The Disclaimer and background info: The Book: Magic Knight RayEarth2 (2), Kodansha Comics Deluxe #663. ISBN4-06-319663-1, retailed at 680 yen. The original Copyright (Japanese): CLAMP and Kodansha, 1995. First printing: December 18, 1995. This "script" was written as an _aid_ for those who wanted to read the Japanese manga (as the US version is not available yet)... not for sale or for commercial/public use. Yes, this includes all of you reading this on the World Wide Web via a fan-maintained RayEarth homepage!! And the not for sale applies to every case except if Kodansha wants to use it to make a US version, which I seriously doubt... So, just keep it for your own personal use, OK? Much much thanks (as usual) to Steven E. Barnes and to all those on the CLAMP mailing list! Magic Knight RayEarth 2 -- Volume 2, Alpha 2 % indicates lines not spoken $ indicates flashback lines [ ] indicates lines in handwriting or captions { } indicates footnotes < > indicates sounds << >> indicates spells, {} indicates what the letters in the spell mean P.3 LANTIS I will end the Legend of the Magic Knights with my own hands. P.4 UMI Which country is attacking now!? WINDAM Fahren and Chizeta. FUU The two simultaneously!? HIKARU Let's hurry! P.5 ASUKA Oo--hohohohoho! When I become the Princess of Cephiro, I'm going to make lots of places to play in the country! And all the buildings are going to be made of candy!! Oh oh! Sanyun! I'll make your room with peach donuts, Sanyun -- your favorite! SANYUN Y... yes. ASUKA What's the matter? P.6 ASUKA A curry pot? {curry pot: a bowl used to serve curry sauce, that resembles a lamp} CHANAN Asuka-sama! You have not been studying, have you!? ASUKA Putting aside the annoying old man... P.7 ASUKA Sanyun, what's that? SANYUN That is the mobile fortress of Chizeta, our neighboring country. It is called Blavarda. ASUKA Chizeta!? That tiny little country!? TATRA My! It's a long dragon... it's so cute. TARTA It's not cute! That is Doumu, Fahren's mobile weapon! P.8 TATRA Oh, I know. My my, Tarta, you are so short-tempered. ASUKA But why is Chizeta folk here in Cephiro? CHANAN For probably the same reason as you, Asuka-sama. [ASUKA: Eh!?] SANYUN So the people from Chizeta are also planning to become the Pillar of Cephiro and take over this country. CHANAN Yes. There is nothing you can't do in Cephiro if you become the Pillar. ASUKA They CAAAAN'TTTT!! P.9 ASUKA _I'm_ going to become the Pillar of Cephiro!! I am INVINNNNCIBLE!!! [SANYUN: AAArrrgggghhhh] P.10 UMI (? speaker uncertain) There are two Roads. FUU They are different from the Road from Autozam. ... does that mean that these are Roads from Fahren and Chizeta? P.11 ASUKA What... IS this!? CHANAN I do not know. ASUKA It looks really cool..... SANYUN Oh, I must agree. ASUKA I want this. CHANAN You.... You want..... P.12 ASUKA It's cool! I want it! I waaaaaant it!!! CHANAN Y- you do say that you want it. However, we do not know where it has come from....! But more importantly, what shall you do with such a giant thing!? ASUKA I would sing with it, dance with it, play with it, and sleep next to it! SANYUN [AArrrgghhh] U.. um.... I don't think it will fit in Asuka-sama's room... and if you sleep next to it, you might get crushed... ASUKA I WANT TO SLEEP NEXT TO IT!! P.13 TARTA Wh.. what is this!? TATRA Oh! It looks strong... it looks like we might lose... [don't you think?] P.14 TATRA But since it's here, and it's not ours... it belongs to Cephiro or another country that is attacking Cephiro. TARTA What!? Cephiro will be Chizeta's!! I will see how strong they are with my Seirei! {Seirei: Elemental spirit} TATRA Good luck. TARTA There are three of them! TATRA Yes, there are. TARTA You're sending yours out too, Tatra!! TATRA My, my.... P.15 TATRA Tarta, Tarta... Are you lonely going by yourself? You're so dependent on others sometimes! TARTA No I'm not!!! Let's do it! P.16 TARTA Appear! TATRA Our Guardians Spirits!! P.17 TARTA, TATRA Djinn!! P.18 UMI What!? FUU What is that sound!? P.19 HIKARU Umi-chan! Fuu-chan! Be careful!! P.20-21 P.22 UMI ..... what is that? FUU They look like... genies. HIKARU They look like they're dancing... UMI Are those... enemies? [arrows: escapes reality brain operation stops] P.23 [Yuk] FUU Kyaaaaaaa HIKARU Waaaaaa UMI Hikaru! Fuu! P.24-25 <>!! {"Mizu no Ryuu"} P.26 P.27 UMI G..... GROSS!!!! [nnnnoooooooo!] P.28 ASUKA Ugh.... those things are gross. What are they? SANYUN Those are the Djinn of the Chizetan princesses. ASUKA Jijii? {Jijii: "gramps". Informal Japanese term for old men, usually grandfathers... but can be used for old men in general.