am I still being selfish? CHANAN You have grown up..... I will prepare for battle against Autozam. ASUKA Sanyun... P.62 ASUKA We will be fighting Autozam. I'm worried that I'm putting everyone in danger. SANYUN I believe what you have decided is the right thing to do, Asuka-sama. There will be a lot learned by going to Cephiro. That is probably why Chanan-sama decided to go along with your plan. He believes in you, Asuka-sama. We all believe in you. I hope you will believe in all of us too. ASUKA Yup! P.63 SANYUN .... and I will protect you. ASUKA Sanyun.... Thank you. P.64 TATRA It's time. TARTA We're going to Cephiro! TATRA You don't mind being called invaders? P.65 TARTA We're going! I can't turn back just because a commander from Autozam said something! TATRA Can I guess what you're thinking? Even if we turn back now, Autozam will invade Cephiro. Autozam has a lot at stake. They can't survive much longer with their atmospheric conditions. P.66 TATRA Whether Autozam wants the cleaner air of Cephiro, or only their Pillar system, they cannot avoid fighting the people that live there. Cephiro is a magical country that moves everything with willpower. But, because it has been peaceful for so long, it doesn't have an army. It is not certain whether it can win against an enemy from another country. So you want to fight Autozam for them. P.67 TATRA You can talk to the people of Cephiro, Tarta. And you can give up if they don't like your ideas about expanding our territory. But that's not the case for Autozam. There might be bloodshed. P.68 TATRA You're such a good girl, Tarta. TARTA What do you want to do, sister? TATRA Me? I don't care if cute little Tarta is happy. TATRA We will now fight the battleship from Autozam. To your places! P.69 TARTA Sister... TATRA That commander from Autozam is strong. TARTA He has enough mental energy to pierce through the road that we created. TATRA Not only that. TARTA Eh? TATRA .... Tarta. Remember this. A man who is "prepared to die" is strong. P.70 TATRA The only person that can win against such a person is the one who "knows the value of his life". P.71 [ZAZU: My, that was delicious. The best thing that goes with cake is booze.] GEO Give me the analysis results for Eagle's medical data. P.72 EAGLE It is now time. Have you come to a decision? ASUKA I will go to Cephiro. TARTA Me too. P.73 EAGLE I see.... .... Then we shall begin. P.74 HIKARU <>!! FERIO You guys are really strong now, Magic Knights. FUU .... That reminds me. Why are we called "Magic Knights"? P.75 FUU Clef-san is called "Guru". Presea-san is called "Pharle". Ascot-san is a "Bal". These are all words from Cephiro. ASCOT Yes. FUU Then why are we, and only we, "Magic Knights" -- a term in English? FERIO English? UMI A language spoken by one of the countries in the world that we live in. FUU Did a person who came from another world, summoned by a past Pillar, call himself that? P.76 FERIO No, I haven't heard of such a thing. FUU That means that someone from Cephiro named us "Magic Knights".... UMI Who is that someone...? P.77 HIKARU What is that? FUU Those are the Roads from the other countries! UMI They've reached Cephiro already!? HIKARU %I have to fight him again..... P.78 P.79 ASUKA Ha! EAGLE Fire the Laguna cannons. PP.80-81 P.82 [ASUKA: Kyaaaaaaaaa] P.83 EAGLE Concentrate the missiles in this region. GEO Roger. P.84 [TARTA, TATRA: Kyaaaaaaaaa] P.85 FUU Kya! P.86 HIKARU %The ornament is yellow again! FUU <>! P.87 [HIKARU: Waaaaaaaaaa] P.88 UMI Hikaru! FUU Hikaru-san! HIKARU ..... Lantis!! P.89 EAGLE I'm going out. ZAZU Roger! P.90 GEO Give me the analysis results! It can't be....! P.91 LANTIS Are you hurt? P.92 PRIMERA Wait.... why are you staring at each other----! [Mmm? The stone on the forehead is yellow?] P.93 EAGLE I will lead commands from the field from now on. Release the defensive shields as soon as FTO leaves the ship. ZAZU Roger! GEO Eagle!! Don't go! Eagle!! P.94 GEO I analyzed your medical data! You are....!! EAGLE Lifting off...! GEO Wait! Eagle!! P.95 ZAZU What's wrong, Geo!!? GEO I'm going after him on GTO!! ZAZU I can't let you out without word from the commander! GEO I'm going out to bring back that commander!! ZAZU Geo!? I can't unless you explain it to me! GEO You... shouldn't be hearing it from me....... P.96 GEO But, I can't let Eagle