Ranma 1/2, volume 17 part 5 "Ranma nanka iranai!" (I don't want Ranma!) English translation by Theresa Martin p. 70 Dotatata... pounding footsteps resound even outdoors. Akane: Hold on, o-jii-san [= old man]. Happousai, carrying a bra, bounds through the doujou, with Akane in pursuit. Akane: Again with my underwear... Happousai: Isn't it OK, at least one piece. Humming, Kasumi is carefully carrying a tray of condiments and chopsticks up the hallway. Akane snatches the soy sauce from the tray in passing. Akane: When I say now, I mean now... p. 71 Akane hurls the soy sauce ballistically at Happousai. Akane: Punishment!! Happousai: Dodge. As the soy sauce whizzes through the air, someone slides open the outside door. Nabiki: I'm ho-me. Biju! Akane and Happousai (in mid-air) stare. The soy sauce hits the floor by a sneakered foot and rolls aside: Kon, kararara... Nabiki, tennis racket in her carryall, touches the big black stain on the shoulder of her white jacket {jowa~}. Nabiki: A-a, this, it was new... Akane is alarmed. Akane: Na... Nabiki o-nee-chan [= elder sis]. p. 72 Akane: S-, sorry, sorry. Nabiki: What, Akane [you] threw this? Kasumi: That's terrible, soy sauce stains don't come out! Nabiki: Especially this, it's pure white. Akane bows in apology. Nabiki removes the jacket. Akane: I'm very sorry, I'm very sorry. Nabiki: It's OK, it's OK. Nabiki gives the jacket to a stricken Akane and walks off. Nabiki: Stop talking, it was wrong of me to have worn it. Akane: (shuddering) It's mine... The door to Nabiki's room. Nabiki: Talk about obstinate, Akane... Akane: What! It suited me, that garment. p. 73 Nabiki opens her closet to Akane. Nabiki: I wish you'd shut up, I'll give you one article of clothing in exchange. Akane: Really!? Akane holds up a one-piece. Akane: Kya, this one-piece is pretty... This... Nabiki sips tea as Akane looks closely at it. Akane: ...isn't it mine. Night falls over the neighborhood. A dog barks: U- wan wan wan. Dosa... Clothes, purses, CDs, cassettes, bottles, jewelry, etc. are tossed in a pile on the floor. Akane: And this! And this! And this too is mine. Akane: (panting) Greedy as much as this... Nabiki: I was only borrowing them for a while. p. 74 Cha, the door opens and Ranma comes in, returning a towel. Ranma: Yo-, Nabiki nee-chan, the floor-cloth I borrowed before... Ranma holds up a tattered rag with a misshapen animal and the initials A.T. sewn into one end. Nabiki: N? Ranma: It wore to tatters when I wiped down the doujou with it but... Akane snatches the rag away. Nabiki: It's OK, just throw it away, that thing... She glares at it, burning with anger. Akane: This... I embroidered this with all my might... Sports towel... Akane angrily holds the towel wide, tears in her eyes. Nabiki: E!? Akane: It was perfect [lit. free from mistakes], this rabbit design!! p. 75 Nabiki: I'm sorry, that was Akane's [yours]? Ranma: Rabbit...? You mean that's not a jellyfish? Akane burns and trembles with anger. Ranma: N? What's wrong? Akane... At dinner, Ranma's face is ugly with bruises and bandages. Nabiki: Sorry~, Ranma-kun. I've a violent little sister. Ranma: Yeah. Akane: What! O-nee-chan is wrong. Things like my clothes formerly... Nabiki and Ranma eat their rice. Bon! Akane slams the table at their words. Nabiki: Having that sort of fianc\'ee, even you have a hard time of it, don't you. Ranma: Yeah. Akane: Ranma. p. 76 Akane stands up and yells at Ranma. Akane: You, whose side are you on. Ranma: In any case... Ranma smiles. Ranma: Isn't it all right, the clothes that most suit you are well... Akane starts. Akane: E... Akane fidgets, thinking about her pretty outfits. Akane: that?... or... As Ranma explains, the chopsticks break in Akane's fingers: Baki! Ranma: Since only a judo outfit suits you anyway... isn't it OK, the 10 or 20 outfits. Meshi... Akane slams Ranma into the floor with the overturned table. Everyone else is holding the dishes