} CHANAN DJINN! They are Seirei! [You really have been neglecting your studies, haven't you!?] SANYUN The Djinn are the Guardian Spirits that protect the princesses of Chizeta. CHANAN [yes, yes] Similar to a knight. ASUKA [Ick] I don't want such perverted knights. P.29 UMI That's gross! That's SOOOOO gross!! FUU I wonder which country those beings are associated with. SELECE They are Djinn, the Guardian Spirits of Chizeta. HIKARU Guardian Spirits....? WINDAM The Seirei that protect the two princesses of Chizeta. UMI Aren't Seirei usually a little cuter...? P.30 [ASUKA: Yuk] SANYUN If that is Chizeta's... Where are those from....? CHANAN Hmm. The only countries that I have heard of that are currently attacking Cephiro are us, Chizeta, and Autozam. SANYUN But I think those are different from the weapons of Autozam. CHANAN Yes. SANYUN Does that mean that they belong to Cephiro? ASUKA Cephiro! I can't tell what you are thinking, but you are really smart, Sanyun. P.31 ASUKA [There's no problem.] If those belong to Cephiro, those will automatically become mine when I become the Pillar! Sanyun! Bring me a paintbrush and some paper! CHANAN Asuka-sama! Surely, you are not intending on doing _that_, are you!? ASUKA I'm going to do _that_. CHANAN I will not allow it! There are numerous things which MUST be studied first regarding the use of high-level illusions! And furthermore, _that_ is....! ASUKA Sanyun! If Chizeta is using their Seirei... P.32 ASUKA <> {"break". Usually a martial arts call but in this case part of her spell... not a laugh. just so you know.} P.33 ASUKA <>! {deep, technique} <>!! {drawing, dragon, turn, life, spell} P.34 HIKARU What!? P.35 UMI Wha..... P.36-37 UMI What IS thiiiis!! [DRAWING: Ufufufufu---] ASUKA Oo-hohohohoho If Chizeta is using something weird, we'll use a gigantic Sanyun! CHANAN I don't think this is in good taste either.... P.38 ASUKA [Ooh!] Go, Gigantic Sanyun! Defeat those tasteless perverts and make those cool things mine! <*chuck*> [DRAWING: Waaa] TARTA What is that? That... thing with that foolish smiley-face!? TATRA My, it's cute. That was so cute... the way it *chucked*. [No?] TARTA It's not cute! It *chucked* our Seirei! P.39 TATRA That was cute... the way it *chucked*. TARTA Shit! Go! Seirei Djinn! Defeat that gigantic child! [DRAWING: Ufufufufufufu] UMI What... is this? A monster movie? [and are they ignoring us?] UMI It looks more like a movie from Hong Kong than a monster movie... [DRAWING: Ufufufufufufufufufu] MASHIN (dunno which one) That is an Illusion that only the royal family of Fahren can use. HIKARU Fahren... MASHIN (dunno which) Both the user of the Illusion and the summoner of the Seirei have extremely strong Hearts. P.40 FUU Then there is a possibility that they might become the Pillar, like Clef said. ASUKA [KKIiiiiiiiii] Those annoying Seirei! P.41 ASUKA If that's the case....! UMI Wh, what!? P.42 [TARTA, TATRA: KYaaaaaaaa] CHANAN, SANYUN Asuka-sama! P.44 HIKARU (? speaker uncertain) The Roads are disappearing! CHANAN This is why I kept telling her that she should not use high-level illusions. SANYUN The Road that Asuka-sama created... CHANAN She used too much mental energy. The Road from Chizeta has also fallen behind. We should retreat for now. [ASUKA: UUUugggghh.....] P.45 HIKARU %The Path. %The Path that opens only to the Pillar of Cephiro. %And the Challenge that awaits within the Path... .... The Pillar of Cephiro.... P.46 ZAZU Is Eagle still asleep? GEO Yeah. He hasn't moved a muscle. He's been asleep since he came back. ZAZU Isn't it a little weird, even if we consider that Eagle likes to sleep and that he's using a lot of mental energy to make the Road to Cephiro? P.47 ZAZU I mean, he probably won't wake up for a whole day. It would be okay if this was a holiday, but we're attacking now... GEO Eagle.... Maybe he's hiding something from us. P.48 GEO Could you look over his FTO? You never know when our Commander will want to do anything. I'll look over him. Everything's all right. ZAZU ...okay. GEO Oh, could you look over my GTO, too? P.49 ZAZU What are you gonna give me? GEO [hmmm] Booze. I'll sneak you the best bottle from the storeroom. P.50 GEO You're finally up. P.51 EAGLE ...... Lantis.... I....... Cephiro..... GEO Eagle..... P.52 GEO You are finally up, Commander. EAGLE Was I asleep the whole time....? GEO Yeah, since you collapsed in front of your FTO. EAGLE ..... Did I say anything while I was asleep? GEO No. P.53 EAGLE I am sorry that I fainted during battle. GEO As the Subcommander, I would like to know what we are going to do now. I'll be waiting in my room. Oh, and you can't go back to sleep now. [see ya!] EAGLE I'll be right over. ..... Lantis.... I am sorry... P.54 [MOKONA: Puu puu] [MOKONA: pupupuuuuuu] HIKARU Don't worry. We're not hurt. UMI There's no way we could get hurt because they started fighting each other, ignoring us. [Those genies and the giant Kyonsee...] {Kyonsee: the name of a cute little zombie of a human child... a character in a Japanese movie that was released about 10 or 15 years ago.} P.55 FUU Fahren and Chizeta... they didn't seem too scary. P.58 HIKARU (? speaker uncertain) Mokona---- [MOKONA: Pupu?] We're going! [MOKONA: Pupupu---!] P.59 HIKARU %Lantis.... [MOKONA: PUuuuuuu!] P.60 PRIMERA Hey you! Don't touch MY Lantis as if you knew him for a long time! [Every time you see him!] ... wh... what? [MOKONA: PUuuuuuuuuuuu] No.. no.. no... no... NO! P.61 PRIMERA Help me, Lantis! AAAaaaaaaa..... Wait, Lantis! P.62-63 LANTIS <>. {Spirit, beast, summon. "Seijyushoukan".} P.64 UMI So that horse was actually magic. P.65 FUU ....his voice IS very similar to Zagato's... PRIMERA Uuummmm. UUuuuuuuummmmm.... [Kya!] P.66 PRIMERA I got it!! You're trying to get in the way of the love between me and Lantis! You're jealous because I'm so cute!!! What is that absentminded expression on your face!!? Kyaaaaaaaa P.67 [PRIMERA: Get off of me! I'm going to be crushed!!] UMI They seem to make a good combination. FUU Yes, they don't look like anything but good friends. [PRIMERA: Gyaaa gyaaa... It's heavy---!!] HIKARU %Lantis... I wonder where he's going.... P.68 CLEF Lantis.... $ (Lantis) $<>!! ${Thunder, invite, come. "Inazumashourai".