fight! ZAZU ..... Okay, I understand. I'll get it ready for takeoff. P.97 GEO What's wrong!? ZAZU GTO is turned off!! GEO WHAT? It's Eagle! All the initialization passwords for every fighter-mechas including GTO have been changed by order of the commander!! P.98 GEO Eagle!! P.99 EAGLE %... That is.... %The girl on the red Mashin..... P.100 HIKARU %..... Sad eyes.... %My heart hurts..... P.101 CLEF They are finally here....! P.102 CLEF %What is this...? %Such Enormous Power....! %Who......!!? PRESEA Guru Clef! The Magic Knights have disappeared! CALDINA Ascot and the Prince are gone too! LAFARGA Guru! Autozam, Fahren, and Chizeta have reached the skies of Cephiro....! P.103 PRESEA Clef!! CLEF The Path.... P.104 CLEF Is the Path to the Pillar starting to open!? UMI Are you all right, Hikaru!!? FUU Hikaru-san!! P.105 [FUU, UMI: Kyaaaaaaa] P.106 P.107 EAGLE %..... Lantis.... P.108 EAGLE %..... I'm sorry. %Lantis, I..... %I have come here to become the Pillar of Cephiro. %And...... I will...... to Cephiro...... %Thus.... I can't let you destroy the Path to the Pillar!! P.109 LANTIS <>!! P.110 LANTIS %Do I really have to fight you!!? Primera!! PRIMERA <>!! {magic, multiplication} P.111 LANTIS <>!! {thunder, guard, attack, shoot} P.112 UMI Ascot, I.... ASCOT You're going to summon the Mashin. FUU Ferio. FERIO Don't worry. Ascot and I can take care of ourselves. ASCOT .... I regret being so powerless. If I had more power, I wouldn't have to put you in such a dangerous position, Umi. P.113 FERIO Cephiro is a World of the Will. The Believing Heart becomes Power. I believe in you. So, please come back. P.114 HIKARU Thank you very much for saving me. LANTIS .... Why do you guys fight? Why are you fighting for Cephiro? This is not your country...... HIKARU For ourselves. P.115 HIKARU Because I never want to cry again because of regret. P.116-117 PP.118-119 VOICE (*******) The time has come. P.120 PRESEA, CALDINA (?? speaker(s) uncertain) Prince!! Ascot!! PRIMERA Wh... why are we here....!? P.121 ALL Magic Knights!! P.122 HIKARU Mokona...!? VOICE (*******) The time has come to choose the new Pillar of Cephiro. P.123 UMI Whose voice is that!? VOICE (*******) Those with strong Hearts that have gathered in Cephiro. Asuka of Fahren. Your Wish is to make a country that makes all your thoughts become reality. However, that Wish is not Strong enough for you to become the Pillar of Cephiro. You have within your Heart people and a country you love more than the future of Cephiro. P.124 VOICE (*******) Tarta and Tatra of Chizeta. Your Wish is to make Cephiro part of your kingdom for your parents and for your native country. However, your Wish is also too weak of Heart for you to be the Pillar of this country. These Wishes are too weak because they are not Wishes that you Grant by risking everything you have. P.125 VOICE (*******) Only those that want to create the future of Cephiro with a Heart that is Stronger than anyone else has the right to be the Pillar. .... Lantis. You have a strong Heart. P.126 VOICE (*******) Your Wish to destroy the Path to the Pillar so Cephiro will no longer have a Pillar... A Wish that you would risk your life to grant. Your Heart is the strongest of those in Cephiro. P.127 VOICE (*******) However. There is someone here that has a stronger Heart than even you. PP.128-129 VOICE (*******) The Path to the Pillar will now open. Those that have the right to become Pillar, follow my Path and accept my Challenge! P.130 P.131 UMI Hikaru!! FUU Hikaru-san! [HIKARU: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa....] P.133 EAGLE Where are we......!? HIKARU Tokyo!? P.134 HIKARU %Nobody is moving!? %Has time stopped!? VOICE (*******) That is the site of the Pillar's Challenge. The one who overcomes the Challenge and returns to Cephiro will become the new Pillar. HIKARU The new Pillar!? P.135 EAGLE ...... Could you tell me your name? HIKARU Hikaru. Hikaru Shidou. EAGLE .... Hikaru. That is a cute name. But I have decided to become the Pillar of Cephiro. So..... I will defeat you, and return to Cephiro. P.136 P.137 GEO Eagle!! ZAZU FTO isn't showing up on the radar! It completely disappeared from Cephiro! UMI Mokona! Where did you put Hikaru!!? P.138 ASCOT Umi!! FERIO Fuu!! CALDINA Hikaru and the white thing from Autozam were swallowed by that fluffy