Ranma 1/2 Chapter 27.7 'Mad Dog at the Ocean' Translated by Usagi North - a division of Z-TV Enterprises DSS AtomicFractal - (801)377-2180 Page 102 Ranma: Our dads should be here already. Akane: Even so, this beach is odd Page 103 Akane: They've got tons of stuff ready for the season Akane: But we're the only ones here Sign: (Swimming Forbidden) Sign: (Beware of Dog) Ranma: 'Swimming Forbidden.' 'Beware of Dog?' Akane: Do dogs live in the ocean? Soun: I see... Soun: You're plagued with a ghost Old Man: Yes Page 104 Old Man: The ghost has been plaguing us for several decades now Old Man: Every year. When Summer comes around Old Man: It attacks only young girls and pull them down into the ocean Sign: (Artist's Rendering) Man1: Because of that people have stopped coming here Man2: If this keeps up, we owners of beach-side businesses... Genma: (Understood) Soun: Defeating Monsters is the Martial Artist's Sacred Duty Ranma: And that means... Page 105 Ranma: I have to do it? Soun: Only you can do it Soun: The ghost only attacks young girls Page 107 Ranma: Wha...What's this? Ranma: Tei!! Ranma: This doesn't have a real body Ranma: Hmmm? Page 108 Ranma: I see, this big thing is just an illusion Ranma: It's real body is... Ranma: Inside this shrine Ranma: Ah!? Page 109 Ranma: Hmmm? Soun: Are you awake? Kasumi: Are you okay, Ranma-kun? Akane: You lost consiousness and floated to the surface Ranma: What happened to the ghost!? Ranma" The thing that looked like a guardian shrine dog Akane: About that guardian dog... Page 110 Ranma: Eh? Ranma: Wha... Ranma: What's with this low class, ugly swimsuit? Soun: While you were out we tried to hard too... Kasumi: ...no matter what it wouldn't come off Ranma: It won't come off!? Page 111 Kasumi: Ah..... Akane: The swimsuit's crying Swimsuit: I'm the most unlucky swimsuit in the world... Swimsuit: On that summer day, miss wore me for the first time Swimsuit: Miss's boyfriend, Natsuhiko was supposed to flatter me Swimsuit: However Page 112 Natsuhiko: I think this swimsuit would look better on you Natsuhiko: It's a present from me Girl: That's wonderful Natsuhiko-san Swimsuit: And then I was thrown away Swimsuit: I can't rest in peace until Natsuhiko-san flatters me Akane: And this's why you're stuck on Ranma? Nabiki: In other words, until it gets flattered... Akane: ...it can't be taken off Swimsuit: There's only one chance for love Swimsuit: If my wish isn't granted by the time the sun sets tommorrow... Page 113 Swimsuit: ...I'm fated to return to the shrine, dragging you with me Ranma: GET OFF OF ME!! Swimsuit: Hiii What're you doing!!? Akane: That's horrible page 114 Soun: Anyway we have to find that Natsuhiko person!! Genma: (Desperatly Seeking Natsuhiko) Akane: Natsuhiko-san!!! Natsuhiko: Who the heck's calling me!? Soun: The owner of the hotel, you are... Natsuhiko: ...Natsuhiko! Ranma: Flatter this swimsuit, now! Natsuhiko: I think you'ld look better in this swimsuit Natsuhiko: It's a present from me Page 115 Natsuhiko: You don't have to get that mad Natsuhiko: Now that you mention it Natsuhiko: I remember that happening when I was young Natsuhiko: It goes against my training as an artist but... Natsuhiko: ...but this is to help someone Soun: Wait! Hit him after he flatters the swimsuit Natsuhiko: You're a lot prettier than I think Swimsuit: What's this old man saying!? Ranma: That's him, get off me! Swimsuit: Kiii....Natsuhiko was younger than that, and a lot more handsome. Akane: But that was decades ago! Page 116 Soun: We'll just have to find someone who looks like the young Natsuhiko Akane: That's impossible, there's no way we could be lucky enough to... Mina: Hmmm Shiranai Yatsu: I've been searching for you Swimsuit: It's Natsuhiko-san Ranma: Huh? Akane: But you're...