Here is my translation of volume 5 part 6 of the Ranma 1/2 manga. Episode 3 of "Ranma 1/2 Nettouhen" was based on this story.. Hitoshi Doi, Japanese ULTRIX Engineering Japan Research and Development Center decwrl!jrdvax.enet!doi Ranma 1/2 manga vol. 5 part 6 ----------------------------- English translation done by Hitoshi Doi, 1989/11/14 p 86 Ranma Shut up! I'm innocent! Akane * * * Ranma It was just an innocent accident! Akane * * * Ranma There's no need to talk about it.. Any more! p 87 Ranma Yup. I'll use this approach. Ranma Even if I apologize and make up some excuse, Ranma That kind of girl would just get mad. Ranma Akane! Akane Good morning Ranma. Ranma What.. p 88 Ranma Um.. about last night.. Akane What are you talking about? Ranma You know, in the bathroom.. Akane Oh, that. Akane I'm not. Akane Worrying about it at all. p 89 Ranma Shit. She's not cute. Ranma What? p 90 Ranma Who are you. old woman You're not bad. Son. old woman See you later. Ranma son..? p 91 Shampoo Niihao. Kasumi Oh, Shampoo. Nice to see you again. Nabiki Didn't you return to China? Shampoo Noodles to celebrate our moving into the neighborhood. p 92 Ranma You moved here? Kasumi She says she opened a ramen store nearby. Nabiki Akane, this is pretty good. Akane I don't want any. old woman I heard the story from Shampoo. old woman Be a good boy and marry Shampoo. Kasumi Oh, we have a guest? Ranma Oh, the old woman I ran into before. Shampoo My great grandmother. p 93 Akane's father Ranma is Akane's fiancee. g-grandma It is our rule to be a wife of a strong man. Kasumi Your Japanese is very good. g-grandma I didn't live one hundred years for nothing. Nabiki Wow, you're a lot younger than you look. Ranma I'll tell you something old woman. I have no intention of marrying Shampoo.. Shampoo Ranma, come with me. p 94 Ranma You.. Ranma You. You think that kind of thing will work on me.. Shampoo What are you thinking, stupid! Shampoo What are you going to do about this body! p 95 narration It took place several weeks ago. g-grandma You came back to China without killing Ranma. That's breaking the rules. g-grandma We have to re-do the training! Here I come Shampoo! guide Recently, there are a lot of people using the Chouchuanshian. I wonder why. p 96 guide Oh no. She fell into the Maonichuan. Shampoo's dad My daughter! guide Maonichuan has a sad legend that a cat drowned in it 1800 years ago. guide Since then, everyone who falls in.. guide Becomes a cat. Shampoo's dad My daughter, Shampoo! Shampoo That's how it is. Ranma Wait a minute. p 97 Shampoo You take the responsibility for it. Ranma Why is it my fault!? g-grandma It's all your fault! Ranma When.. Don't accuse me falsely.. Ranma Quit fooling around! p 98 Ranma Oops! Ranma You.. You old hag! p 99 Ranma Wait! g-grandma If you can catch me, you little wimp, g-grandma Catch me! g-grandma Ha. Serves him right. g-grandma He's 100 years too young to be able to catch me. p 100 Ranma Hey! You're a little slow old woman. g-grandma so, you're pretty good. No wonder Shampoo picked you. Ranma Don't decide those things for me. g-grandma What, in a couple days, g-grandma You'll come begging me to marry Shampoo. Ranma What..?