thing!! PRESEA (or Lafarga. uncertain.) Guru Clef!! What is Mokona.....!? P.139 CLEF ..... Mokona is something that Princess Emeraude had given me, telling me that "It should not fall into Zagato's hands until the Day to Come".... Princess Emeraude is the only one that knows what Mokona truly is..... PRESEA Guru!! CLEF This tremendous power...!! Mokona can't be....!! P.140 LANTIS Where have Eagle and the Magic Knight gone!? VOICE (*******) Another world. A place where you, Magic Knights, call Earth. FUU, UMI Earth!? LANTIS ..... Who are you.....? P.141 VOICE (*******) I am the one who Created this World. P.142 VOICE (Creator) The land. Order. Reason. I am the one who Created all. And... P.143 VOICE (Creator) I also created the World that you, Magic Knights, live in. P.144 EAGLE %At a time like this..... HIKARU <>! P.145 HIKARU Why do you want to become the Pillar of Cephiro!? Is it for Autozam!? EAGLE ..... no, not for them. I want to be Pillar..... P.146 EAGLE .... for myself. P.147 CLEF .... Creator......? VOICE (Creator) Yes. I first created the world that contained Earth... a world without an absolute leader, a world lacking order and full of confusion. But a world where the Will of the living weave their futures. That was Earth. P.148 VOICE (Creator) But the Earthians fought day after day and they are continuing to destroy their Land, their World. That is why I created this new World, including Cephiro. A world where one Will determines all. FUU Then... the one that named us "Magic Knights"..... UMI .... is Mokona? P.149 HIKARU What do you want to do with Cephiro!? EAGLE I want to..... P.150 VOICE (Creator) Eagle of Autozam. Your body has been taken over by an illness? EAGLE .... Yes. The doctors told me that I would die before I reached Cephiro. HIKARU That can't be!? EAGLE Overuse of mental energy. Autozam is a highly machine-based country. We have changed mental powers into energy -- into Power that is used to move things. I seem to have used too much of my Heart.... I am like a mecha that is about to run out of fuel. P.151 EAGLE I will soon fall into a slumber. A slumber from which I will Never Wake. HIKARU Never....? EAGLE This illness culminates by stopping all bodily functions. But it is not death. The person falls into the same condition as a person who is asleep.... although he will never wake again. I plan to put Cephiro into an eternal sleep...... I will move all inhabitants into neighboring countries.... All that will remain here will be myself, the Pillar. And I will sleep forever with Cephiro..... so tragedy will never strike again. P.152 HIKARU Why....? Why are you, the commander of Autozam, doing this!? EAGLE When I found out that I did not have much time left to live.... I swore to myself. That I will decide how my life is to end. And.... My Wish is to end the history of Cephiro with me. P.153 VOICE (Creator) Is it for your friend... Lantis, the Kailu of Cephiro? HIKARU Lantis!? EAGLE No, it is not. It is true that Lantis risked his life to end the history of Cephiro that can only be written with the sacrifice of the Pillar. P.154 EAGLE Because that was his Wish.... after he found out about the tragic ending to the love story... between his older brother and the princess that he guarded for so long. But I don't want Lantis to die. I don't want someone with eyes colored like the skies of Cephiro to die. Someone with the eyes that remind me of a place where I always longed to be...... .... I am being Selfish. I know that I am ignoring what he wants to do. I am going to become the Pillar of Cephiro for _my_ Wish. P.155 HIKARU ..... That's wrong...... That would be doing the same thing that Princess Emeraude did! P.156 HIKARU Princess Emeraude sacrificed herself to protect the people that she loved.... But what should the people that are left do when she's gone!? P.157 HIKARU What happens to the hearts of all the people who love the Princess and care deeply about her!? P.158 HIKARU %What happens!? UMI Hikaru!? FUU Hikaru-san!! VOICE (Creator) Hikaru Shidou, one of the Magic Knights, is taking the Challenge to become Pillar of Cephiro along with Eagle of Autozam. UMI I DON'T want Hikaru to be facing hardship alone! FUU Mokona-san! Take us to Earth! P.159 VOICE (Creator) I cannot. Only those who are qualified to go can enter the Site of the Challenge. UMI I don't care about qualifications!! We promised that no matter what happens, all three of us would work together!! FUU I cannot let Hikaru-san fight by herself!! P.160 HIKARU Let's go back to Cephiro together. The ones that love you are awaiting you. If you become the Pillar, Lantis... he would be very sad. P.161 HIKARU I killed his brother.... Lantis didn't blame me. He was nice to me.... but he had sad eyes. You're like him, Eagle. You have sad eyes..... I can tell that you really love Lantis. And he probably..... P.162 HIKARU I think it was like that for Princess Emeraude and Zagato. But... they Ended Up that way. