Here is my translation of volume 8 part 1 of the Ranma 1/2 manga. Definitions: doujou yaburi = a person who steals the sign in front of a doujou to destroy the name of the doujou. Hitoshi Doi, Japanese ULTRIX Engineering Japan Research and Development Center decwrl!jrdvax.enet!doi Ranma 1/2 manga volume 8 part 1 ------------------------------- English translation done by Hitoshi Doi, 1989/10/08 p 6 Akane Ho, ho. Akane I'm home.. Akane Huh? Akane The sign.. It's gone! Akane It's the doujou yaburi! p 7 Akane's father Yes.. They took the sign. Akane Who!? Akane I'll go get it back.. Ranma You left yourself open. Akane's father Oh, Ranma.. Akane What are you doing. Ranma I can do it by myself. Akane What, you stay out of this. Ranma You left yourself open. You'll just get in the way. p 8 Akane How's this. Akane Can you really defeat the doujou yaburi like that? Ranma You, you coward! Akane's father Hey stop it. Akane He-.. Weakling! Akane's father Please listen to me. Ranma You shrimp. Akane What. This doesn't concern you! Akane's father Listen to me! p 9 Akane's father Ok.. This Saturday.. The doujou yaburi will come again.. Akane Why.. Akane's father If you defeat him.. Akane He'll give the sign back! Akane's father Ok, you two cooperate and fight.. Akane, Ranma I can do it by myself.. Akane's father I want both of you. Ranma Well, ok. Akane's father That's the way I want it. p 10 Akane's father The two of them have to take care of this doujou. Ranma's father Yes! We have to use this opportunity for them to get closer. Akane's father Trans.. Ranma's father Formation! p 11 fathers After transforming into the doujou yaburi like this we can pond those two who never get along every day. Ranma We have to cooperate.. Akane In order to defeat this giant enemy! p 12 Akane, Ranma Take this, the double kick of love! fathers You two stay together like this in the future. Akane, Ranma Ok, mister wonderful, doujou yaburi. fathers It's the perfect plan. p 13 Ranma What!? Akane's father Ranma, it's the doujou yaburi! Ranma Yeah, I heard this morning! p 14 Akane's father No! panda Look at this. Akane A letter? Ranma I'll return this Saturday. Akane If you win, I'll give back the sign. Ranma See, it's the same story. You're too pushy. Shampoo Niihao Ranma. Akane Shampoo.. Ranma What? p 15 Akane Why did you come. Ranma Don't come when it's such a confusing time. Shampoo You sure you can speak to me like that. Shampoo I put water in the pan. This is just regular water. Shampoo Watch. Shampoo This is just a regular dog. guys Hey. It's drowning? p 16 guys It became a man! Ranma This is.. Shampoo Everyone who drowns becomes a man. Nannichuan mix. p 17 guys It looks like an onsen mix. guys It's the Jusenkyou Springs series..? Shampoo You use this. Ranma can be a complete man. Ranma It's not a dream. This mixed up body will get fixed! p 18 guys Don't think of anything stupid. We like you the way you are. Ranma You.. Akane Of course you're not going to give it for free. Shampoo Of course not free. Shampoo We go on a date. Ranma Sure. Akane Ranma! Akane's father It's just a date. p 19 Shampoo See you this Saturday. Ranma Hm? Akane's father This.. Saturday.. Ranma So it's like that.. Akane That's ok. Ranma With your enormous strength, you can easily defeat the doujou yaburi. Akane By enormous strength... p 20 Akane Do you mean this! Ranma Yeah! That's it! Good! guys What's to good.. He disappeared. Akane Even if he begs me to help. I won't let him. g-grandma The Jusenkyou Springs series? It's a cheap, fake product that only works once. Shampoo It looks that way. Even if I pour water on it, it doesn't turn into a man.