} P.69 $ (Clef) $You have gotten stronger once again. $Lantis. $You now have enough magic power to become a Yil, and enough $swordsmanship to become a Dal. $You are the one and only Kailu in Cephiro. $Your older brother Zagato is a Sol that helps the Prayer of $Princess Emeraude. $And you, the younger brother, are the Chief Bodyguard that $protects the Princess.... P.70 $ (Clef) $I am looking forward to see which of you will be stronger than $me first. $ (Lantis) $Guru Clef, you are the one that taught us our magic. $And you are the supreme Yil in Cephiro. $There is no way that we can win against you. $ (Clef) $Cephiro is a world of the Will. $The strength of the Heart determines the outcome of $everything... whether it be the effectiveness of a spell, $success or failure, or even the future. $Those who have a wish are strong... $like how Zagato is now. P.71 $ (Lantis) $.... Guru.... $You know about Zagato and Princess Emeraude.... $ (Clef) $This is a beautiful world. $There are no natural disasters, and the people here live $peacefully. $Look. P.72 $ (Clef) $What creates Cephiro and preserves its peace is the Heart of $one girl. $But.... $Who can protect that girl's Happiness? P.73 $ (Lantis) $Guru Clef.... $ (Clef) $I think fondly of you and Zagato, my students. $I have looked over the Pillar, Princess Emeraude, ever since $she was born. $I do not want to see any of you cry. I want all of you to be $happy. P.74-75 $ (Clef) $But happiness differs for everyone. $Even if the wish that the Princess has sealed within her heart $becomes fulfilled, she.... $She would not forget that there are others who suffer because $of her wish... $There are people that can't be happy even if their wishes come $true.... $Lantis... $Is this world truly beautiful? P.76 %"Is this world truly beautiful?" $ (Zagato) $Lantis.... disappeared. $ (Emeraude) $Why....? $ (Zagato) $I do not know. $But it seems as though he has left Cephiro. $I cannot feel his presence anywhere. $Do you want me to find him? P.77 $ (Emeraude) $No... $Knowing Lantis... he probably has some reason behind it. $Please leave him alone. $ (Zagato) $As you wish. P.78 $ (Clef) $Zagato. $.... do you have anything to tell me? P.79 $ (Zagato) $No. $I have nothing to say, Guru Clef. $Nothing..... $ (Emeraude) $I will summon the Magic Knights. P.80 $ (Clef) $You cannot! $If you summon the Magic Knights, you....! $ (Emeraude) $I....him. $Zagato.... $.... I love him... $I know that I will not... $and cannot... be forgiven for this... $but I cannot do anything about it.... P.81 $ (Emeraude) $....even though it is my own Heart.... $ (Clef) $Princess! $You are this world's Pillar. $But before that, you are human! $Even if you wish for your own happiness alone, no one can $blame you! P.82 $ (Emeraude) $Even if everyone else forgives me, I cannot forgive myself.... $Knowing that the people of this country will become unhappy.... $I alone cannot become happy.... P.83 $(Emeraude) $%Guru Clef.... $%Please guide the Magic Knights that will soon be summoned. $%It will be a hard battle for them. $%Please help the Magic knights that will become involved only $%because of my own selfishness... P.84-85 $ (Emeraude) $%Please... provide the Magic Knights with Mokona. $%And.... P.86 $ (Emeraude) $%Please tell them, "I'm sorry"... $ (Clef) $Princess Emeraude---!!! P.87 CLEF %.... Lantis... %The reason that you returned... as soon as Princess Emeraude, %the Pillar of Cephiro, died.... PRESEA Guru Clef! U... um...! [Hikaru's party have returned....] CLEF Sorry to surprise you. P.88 PRESEA You look rather pale.... Are you tired, perhaps...? CLEF No... Presea. My Students are dear to me. I regret that I could not see Alcione again before she was obliterated. I especially want the Magic Knights to become happy _this_ time. P.89 CLEF I want them to be Happy, having fulfilled their Wishes... P.90 CLEF %What creates Cephiro and preserves its peace is the Heart of %one girl. %But.... %Who can protect that girl's Happiness? %Is this world... %... truly..... P.91 CLEF %..... beautiful? P.92 PRESEA Guru.... CLEF If.... we find someone that is able to become the next Pillar, I plan to tell that person Princess Emeraude's life story. Why the last Pillar died. Why the Magic Knights were summoned. Everything..... about the sad happenings that went on. Princess Emeraude truly loved Cephiro from the bottom of her heart. Of course, I love this country too. That is why I want to save this country. P.93 CLEF But... I never again want to see someone's Heart being ripped apart from the heavy responsibility that the position of Pillar calls for. P.94 FERIO I think so too. The sad Legend must be stopped at my sister's generation. Even if we locate a candidate for the new Pillar, we should tell that person about the potential tragedies that awaits someone that becomes the Pillar. Even if.... P.95 FERIO ... it means that the candidate refuses to become