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I don't want to see people crying because they lost their loved ones. And I.... P.163 HIKARU ... NEVER want to regret doing something!! P.164 VOICE (Creator) A new Path has opened. A Path connecting Cephiro to Earth. The next Pillar is Hikaru. P.165 UMI, FUU It can't be....!! GEO Eagle!! LANTIS .... What will happen to Eagle? VOICE (Creator) The one who could not overcome the Pillar's Challenge..... will disappear. P.166 HIKARU %I can't go through!? VOICE (Creator) The only one who can return to Cephiro along that Path is the new Pillar. Those who are not qualified will disappear. HIKARU NO! I will take him home! P.167 VOICE (Creator) Those who are not qualified cannot pass through the Path. HIKARU Qualifications don't matter! Mokona..... I.... I thought you were a comrade, a valuable friend... You nodded only because I was Qualified? It wasn't because you liked me? I like you, Mokona, so I want to be with you. Because being with you is more fun than being alone. Because I like you so much..... P.168 EAGLE Please, let go of my hand! Hikaru!! HIKARU Mokona...... Nobody can live alone...... The Pillar is Alone. She can do anything, but she is Alone. I think that's why Princess Emeraude fell in love with Zagato. P.169 HIKARU I was able to do my best because Umi-chan and Fuu-chan were there for me. Because I wasn't alone, because I live my life to the fullest, I am able to be happy with the people I love. P.170 HIKARU %Umi-chan! %Fuu-chan! %I'm coming back! P.171 LANTIS Open the Path to the Pillar again! VOICE (Creator) The Path to the Pillar can only be opened once. ..... The new Pillar Hikaru is trying to bring back Eagle of Autozam with her. But only the Pillar can pass through the Path.... at this rate, both of them will disappear! P.172 LANTIS Open the Path to the Pillar again.....! .... it doesn't matter if you are the Creator. P.173 LANTIS If Eagle and the girl from another world die, I.... .... I will kill you! Open the Path!! P.174 EAGLE Please let go of my hand! Even if I go back to Cephiro, I won't be able to live long! At this rate, you....!! HIKARU But still!! You still have to live until the end. P.175 HIKARU For the people that you care about. And for yourself. %I promised Umi-chan and Fuu-chan. %I can't lose here! P.176 UMI Hikaru---!! FUU Hikaru-san----!! UMI Mokona, open the path!! FUU Please, open the path!! P.177 [HIKARU: Waaaaaaaaa] P.178 HIKARU Umi-chan!! Fuu-chan!! Why.....!? UMI We promised, remember? FUU We will never lose! P.179 HIKARU For the ones we love and our valuable comrades... We can't lose!! PP.180-181 P.182 HIKARU .... Mokona... These Mashin were created to kill the Pillar. But. We were able to save this person. With these Mashin. You said I was the new Pillar, right? VOICE (Creator) ..... Yes. P.183 HIKARU I can make the new Promises in this world, right? VOICE (Creator) Yes. HIKARU I think this world's idea that The Believing Heart becomes your Strength is beautiful. But it is too much to ask one set of shoulders to carry all the burdens of this country..... So... Fuu-chan and Umi-chan that fought with me. The people I met here in Cephiro that I care about. And the people from the other countries in this world.... Autozam, Chizeta, and Fahren... P.184 HIKARU I want to take some time to think about what this country needs, and what we need to do, to be happy. Maybe we can't do anything, but there might be something that we can only see from the other world that you created, Mokona... Earth. VOICE (Creator) Does that mean you will abolish the Pillar system? HIKARU Cephiro is not for one person. It's for everyone that loves this country. P.185 HIKARU