with the skill of long practice. Souun: Akane, Nabiki, please stop quarreling. Kasumi: O-too-san, you should have said that sooner... p. 77 Outside under the stars, Akane is shouting. GASHA-N! Gararara... She tearfully shatters cinderblocks. Akane: Ranma, you idiot. O-nee-chan, you idiot. Inside, Kasumi slides open the door to the Saotome's room, where Ranma is bandaging himself from a first aid kit. Kasumi: Ranma-kun, a moment... Ranma: N? Ranma sits on the bottom post of the staircase talking to Kasumi. Gasha-n! Akane is still destroying cinderblocks outside. Ranma: Comfort Akane? With what? How? Kasumi: You are the most proper one. Bakoo. More destruction. Kasumi: That is, Akane can be violent, strongly disobedient, Kasumi: A rash person, clumsy, though she may not be a charming child... Ranma: Yeah. p. 78 Kasumi: However... Akane is still a girl. Ranma is speechless. Meanwhile: Gasha-n! Bakoo. Souun comes up suddenly. Souun: Just so, here by way of her only fianc\'ee... Nabiki: ought to give her only sweet words. Ranma: And when you make a mistake, it's okay? Nabiki: Ranma-kun... Nabiki points straight at Ranma and exclaims into one of this series's omnipresent microphones, Nabiki: I just offend Akane. You injure her! Ranma: ...what are you priding yourself on? p. 79 Akane is airing out a towel on the balcony: Pan. Akane: (thinking) I won't talk to both of them until they apologize. Ranma swings upside-down from a rail above and behind her. Akane: ! She pointedly looks away from him, but then he's on the floor next to her. She turns away again, but now he's there on the railing. Akane: What! Ranma: What did I do. Akane: Not you. p. 80 Akane: Since Nabiki o-nee-chan was a girl, she habitually made little of my things. Nabiki suddenly slides open the glass door. Nabiki: Akane... Don't have a strange misunderstanding. Nabiki: Though I _did_ make little... Ranma: You were never a girl. Akane's face reddens. Nabiki: To the last we individually made little of things. Ranma: What, you only joined us accidentally. Akane balls her hands into fists. Akane: I implore you, more than this to me... p. 81 Doka! Akane punches the balcony. Akane: Don't speak to me-! BARA... The balcony falls apart. Inside, Kasumi and Souun hear the noise: Baki baki do do do do do. Kasumi: Oh yes, o-tou-san, the clothes-rack's foundation is dangerously rotten to the core. Souun: I'll call a carpenter tomorrow. Akane falls. Gararara. Akane: Kya- [= a scream]. Akane flips in air and lands on a tree branch. p. 82 The branch snaps: Baki! Akane lands on her posterior. Akane: It hurts... Akane: (thinking) Ha, Nabiki o-nee-chan... Akane: (thinking) she can't even break-fall... O-nee-cha... Ranma lands with Nabiki in his arms. Nabiki: Ah, you saved me, Ranma-kun. Ranma: That was a dangerous situation. Akane: ............ Ranma turns to Akane. The wind blows by: Hyuuu... Ranma: N. Akane: ............ p. 83 Nabiki: Isn't this awkward, Ranma-kun. Nabiki: Neglecting your fianc\'ee Akane even for an instant... Ranma: She's not injured. Ranma: Nee-chan is different from Akane, because ordinary, frail girls come first. Akane looks at the ground. Ranma: Well Akane, you're OK right!? Akane: ............ Akane fumes. Ranma: Oi [= hey], Akane. Pan! Akane slaps Ranma. Tearfully, Akane shouts, Akane: I don't know any more! Maybe you should be o-nee-chan's fianc\'e!! p. 84 Nabiki: Akane... Ranma: What nonsense are you saying. Nabiki puts her hand on Ranma's arm and says, startling Akane, Nabiki: You're giving him to me? I'll take him. Akane is nonplussed. Nabiki smirks. Nabiki: I'm not borrowing him. Because I'm being given him. Nabiki laughs: Hu hu hu hu. Akane flips out a noshi envelope. Nabiki: I abso--lutely won't give him back! Ranma: Oi... envelope: noshi Akane: I'm putting a noshi [= a strip of dried abalone in red and white paper put around congratulatory gifts] on him for you. [I'm giving him to you as a gift.]