Here is my translation of volume 9 part 9 of the Ranma 1/2 manga. The stories with Ukyou are very funny. I wish she meets up with Shampoo someday.. Hitoshi Doi, Japanese ULTRIX Engineering Japan Research and Development Center decwrl!jrdvax.enet!doi Ranma 1/2 manga volume 9 part 9 -------------------------------- English translation done by Hitoshi Doi, 1990/01/26 p 134 Ukyou Akane and Ryouga's date, I'll make it a success for sure. Ukyou If those two hit it off, Ukyou I'll be the only fiancee that Ranma has. Ukyou There, the perfect love letter! okonomiyaki To Tendo Akane, I'll be waiting for you at the okonomiyaki store Ucchan at 2 pm. Ryouga. p 135 Ukyou Akane. Akane What? This voice.. Akane's father Akane, is she your friend. Akane Oh father, I'll introduce you. Akane This is Ranma's cute fiancee Kuonji Ukyou. Akane's father Oh, Ranma's. Ukyou Good morning sir. p 136 Ranma The problem about Ukyou, Ranma You did it on your own. You better take the responsibility for it. Ranma Somehow, if Akane's father hears about it.. Akane's father I won't forgive you. p 137 Akane And, You wanted to see me? Ukyou Akane, things aren't going well with Ranma are they? Akane What.. Ukyou That means you can quit being his fiancee. Akane Hey you. Ukyou Or, do you like Ranma? Ukyou Actually, you two are deeply in love.. Akane Are you kidding.. Ranma There's no way, with this girl.. Ukyou As I thought, things aren't going well. Akane Of course. p 138 Ranma What are you pretending to be innocent! Akane's father If you turn down Akane.. Akane's father You know what's going to happen! Ukyou Well, let's settle it once and for all. Ukyou I'll be waiting for you! p 139 Akane A letter! Akane To Tendo Akane, I'll be waiting for you at the okonomiyaki store Ucchan at 2 pm. Akane A letter of challenge! Ranma What, you're going to set up a date with Ryouga for Akane!? Ukyou Yup, I just gave her the love letter. p 140 Ranma There's no way Akane will go. Ukyou What? You're so sure. Ranma Fu, Akane is.. Ranma The owner of Japan's least cute personality. Akane Yeah, I was asked out on a date. I have to wear cute clothes. Ranma If something like that happens, Ranma I'll dress up like a fag and run around the city one hundred times. p 141 Ukyou A girl that ugly.. Existed in this world.. Ukyou Oh no, I didn't account for that.. Ranma But.. It's also Ryouga's fault. Ranma He can't ask her out himself, It's unmanly. narration Meanwhile, Hibiki Ryouga was, Ryouga Where's the okonomiyaki store! sign Please don't talk to the horses. narration Was looking for a way to Tokyo. p 142 Akane Ya! Ukyou That means you can quit being his fiancee. Akane What's she thinking about. Just coming out of nowhere.. Akane I'll accept this challenge! Akane What are you doing Ranma. Ranma It's almost time, don't you have to get ready? p 143 Akane None of your business. But Ranma, Akane Don't get in the way between the two of us. Ranma Who's going to.. Ranma The two of us!? Ranma That means. You're really going to go.. Akane There's no way that I can turn this down. Ranma What! Ranma Since when are you this kind of girl.. Akane I'm looking forward to it. Akane I have one thing to say, p 144 Akane I don't care at all about being your fiancee. Akane That's not the reason why I'm going.. Akane What? Ranma Well, isn't she something. Ryouga Wa, ha, ha, ha, ha! Serves you right Ranma! Akane Don't get in the way between the two of us. Ranma I won't, Ranma Let that happen! p 145 Akane Hey! Ukyou Akane! Ukyou I'm so happy, you came. Akane Of course. Ukyou That means, you want to go out with him. Akane Huh? What are you saying.. p 146 Ryouga Made.. Ryouga Made it in time.. Akane Ryouga.. Akane What about the challenge.. Ukyou What are you talking about. p 147 Ryouga It's a flower that I bought just when I started to come here. Akane Thank you..? Ukyou What happened on the way here. Ukyou Praying that your first date will turn out good. Ukyou This is my treat. Akane First date? Akane Oh that's it, She want me to go out with other guys, Akane And to stop being Ranma's fiancee. Who's going to fall for that. p 148 Akane And they used Ryouga, who is so nice.. Akane This is delicious, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ryouga Wa, ha, ha, ha, ha. Ranma girl I'll get in the way of their date! Wa, ha, ha, ha, ha.