All the people that I love.... are wishing that too.... Mokona, you created Cephiro looking at what the Earth is like now, right? VOICE (Creator) Yes. UMI I can understand why you would get sad. P.186 FUU I can't say that everyone on Earth is happy right now. HIKARU But. At least Clef... Lantis... Ferio... everyone in Cephiro... we who know the tragic end of Princess Emeraude... feel from the bottom of our hearts.... that we don't want anyone else to sacrifice themselves. We want to live with all the people we love and be happy... here in Cephiro! P.187 VOICE (Creator) ....Princess Emeraude loved Cephiro and everyone in it. But perhaps she did not believe in them. She tried to protect the people she loved by risking her life.... .... but she did not try to walk along with them, feeling each other's pain. P.188 VOICE (Creator) Cephiro is a world where the Pillar rules over all. The Princess could have abolished the Pillar system. Still, Princess Emeraude wished for her own death -- and wished for the preservation of the current system. An Unchanging Tomorrow that one person determines for all..... But the new Pillar of Cephiro wished for the Death of the System instead of her Own Death. Not to only protect the ones she loved by sacrificing herself.... ... but to understand and help each other out through good times and bad, to create a Tomorrow that Differs from Today together with the ones she loves. P.189 VOICE (Creator) You believe in the ones that you love. P.190 HIKARU Mokona! VOICE (Creator) The fate of this world are in your hands. We shall depart to another dimension. P.191 FUU Mokona-san. You were the one that sent up to the Pillar to the Path, right? UMI Because you Loved us.... because we were Comrades, you helped us, right? [MOKONA: Puu] P.192 CLEF .... A new Path has opened in Cephiro..... Magic Knights, no, three girls from another world... P.193 CLEF .... showed us the way. To a world where truly the Believing Heart becomes the Power. P.196 [1996.] UMI I'm on my way--! PARENTS Be careful--! DAD Umi seems to be even more energetic lately, Mama. MOM Really. I wonder if she found a lovely boyfriend, like you, Papa? DAD I hope so! P.197 FUU I'm on my way now! KUU Tokyo Tower again? Please buy me some Hiyoko donuts again! FUU Yes! P.198 HIKARU I'm gonna be late---! I'm sorry, Hikari! I'm going out now. I'll take you on a walk when I get back. KAKERU You going out--? HIKARU Yup, with Umi-chan and Fuu-chan. SATORU You coming back by dinner? HIKARU Yup! Definitely! P.199 MASARU Where are you going today---? HIKARU Another world---! P.200 [Tokyo. Tokyo Tower.] UMI Leave it to Hikaru to be right on time! HIKARU I'm glad I made it. FUU Well, let's go. HIKARU Okay! P.201 P.202 ASCOT Oh! Hello! FERIO Yo! UMI Ufufu... Ta-dah! I baked a cake! [ahem!] ASCOT You mean the confectionery on Earth that you were talking about the other day? FERIO Perfect. The people from Autozam, Chizeta, and Fahren are here today. UMI What good timing! Let's have a tea party! Ascot, can you help me? FUU Oh, I will help too. P.203 UMI We can handle it ourselves. Right!? HIKARU I'll head over to Eagle's first! FUU ..... It is quite peaceful. FERIO Yeah, thanks to you guys. FUU Happiness is not something one can make alone. FERIO I guess... You did bring me my happiness. P.204 ASCOT ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, um, um....! ..... Umi, do you have anyone you are seeing right now? UMI [hmmmm...] No, I don't. ASCOT Then! Um, um, do you have anyone you would like to see? [Yaaaahhoooooooo] UMI Wh, wh, wh, wh, wh, what happened? ASCOT Well, let's make some tea! Okay!! P.205 HIKARU .... How are you feeling, Eagle? EAGLE %I'm all right. Although I am asleep, I can still hear your voice. %Because of your strong Wish, I am heading slowly towards recovery. %That is what Guru Clef told me. %The Believing Heart becomes the Power..... it is truly a strange %country here. HIKARU Oh, Hello! P.206 LANTIS You done with 'school' today? HIKARU Today is Sunday. [LANTIS: 'Sunday'? HIKARU: A day off.] EAGLE %Have you met everyone yet? HIKARU No, not yet. I wanted to see you, Eagle. EAGLE %Geo, along with the princesses of Chizeta and Fahren, are here today. %Lantis, would you take Hikaru to where everyone is? [Zazu has been wanting to see her.] LANTIS .... okay. HIKARU Oh! I can go by myself! [I'm all right!] P.207 EAGLE %No... it seems as though Lantis wants to show you the way. [giggle] HIKARU I'll come back later with Lantis! EAGLE %Hikaru..... %Thank you... HIKARU Eagle is such a wonderful person! I wish I could be just like him. LANTIS .... I think you guys are alike.... P.208 LANTIS ... especially your strong Hearts. PRIMERA Waaait a minute! P.209 PRIMERA Lantis is miiiinnne!! LANTIS Hikaru. In your country, what do people say when they confess their love to someone else? HIKARU I think it would be.... 