the Pillar as a result. [PRESEA gasps] P.96 LANTIS The Path to the Pillar.... %The Path that is taken by someone who can become the Pillar to %accept the Challenge. P.97 LANTIS <> {"Kakuenboujo"} P.98 LANTIS Where is the Path to the Pillar...? P.99 EAGLE This is the castle of Cephiro. P.100 EAGLE Everything here is made from willpower. What lies outside seems to be some sort of Magic that acts as a barrier. We will not be able to conquer this castle by just attacking it. And.... Our objective is not to seize the castle.... GEO I still can't believe it... that this big ol' thing is made of willpower... [what scale! It's not something a human can do....] EAGLE You heard a lot about the wonders of Cephiro when Lantis was in Autozam, right? P.101 GEO .... so Lantis.... was back in Cephiro.... EAGLE Well, it is his native country. Is there something on my face? P.102 EAGLE Oh, by any chance, are there imprints of the bedsheets from my nap....? GEO Is it really okay...? EAGLE Eh? GEO Is it really okay... to attack Lantis's native country? P.103 GEO Of all the lands that he lived in outside Cephiro while Lantis was a traveler, Autozam was where he stayed the longest. He was always reticent and poker-faced... but when he was with you, his tensions disappeared... I think that was because he truly trusted in you. You know, you're a lot like Lantis. You never change your mind. You risk your life for what you believe in.... P.104 GEO You're both square-headed. [EAGLE giggles] I thought that Lantis would stay in Autozam forever. But.... When the mental barrier surrounding Cephiro disappeared, and our top officials started having fits, saying that the Pillar must have died... P.105 GEO Lantis disappeared from Autozam... $ (Lantis) $.... Princess Emeraude.... died.... P.106 $ (Lantis) $.... Zagato.... knew that this was going to happen... $He said that the Princess would never throw everything away and live $the way her Heart wanted to live.... P.107 $ (Lantis) $Still, he couldn't keep from fighting for his own wish... $"Please be free, Princess Emeraude." $ (Eagle) $Lantis. P.108 $ (Lantis) $...... I thought that it was going to end up like this.... $They cannot lie to their Hearts. $But their Wishes were never going to be fulfilled. P.109 $ (Lantis) $Cephiro as it stands now.... cannot fulfill both of their wishes.... $Cephiro can not stand without the sacrifices of the Pillar. $I... P.110-111 $ (Lantis) $I can't think that that is right. $This tragedy should never occur again... $I will end the Legend of the Magic Knights and the Pillar system with $my own hands. P.112 GEO ..... Autozam is a highly mechanized country. They have quantified mental energy, and turned it into Power to move everything..... In that sense, it's similar to Cephiro where the Heart determines everything. But one thing that is drastically different... P.113 GEO this polluted sky. No matter what we make, no matter what chemical we synthesize... We cannot get the skies of Autozam to clear. The lands of Autozam are slowly being infected. EAGLE That is why... Autozam needs Cephiro's Pillar System. P.114 EAGLE Cephiro, when the Pillar existed, was a peaceful place that always felt like spring. I always looked at that blue sky from the control towers of Autozam.... and thought that someone who had a heart as pure as that sky was the Pillar that supported that country... .... but.... Cephiro, after losing its Pillar, has become such a wasteland that nothing can exist outside of the castle. P.115 EAGLE The Heart of one girl, known as the Pillar, was able to control all natural activities within that world. If we can figure out the logistics of the Pillar System, it might help us find the answer for the pollution problem in Autozam. GEO That is why... you approached your father, the president of Autozam... P.116 EAGLE Yes. I was the one that suggested attacking Cephiro. At this rate, Autozam will die out. No matter how we cover the residential districts with domes... The earth itself will die... Before that happens... we have to try every possible solution... GEO Even if that means... ... the destruction of Cephiro as a result? P.117 EAGLE Yes. Fahren and Chizeta also seem to be attacking Cephiro... but we have information about Cephiro that we have received from Lantis. We should be at an advantage. P.118-119 GEO It's okay for you to betray Lantis....? EAGLE I have already decided.... All my wishes are always unyielding. P.120 EAGLE No matter what happens... GEO All right! Ever since I teamed with you, my life is at your disposal. {argh, do what you want to do!] P.121 GEO No matter what happens, I'll follow you. EAGLE %.... Lantis, I'm sorry.... %but I will..... %Cephiro..... P.122 CALDINA Missies---!! I'm sooooo glad-----! I was worried about you! You're not hurt, are you!? You weren't molested or anything? UMI How can a Mashin be molested? FUU We are all right. It seems as though the visitors this time came from Fahren and Chizeta... CALDINA Chizeta!! [HIKARU: whew, that was painful...] The enemy kinda looked like this, then? P.123 UMI Yes! It looked like a genie, and it was macho.... I hate macho guys. [FUU: Macho....] CALDINA Hmm, so Princesses Tarta and Tatra of Chizeta are coming in on Plavarta, the