Here is my translation of volume 7 part 8 of the Ranma 1/2 manga. Hitoshi Doi, Japanese ULTRIX Engineering Japan Research and Development Center decwrl!jrdvax.enet!doi Ranma 1/2 manga volume 7 part 8 ------------------------------- English translation done by Hitoshi Doi, 1989/10/08 p 118 Kasumi Akane, you have a package. Akane For me? Akane Oh, it's from Ryouga. Kasumi Oh my, pineapples. Ryouga Dear Akane, I'm now training in Hokkaido. Ryouga It's very hot every day. The other day I was almost bitten by a jellyfish. This Hokkaido is.. Kasumi Oh, he's in Okinawa. p 119 Happosai Hmm.. Happosai Oh! It's so pretty! Happosai This is.. Akane's panties!! Happosai To get a treasure like this by chance.. Happosai It's a gift from god.. Happosai What! p 120 Happosai You're to good to be just an ordinary pig! Happosai You underwear thief.. Akane Who is? p 121 Akane Where were you P-chan? Thank you for catching the underwear thief. Happosai So it was Akane's pet. Happosai You're so lucky to be so much loved by Akane. Akane Ranma, please don't pick on P-chan. Ranma That Ryouga. Coming home all of a sudden. Happosai He has all the luck, doesn't he Ranma! Ranma I don't think so! p 122 Kasumi Akane, are you going to sleep already? Happosai Oh, you're going with P-chan. Akane Good night. Happosai So happy. Me too. Happosai I'm going to sleep. Ranma Wait a minute old man. Happosai I'm P-chan. Ranma P-chan, where are you going to sleep? Ranma Wait, you! Akane Huh? p 123 Ranma What.. Ranma Don't worry, I'm not interested in your semi-nude appearance. Akane Barging in on me while I'm changing.. Akane Is that all you can say! p 124 Ranma What, I was trying to save yo from the old man's evil tricks! Akane Baka! I don't need your help.. Akane I have P-chan with me all night! Happosai That's true. p 125 Akane Hm? Akane P-chan's also gone.. Ryouga I won't forgive you Ranma! Ryouga While I was away, you brought such a perverted old man! Ranma Stop whining you pig. Akane I have P-chan with me all night! Ryouga Akane.. p 126 Ryouga I'll risk my life to protect Akane. Ranma You mean you just want to sleep with Akane! p 127 Happosai Finally we got rid of all of the people in the way! Happosai So, let's sleep together! Akane Ranma! p 128 Ranma Akane! Ranma Old man! What did you do! Happosai I gave her a special hit so that she would sleep well all night. Happosai See you. Ranma You! p 129 Ryouga Take that you old man! Happosai Huh? Who are you. Ranma A chance! p 130 Ryouga There! Happosai Cowards! Both of you, picking on a weak old man. Ranma Who's a weak old man! Happosai I give up. I can't beat you young people. Ryouga I thought you were better Ranma. Ranma Huh? Ryouga Since you couldn't handle him, I was wondering how tough an old man he was.. p 131 Happosai Take that. Ranma He's that kind of old man. Ranma There! Happosai This is enough for today's training. Ryouga Shit! p 132 Happosai I'm going to sleep too. Ranma W.. Wait.. Happosai Akane.. Ranma Does she always sleep like that? Ryouga No, today's one of her better nights.