'Will you marry me?' LANTIS 'Marry'....? HIKARU To promise that you will be with the person you love for the rest of your life! P.210 LANTIS Do you want to 'marry' anyone? HIKARU You... and Eagle! LANTIS So you usually 'marry' two people? P.211 HIKARU But I love both of you guys. And Umi-chan, Fuu-chan, Clef, Presea, Ferio, Ascot, Caldina, Lafarga.... I want to be with all of you for the rest of my life! LANTIS ... Your Heart is what made Cephiro into the beautiful place we have now... HIKARU No, it's everyone's Hearts. P.212 [PRIMERA: Waiiiiiittt.... What do you mean by that....!? by any chance......!?] GEO I'm sorry that our commander has been in your care for so long. CLEF It's no problem.... We are looking at all the good parts about Autozam, Chizeta, and Fahren as reference in building the new system under which Cephiro will be running. P.213 GEO And we are getting help with research on how to stop the environmental pollution. TATRA Nothing is perfect. It would be wonderful if we could satisfy all our needs with the things another one of us has plenty of. ASUKA But, to think that that white fluffy thing created this world.... [That surprised even me.] CLEF I.... I believe that the Creator (Mokona) was wishing for a Revolution in Cephiro. PRESEA Eh? P.214 CLEF If Mokona wanted status quo, then he wouldn't have placed countries around it that had completely different environments. And there would be no need for the Magic Knights to come from another world. I think the Creator (Mokona) was hoping for a Better World created by seeing, feeling, and understanding something other than yourself. The Mashin that Hikaru controlled was named "Rayearth". In the words of Earth, it means "glowing(Ray) land(Earth)". They taught us that. P.215 CLEF Maybe there was a wish there -- that all worlds will be full of Light. FUU Then.... The one that summoned us here again was.... CLEF The only one that can summon people from another world in a Pillar-less Cephiro would be the Creator (Mokona). P.216 CLEF The strong Wish to go to Cephiro again.... and the wish to change this country, made by the girls from another world... moved the Creator (Mokona). Maybe He Believed that you would be able to bring Change into this world. UMI Of course... because we are Comrades! Right? P.217 FUU Yes! UMI We've started already--! FUU By the way, have you thought of the new name for the country? HIKARU [ummmmm] Not yet.... it's really hard. UMI If you don't decide soon, it will forever be "The country used to be known as Cephiro"! HIKARU Hmmmmm.... I know! P.218 HIKARU Name the new country! Yes you, who have been watching us the whole time! [Enter a name for you, and only you.] ---END--- ***** Character Profiles. First page top: Rayearth Rayearth, holder of the Power of Fire, is shaped like a red lion. Hikaru revived him in the Fire Shrine, and he fought with her as a Mashin. As with Mokona, his true figure was not revealed in the main portion of the story, but he represents Fire, Passion, and Future. First page bottom: Selece Selece, holder of the Power of Water, is shaped like a blue sea dragon. Umi revived him in the Water Shrine and fought with her since as a Mashin. He represents Water, Kindness, and Present. Second page top: Windam Windam, the holder of the Power of Wind, is shaped like a green bird with four wings. He fought with Fuu after being revived in the Wind Shrine. He represents Wind, Knowledge, and Past. Second page bottom: ? This Creator (Mokona) created not only Cephiro and its surrounding countries, but also Earth. Disappeared into another dimension with the three Mashin. Supposedly shows its true powers when the ornament on the forehead turns yellow. But no matter how authoritatively he talks, his body remains fluffy -- making it very awkward.