moving fortress! Those things were their guardian seireis, Rakoon and Rasheen! HIKARU You know so much. CALDINA I'm originally from Chizeta. HIKARU, UMI, FUU EEEEHHHHH!?!?! P.124 [shock] UMI Caldina, you're not a Cephironian? [then that Osaka dialect....] CALDINA I'm... a dancer. I traveled all over the place, exhibiting my dancing as I went. [HIKARU: Waaaaaaaaa ] FUU Then why are you still in Cephiro? HIKARU You stopped traveling to places? [Although I'm happy to see you again....] [CALDINA: ummmmmmmmmm.......... ] P.125 CALDINA Well, there were a lot of things that went on.... LAFARGA Magic Knights. Did you see Lantis? HIKARU It looks like he went outside... CALDINA .... I wonder where that guy is always going out to.... LAFARGA What reason is there for anyone to go anywhere, given Cephiro's current state? P.126 UMI He always ventures outside the castle? LAFARGA Yeah... Just about everyday since he came back to Cephiro. FUU That reminds me... We were outside the first time we met him. CALDINA Lantis and Lafarga don't seem to get along very well. LAFARGA As soon as Princess Emeraude died, he came back from Autozam, an enemy country..... and he doesn't sit still in the castle but always goes outside.... it's impossible not to suspect him. UMI You mean.... LAFARGA He may be a spy for Autozam. P.127 HIKARU NO! [group is surprised.] UMI ... Hikaru.... FUU Hikaru-san... HIKARU I don't think... that's the case..... P.128 CALDINA Why do you think so? HIKARU [ummmmm ummmmm] Although I don't have any reason to say that.... Um... I don't think he's like that..... LAFARGA You shouldn't be troubled. [MOKONA: Puuuuuuuuuuuu] P.129 HIKARU Mokona.... [MOKONA: Pu!! Pupu!] P.130 ASUKA [OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!] The princesses of Chizeta have bad taste!! On the other hand, that thing was awesome. ["that" points to Mashin] CHANAN Asuka-sama-----!!! You collapse like that because you use high-level illusions so foolishly!! ASUKA I can't hear anything. CHANAN Asuka-sama-----!! [to waste food like that----!!] [SANYUN: aaaaahhhhhh....] P.131 TARTA [WOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!] What was that huge child----!!? TATRA It's probably from Fahren.... TARTA How do you know, Tatra-neesama!? TATRA Well, it's Autozam and Fahren that are supposedly attacking Cephiro. No matter how I look at it, that cute balloon-like child can't be from Autozam. So... it's probably the Illusion used by the royal family of Fahren. Chizeta... our country..... P.132 TATRA ... is REA-LLY SMALL! TARTA You don't have to say it so forcefully..... TATRA That's why Chizeta wants to increase the size of their land. TARTA Yeah! TATRA I understand why Autozam is attacking... nobody can live under their atmosphere. And that's probably why they are attacking Cephiro. But Fahren is a prosperous country. I wonder why they are endangering themselves to come to Cephiro? TARTA I don't care about that!! No matter what reason, Cephiro----! Cephiro will be taken by Chizeta!! P.133 TARTA We got behind, thanks to that gigantic kid! Nee-sama! We have to make a road again... to Cephiro!! P.134 TARTA, TATRA The road of light! Reach Cephiro so we may fulfill our wishes! P.135 P.136 ASUKA HA!! P.137 P.138 P.139 ASUKA [O-hohohoho] Wait for me, Cephiro! I will be right there to make you into a country full of candy! LANTIS %Another part of the ground is disappearing... P.140 LANTIS %..... Only the Pillar can stop the destruction of Cephiro. %But..... %There is no evidence that a new Path has opened anywhere in Cephiro. %If another Pillar is born, it only means the beginning of a new %tragedy... P.141 LANTIS %Magic Knights.... %I must make those girls the last ones that become involved in a battle %that has nothing to do with them... the last ones that get hurt as a %result... %The girl from another world...... %I did not even ask her name. P.142 LANTIS %Her eyes... were like Eagle's eyes. %The eyes of someone whose Heart is stronger than anyone else. P.143 HIKARU %I wonder why I said that.... $NO!! %It's not like I know a lot about him.... %I only talked to him for a little bit... %Then why...... [MOKONA: Pupuu?] P.144 HIKARU I don't know... my chest seems to hurt. [MOKONA: Pupu!?] Oh. It's not an illness or an injury. I'm all right! [Oh, maybe it's...] [MOKONA: Puuuuuu...] .....maybe it's because I'm so hungry that I'm feeling sad. Mokona! Let's go eat some snacks! .... Oh yeah, you don't have to eat anything. You don't have siblings or a mother. P.145 HIKARU ... aren't you lonely being in Cephiro all by yourself...? [MOKONA: Puu] I'm your friend, Mokona. I'm a comrade that fought with you. So are Umi-chan, Fuu-chan, Clef, and everyone else... okay...? P.146 UMI Hikaru---! Hikaru----! .... She's not here.... FUU I thought that she went back to our room with Mokona-san... UMI But she wasn't there... Hikaru.... I thought she would get hungry soon. [and so I got this from Caldina...] FUU When Hikaru-san is hungry, she loses energy.... P.147 UMI But that's not the only reason why Hikaru isn't as energetic as usual. FUU .... You are right. UMI I can't forget.... Even if it was what Princess Emeraude wanted... I can't forget.... what we did..... P.148 FUU Being summoned so suddenly from Tokyo. Fighting as Magic Knights. And being returned to our world before we could do anything... UMI Um, Fuu..? What do you think about this world? Cephiro, where willpower determines all. P.149 UMI They say that it is a very peaceful country when there is a Pillar... but is that really true? To me... The Pillar looks only like a Sacrifice for the stability and peace of this world. P.150 UMI To say, "if Everyone is Happy, Personal Happiness doesn't matter".... That's not normal. FUU ...... Did you notice, Umi-san? UMI Eh? FUU Clef-san has never said once that Cephiro is a Beautiful country. Because we know what Cephiro was like when Princess Emeraude was still here... P.151 FUU Because we saw the blue sky and the green trees... We believed without a doubt that Cephiro, when the Princess was at peace of mind, must have been even more beautiful and peaceful then what we saw. Clef-san has not said once that this world is Beautiful. Maybe Clef-san realizes that..... PP.152-153 FUU ... that the Pillar System, which is what makes this world exist, is a mistake... UMI Clef.... FUU But we are Strangers. We do not even know who summoned us this time.... We do not know if we are here until the new Pillar is determined, or until the war against the other countries come to an end... P.154 FUU But, if that Someone's wish becomes fulfilled.... We have no choice but to go back to Tokyo. UMI I know. We are not residents of Cephiro. We are just Passers-by that are in this country only for a moment. We haven't met anyone from Cephiro other than Clef's group... FUU We are Strangers that know nothing about the actual good and bad things about this country. ... we have no authority to say what this country should do.... P.155 FUU From the viewpoint of someone that lives in Cephiro.... We Magic Knights must be felons that murdered the Pillar. The fact that we didn't meet anyone that was not related with Princess Emeraude in the last battle seems so matter-of-fact considering the job of the Magic Knights. Umi-san... Why did you feel that you wanted to fight for Cephiro once again? As Clef-san says, we are not involved in this current battle. We might really die this time. Then why....? P.156 UMI Clef... Presea... It's because I want to protect all the people I met in Cephiro. No matter who summoned me, I am here right now. I like the people that I got to meet here in Cephiro. Although I haven't met anyone outside the group, it's a country led by them. I never want the people I love to be unhappy. If saving this country results in protecting the people I care about, I will do it. P.157 FUU I feel the same way. I never want to fill my heart with regret. And... I want Umi-san and Hikaru-san to be happy, too. UMI So do I. I want both Hikaru and Fuu to always be smiling. P.158 UMI Especially Hikaru. She always takes things personally... FUU Hikaru-san is really strong... but you can't keep your eyes off her. It's exactly like the last time we were summoned. UMI Let's get stronger for the people we love. ......but.... P.159 UMI I still don't like the Pillar system of this country! FUU ... I do not like it, either. P.160 MASHIN Girls from another world. Roads from other countries are approaching Cephiro! UMI Chizeta!? FUU Or is it Fahren? HIKARU Or..... Autozam....!? P.161 HIKARU %...... I will fight. UMI %...... for myself. FUU %...... for my own Heart. P.162-163 HIKARU Rayearth! UMI Selece! FUU Windam! P.164 HIKARU Umi-chan! Fuu-chan! FUU Hikaru-san! UMI Hikaru! Aren't you hungry!? Are you feeling sad!? HIKARU ..... I feel a little sad. UMI Aaarrgghhhh.... the candy I had in my uniform isn't here!! HIKARU I'm okay! I can hold my hunger! FUU Yes. We should get them to go back soon, and we'll have tea when we get back to the castle. P.165 ASUKA Oooooooooo! Those cool things are here again! I'm making that mine! [kya kya] SANYUN Um...... I don't think it will fit in Asuka-sama's room.... ASUKA I'll raise it in the backyard, so there's no problem! Sanyun! [Gimme!] The string!! CHANAN I will not allow it! P.166 CHANAN How ludicrous... to use an illusionary spell of even higher level than Dragon Art Reincarnation! You are still way, way, way, way, way uneducated to use the spell! ASUKA [ignoring] Get it out, Sanyun. CHANAN No, Sanyun!! ASUKA Get it out! Sanyun----!!! [Hmmmmmmm?] P.167 [ASUKA: Kyakya kyakya] CHANAN Asuka-sama----! ASUKA HA! P.168 HIKARU A dragon!? P.169 ASUKA O--hohohohoho, I'm ready now! [kya kya] Here we go! <>!! {illusion, spell, string} P.170 UMI Eh!? Eh? Eh?? HIKARU What's happening!? Umi-chan! UMI I... I don't know! My hands are moving by themselves! P.171 FUU Kyaaaaaa! UMI Fuu---!!! P.172 ASUKA O-hohohohoho! I showed YOU! A secret only known by the royal family of Fahren -- the Illusionary String! Those who are controlled by these strings... ... move exactly the way I want them to move! P.173 HIKARU Waaaaaaa FUU Kyaaaaaa UMI What's going on!? Selece! P.174 SELECE It is the Illusion of Fahren. UMI Illusion!? P.175 ASUKA O--hohoho Now that cool thing will move as I wish! P.176 ASUKA I can do stuff like this! HIKARU U... Umi-chan.... UMI No....! It's not me! I just MOVE! P.177 ASUKA So! Let's get this over with! P.178 UMI Since this is an Illusion, this is also Fahren's fault, right!? SELECE Yes. ASUKA Kiiiiiiiiii----! P.179 UMI Uggghhh...... ASUKA You....! You're such an impertinent.....!! PP.180-181 ASUKA <>! P.182 FUU <>!! HIKARU Umi-chan! FUU Umi-san! UMI I don't know if this is just an Illusion or if it is Magic, but attacking Hikaru or Fuu is not funny!! P.183 HIKARU Waaaaaaaaaaaaa FUU Kyaaaaaa P.184 UMI Hikaru! Fuu! %Something.... wrapped around me...!? P.185 ASUKA O---hohohoho! Well, time to finish them off! PP.186-187 UMI <>!! ("Kouri no Yaiba") P.188 ASUKA Gyaaa! Sanyun! SANYUN A... Asuka-sama.... Are you all right...? ASUKA I'm all right. Sanyun! [CHANAN: Well done!] Why you......! P.189 TARTA Doumu... ... and the thing from the other day! TATRA My, my, my. Looks like we're a little late. TARTA Damn Fahren...! P.190 TATRA That's not a weapon of Autozam's. And it's not Fahren's. It's from Cephiro after all. Cephiro is a world of will. That means... that thing is also made from willpower.... Looks like a tough enemy. TARTA Well, we just have to defeat both! P.191 HIKARU What's that!? EAGLE Roads from Fahren and Chizeta. P.192 EAGLE Ugh...... ASUKA Kyaaaaaaaa P.193 CHANAN Asuka-sama! P.194 TARTA Kyaaaaaaa TATRA Tarta! ......Autozam. P.195 PP.196-197 P.198 GEO Eagle! Eagle!! What's wrong!? He used too much mental energy! He fell asleep while connected to the computer! ZAZU It can't be! He'll use up all his mental energy! We have to cut the cord fast! GEO It's more dangerous to forcefully cut off the connection! His consciousness would black out with the computer! P.199 ZAZU What are you trying to do, Geo!?! GEO I'll send my mental energy straight to his brain and wake him up. ZAZU That's too violent! GEO It's better than letting him become a vegetable! P.200 GEO Wake up, Eagle!! EAGLE ....... Geo...... ZAZU [whew] Eagle!! GEO You shortened my life.... EAGLE By any chance, did I fall asleep? P.201 GEO No chances here... you were. You almost fell asleep for good. EAGLE .....we don't have much time left...... I have suppressed the Roads from Fahren and Chizeta. Let's keep the armies from those two countries from entering Cephiro. P.202 HIKARU Three Roads!? UMI NO! You can't go through that Road! Hikaru! P.203 HIKARU Ugghh..... UMI, FUU Eh!? P.204 GEO Eagle! ZAZU A Mashin entered the Road that Eagle made? GEO What!? P.205 HIKARU ..... a battleship!? EAGLE Mashin.... A red..... Mashin..... %A girl!? HIKARU %Someone... is looking this way.....? PP.206-207 HIKARU %This is.... %Eagle of Autozam...? EAGLE %Legendary Magic Knight..... P.208 HIKARU Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh UMI Hikaru! FUU <>! UMI Hikaru! FUU Hikaru-san! P.209 FUU Let's go back to the castle for now! We don't know what went on inside the Road, and I am worried about Hikaru-san. GEO Eagle! EAGLE %.... She came into the Road that I created.... %The Pillar of Cephiro has to go through the Path to the Pillar and %accept a Challenge..... %Lantis said that..... ....a Path..... The Path to the Pillar.... P.210 UMI Hikaru! FUU Hikaru-san! [MOKONA: Pupuuuu puuuuu] P.211 FUU < LANTIS It looks like she used too much of her Heart.... Healing spells do not work on fatigue. .... Let her rest. Where is her room? P.212 UMI Oh, um.... this way. HIKARU Eagle. LANTIS %She fought against Autozam. %Eagle... you came to Cephiro...... %Looking for this world's Pillar system.... P.213 RAYEARTH One of the Magic Knights has passed through the Road created by someone from another country. -----To next stage----- Pirated CLAMP Newspaper for Magic Knight RayEarth 2, Vol.2 P.214 SD MOKONA APAPA Magic Knight RayEarth is now in its second volume. SD SATSUKI Hello everyone, this is the Pirated CLAMP Newspaper. SD NEKOI The second volume is full of battles and confusion as the three companies approach Cephiro. SD OOKAWA Mokona seems to be really prominent... what will happen to it!? [SD MOKONA APAPA: Even the Mashins were bowing down to it. SD SATSUKI And Hikaru was able to enter the Road that Umi-chan bounced off of. [the story becomes more and more mysterious.] P.215 SD MOKONA APAPA So!! What is going to happen now...!? SD OOKAWA To be continued. [SD MOKONA APAPA: Nooooo... It's on my mind..... SD NEKOI: You ogre.... you devil....] SD SATSUKI The TV version of RayEarth safely ended its run. SD OOKAWA But you can watch anime on video or LD's. SD NEKOI The anime ending is different from the manga ending, so please watch both if you can. [commercial] SD MOKONA APAPA There will also be four script books for the anime version of Magic Knight RayEarth. SD OOKAWA And there will be a book of the character/place settings that Mokona drew for the anime and the manga coming out next February. Please pick that up too. [end commercial] Mmm? P.216 The cat that we introduced in the back of RayEarth2 volume 1 is now 8 months old and has grown to adult size. SD MOKONA APAPA The cat has learned to be sweet when it first wakes up and for meals, but it still won't let us touch it much. [oh.... so cute... let me pet you just once... CAT: Heheee] The cat has gotten used to its surroundings and now walks around the room as if it owned the place. It talks a lot, too. [CAT: Meooooooooooooooowww Miyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooowww Miiiiiiiiiiiiiyaaaooooooooooooowww] SD NEKOI I have no idea what it is saying. SD SATSUKI We take it that it wants to play, and we chase each other up and down the hallway. [woooooooooooooooooo.....] SD NEKOI It is rather good exercise. [SD SATSUKI: It's tough for someone out of shape...] It likes this chase, but it also likes to watch video games. [SD SATSUKI: Don't bite... SD OOKAWA: You're in the way---!] P.217 It especially likes the Saturn version of Magic Knight RayEarth, and it would even hop up from its nap and dash to the TV to watch if it heard the music. [it especially likes the magic.] SD OOKAWA But I want it to stop stepping on the reset button. SD SATSUKI Yup. [My Majin Tensei game...] SD MOKONA APAPA Why do cats step on things they shouldn't step on? SD NEKOI Yeah... it never comes near me except for when I'm coloring.... it splashed water on the paper. [the drawing was fine because I was using Liquitex, which is insoluble in water, at least....] SD MOKONA APAPA I had black ink spill all over the desk, then the face of the character on my color illustration that I just finished was stepped on with an inked paw, and then it ran all around the room with that inky paw and I had to clean the carpet... [of course I had to redraw the color illustration... and I didn't have any time...] SD NEKOI Yeah, that was really bad. SD OOKAWA As you can see, it is growing up really well. [oh my...] [SD MOKONA APAPA: What do you mean, "as you can see"!? OOooooooh!!!] SD NEKOI If there is something to inform in volume 3 of Magic Knight RayEarth 2, we will draw it in. So we will see you again in volume 3. SD FUU Um..... I thought we were the main characters of this book.... [SD UMI: Fuu, you tell them! SD HIKARU: Animals are so cute....] -----To next stage----- Character Profiles. First page top: Tarta Origin: Chizeta Favorite things: Father, Mother, Martial arts training, Tatra (for now) Chizeta's younger princess. Sometimes very stubborn, but an honest and kind princess at heart. Is worried about the small size of the country, and wants to make it even slightly bigger for her parents. That is why she decided to come to Cephiro. The king and queen of Chizeta, however, have no problems with a small country, and just wish that their people live in peace and happiness. She practices her martial arts every day, and studies to be a better lord, but cannot win against her older sister no matter what she does. First page bottom: Tatra Origin: Chizeta Favorite things: Tarta, tea The older princess of Chizeta. Always happy and sanguine, but there seems to be something more underneath. Although she seems weak and ditzy, she is the best at martial arts and learning in Chizeta. Tarta seems to mind the fact that she has never won against her older sister. Tatra is rather indifferent about coming to Cephiro. She loves to drink tea and tries to hold tea parties even during battle when there is time. She also seems to enjoy Tarta losing it when the tea parties are held during battle. Second page top: Rakoon and Rasheen Origin: Chizeta The guardian spirits that protect the princesses of Chizeta. It seems to function like guardian angels for the royal family of Chizeta. Rakoon guards Tarta and Rasheen guards Tatra. Their personalities are said to differ slightly, but not much is known. Since they are spirits, they do not have a basic shape and can morph into anything. They usually seem to be in a shape resembling a genie. Second page bottom: Asuka Origin: Fahren Favorite things: Confectioneries (esp. peach donuts), mischief, Sanyun A child as anyone can see. The Empress-to-be of Fahren. She is the only heir and her parents have passed away, so she has grown up spoiled, but she is also honest and kind at heart. She decided to come to Cephiro from purely childish materialistic desires: she wants to become a pretty princess and do whatever she wishes. Sanyun's mother was her nanny. She hates to study, and is always scolded by the sage Chanan -- but she never gives in to him. She controls the illusionary spells passed on only to the royal family in Fahren to fight the Magic Knights. Third page top: Sanyun Origin: Fahren Favorite things: Asuka, books The loyal servant of Asuka, who grew up by her side. The face resembles a gag-manga character, but is actually very thoughtful and studious. He studies day and night about many things, hoping that someday he will be helping Asuka when she rules over Fahren. He cannot use illusionary spells because he is not of the royal family, but is excellent at martial arts and at archery. He seems to have a fondness for Asuka, but has no intentions of telling her because of the social class difference. Third page bottom: Chanan Origin: Fahren Favorite things: apricot wine, shoulder massages A Cabinet member of Fahren. He currently rules over Fahren as the young Asuka wouldn't be able to handle it. A relative of the royal family, he can use a little bit of illusionary spells. He has hopes that Asuka will become a great empress with the correct guidance, based on her illusionary ability and bright, honest and kind personality. Thus, he treats her fairly harshly, so Asuka thinks of him as a "preachy old man" but he doesn't mind. He hopes that Sanyun will help the somewhat clumsy Asuka in the future.